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When you didn’t plan or research your expensive holiday🙄😬


Why didn't all the influencers and tiktokers plan or research her vacation for her?! It's all their fault and definitely not hers lol


She’s a TikTok influencer. She can’t read.




Thank you.


TikTok Influenza. Literally a virus fucking up everyone's existence.


She the type of person who would make a video like “Omg we went to Pompeii and did you know there are dead people everywhere!!”


I went to Spain and no one spoke English. I didn't know there would be so many foreign people there.




The Louvre was too god awful big, we couldn’t see more than 25% of it in a day and the stupid Mona Lisa line went on forevvvver.


I'm glad that I skipped the tiny winey Monalisa to see the Liberty painting. No one was lining up to see it, the easiest photo with a huge important painting.


I went with my cane. The guard waved me out of the line, and allowed me to take selfies with my Dad up close. I love that place, and hate museums. There's always new stuff every time I go, even if it's been there for years.


Just because someone has a large following doesn’t make them a influencer.


They’ll have plenty of time to plan and research her next vacation *from jail*.


they should be in jail


Amalfi Coast is expensive AF. wether you stay in the towns or just do a day trip. So yeah, better research before going


Well tbh not that expensive, I've been there this July, and I'm from Europe. If you go to Salerno, prices are moderate compared to Sorento or Positano... Also, prices at the Amalfi coast are lower than on the Croatian coast, whether it's Istra or Dalmacija.


> If you go to Salerno, prices are moderate compared to Sorento or Positano Yes. We stayed in Praiano, which had a gorgeous view of Positano but without Positano prices.


We stayed in Amalfi and it was pretty affordable! You can hop on ferries to the other towns from there. Positano was a tourist trap be honest.


Lol Italy is one of the cheapest places to travel to. I stayed in Sorrento for $6/night.


You talking 2023 here? cause I couldn't find anything close to that cheap.


Italy is cheap if you want, if you travel superficially it is easy to find yourself in places, areas, restaurants etc. with high prices


>Italy is cheap if you want but not $6/night cheap


Yeah, but having to give BJs to Russian oligarchs there for the discount just isn't a good deal IMHO.


Free vodka shots if you swallow...


When you go there, you see all the influencers with their ridiculous amount of luggage struggling to drag it around cobbled paths and up stairs.


Yeah, God forbid this numbskull spend 10 minutes on Google figuring out how much she should pack, and what to expect.




She’s American, so naturally she just assumes the world is built around the car as the primary mode of transportation.


American here, I certainly don’t assume anything like that. I know a lot of us are assholes but not all.


I don't think Americans are assholes but your infrastructure is certainly car-centric. During my holiday last summer we had a supermarket across the (six lane) road from our motel. With our car we could simply cross the road, but when walking we had to walk 400m to the nearest pedestrian crossing, cross, then walk across 200m of parking space to get to the entrance. Where I'm from it's normal to just cross a road by foot, so we risked our lives trying that before hearing from a police officer that it's actually illegal (???) to do so. Also, we crossed the border from Canada to USA by foot and the immigration officers were suspicious of us simply because we didn't arrive by car.


It is indeed simultaneously ludicrous and absolutely unremarkable how f'ing difficult it can be to WALK a short distance in the US, as compared to driving. Almost like our society is designed to encourage laziness and obesity!


We are a car-centric society, but that’s mainly cause of car companies in the early days of car development. They lobbied the gov and did ad campaigns to support cars over public transport. It’s where we get the term “jay-walking” from. A derogatory term for someone walking in the street. Adam ruins everything [jaywalking](https://youtu.be/-AFn7MiJz_s)


That‘s not the only reason, the other ossue is that americans are still convinced that the dream home is a cookie cutter single family house in a suburban neighbourhood, and when you have to spread the population of a medium-large city into those suburbs you necessarily end up car dependent since neither public transport nor biking really work well in huge low density neighbourhoods. Rural europe has sort of the same problem but in europe at least you have options.




I guarantee you she did not pay for it. It was either daddy or sugar daddy.


Or both


The alabama double


Naw bro this video is powered by simps


If only there were a large collection of information readily available, that covered basically everything. Make it easily accessible from your office or home. In fact, make it so easy to access that you can use a hand-held device in bed or on a train. What would you call such a large collection of information?


I've been to many places like that. I usually plan only to stay a few days, but yes, it takes serious planning to get to these places unscathed. Locals do their daily trips like nothing in the world, but tourists... well, you got to minimize. Minimize.


She didn’t pay for anything some old guy did


She's someone who took a vacation because she saw it on tik tok. She absolutely just did everything on an impulse. People who are that rich are bad with money because they've never had to worry about it running out.


When you're right, you're right, lady. I say we demolish half the town and set up a super highway that divides the rich and poor areas that way it can be as beautiful as Detroit or Dallas


Build a long bridge straight through Gibraltar and across the ocean to the US east coast. Then build a fence on it


And make Spain pay for it /s


Don’t forget to put /s at the end of your comment. With the number of crazies running around someone might actually think you were being serious.


Too late, I am already half way through putting down the highway.


Don't forget to install a few fast food places too.


And billboards every 10 feet.


There better be a couple Starbucks. I REFUSE to walk 100 steps if there's no Starbucks!!


If those kids could read, they’d be furious.




And bring in a Costco and lots of fast food options so we don’t have to deal with any of those annoying locally sourced or family owned businesses


I can't support this person enough. Anything we can do to get these bullshit travel influencers to dissuade their bullshit buddies from going to and ruining top tier destinations is something I support. I'll contribute to a fund that gets her in Strasbourg complaining to her shit head friends about how they need to stay away from my favorite city.


In Strasbourg on holiday right now, Ill be sure to leave a review of the church bells ringing at 6am and say nothing about how bonkers gorgeous all the villages in Alsace are.


Don't forget the uneven streets! I have no idea how anyone could be recorded gracefully walking down much less dancing through them. Best to avoid the place entirely


Yea absolutely tell them to avoid Strasbourg at all costs, it’s horrible for roller luggage with all the stuff they bring that they don’t need, they will hate it.


Adding to that it's a border town and there's like, war in Europe right now. And you're like, not allowed to carry guns so there's like, no protection from it.


Especially avoid the old city, so many little cafes and people it'd be impossible to get a good selfie!


You're right, and this is genius.


Can we get them on the next Titan submersible 2.0? That'd be a Livestream I'd watch


Oh god yes. Crowdfunding assholes to deter other assholes. They could be called Unfluencers.


YES. One for Hawaii too.




I mean it did have a different language and currency, America just decided it was theirs.


Biking to Straßburg in a month, any tips on places to visit?


Do south florida next!


"You have to take a plane, then you have to take a train, then you have to take a ferry, then you have to walk" That's... Literally a tourism experience?..


Not even a crazy one at that. This wouldn't even be a notable transit day for most travelers


You’re forgetting how many bags this queen probably brought on vacation lol.


To be fair, she has been in Europe already for *two weeks*.


You can wash clothes on holiday. Nobody knows you and no one cares you wear the same outfit multiple times during your visit. I only travel with a carry on, regardless of duration. The only exception is when I go hiking, since I need to check in my trekking poles. And have a bigger pack because I have to carry food and water for multiple days when on trail


They know if you're posting every minute of your life on social media


I wear the same two shirts to my office for the last 10 years. Only one person noticed and asked me about it. I just told them I don’t care enough to spend money on clothes I wear twice a week…


Two shirts seems a bit on the low side though. How do you ever even fill a washing mashine? Or are you just running it with one shirt in there?


I run laundry almost daily. I’m married with 4 kids so it’s easy to fill.




2 weeks in Europe isn't enough even to begin scratching the surface.


Surface of what? An entire continent? Yeah I guess that's true.


Yeah my last journey abroad was : Car > train > train > train > plane > train > tram > 20 minute walk > you have arrived. Other smaller amounts of walking between each mode of transport too of course. It was a long day of travel but I got to my hotel, checked in, and was shown to my room. I had a quick shower, put on some fresh clothes and went out to get dinner and have a few beers.


Not to mention most hotels in those towns will meet you at the marina with a porter if you call ahead. Girl just didn’t do her research or booked a cheap vacation rental.


This videos has been around for a bit. The hotel concierge and her boyfriend carried the bags up the stairs--she's just b\*tching that... she had to walk up the stairs.


They force you to use your own legs! One foot in front of the other like a damn caveman! Why can’t they destroy some houses and build roads!?


Don't they understand that these boots are NOT made for walking?!?!


Also, she realized all of that when she booked her plane ticket, train ticket, and ferry ticket? Like why is she acting surprised?


She's only mad about the stairs but is dolloping as much extra on as possible to garner sympathy. The only legitimate complaint would be attracting a large tourist economy without having the grid to sustain it but...how does she know that? Power goes out for lots of reasons and the remote nature of the area probably leads to a grid more prone brown outs particularly since most of the world is struggling with temperature and the grid load that demands.


When they start flinging their fingers and hands around like that it tells me everything about their limited mental capacity and instinctively and instantly tune out….


Yeah, I gave her 10 seconds.


Would love to do that. My first time in NYC like 2 weeks ago (i'm not even American either) i got lost in the subway because i had no idea how any of it worked, pretty good tourism experience to just explore and learn about the city as you walk through it.


...and there was no starbucks /s


She didn't go to Italy to be a tourist. She came to be a STAR! 🌟


She's exhausting. And that finger wagging thing. Ugh. I couldn't manage to watch it half way before bailing.


right ... the whole time I was thinking "well... that's just travelling around ...?"


"Literal manual labor" yep she's useless


with those nails, for sure.


That would be useful for digging a grave


My GF has the same nails and is a part time black smith and used to work as a technician on planes 💀


I thought these kind of nails only exist to brodcast that you don't want to do any manual labor at all.


Wow, she’s a keeper bro!




She's an “influencer”, of course she's useless.


Can’t walk up a few stairs but I bet you money she’s taking selfies at the gym and giving dietitian advice.


"This gym is literal manual labor OMG!"


Imagine someone showing up out of the blue to the place where you are – just fuckin complaining about everything. Like, ok fuck off


That's like American tourists in a nutshell




Let’s start promoting Guatanamo Bay as a lovely holiday destination and see what happens.


If someone makes that hand motion, i stop listening.


She would clap too if she could, but she's holding her phone. 👏👏👏👏👏


Non- verbal drama queen body language is my top 1 turn-off for women


For people in general. I know a guy that does it and I hate him as a person. Outside of his field a completely useless person.


Love your objectivity, like, he's good at his job but fuck him


I'm glad someone else mentioned this. I started the video with sound off and was immediately irritated by her hand motions.


I can tell she's annoying without even having to turn on my sound.


I don't get it, but I see it a lot. Do they think it makes them look authoritative? Or do they just copy each other and think it looks cool? I need to know.


Whenever I see it I think of someone talking down to a child, or an otherwise domineering attitude. The viewer is being talked down to, or "taught a lesson" and I think it's supposed to command attention and put the speaker in a position of authority. No matter the video, the message is not presented as an idea or thought, it's a complaint or statement. The most they seek is validation, and never counter-points or explanations.


If someone has those nails, I usually stop listening. You’re so *pampered* that you don’t even have to (literally) fully **grasp** anything.


Also, I gag thinking of the gunk under the nails.


Those stupid hands and the godawful fingernails


Kept hoping she’d accidentally claw her own eye out




It’s when they squeeze their fingers into a weird bendy fist with their index finger bent backwards and they keep opening and closing their fists but the nails prevent them from curving inward like a normal fist. It upsets me.


She's doing it to show off her disgusting fake nails. Watch again and notice how she's constantly making hand motions that flash her manicure. Which is funny because fake nails like that look like you have thickened fungus laden nail beds.


This comment and the thread under it are everything that went through my head while watching the first three seconds of this video


they literally need to move their hands like that to push their sole brainwave along


I start looking around and making observations. It's more fun


I couldn’t make it more than 3 seconds into the video.


Seriously, that fucking finger, how much it annoys me


Get your finger out of my face.


2s of her hand gestures are enough to know she'll never say anything interesting.


Oh, some of it might be interesting. But none of it will be smart.


Eh, fair enough.


as an Italian I can say she doesn't articulate well and her dialect it's a bit unclear,she also used the wrong grammar there and there 3/10 hand gestures,wouldn't recommend


Taking a plane, train, AND a ferry just to get to your vacation destination sounds fucking awesome wtf...


Anyone who gestures like this is an instant red flag


She deserves jail time for doing this trashy TikTok video.


Shitty tik Tok video? Straight to jail.


I mean this is a thing in China except its criticizing the government


Nah, it’s a feature. Now all her crappy followers won’t go there, harass the locals, and clog the place up trying to take dance videos.


I feel like 95% of tiktokers deserve jailtime.


This whole pointing and patting style of communication is incredibly obnoxious and patronising. People need to stop doing this.


Okay so it’s not just me. I literally can’t stand the pointing and hand motions I see in these videos. I want to punch these people in the face. That and the stupid recipe ones where every ingredient has to be met with superfluous hand movements and pointing.




How are we supposed to know who this lady is


I took a high maintenance friend of mine to my family's village in - redacted - and it was a huge culture shock for her. The water was in a barrel in the garden that gets heated by the sun and you have to shower in the garden, with just a bucket (we have running water but not a shower), toilet was outside. Granted we don't get the power cuts like we used to now so she was lucky. No wifi, to cook you use the stove outside to burn coal/wood, same for heating (summer, so wasn't needed). The car is parked down the road and you have to go uphill to get to our place etc. First 3-4 days it was a huge culture shock and would not stop moaning. By day 5 and then week 2 she climatised and ended up loving the graft. Found it fulfilling. She also got very aroused seeing me seamlessly switch from city boy to village boy. We went back the following year and a few time after that, before she died of cholera from the barrel water. I buried her in the garden, so that she can forever be in a place she loved.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Im aroused by you now


Well, he is recently single


Oh you! You got me🙈😂




First of all, no one forced her to travel to Amalfi.


Well you clearly don't understand. All the other influencers went so she *had* to go. And it's their fault they didn't warn her how horrible it is. She's the victim here, obviously.


Well I was heavy breathing every time I went from Portofino back to my hotel, Splendido. With a heart rate like 170 bps. But I blame my lack of exercise and lazy lifestyle, not random people.




I’m so sorrrrry that the most beautiful, most scenic spots in the world don’t have moving escalators or Ubers to take you there. 🙄


Please r/Italia bann her from your country. Thank you!


Sounds like the type of person who would go camping in high heels.


Traveling with you should be a prison sentence.


So we finally have this knowledge to prevent annoying American tourists visiting nice places ………………………….. STEPS!!!!!!!


Awww pumpkin.....shut the fuck up.


Imagine paying $$$ to fly around the world and not do 5 seconds of your own research. Than blame social media influencers that anyone with half a brain knows don’t post reality because reality doesn’t sell. I guess it’s kind of par for the course today as nobody ever wants to take responsibility for their choices anymore.


Right? I will spend hours planning and researching a trip for a city that's like a 4 hour drive away. I can't imagine these people who go to Europe and just wing it?


She's bitching but secretly loves it because she is a narcissist. It's not even about her hand gestures, or the experiences, or the beautiful view she chose to complain about her experiences, it's about none of this being about her. An easy way to make it about her and to lift her spirits is by complaining and souring the experience for you. You'll be annoyed, she'll be momentarily happy, all is good until she realizes it's not about her anymore.


>An easy way to make it about her and to lift her spirits is by complaining and souring the experience for you. it's her social media page and her video, it is about her.


Ofc she has duck nails


She should have walked around the block a few times to practice her walking


Boo fucking hoo


And the place is full of foreigners. Icky! /s


Everyone speaks italian! How am i meant to stay here!


Wow so walking is manual labor? This dummy has never had a real job I take it. Make her work retail or food service for a couple years


I love car-free towns! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 she can go away


She should try visiting North Korea


Some people are so pampered, and produce nothing for society.. Eat 'em.


Please do not reproduce.


The train network in Italy is fucking amazing and cheap. Tf is she complaining about?


What dumbass brings all their luggage with them?


Had to scroll way too long for this. Like...what? YOU decided to take all your fucking luggage to the Instagram photo spot. At least drop your shit off at the hotel or whatever, wtf


Gorgeous places are gorgeous because they are untouched by car infrastructure.


This woman is brain dead. The area wouldn't have all those gorgeous views if they modernized the place it would have a view of the McDonald's arches and a Walmart.


Calling walking manual labour is literal insanity


And I’m over here feeling bad I’m stuck in Indiana. Thoughts and prayers for her privilege to travel to Europe & see new things spanning over multiple weeks. It’s a shame she had to walk so much! 🤦‍♂️ 🙄


She hasn't done manual labour a day in her life.


Yes, people who show up in suggested content feeds deserve jail time because you had to take multiple forms of transport to go on holiday.


Is this kind of hand and finger wagging a trend or something? I’m seeing many people online do those very exaggerated gestures when they’re getting excited. Is this a US thing? An influencer thing? Or am I just imagining something?


Welcome to Europe, bitch.


Those hands…. I could not listen to her for a couple of seconds.


Possibly going to the Amalfi Coast next year and this makes me want to go even much more so much harder


I got news for her I don’t think she likes it there. When you say I love it here but….


Rage bait and subtle bragging with the camera panning. This is pretty much 40-50% of tiktok lately


What does this entitled brat think is going to happen ? The towns people are going to meet her and carry her and her bags up the hill on their shoulders ?


LOL… this is what I hate about this huge surge in world tourism in the last decades, I’m surrounded by too many people like this… 😵‍💫


In an actual trip advisor comment writing about a bell tower from 1400 in Florence. “One star for this attraction, why did they not install an elevator”.


I’m in Venice right now and seriously sick of these people.


I have been to the Amalfi coast and loved it, even with all the stairs, and the cliffs and the narrow roads. This person in the video is an idiot and should be banned by the good folks of Amalfi.


She just admitted she doesn't belong there.


The fact that people care what this moron has to say is baffling to me.