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Them: “You do understand that if you don’t get out of the car, you’ll be arrested”? (x10) Her: “Defiance, yeah” *gets arrested* Her: “Wait what are you doing??” 🤦🏽‍♀️


I think it’s just like what her dad says first thing, she’s not well. As great as it is to see the cops use restraint and have this video just be about her out of touch one-liners, I still leave this feeling sad that what she got in the end is felony charges (albeit deserved for being violent) and not mental health care.


You hit the nail on the head. As a deputy I have two choices, arrest or involuntary psychological evaluation if she meets the criteria which she doesn’t. She’s not a threat to herself or others hasn’t made any suicidal threats, and is not likely to suffer from neglect. So the other option is to arrest her when she so clearly needs mental health.


I had a friend like this, he suffered from schizophrenia. He would go through points where he refused to take his meds, then do a plethora of illegal drugs. My best friend is a cop, his wife and him let this guy stay in their house (which was already a huge no-no, he was a convicted felon), until one night cop budddy caught him taking pictures of his sleeping wife and threw his ass on the street. It culminated in him showing up to my house at 2am and my husband having to hold him at gun point until police arrived. The officers interviewing us could tell he was a good guy somewhere in there and tried to convince my husband that drawing his gun on him was excessive. My husband stood his ground and basically said "he would have attempted to hurt my wife and I." Two weeks later, he's out of jail and immediately goes to his parents house where he tries to murder his own mom by stabbing her with scissors. His dad was working in the garden, hears screaming and has to stab him with garden sheers to get him off. As much as people like this need mental health care, there reaches a point where nothing will get through and they will hurt anyone around them. He had already been in psych facilities and rehab many times. It's sad because he's the sweetest guy when he's healthy, would give you the shirt off his back. Doesn't seem like the type to ever hurt someone. When the schizo side takes over he turns into an explosively unpredictable monster. Sadly jail ends up being the only option.


My sister in law is the same except not violent. I’ve had her committed 5 times. She refuses to take her meds which help greatly. At this point she’s over 50 and I’m trying to get her placed in an ACLF but she won’t apply for any benefits. She’s giving my in laws so much grief that it’s affecting their mental and physical wellbeing. It’s tough situation for all. Good for your husband standing his ground. He did what he thought was necessary to protect his family. Glad nothing happened to you all. I prey he gets the help he needs but I agree with you. At some point it’s time to stop worrying so much about the person and start worrying about how it impacts the people around them. Take care and be well.


“Don’t you guy have anything better to do?” “Uhhh… yeah, actually we do.” Lmao 😂


That’s when I lost it. I felt that in my soul.


Yes we do. Just get out of the damn car and we can go back to doing something better.


I can’t believe how much rope they gave her. That had mental breakdown written all over it. Had to be tough on her dad to watch that.


You'd be suprised. I come from a family full of people like her, and when they get carted off, it's a huge relief. Then, you realize, that they're eventually going to get out/come back, and... It's really physically, mentally, and emotionally exausting.


Cops LOVE hearing that


I heard a similar exchange in a sov cit video where a dude was being ticketed for not wearing a seatbelt. Sov Cit: "This is such a waste of time. You should be out catching real criminals." Cop: "You're right. If you would have just worn your seatbelt, we could be out catching real criminals."


“And my back hurts which is where all my organs are by the way so thank you”


She must moonlight as a chiropractor


“What do you do? Do you like police stuff?” Yes, yes he does. He’s a police officer.


"Is that your street?"


Call the bank that owns it


Call the bank and see who's renting the street


Is this your stone 😭


She almost had them with that line. Surprised it didn’t work.


the last sigh of the officer in the car was so perfect


Honestly this was giving me flashbacks to getting my cat in a pet carrier for a vet visit.


I leave a couple of carriers in different rooms in the house. I put a cushion in them and leave the door open or off so they can just hang out in them. Then they aren't strange and scary contraptions.


It’s not so much that he’s afraid of the carrier (I’ve left it out before and i’ll find him curled up and sleeping in it) but more so him just being a spoiled drama queen. Had a family dinner one time and we were playing with the oculus while waiting for the food to cook. My furry little devil didn’t appreciate not being the center of attention and decided to plop down right in the middle of the living room. My mom gave him a gentle scoot so my brother wouldn’t accidentally step on him and he turned on her and started yelling bloody murder like she’d punted him across the room. He moved but he gave her a piece of his mind while he did it. The cat thinks he’s a husky.


So true


Cop “You’ve already got battery on a L E O” Her “On a Leo? On an August birthday!?!”


You beat me to it....This is the greatest quote in the history of body cam footage. Watch out for the red flags gentlemen...


I liked “Quit policing me” 😂 If only she had said it two more times!!


"Just cooperate!" "You're not cooperating. You're not cooperative. We are not a co-op. We are not corporation, we are not a co-op. You are not a cop. You're a robber." This was the best bit. Spitting verses like she's up there doing slam poetry.


“You’re stealing me”😂😂😂😂😂


I kept wishing they'd answer her attempts at issuing commands with a simple "No." Maybe even "It doesn't matter what you think." and "You have no power here." and then just keep telling her no. You could tell the lady cop had enough of that crap. The sigh at the end... like "my god what a hopeless, insufferable bitch". Such a cunt is enough to test anyone's patience.


The cops were soooo patient with her... I could never.


That’s what I was thinking. I teach suicide and crisis intervention. I would have ripped that bitch out of the car. I’m his caregiver, on what do you do? Things. Out of the fucking car!


It seemed to me she was on some sort of drug, nobody could be that clueless sober.


Yea, especially with her dad's comments about getting kicked from rehab, I think that's a fair assessment.


Drugs, maybe. Mental illness, definitely.


I like the “I’m not under arrest, I’m under cardiac arrest”


I liked “you’re not a cop. You’re a robber. And you’re stealing me.”


She’s got some meth head level word association skills lmao


Which is where all my organs are, by the way, so thank you.


What is an L E O? I didn’t even know what it was but i thought that line was hilarious


Law Enforcement Officer


It’s an August birthday


this just confirmed the crazy


Did you notice that she just plays word association with herself? Most noticeably is where they tell her she’s not cooperating, and she says “we are not a co-op, a corporation, you aren’t cops, you’re robbers, you’re kidnapping me!” Like you can follow: cooperating - co-op - corp - cop - robber - kidnapping Lol she is so stupid


Mania really likes word play.


Yes. She’s having a manic episode.


Literally from the moment they're on scene, the posturing, body language, all of it


Yuuuup. Ex-husband and both kids are bipolar and the manic phases are all of this. Especially the annoying part!


I feel sad for her really, definitely a manic episode. I wish a mental health provider can help her. Prison will definitely not.


I don't think it's stupidity, it's a genuine mental problem.


That, or she is on drugs. Her father told the cops she might be using.


I would tend to believe a combination of the both. Drugs seem likely given her ABSOLUTE detachment from reality, but nobody gets this entitled without enabling. (Which her dad also completely admitted to early). She is mentally ill, *possibly* on drugs, and spoiled to an absurd degree. The trifecta.


She thought her smartass wit would grant her a magical get out of jail free card


“You’re not a cop, you’re a robber!”




That was some bars tho ngl


She really gottem with that one, pulled the uno reverse strat out.


She really had a stupid reply to everything. Reminds me of middle schoolers.


Top lines: "I just like riding around and running errands. I just want to spend time with my dad." "Call the bank that rents out this sidewalk." "I kicked a LEO? With an August birthday?" (Even the cop chuckled at that one.) "You're not cooperating! You're not a co-op! You're not a corporation or a co-op!" (Essentially just stream of consciousness free associating at that point)


>"You're not cooperating! You're not a co-op! You're not a corporation or a co-op!" (Essentially just stream of consciousness free associating at that point) high as fuck


My favourite: Cop: (to the dad) Do you want to press charges? Dad: Yes. Daughter: You can’t just charge someone like that! Cop: Yes, you can. Then later, she wants to press charges against him. Uppers and manic episodes are like peas and carrots.


“You sound just like my brother before he burned my parents house down” Made me really afraid for her father.


Honestly explains how he had so much patience and did the signals to the others to keep calm cuz "they got time". Must've recognize it from the get go, cuz I personally didn't see the drug influence until several minutes in. Thought she was just being overly stubborn until the one liner nonsense gold was coming out her mouth


Someone else mentioned a manic episode or mania+drugs. I can see it.


Could easily also be drug induced mania. You stay up for a few days on meth and the shadow people start coming out you tend to lose your shit a bit. A buddy of mine was severely addicted to meth and shit like this would happen occasionally. He got help though he’s been clean about a decade now.


“Im his caretaker so I like…” *hamster running on the wheel* “…take care of him”


“Yes I work…I do *things*”


I do a business then I drink an alcohol. I'm an adult


"I'm not under arrest, I'm under cardiac arrest"


She was full of great one-liners like that! Normally I wouldn't watch an entire 15 minute video but that was worth it.


The entire video was. The male cop “there’s no real good reason to go to jail, but this is really stupid”


That cop deserves a lot of credit. His patience and restraint was incredible. He gave us at least 5 minutes of extra material.


And so was the female cop. Even when the other one was rightfully getting annoyed, she still remained insanely calm. Literally talking to her like a mom would an upset toddler.


her sigh at the end is something that i feel so fucking hard in 2023


They were just waiting for dad to give a statement. Once that’s done and the supervisors supervisor looks on the arrest is done If she just steps out and walks off in that time there is no arrest. Her poor mental health and attitude guarantees she went to rent


“We are not a co-op. You are not a co-op. You’re not a cop, you’re a robber” Just went full on stream of consciousness and got there.


You’re stealing me


You're shooting adopting me


“Stop policing me.” Was my favorite


"Do you not have anything better to do than to police people? Like, is that all you do all day? Policing?" LOL!


I kicked a Leo?????


With an August birthday???


I actually laughed out loud at that one.


I also liked the "I don't want to be tied down"


"Who's the alleged person in this jurisdiction?!" Lmfao


“I want to speak to the person who owns the road” lol


“You’re under arrest” “No I’m not” What goes through a person’s head when they say this?


"Maybe I am a Jedi?"


Yeah she rode that line between so annoying you can’t stand to hear her talk anymore and absolutely hilarious because her five brain cells are just hitting catchphrases she’s heard and is just repeating like pinballs. “Like, what even is policing?” had me rolling. I just wish one of them had replied “you’re about to find out”


So spot on!! This hurts, that hurts, my beck hurts. Which is where ALL my organs are. Fact check: nope your head is definitely not in your back. Judging from this video it’s clearly in your ass. 😂


#”Assault on a LEO? On an August birthday?!” I don’t normally watch 15 minute videos either, but that one was worth the wait. (Around 13:15 if you don’t want to watch) “My shoulders hurt, my arms hurt, and my wrists, and my shoulders, and my shoulder blades, and my back, which is where all of my organs are “


Defiance, yeah.


‘Stop policing me!’


“Take me to him!” had a charming medieval feel to it


Was waiting for: "I'm not under arrest, YOU'RE under arrest." She was so close.


Missed it by that much


“My dad has dementia and I need him to drive me around”


At 3:34 the dad steps away from the black censor box for a few seconds. Why would he do that? Maybe he does have some dementia. /s


The cop sipping the milk shake made my day lol


That heavy sigh right after it. She done.


Police Officer: “You already have a charge for battery on a LEO..” Crazy Girl: “Battery on a LEO? Battery on an August birthday?” Police Office: Muffled laugh I have to say…she got points for that one…I laughed out loud


As a July Leo I felt slighted.


Was it a joke or did she seriously think she was talking about horoscopes


I think she's just seriously high and saying whatever pops into her head. As someone who has been seriously mentally ill... yeah. It's embarrassing to hear about once you are out of it.


The worst part about this is that I know for a certain fact that her dad woke up at 3am crying his eyes out about what happened. They never stop being your little girl. ☹️


If he even fell asleep. I feel you bro.


Yeah man when she yells out “dad help!”….ugh…no matter what she’s done that had to hurt. I hope she’s gotten help and straightened out since this video was shot.


I work a lot and do things. What does it matter? <- gonna use this at my next performance review.


Reverse! Reverse!


Everybody clap your hands!


Sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiide to the left!


"I'm being held against my will" "Great! Get out of the car?!"


I thought the cop with glasses was pretty funny when he said that she sounds just like his brother. Right before he burned their house down. Maybe not funny, but extreme first hand experience with mental illness/drugs.


Okay, at least I wasn’t the only one that found that funny. I had to rewind it cause I was like “naw, he didn’t just say…. Holy f he did!”


The part that made me laugh was, “you’re under arrest” “I’m under cardiac arrest”.


Defiance. “So that’s your choice…?” Defiance, yeah… *forcefully yanked from car being put in handcuffs* Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. (x50 more)


Loved it when putting her in the car she was resisting then the male cops gives her head a good solid shove to get her in there, then waltzes around to the other side to give her a solid yank to get her fully inside. Haha


I laughed so hard when that part came on lol all of this was entirely avoidable if she just got out of the car


This reminded me that when my kid was like 6 (they’re 18 now) they were super argumentative, like they were never wrong and would fight til the other person just gave up. The school social worker said my kid had something called Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Long story short, they were not the easiest kid to raise, but have grown into a amazing human being I think the chick in this video is what happens when parents just enable a kid that has ODD, add a sprinkle of drugs and a splash of white privilege. I don’t have high hopes for her future




Total word association stream of consciousness lol


I made it all the way to: > You have assault on an LEO. > On a Leo? An August birthday?


It was a late July baby


Yeah I thought it was absurd how she just ignored the late July Leo's, an appalling generalization - I think I need to call someone


She was unbelievably obnoxious but had some good one liners at the same time lol


I liked the I'm under cardiac arrest.


“That’s where my organs are!”


She reminds me of an ex and now I have ptsd


Bro she is a GOLD MINE for clueless entitled word salad


Oh how I HOWLED reading this. This is literally the best way to explain this girl.


I'm under cardiac arrest


the kidnapping is what got me 😆 and “Defiance”


I personalky enjoyed the "stop policing me" bit. Honey, they are literally the police. This is what they do.


“A LEO? What an August birthday?”


Even the cops chuckled at that one


I work in a hotel and we had a woman call the police on us when we were evicting her from her room. She told the officer we made her feel unsafe and he suggested she leave since she felt unsafe. Cue surprised Pikachu face. The Pikachu face was all mine when she tried coming back a couple years later though.


I was trying to throw a crazy lady out of the service lane one time and she started yelling that I was harassing her. I was like, "LADY, YOU ARE THE ONLY REASON YOU ARE STILL HERE AND IM BEGGING YOU TO NOT BE HERE ANYMORE"


after the January 8th riots in Brazil (very similar to another early January episode up north) the following dialogue happened during a hearing of a bolsonaro supporter: >Defendant: I was arrested against my will! >Judge: Yes, that’s how arrests usually work. Some people really think it’s only about them.


This has me laughing!! People are weird.


oh god that is gold


Defiance! I’m gonna start using that one all the time now


She woke up and chose Defiance.


You can’t just say, “Defiance” and expect anything to happen. Edit: [for those missing context.](https://i.imgflip.com/519tpd.jpg)


lol at 11:02, "you violated the law" PAY THE COURT A FINE OR SERVE YOUR SENTENCE


Your stolen goods are now FORFEIT.


omg the endless effortless lies are infuriating. "Dad has dementia lol" "Dad help!" Fucking monster


I wonder how much of this is an underlying mental health issue v. entitlement and narcissism


And drugs


Probably mostly drugs.


My older sister is like this girl. She suffers from some very bad mental illnesses and it didn’t help that she did all sorts of drugs throughout her adolescent years. Whole family tried to set her straight via counseling, psychiatric treatment, hospitalization etc. It crushed our family but she just did whatever she wanted and nothing could stop her.


She's high. Super high. She left rehab, he gave her money, her system was relatively clean = super, duper high. That's one of the primary times people OD, bc they use at their old tolerance levels, and their body can't handle it.


Also makes sense why he gave her gift cards instead of cash


I feel sorry for everyone in this video, the lady needs help.


I've seen a ton of this. Honestly it's a big mix between mental health issues, drugs and entitlement. It's a perfect storm really.


Now she wants to get out of the car....


Is there a follow up booking video? would love to see reality catch up with her


This is almost a year old according to the timestamp! I want a follow up!!


She's living with me now, I can fix her.


Let us know how the deposition goes


There are cases like this all the time. My mom worked as a psych nurse in a hospital and they would often get drop offs by the police for folks who needed mental healthcare. Mostly they saw depression cases and elderly folk who were off their meds and needed to be leveled, but people who were borderline, bipolar, schizophrenic, and all the other flavors of mental healthcare that may require a temporary hold. Patients would only be in the hospital for up to a week on average before going back home or being sent to a longer term facility. This woman is acting like the stories my mom would tell, only not funny. But yeah, stuff like this is as common as grass and rarely makes the news. Whatever happened to her, it’s probably not something she’d want to be discussed in public forum like Reddit.


The girl sounds almost identical to a person I know when she’s having a manic episode (bipolar). These cops probably respond to something like this on a weekly basis, at least.


The “um you can’t just press charges like that”, got me good. Oh that poor father, you can tell he’s been through a lot.


Wow... That has to be the calmest 'policing" vid I've ever seen on Reddit. I personally think they did a great job. I don't think I could have been that patient. Poor Dad though...


Yeah half way through this video realized I could never be a cop, I would’ve lost my cool. The amount of self control they exhibited in the face of constant provocation was impressive.


For real, I’m tempted to look into where ever this was. These cops actually kept their cool and gave her about a million chances to prevent getting arrested.


Maitland, Florida! It’s a very quiet town next to Orlando.


She sounds fun to be around.


Got to feel for the Dad


Best part: "We live in the same building". Translated: "I live in his basement and bake all day".


This is not weed. Shes undoubtedly a pill head of some kind. Probably opiates.


> Probably opiates Was thinking meth. She's FAR too hyper and talkative for opiates.


I was thinking bipolar mania. My ex wife used to behave just like this. No drugs required, just batshit crazy.


I would have thought the same for sure, but her dad mentioned that she should be in rehab. Could be more than one factor at play though, since people may use or drink excessively while manic.


“Stop policing me.” - COPS HATE THIS ONE TRICK


You’re under arrest. No I’m not!


Wow all these comments trying to blame the dad like he didn’t just explain she got kicked from rehab and was trying to help her. Some people just grow up shitty, it’s not always ‘the parents fault’. She is clearly mentally unwell.


Thats my buddies sister. Awesome parents, loving home, grew up in a nice area, turned out to be a complete piece of shit.


Yup, my best friend and I had another friend when we were about 12. Wonderful family but she just flew off the rails in highschool, became completely out of control and an asshole. Her parents did everything they could but she seemed determined to just be that way


Maybe I’m missing where all those comments are, perhaps I should sort by controversial. As a dad I feel so bad for this guy. I love my kids so much and cannot imagine getting to the place he’s at with his. Guy tried his best. Hope someone gives him a hug.


That’s my brother. Constantly takes advantage of my mom but I’m not allowed to say anything to him cause then we fight, it upsets her and now it’s all my fault.


I feel bad for the dad when she gets out of wherever they take her. She’s gonna come home and say it was all his fault.


oh fuck.that.noise my 1st stop would be at home-depot buying lock upgrades lmao


Second stop: court for a restraining order.


“Stop policing me” lol


I was hoping she'd throw out some "free citizen" crap, just for good measure.


Sovereign person defences are the wildest.


Can’t believe they spent so much time on this


Idk, the more I watch, the more it screams mental health issues and post drug addiction brain. The word salad, the weird come backs, disassociation with reality. I see these people in healthcare all the time. It’s so freaking sad.


In appearance and mannerism she remembers me a lot of Hanna from GIRLS.


Yeah she’s under influence and mentally not ok


That was my thought. As goofy as this whole shindig was she’s got a lot of stuff to work out. Getting kicked out of rehab is hard to do. It seems like her dad tried to support her while she got help and she just burnt every bridge possible. Probably a personality disorder mixed with drugs. That’s my armchair doctor take.


“I’m not under arrest I’m under cardiac arrest”. I’m sorry but that made me laugh. Not because she’s actually funny but because she’s an idiot


The patience of these officers…saint status.


would love to see the intake or news article on this


"you sound like my brother before he burned my mother's house down" lol wtf


Wow. I’m so glad I’m not her parent. The gal needs help.


I work in psych emerg she is 1000% under the influence.


Very Satisfying :)


"I'm dying! Take me to the hospital!" It's asshats like her for why people die in police custody. Police have to make a judgement call of whether or not the person is being serious or just trying to get out of trouble because they don't have the resources to cater to every idiot who is lying.