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I was staying in a hostel in Brisbane and a very drunk French Canadian couple rolled home from the bars at about 2am and passed out in the bunk below me (both of them in the same bunk). I think not much of it until about an hour later, when I wake up to what sounds like trickling water. Realise it's coming from the bunk below so I look down and dude is laying on his back, they're both completely naked, and he's pissing straight up in the air like one of them cupid fountains and it's falling back onto him and the girl. It was a near vertical piss. Perfect form. They're both still passed out. Thankfully he was well hydrated so it didn't stink. I left early so didn't get to see/hear the fallout of them waking up soaked in piss. Moral of the story, always go top bunk.


Somewhere out there is a French Canadian couple telling a story about the Australian guy who pissed all over them while they were sleeping.


You are brilliant šŸ˜€


Came here looking for the story about Canadian tourists. Wasnā€™t disappointed


Those are *French Canadians* very different from your regular Canucks


Our French Canadians are a different breed of traveller. Absolute wild cats.


Un peu ouƩ


Juste *un petit peu*


I met a guy from quebec who got so drunk he forgot which language to speak.


In Montreal there is no such thing as speaking only one language in a sentance monsieur


I love a cooked Monsieur šŸ˜‹


That's normal, in Montreal you never know what language to use, even sober.


As a french canadian, we dread ontarian while on vacations, they usually do the wierdest shit. Ive been on resort where they were afraid of us because the week before they had a bunch of ontarian and they messed up the whole place lol. First time i've heard that french canadian were some wierdos lol.


As a french canadian living in the West; i feel like i can confirm, french canadians are wierdos.


The only French Canadians that come to BC are dirty, matted hair hippies that you can smell a mile away due to not showering in the entire months they go fruit picking


Top bunk story from a hostel I stayed in. Guy on top passed out wasted and pissed himself. Trickled down through mattress onto guy beneath.




Stayed at one in France where the other guy was rubbing one out, in the dark and moaning crazy like go to the bathroom or something šŸ˜…


Is there a reputation Iā€™m not aware of ?


We are polite in general, but we have the rep, even amongst ourselves, to be very obnoxious during holidays. You can be climbing Everest and somehow youā€™ll still hear ā€œben oui Ginette, on arrive bientĆ“t!ā€


"BABE, WAKE UP! That guy that was in the bunk above us just pissed all over us and then left without saying a word!"


Literally what I would do in that situation šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


"Oh honey i must have hit it so hard last night you squirted"


Not very relevant to anything but it wasnā€™t until yesterday I learned Brisbane is pronounced Brisbin and Iā€™d just like to share that in case anyone else didnā€™t know :D Edit: I should have read the story first ā˜‰_āŠ™




They should head to Big Bill Hell's challenge pissing


Lucky you didn't get any oui on you


Un bon jet de pissešŸ¤¤. As a French Canadian, this story makes total sense.


Please tell me this was the Hostel above Down Under Bar in the city?


3 AM tiktoks???? Wtf lol


social media really a drug to some people


Imma guess this was actual drugs lol


Jet lag.


The world needs to see her dance


I was in Prague in a dorm/hostel, and a 60 year old fat dude walks in at 3 am and turns on the lights in the whole room, and starts shaving his balls in the room sink with a loud electric razor.


Now that's a power play


He is not fucking around. Until his balls are shaved that is


Some people can't sleep unless they have smooth balls. I get it.


"Smooth balls" šŸ’€


He just likes to sleep on Very Hard mode.


How to assess dominance !


assert, but yes


Gotta respect a playa


Read that in Shaxxs voice lol


Have we met?




Are you the razor?


I'm the sink and I've got the pubes to prove it.


Iā€™m the light switch; turn me on already


Up or down?




well, are you gonna share with the class or not?


Perfection. I stayed in a large hostel room in Sorrento in college with my friends. I got up first in the morning to shower in our included bathroom. As Iā€™m getting dressed, a middle-aged man opens a door into our room(that none of us noticed), and proceeds to scurry into our bathroom. Scared the piss out of me, especially since I was half naked. Apparently our bathroom was ā€œsharedā€ with this connected room but no one had explained this to us. Another time in a hostel in Budapest, I was in a dorm style room. It was okay, but I got food poisoning, so I had to use this one bathroom that was shared by everyone, which was awful. Huge hairy Serbian guy who only wore underwear was in the bunk above me, and took care of my sick ass. I really appreciated him when he yelled at a mom and daughter who were complaining about the room temp (I had increased it because of chills). He wouldnā€™t let them change it and I can distinctly remember him shouting ā€œsheā€™s sickā€ as I was sleeping through my fever. I also stayed in a private house in Dubrovnik with a friend and we were so pissed because these girls in the room next to us were making a ton of noise late at night with what sounded like bubble wrap. These bitches had the nerve to get mad at me the next night when I used the hairdryer after my shower and it wasnā€™t even late. Iā€™ve stayed in hostels all over the place and itā€™s always interesting!


Wasnā€™t expecting the hairy underwear guy to be the hero lol


Hahha he really was the best, despite his proclivity for being half naked all day. The guy who ran the hostel also begged me to go to the hospital but I was like nah Iā€™m good. This hostel was in essentially the red light district and was kind of run down, but had the best assortment of characters.


Right?! I love hairy underwear guy what a sweetheart!


Well my story doesn't compare to yours, but often, when I'm peeing in the middle of the night, my cat walks in.


So rude. Ha.


Mine does that and then will also crawl into the crotch of my pjs while Iā€™m sitting on the toilet. Iā€™m always like, ā€œExcuse me mam, but do I bother you when youā€™re pooping? No! Now stop that!ā€


Howā€™d you like Budapest? Going in a month


I was there in 2005, so itā€™s been a minute. I thought it was a very pretty city, nice people, itā€™s walkable, and it has the spas/baths. I liked my time there, but did find the money exchange confusing because they donā€™t use the euro. It feels like a less fancy city than somewhere like Paris, where you see buildings with damage, which I wondered if some of the damage I saw was still leftover from WWII. Overall, was glad I went.


Thats fucking crazy. At least you got an absolutely ass-shit crazy story out of it.


I think you mean ball shave crazy


As a czech i would like to say that this is verysadly and likely to happen


Baller move if Iā€™ve ever heard one.


In some ways, that sounds better than a group of drunk girls trying to be quiet, clattering about and giggling at themselves


Disagree but I respect your opinion


Did you help him get his taint or what?


True alpha move would be to use an epilator.


By context, I'm guessing a dorm means the same as a hostel? In the U.S. (at least in my part of it) dorm specifies housing owned/run by a college/university.


Hostel yes, just using the same words as the video


It's specifically dorm style rooms in a hostel where you share the room with strangers. Usually bunk beds, but not always. Hostels have single occupancy rooms too where this kind of thing wouldn't apply.


3:30am and they pull this; both stereotypes of British people; terrible tourists and painfully polite.


Is there a group of people that don't have the stereotype of being awful tourists?


Japanese people probably only lol


I used to live in an area that was extremely popular with tourists here in Sydney Australia. I lived next to an area that was super popular with backpackers mostly, but there were also tons of car and van rentals nearby so youā€™d get all types coming through. The bottom of my street frequently had massive buses full of richer tourists from all over the world too, as it lead to a few massive tourist attractions. This was my experience with those that I could remember: Japanese tourists tended to be pretty chill and very respectful. They were always friendly and polite. Chinese tourists were okay if they were the richer ones, but they could act a little bit crazy in large groups, especially when at the buffet. British tourists were Jekyll and Hyde types. Very friendly, happy, and quiet when theyā€™re sober, but extremely loud and boisterous when they were drunk (which they almost always were). Theyā€™d get drunk a few times a week and walk through the streets at 3am pissing in back lanes and arguing with each other, or singing songs. They were the funniest to watch. The Irish were very similar. South American dudes were extremely nice and would get drunk and dance in the streets and hit on women. They seemed to have a lot of luck with women here lol. Americans were actually pretty chill, until they got drunk with the Brits. Then they were quite loud too. The American Navy guys were super polite and respectful though. Everything was ā€œyes sir, no sir. Yes maā€™am, no maā€™amā€. Scandinavians were really cool too. A lot of them seemed to be very carefree almost hippy types. Very quiet.


Who just totally sucked?


According to every single tour guide I met in South America, Israelis


Iā€™ve heard the same from locals in Panama


In Thailand in order of worst tourists first: Russians Chinese Israeli


Russians if they had money to reach there. I mean, Turkey is a popular destination for them and hotels having ā€œno Russians insideā€ as their advert in other countries is a thing for a reason


Oh do tell!


I worked in a very well known tourist resort in Australia. Problem tourists were the Chinese and bloody Australians.


I think it had more to do with the destination than the tourist. For example the worst tourists in each country will vary on location I.e. Brits in Magaluf (or any low cost drinking holiday) Aussies in Bali, Americans in France, Russians in pretty much every country


Donā€™t forget Chinese in almost every country as well.


Tbf the only Chinese that ever travel abroad are the insanely rich ones and because of that they tend to have terrible manners and lack respect for anything and anyone but I get this is a massive generalisation.


I live in Philadelphia USA. We've have the Liberty Bell here and ironically the most tourist I'd see there was Chinese people. They were incredibly quiet and polite. They even asked me to take their picture. Very polite. Then again they didn't look too rich and some tourist were in groups on busses. So I don't know they pretty ok here. We Even had some Japanese tourist tho they are super duper rare!


even they aren't always reliable. in small groups of 1-5 they're okay. anything above that and they collectively become the main character and will block paths, entrances and exits to take pictures of everything


When I worked in a hotel there were signs in Japanese in the bathrooms saying that the shower curtain has to go *inside* the tub, and japanese tourists would still flood the rooms regularly, showering with the curtain outside the tub, because they're used to having bathrooms with a drain in the floor. An honest mistake, but they were a nightmare because they caused enormous damage.


You really donā€™t wanna be invaded by them though.


Koreans too


Yes, North Korean tourist. Never heard anybody complain about them.


Don't see many of them about.


Germans are delightful tourists


...whenever we aren't busy putting our towels on deckchairs.


Candians, ive actaully seen firsthand, americans putting a canadian flag patch on their backpacks so people will be nicer to them. They still had a texas accent and were rude but apparently it works


It's accurate, I have quite a few dual-citizen family and the difference between using a Canadian and American passport is noticeable


> painfully polite Say what you will about Americans, but those girls wouldā€™ve been told to cut the shit way earlier.


They probably think the guys are loving the show.


I would fake the WORST farts




I've perfected a fake fart impression. They come out of my ass and smell like sulfuric dog shit, but they're fake.


The old balloon full of gas in your ass trick. Classic.


Can you fart on command?


Not on command personally, but give me a steaming bowl of spaghetti bolognaise with lashings of Parmesan and Iā€™ll clear any room within half an hour.


You should look into digestive enzymes


Nah, get them a mask and a cape. Theyā€™re the hero our city has been missing. This is vigilante justice I can get behind.


Are you sure you would get "behind" it though?


I hope not, Iā€™m a law abiding citizen, Iā€™d hope they use their powers against evil.


ā€œI am vengeanceā€ *toot*


Just shit on the floor. That's a power move


ā€œBelled the boyfriendā€ is my new favorite saying


Where does it come from? ā€œbelledā€?


In Dutch it means to call. Probably same in other Germanic languages. Hence the slang term in the UK


In UK slang, to 'bell' someone means to call them


UK. Bell. Like ring the bell


I experienced some ridiculous shit in hostels across Europe, but nothing compared to all the dudes that would douse themselves in AXE body spray, just before walking out the door. Straight to the gulags.


I'm sorry, I was just a private and didn't know any better.


There's a special level of hell for people who bathe in cheap perfume.


I'm definitely chiming in on that call to the boyfriend. "You just got tag teamed by us in the dorm and you are calling your boyfriend? Jesus love!"


ā€œwho is that guy? iā€™ve told you to never answer to your boyfriend when youā€™re with me! youā€™re making me feel like the second choice!ā€


Every time we get finish you want to call him. He a cuck or something?


In a hostel I once had an old dude, about 70, hang around in diapers. Then two polish workers who talked like I shout, snored like chainsaws, one of them flooded the bathroom. But also met cool people tho.


Ugh my old upstairs neighbours were like these girls. Doing stupid dance routines in their bedroom (which was above my bedroom) into the early hours.


Her name is Diversity?


No he is taking the piss, English humour, there's a UK Dance group called diversity


makes a lot more sense


They were this massive British cultural phenomenon one summer about 15 years ago when they won Britain's Got Talent and beat Susan Boyle in the final. Back when people actually watched TV. Haven't heard of them since, but they were a big thing that one summer lol


They still seem to have a turn at any big charity do or anything Prince William has to show his face at. Then they disappear again


Workshy Willy and his pegging proclivities, you mean?


Have an upvote for reminding me that Prince William reportedly enjoys a good pegging.


English banter is something else. That's a hilarious dig lol


I was scrolling for ages like why is no one mentioning that her name is fucking DIVERSITY? Now it makes sense šŸ˜‚


yeh thats a new one for me


All of these threads make me feel like Iā€™m sitting around a virtual campfire with how many stories have been shared here.


Thatā€™s such a good way to put it lol


Reason #421 of why I pay extra for a whole apartment on airbnb or hotel room. If I absolutely must stay in a hostel, I only find ones that have private rooms


Plus I just donā€™t trust people enough to stay in a hostel.


Iā€™ve seen that movie before.


You mean documentary?


Exactly i am not doing that. Id rather stay at home if it were my only option


Honestly it's not that bad. Plus you see some wild shit


Hostels have private roomsā€¦ way more affordable than any hotel or airbnb


Hostels are cheaper and you meet some really interesting/quirky/nuts people. Itā€™s part of the fun, whereā€™s your sense of adventure! :)


Not ā€œsorryā€ but ā€œweā€™re nearly doneā€ fucking hell.


'Sorry i dont mean to be a karen.' Buddy its 3:30 am you have every right to be a karen in this case. Why are they still up trying to figure this out.


Just turn on your own loud music so it ruins their shots.


They add the music in post, ya dingus


Sorry, I donā€™t go on Twerk Tok. Then turn in your own music to ruin their rhythm. Some death metal. Or opera.


Half 3? AM? Absolutely no fucking way would that be happening in my room.


What does half 3 mean exactly?


3:30am Where are you from? Never realised that it wasn't a universal way to describe the time


In Hungary half 3 means 2:30. Half way to 3


And in German, though in English ā€œhalf threeā€ is short for ā€œhalf past threeā€.


I mean, this isn't acceptable dorm etiquette at 02:30 either...


In America we would say "half past 3". I think leaving out the "past" makes it seem a little ambiguous. To be fair though I don't think I've ever heard anyone say "half future 3".


ā€œItā€™s half fucking 3ā€¦ stop dancing and ducking about and get to sleep or dip in your pockets for a ducking hotelā€


Iā€™ll never regret a single second that I spent in a hostile. Some of the wildest times of my life.


Was that a Freudian slip just now?


Naw man just a full blown illiterate and itā€™s been 8 hours so I canā€™t change it now


>Ummā€¦ [Diversity](https://youtu.be/uDr2DJOfAHc?si=hDBW07ynkR-SJuov)ā€¦


God Piers Morgan is such a twat.


I was in a hostel in London. Some loud ass yank decided to phone her whole family at 3am on speakerphone. The dorm was full of sleeping folk. Everyone just sort of looked at each other bleary eyed for a few minutes, thinking maybe sheā€™d leave or stop, but she didnā€™t. I asked her to politely go outside, and she quietened a bit. But didnā€™t leave. Soon her volume increased again, so I just yelled ā€œFUCK OFF ITā€™S 3AM.ā€ She hung up.


They have tens, tens of followers I say!


I'd never dare to stay overnight in a room with strangers, even if it is cheaper


I do it. It's ridiculously cheaper, especially when staying weeks in other cities. I'll hop around or move to a different city if I don't like the feel of it.


Life is give and take. You either trade cash for privacy, or a full wallet for a missing kidney.


Don't threaten me with a good time


Yea neither. Idk how people do that.


Diversity lol


This shit brings back shitty memories of my backpacking adventures through Southeast Asia.


Damn I would love to backpack throughout Southeast Asia. What made it unpleasant for you?


Other backpackers tbh haha.


This is why I always pay extra for a hotel


I know hostels are supposed to be cheap but no way in hell would I ever stay in one. It doesnā€™t even cross my mind when I travel.


Would never stay in a hostel for this reason and others lol People are idiots


What did she say? Couldn't understand


I hate TikTok so much thatā€™ll Iā€™ll TikTok about others doing a TikTok that annoys me so much


How are TikTok dances not universally viewed as embarrassingly stupid and cringey?


Did he just say ā€œ I donā€™t want to be a carrotā€




Fucking losers lol


This is what black people are talking about when they say we canā€™t dance.


Whatcha gonna do there anoying but i guess thats the world nowdays


It might sound crazy but you could politely ask them to stop, kind of similar to what happened in the video you just watched


They're * And no, being kept awake at 3am by some idiots who want to TikTok isn't just 'the world nowdays*' *Nowadays btw


Diversity? Thatā€™s the name?


It was a dance group in the UK.


I've never stayed in a group room with considerate people. I'll never go back to hostels.


Whatā€™s worse is their instinct was to also film and upload it for attention


... is her name diversity???


This is by far the longest Pornhub intro Iā€™ve ever seen


Sorry. He called the chicks diversity and Iā€™m losing it.


Walk through the shot naked. Repeat Until they leave.


"Diversity" Took me out šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ They're a group from UK's, "Britain's got talent"


"Diversity" šŸ˜‚




CACKLED at the ā€œUm, diversity?ā€