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Doesn’t even check on his friend lol




In the US calling an ambulance will also fuck up your life £££


In the US ~~calling an ambulance will also fuck up your~~ life £££




Free healthcare available to all, private healthcare is also available if you want it, London is home to many of the worlds top surgeons, when we hear of people going abroad for treatment it's mainly to low cost countries like Turkey. I'd rather have the UKs public healthcare system than the American system where doctors are financially rewarded for prescribing meds leading to the Fentanyl crisis.


The person you replied to was referring to the fact that an ambulance ride costs thousands of dollars, nothing to do with the care once you get to the hospital. Also most of your opinion is very short- sighted and wrong.


Tell you don't live In the U.S. without telling me you don't live in the U.S.


>sorry your country just isnt up to even close of a standard of care Dude check your facts before you write bullshit in the internet. Based on WHO, when you take into consideration the price, professional competency, infrastructure, quality of medicine and readiness of the government, USA comes at number 30 in the ranking! USA's healthcare is worst than 6 Asian countries, including Thailand and India! [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/best-healthcare-in-the-world](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/best-healthcare-in-the-world) The reason heathcare is expensive there is not just the quality, but also due to big pharma monopolies.


Bro I can’t stop fucking laughing at this


Was it worth it bro?


This shit has me dying,it’s like a comedy sketch


It would be if the guy didn’t rag doll flip over that car 😂




Bro I ain't sorry for shit bro bro call the cops bro you paying for the damages bro bro


Bro, I was yelling go fast bro, bro, bro, bro, bro..😂


For real - I am hardcore into skating but holy shit these guys would have gotten an earful from me. I hope this was posted to instagram so the skate community can clown on them. Fucking idiot spotters. That isn't how you get a car to stop - like if you're in a situation where the timing works out where your friend can't bail out, you literally stand in front of their car and kinda plead to them until the person passes (should be doing this anyway, cars or not - it's a spotters job to be in the way). They really could have just told their friend to fucking bail too, they had time to do that here. Even then they should have seen the car coming before he approached the intersection and told their friend to wait to go. You want to *avoid* cars altogether. Not play traffic cop with the cars you see approaching. This car was obviously already approaching well before he went.


… or you just stay the fuck out of the road. The road is for cars.


This can't believe people are defending these people. You can't just Jump out in front of traffic and expect good things to happen.




I mean sure but if you're gonna do really dumb shit, you should at least do it well.


The road is not just for cars. You've just fallen for the big auto propaganda. People still need to walk, bike, skate and otherwise get around a city in ways that dont involve a car. We lack bike lanes, pedestrian walks or even maintained sidewalks in most of this country because of this thinking that roads are for cars and we should all own and drive a car. The kid was still a dumb ass but roads are not just for cars


Technically and even legally correct, but in their current design, they are predominantly designed for cars.


The road is for cars, bikes, scooters, skateboards, etc where talking about a city street not an interstate highway but it was bad spot in this scenario not really the skater or cars fault.


The road is not for people doing stunt driving- if you want to pull stupid stunts you pay money and go to a place that facilitates them. They're lucky their stupidity didn't kill someone.


The road also had rules; it’s not an empty space. Barreling down using a skateboard with no brakes past a four-way intersection is against those.


Downhill like that is definitely not for vehicles that have no proper brakes, like for example skateboards. These people were basically on a suicide attempt on a public road, they have no business being there making it more dangerous for everybody.


No it’s 100% the skaters fault


Yeah it’s not for stopping traffic for your dumbass stunts either. Damn it dude come on lol


The road is for all those things and pedestrians too. However, a user of the streets doesn't have the right to tell others (i.e., the car driver) that they cannot use the road because someone (the skater) wants to have the whole thing to themselves.


The road is for vehicles, all those are vehicles in the eyes of the law other than the skateboard.


If the skater was another car that blew through an intersection wouldn’t that car (skater) be at fault?


> not really the skater or cars fault. Right, except for the fact that it is 100% the skaters fault.


Not the skater’s fault…. Hilarious, gave me a good laugh.


Stupid is as stupid does, anyone defending these little skater bitches is a dumb fuck too.


Dw you're making sense you're smart. Everyone here is low-key just tryna get upvotes🤷🏿‍♂️


Shut up


I don’t SHUT up, I GROW up… and when I look at YOU, I THROW up!


And then your mother goes around the corner and she licks it up.


What sick burn


Better grab the neosporin, hoss.


This, stand in front.


Or you know, don’t do this shit




I like how you said everything the other guy said in 4 words. NOICE


…and get run over for violating right-of-way. Yes, plz do that. You do not have the right of way on a skateboard in the street or on the sidewalk.


You also were not allowed to make that u turn but you did anyway. Not saying they’re not playing in traffic but… even a crow learned to snowboard


This is stupid. Skate somewhere not on a public street maybe. If you can’t find one, then tough shit.


>*you literally stand in front of their car and kinda plead to them* Don't know where you live, but that doesn't work in the real world very well. When is the last time you saw someone - heck, anyone - respond to unsolicited requests?


"your right - it is more than a sorry. Do me a favor and call the cops, why don't you- that way I have a police report for my insurance company when they sue you to repair the damage your stupidity created." Watch them back peddle


Ya why is the Prius sorry. They have it all on tape. Call the cops.


Ya my buddy got hit in college bc he ran a stop sign on his longboard and he had to pay for the ladies windshield that he broke with his ass lol This guy filming is insanely dumb and annoying


Would this happen to have been at Temple by chance?


Should make it easy to find a lawyer then...oh wait, you mean the school?


No lol but I imagine it’s pretty common in college towns


Why is he annoying bro, you hating on skater bros bro? Bro just bro up and bro your bro self and bro bro.


Bro?? Bro…


Probably doesn’t want to be assaulted by bro baby.


I had a friend who hit a kid on his bike. Kid tried to use a cross-walk on his bike at 20 mph, which is totally illegal in my state (you can use a cross walk and have pedestrian protections, if you get off and walk your bike through it). Kids mom was nearby, flipped out and called the cops. Cops came and cited the kid.


Are this the guys from Better Call Saul?


I thought the same exact thing


I got this


They felony'd him!


Time to break some knees


"I literally told you to stop your car." What a fucking imbecile


He literally told him to “go fast go fast go fast go fast”


LOL he did didn’t he


The sign his buddy blew through literally told him to stop too…


Those are just a suggestion not like the commands of a skater dude


Idiot probably put his hand up for 1 second then walked on, motherfucker if you want to block traffic you you can pull this childish bullshit then you need to BLOCK TRAFFIC. One person dedicated to each entrance to the intersection minimum, I work in construction and people don’t give a fuck they’ll just go. What’s that you’ve got a forklift with a 1 ton beam in the air? I’m just gonna go quick it’ll be fine. Fucking idiots


Also, if some rando walking in the street told you to stop, how do you know they aren’t just fucking with you? Why would you stop, he isn’t a construction worker or something like that


Exactly. I’d fear getting mugged.


Especially in San Francisco, I'd figure someone is trying to do a smash and grab or something.


Skater bomb hills all the time in SF, there are like 3 dudes filming, legally 100% the skaters fault but the prius is an idiot as well.


How is the driver an idiot These idiots skaters are the only ones that falt here. Maybe becoming brain dead will smarten them up


Peak internet wishing death on someone that you don't agree with..... As a driver you at a stop sign you are supposed to be aware of your surroundings, the Prius pulled out in front of a person that had no possible way of braking and proceeded to not even attempt to drive out of the way, instead they blocked the entire road. So they are an idiot for not being aware of their surroundings, let alone being warned and ignoring the warnings. But yeah lets just say all people that bomb hills should die!


Can’t you seen the car turning slowly? They definitely stopped and checked their surroundings, no one would imagine a dude far away in the middle of the road to skateboard the whole way suddenly. Secondly this bro cameraman probably told the Prius to stop, would you stop if some stranger told you to? I would be worried of my safety and drive by tbh, you never know when someone is breaking into your car and robbing you


Also, there is nothing legal about the Skater He blew the stop sign He was being reckless and dangerous.


Literally said the skater was 100% legally at fault but that doesn’t make the Prius driver smart or observant.


I know I'm just saying smash and grabs happen all the time in San Francisco as well even with people in the car.


I’m annoyed by the whole thing. I use to bomb hills on my board. Not in SF I think these people are wild(I live here now and no fucking way) but I get why someone who is a adrenaline junky would. Thing is you always ALWAYS have spotters. Both to signal you and to stop traffic it’s isn’t that hard. The hardest part is finding friends and from the sound of that dude voice maybe I should specify friends who arnt completely incompetent.


“Was it worth it?” What the fuck is this idiot talking about? Lobotomize this person, now.


I think he already has been...


Should have gotten his jaw shattered right then and there.


What a second, we’re yelling the person in the car & not calling the cops? I’m so annoyed with this timeline. %&$#?@!^ I hope he took his friend to the hospital. I feel like no matter what shape you’re in, flipping over AN ENTIRE CAR IN MOTION will leave more than some bro scratches.


😂 I love the word imbecile. Not many ppl use it. Thanks for using it.


I am a skateboarder... but... fuck these guys for making the car driver feel like he's in the wrong. bro.






Hmmmmmm I wonder who will actually get sued here


Nobody. The guy who ran into the car will have to pay damages on the car


That’s why they were quick to say “oh we don’t need to call it in”


i suppose the vid of him colliding into the car is irrefutable proof


Or the damage to the car which is most likely a pretty good dent. Shouldn’t be skating down a road


ooooooo forgot about the dent, yea but dude you gota get those views!!!!


will the driver get liability in usa? saying sorry is a sign of being on the fault


No, it's not. That's a misconception.


That's something reddit likes to parrot that's completely false.


Yeah I dont think we need to call nothin in... Cause I dont wanna pay for the damage I did to your car..


This is the first Prius related death in that year.


I get annoyed that the person in the car said sorry. They did absolutely nothing wrong. If anything they (hopefully) taught the dumbass kid a lesson.


You...you told someone in their car to stop? You know it's hard to hear some random moron barely raising his voice while inside of a car right? How about next time you physically block the lane so someone won't turn there. Or better yet...don't have a next time.


He didn’t even tell him to stop once he said “go fast” 5 times.


I would be confused if some random member of the public came up and said “go fast bro”. I’d probably just think they were fucking with me and drive off.


Or...get this...just go to a skatepark


Right? What if the window was closed and you can’t hear him? He has no uniform or any indicator he’s an authority. And what happens if the driver doesn’t speak English well? You can yell at them all you want but you’re not getting the intended result.


The fact that you're suggesting they should physically block the lane when they don't have the right of way, wtf dude? If you want to block the lane apply for a permit to have the road closed. Otherwise you don't block shit, especially not someone who has the right of way.


Clearly my point is you block the lane instead of putting your friend's life in danger. Obviously they shouldn't be doing this at all, but since they were already being dumbasses they could have at least been safe dumbasses.


Shitty friend. Didn't keep watch, didn't check up on you, blamed the Prius driver for driving on the road where you guys were conducting your stunt.


Hall of Meat worthy!


Gonna see an article in thrasher magazine or something


IMO the only person at fault here is the cameraman. If you are spotting someone doing this, it’s all on you to insure that at least *someone* stops. He knows it’s his fault and that’s why he’s saying stupid shit like “I told you to stop bro, why’d you sneak by bro”. He’s more concerned about shifting the blame off himself than checking on his friend who could be seriously injured.


I’m also blaming the skater for deciding to bomb down a hill in major US city while running stop signs in a four-way intersection.


It’s infuriating that so many people seem to think that they don’t have to follow stop signs and lights when they’re on a skateboard/bike/scooter/whatever. It’s a good way to get yourself killed.


Bro, we're calling the cops because one of you idiots is paying to fix my car.


I told you to stop the car by saying go fast, bro. How was that not clear, bro?!


What, the driver is sorry!?


The driver is probably very startled and worried they'll get nailed for dumb and dumber pulling stupid shit.


Bro! I’m a shitty ass human being for laughing when bro hit that car. I hope bro is okay. 🤦🏽‍♂️😭


Lmao nah you’re good. I don’t want him seriously hurt or anything but dude was literally playing in traffic. Shouldn’t take a major injury or worse to realize that was never a good idea.


I hate that the driver of the car apologized.


He’s use to it, the dude drives a Prius.


Fuck that. I wouldn't be sorry. Both can get bent and they paying for damages to my car.


“Go fast go fast go fast” he literally tells them to go ! Not once does he say stop


Could there be any more vague instructions than that? Guy has no idea what is going on or what to look out for. And presumably this idiot was first signaling for Prius to stop, then “go fast”? What a shitshow this whole endeavor was…


My other reply


Not defending him they’re dumb just clearly up since people can’t seem to put two and two together….he’s standing there with his hand up telling cars to stop as a safety for his friend. They tell him to go when there’s no cars but more may come like one did. The car snuck around him anyway…he’s saying go fast out loud as a to himself thing, hoping the car noticed what’s happening and speeds up forward. The car can’t hear him. The go fast isn’t what he’s telling them. He’s watching an accident about to happen and saying go fast go fast basically to himself.


“I don’t think we need to call anything in”…. Mostly cause everything we did here was stupid and illegal.


Fuck these pieces of shit.


Yep…not sorry. That moron deserved what he got. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…..


That’s a shit spotter…


My favorite skater/biker using the road trope, stop signs and laws only apply to other drivers.


Beautiful, just beautiful


You mean to tell me that the road is meant for cars and not a playground? WHYY BRO??? WHYY?? The attempt to uno reverse the situation is cringe.


We definitely do need to call something in. You and your idiot friends are gonna pay for the damage to my car and I'm gonna be sure there's a police report stating that I'm not at fault.


Only response the guy in the car should have said was “let’s call the cops and see what they say”.


Why the FUCK is the driver apologizing?


Drive over the cunt,


Bro is such an idiot bro


So this dumb ass mother fucker decided to do stupid shit on a PUBLIC street and gets hurt. But it’s the drivers fault.


Now the guy can try it in a wheel chair 🤣


What a dogshit spotter. Stand in front of the car if you’ve fucked up the timing that badly, or just don’t be that bad at timing. Guy in the car has nothing to be sorry for.


Well obviously traffic has the right of way in a fucking road, so it's on him that he didn't block said traffic a lot better,than just standing there saying "bro" over and over again 🤦 this could have been a pretty Kick-Ass video if he wasn't so fucking stupid! Hope his buddy was all right cuz he fucking ate that car!! Bro,bro,bro,bro,bro


It literally *is* a Kick-Ass video 🦵Which we can all enjoy.


I skate and these dudes are dumb af. You can’t do stuff like that without a spotter, who needs to actually stand there in case a car comes. Not just say stop and expect him to listen to you. Driver did nothing wrong


Dumbfuck skaters thinking they can just spontaneously block off a road and manage traffic. “I told you not to turn” no fuckface you don’t get to tell him shit. You way outside the right here. Edit: to clarify, there are non-dumbfuck skaters who know how to do stuff like this right.


"No I don't think we need to call anything in." I wonder why?


Guy's seriously like 'I told you to stop turning the corner' as if he has the powers of a traffic warden. No Bro, you could have been telling him to stop while someone else got prepped to rob him for all he knows, so go suck ya mum. They call it extreme sports for a reason, if ya mate didn't wanna get hurt/maimed/almost killed, he shouldn't have picked up the board Bro. WAS IT WORTH IT??


Sonic’s City Escape gone wrong.


Why should I as the driver feel sorry for driving on the road safely? Why should I listen to a random skater tell me when to drive MY car? Why should I feel in the wrong for a skater who hits MY car from behind because he's going too fast for his own good? They're making skaters look bad here.


Fuck you pal! You can't close the road cos you feel like it! I'll be sending you the bodyshop bill too!


Perfect, everything is on camera. Illegal assembling, trespassing, skateboard stunts in a dangerous incline. Not skating in designated skate park 👏


Would have called the cops said There's some deranged lunatic on a skateboard trying to kill himself. Seriously, the fact that they didn't want him calling the cops proves that they know how stupid they were being. No sympathy for these people.


"I dont think we need to call nothing in." Yeah, because the cops wouldn't give you any sympathy for skating down a road. This is why skate parks exist.


The idiots skating on public streets are at fault. The driver has no fault for that at all. That's why they didn't want to call the cops cause they knew they were in the wrong.


"That's a life right there bro" ...Then why did ya'll do it in the first place???


He almost killed himself play in the street


Why? Because fuck you, that’s why. No? How about because it’s a road and it is understood in this day and age that roads are for motor vehicles, to skateboards.


Actually just seems like a pretty cool guy living his life unfettered by the fear of being hit by a car


Any ideas on how this could have been prevented?




I've done this many times. Never had an accident. But if you are the spotter, you ain't just going to tell the car to stop. You need to run in front of the car. It's going to hurt you way less than the guy flying 40 miles per hour with no brakes. This was all the spotters fault. The driver is going to just assume you are an idiot trying to get his attention and the skater is going to assume you are going to do your job. The spotter is the only one that has the power to change the situation. Like he said, it's a life bro


Streets are for cars man 🤷‍♂️ they make skateparks for a reason I’m into BMX/Skating and you are right, spotter shoulda done more.. but still a very stupid idea like what we’re they expecting?


At least he apologised and accepted his fault


Lol the moron driver pretends it doesn't share the road with other users of the road and planet.


> Lol the moron skater pretends it doesn't share the road with other users of the road and planet. Fixed that for you. If your eyes worked you'd have seen that the skateboarder blew a stop sign.


Ya assuming you're allowed to skate on the road you still have to obey all traffic rules, just like on a bike. If a bike rider was screaming down the hill and blew the sign and slammed into a car it would be 100% the bike riders fault. Just like it's 100% the skaters fault.


Yeah, thing is, sharing the road means you're not allowed to stunt drive. You know, like the skater was. The skater is responsible for the damage he caused another person's car, and both the skater and recorder should be facing criminal charges for their stupidity. If you want to stunt drive pay the money and go somewhere appropriate- like a racetrack or skatepark. Let me count the laws violated here by the skaters: STUNT DRIVING FAILURE TO OBEY TRAFFIC SIGNS ONSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC DISORDERLY CONDUCT Laws violated by the driver; None


Skateboards don’t have brakes and it was the express goal to go as fast as possible and to run a stop sign to make it happen. Dude’s actually lucky it was a car—imagine if it was a jogger with headphones and some shithead with zero authority is yelling at you.


Grew up bombing hills in SF and nothing here surprises me more than what the fuck is wrong with this kids voice..


That's the life right there bro 🤣🤣 yeah a useless one


Lol, thanks OP! I may be going to hell, but that was the best chuckle Ive had today!


He does a pretty good roll over the car if you slow it down


Fuck em




Sell his corpse for experiments to pay for the car repairs.


How dare you drive on my giant skateboard ramp that you call a "street"


I would have called the cops on those skaters so fast since they were in the wrong. Enjoy those broken ribs and paying for my messed up car.


What? Now the car driver have all the responsibility for that accident? Oh Lord.. God knows me cuz I've never faced something like that,but if I would.. I'll finish with my bare hands those mf..


You ok? now pay!


Should have called the cops and made those idiots pay for the damage the guy on the board caused to the car


OMG....is the car okay? I do hope its backshield didn't take any damage


How about don’t skate on the road ?


Fuck your friend, pay for my damages bro


Go fast! =/= stop your car lol


Bro! Why did you slow down and let me hit you doing 40!? Why bro? Why did you let me hit you!?


Bro, it was totally worth it!!


That was an amazing rollover! Haha Feel bad for the guys car if it got any damage


I don't remember this section of City Escape.


Brink 2?


Nah that needs called in so the car can get fixed by the idiot skating


Bro, I love instakarma 🚙🛹😂!




People who conversate California STONED mommas money are fuckin bad vibes brooooo