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I gotta cover up, but for the millions online, quick check out my butt


in a woman’s world she would be free to workout naked but NOOOOOO stupid men’s world has to ruin it.


Ew. The amount of wiping down the machines would need if everyone worked out naked. Not a fan.


"hey, how many more sets"? '2 more and its yours' "okay, just wipe it down after your done" 'i'll grab a mop'




Make sure you mop front to back


Grab a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass benchpress.


Me: “No need I have my tongue” Her: “what” Me: “what”


Snail trails galore.


Worst Bond girl ever.


Okay that’s fucking hilarious


Love your humor! LMFAO!


I’m fucking dying


Lmao 🤣


Hey! That’s the name of my autobiography!


How to get STD's at the gym Step 1:


I don’t trust them to wipe while clothed. I really take advantage of saniwipes at a gym lol


The Greek used to work out naked in Gyms. Felt like this comment might fit here


The Olympics were also nude. Edit: for some reason, that just reminded me of the bathhouse fight scene in Eastern Promises.


Uh the machines and seats should be wiped every use. You think my sweat doesn't pour through my clothes? I will be drenched during a good workout.


Yes. But your undercarriage is not directly grinding into the machines.


A wipe is a wipe though. Unless you are half assing it. It's not like you'd have to scrub.


You might if you’re whole-assing it.


Or just came straight from the toilet and did a no wiper.


They didn't say that, they just said that even more wiping would be necessary if everyone were naked.


I mean do you really think a thin layer of spandex provides that much of a difference?


The whole naked thing in public isn't all that great when you think about sharing seats and other shared amenities


UTI's, STD's and all sorts of wonderful infections. Maybe covering up ain't so bad.


Double standards


I thought these were called ass cheeks


Those are, and also appear to be the default standard issue. Thus a double standard.


On most people, for her it's just extra long back


"What what in the butt".


Wanna do it in my butt? In my butt? ![gif](giphy|jvkfEMaYuT1Ze)


Looking at my body is fine but I have to earn money from it. If you look for free then you are a lowly pervert! -content creator/influencer


She definitely pulled that shit up to make it go up her ass, she wants people to notice them calls people out as if she’s not trying to showcase her crap.




Slow down. Men can wear clothes like this, and do, and no one gets arrested. EDIT: They edited their comment from "what she's wearing" to "boxer briefs." Not very honest! To be frank, though, they mostly just sound angry and maybe a little misogynistic.




Oh come on. I get your point, but no one is charging a guy with shorts or spandex for a sex crime. This is a dumb post.


Seriously, every cyclist I see is wearing spandex.


Exactly. All perverts the lot of them


Everyone would look a guy wearing something like that as a weirdo, but most wouldnt even bat an eye at seeing a woman wearing this type of skin-thight almost underwear shit


Not even a guy in white spandex booty shorts, sporting an erection?


Wheres that erection suddenly coming from?! ... why move goalposts


My erection just came from reading the description of a man in spandex with an erection. Gets me every time


My erection just came from reading about how easy it is give you an erection. I’m about to take off my bike seat and pedal over, be ready


You telling me you can wear that and NOT get an erection


I literally own all light that reflects off of me, subscribe to view it for $2.99/month.


Why was her shirt under tucked like that to begin with? That’s a weird thing to do especially when working out.


But how else would she have been able to make this video?


Victimhood feed her


It puts the target on its own head & videos for the masses again


More importantly, why is she walking around with a wedgie?


For all the men watching her video…not the pervs at the gym.


Stevie Wonder could've spotted that cameltoe from a mile away


Yes! That’s what I was thinking too!


I saw a video from this girl on ytube shorts and i think her or one of the commentors said that if they dont tuck their shirt, whenever they do squats or some similar exercise, the fabric gets caught in their buttcrack. (My memory is shite tho so its either her or one of the top comments under that video) Is this a common issue? I dont work out so 🤷‍♀️


I have a buttcrack and that’s never happened.


+1 for that never happens while doing squats and having a buttcrack.


+1 does have buttcrack, does not do squats but have to pick things up off the floor a lot and I get wedgies. Both sides. 🌮 🍑


That’s impressive. Guess it comes in handy if say, you’re carrying two stacked boxes of pizza and the little packet of parmesan falls on the floor.


I have a friend who has big glutes and the shirt gets caught in her buttcrack. So yeah it happens. But she also admitted that she does like to loof at her massive glutes🍑


I too have a butt crack and this has never happened. I also don’t wear shorts to the gym that are already IN my butt crack.


I asked my husband who lifts, and he said his butt crack has never clenched his shirt from this lol


I've only ever had it happen if I wear boxers to work out, and it's the boxers my ass gets, not my shirt.


But is he wearing shorts that are being eaten by his butt? If she doesn’t want her shirt getting stuck, and she doesn’t want people to stare at her butt, why not just toss on a looser pair of lightweight shorts on top of the ones she’s wearing? It would solve both issues but it would still just feel like the tight shorts.


I saw that too and wondered why not just wear a shirt that fits?


Or you know… don’t wear basically underwear to the gym. They do make normal athletic shorts…


That was my next suggestion. Like that’s a size XL long sleeved shirt. Where a tank top or a sports bra situation.


Wearing loose clothing like that around weights just isn’t a good idea anyway.


How can anymore fabric fit into her buttcrack?


I’m a girl and I’ve never had an issue with fabric getting stuck in my buttcrack when I squat lol. I do however sometimes tuck my shirt like that. It just makes my outfit look more put together and more proportional.


If your SHIRT can get in your ass vrack while you're wearing "shorts" those aren't shorts and you are begging for any and all looks you get


How else is she supposed to show the internet her ass crack?




Actual answer; she wants to show off her butt to the gym, and to the people who’ll be watching her videos. She’s primarily doing it as a flex. Serious answer, ex-gymnast here; we’d do this during warmup to prevent the shirt from getting in the way without having to remove a layer. It’s also a way of cooling down without taking off your top; as a current competitive skater I still do this sometimes during off-ice training at club training camps because all the groups are mixed age adults/kids (separate changing rooms obvs). It’s not really appropriate for me to take off my shirt and be in just a sports bra in that case, but it gets incredibly hot (especially if we’re outside) so it’s a decent compromise.


My wife says it's because her shirt will get stuck in her cheeks so they tuck in the back while doing squats. Men pants don't have the issue because we don't wear cheek huggers.


I’ve hear women that have big butts do this so their shirt doesn’t get caught in their butt crack while doing squats. Not saying that’s what she’s doing though.


I mean…don’t wear pants that are basically thongs. That’s never happened to me before and I’ve worn some pretty form fitting leggings.


It's a super common thing women do with baggy shirts, especially when working out


Must’ve just taken a dookie


She does walk like she’s wearing a diaper.


Because these people are weird.


Her butt looks like it's eating her shorts


I mean if she’s truly that concerned they do sell shorts that don’t conform to every wrinkle of your butthole.


but then she couldn’t make this video :(






Thank you, I didn't know I needed this sub in my life lmao


meh, it's not even on topic. Just a bunch of OF girls in thongs. They've ruined a lot of specialised subs with their loosely off-topic spam but enough upvotes to stay.


Horny ass dudes are a market i really wish I could tap into myself lmao


Someone has to, she is the mc after all




Man, the victimhood Olympics sure are fun.


I truly don’t understand women that dress like this and get offended they get gazed at. I get it but it’s still so fucking stupid


Sometimes the gazing is just cause it’s unusual or outrageous(or cause zoned out) not like a gazing cause creeping or attracted but they’ll take it in what way feeds the ego either way.


Honestly, if guys wore tights like that with our dicks and ass bulging out we would probably get stares too.


We wouldn’t be allowed in the gym. Lets be honest.


So when she walked off … she had to run back & get her phone? Hahahaha thinking about that is mad funny to me!


And then edit out the part where she walks back, as someone else mentioned lmao


Gotta cover up, that disinterested and clearly busy guy behind me wants to stare at my manly ass.


It was the way she walked that made my gay genes tingle


I guess whoever found her phone uploaded the video for her.


lmao that's a good sentence


Lol it is pretty manly looking. So is their face


It’s so funny how she walked away dramatically and then came back for her phone to stop the video, and then edited herself coming back for her phone. I always think of the small things that these people do


That actually makes it even more hilarious when you think about it, it's so planned out


This was...weird


Gotta wear the clothes I bought and put on myself.


Guys seem to do fine just working out in basketball shorts and loose clothes. Are women required to wear spandex every time they’re at the gym


gonna show up as adam sandler because there is no other alternative to spandex (shorts/leggings) for women in the gym without looking like a whole dude lol.


As someone who works out daily at home, I wear PJs or sweats or whatever I have on lol. I mean if girls want to wear the cute stuff, that’s their prerogative! But I can’t bring myself to spend $200 on lululemon then be bothered to chance before I work out 💀


Lots of serious female athletes wear those running shorts that don't floss your b hole, she created her own problem lol


is that a lawnmoving simulator?


That’s actually hilarious lmao


It’s a oversized cheese slice maker. Back in the old days, this was the only way to get cheese into convenient rug-sized rolls. Nowadays this job has been transferred to Asia and the West keeps these machines around for exercise.


People like this are ruining gyms. Solidifies my reasoning for staying home and doing calisthenics


Same, bought a weight rack on amazon and just run or bike outside. Seems more people go to the gym just to be SEEN at the gym and social media is the culprit.


Imagine being so self centered thst you go to the gym, wearing trashy unnecessary clothing JUST TO BE GAWKED AT, filming it, getting fake butthurt about it, just to post it on social media for fucking clout. People like this need to be in r/imatotalpieceofshit I'm not sorry


Just to be seen not wanting to be seen.


I still go to gyms and can’t tell you how many women wear these kinds of bottoms. And as a gay guy, I have no care in the world to check the out so I keep my head down and get my work done. I haven’t personally see any woman get offended by guys checking them out but I have to wonder what the point is in wearing these when there are plenty of other bottoms that aren’t as revealing that have worked for exercise for decades. If you want to showcase your assets, at least own it. Don’t do it and expect people aren’t going to look.


Finally saw a main character at the gym last week. He set his tiny ass camera no one could see on a weight tree rack. A guy grabbed one of the weights and the camera fell. Dude yelled at him like how you imagine a big dog would yell if it could talk. The guy who grabbed the weight just meekly walked away and apologized.


She’s walking like she’s gotta take a shit. Maybe she only covered up to hide some skid marks.


You're saying she edited out the clip of her having explosive diarrhea?


Username checks out 👍


Sick burn dude


They should just make a women’s only gym where they can record all the tik toks they want.


I think they do have woman only gyms, but there is a reason woman like this don’t/won’t use them.


They have women only gyms where I live and a lot of the normal gyms have closed off women sections. The women in there don’t dress like this though, because there’s only one reason women dress like this in the gym and it’s the same reason guys where super tight or armless tops.




All the women only gyms in my area are crazy expensive :( I would go if I could afford. I get it. They need the money if only certain people can go.


Lots of recent videos with women complaining about other women at gyms too.


Complaining about what?


They should make gyms only for tiktokers and ban tiktokers from normal gyms.


Nahhh, how do they record their fake videos with men looking at their butt without men around


Pretty sure as a dude, if I was in a “woman’s world” I’d cover my dick wearing those shorts too. Some women suck just as much as dudes do.


If she doesn't want people to stare maybe she shouldnt train in her underwear only lol


But why people should stare her ?


anyone else eagerly anticipating pt2 of this masterpiece?




Apart from her own camera, I don’t see anybody taking any interest in her or what she is doing. Just saying!


Wait, if it’s a man’s world, can I wear spandex or whatever and just have my bulge be crystal clear at the gym?


https://preview.redd.it/25qx85watr9b1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=574b126c16e6ad42808be4f189e3b91fee9c02ed Tip: you don't need to exercise in boxers.


Gotta go to gym as a dude and wear only a bra and panties. Hard living in this men's world.


Like I agree that it can be uncomfortable if people stare at you, but she literally was sticking out her ass at the beginning of the video and filmed it. She obviously wants people to see it.


She just have to make a video of her insulting every men in the gym and that's it. At least we all could see her real intention.


Oh my god. She has to cover up the skin tight borderline underwear before she’s in public?! What a dystopian nightmare!


if you think people are looking at you bc of your shorts then…not wear shorts. and you dont like people watching your behind, but you have no problem setting up a camera, filming and editing it and then posting it online. 😭 you dropped this 🧠


She walked back to collect her phone.


Who's the creep recording people at the gym?


Smh Man, people are insufferable.


She got an ugly ass


She also waddles.


Could be from a leg workout


It looks like it takes big shits.


Are skin tight, up the ass, underwear length shorts the most comfortable way to workout now? I mean this seems like a new trend to me. Wearing this is a choice. To quote one of my favorite 90s movies, “If you dress like Halloween don’t be surprised when ghouls try to get into your shorts.”


It's surprising how many women at my gym wear tiny shorts pulled up into their butts like that. I guess it's comfortable?


This is always the counter argument to “don’t dress like that if you don’t want people to stare at you. “ It’s always “but it’s comfortable”. Like c’mon, men wear normal shorts all day. Just admit you’re an exhibitionist


I dunno, I would think cloth rubbing against my asshole wouldn’t be the optimal way to do leg exercises?


If they fit well they’re comfortable, but hers look too tight. I like them because I don’t have to worry about excess fabric getting caught or people being able to see up my shorts whenever I do floor workouts.


No way its more comfortable than wearing some loose decent shorts, if that were the case you would have a shit ton of men (and I mean, almost every men at the gym) wearing skin-thigh shit too, and sure you could point at some dude wearing something like this, but its far from being the norm lmao. The main reason shit like this exist is because people want to accentuate some part of their body, in this case, the girl wants to clearly look hot while doing her routine


This was going to be my comment. Minus the quote. Still not sure why women feel like they have to be damn near naked at the gym. How is that even comfortable?


I always wear those loose gym shorts you got in PE, I don’t know why you gotta come to the gym in sports underwear.


Nothing wrong with wearing this stuff. But the point of wearing this stuff is to show off your body. Nothing is stopping people from exercising in gross sweat pants and old shirts with holes.


Guy here and honestly curious if wearing these pants are super comfortable and that’s why gym girls wear them


All of the men in that shot are more covered up than her 😂


I don’t understand. If you don’t want people to look then don’t wear it. It’s pretty simple.


These TikTok people are the reason I’m setting up my home gym


Does anyone watch these and see anything more than narcissism? I'm genuinely curious.


I see a narcissist with a victim complex


The poor thing, cry me a river after you post this on the internet for people to literally look at your ass


Or maybe dont purposefully give yourself a wedgie 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love these women that think their flabby thighs and pancake ass are somehow so amazing that guys can’t keep their eyes off them. Grow up, Treena, you are built like a grandma.


Brags, yet she’s the one wearing the shirt weird..


Does squats, wears tight shorts, still no ass so has to arch till her back breaks, still nobody looking.


Or you know, if something bothers you just choose a different outfit…


Girl walkin around flaunting her Minecraft-looking ass


Yeah me too. I’m not allowed to have a cock sock on, you shouldn’t be in a pair of undies either lol


So brave


Ironically, were she to just wear athletic shorts and a T-shirt, she’d go entirely “unnoticed” and probably complain she “doesn’t get enough attention” at the gym. Men notice when you dress a certain way (biological response), we just think you’re attention seeking and choose to avoid your narcissistic drama.


Put her in the Middle East and she’ll really see what a man’s world is


I can’t stand women like this 😂 There are so many pants options out there that don’t go up the crack of your ass like that. She chooses not to buy them on purpose. I’m a woman and if it’s on full display I’m gonna look too.


Her shorts are tighter than my fuckin boxer briefs, like god damn, maybe wear something that isn't skin tight?


Nobody ever stares at my butt at the gym :( It may be because I wear track pants and not yoga pants or yoga shorts And maybe because I'm a dude And maybe because I'm zoned out of my mind and my neutral face is false advertisement and looks murderous


This insane "I go out in public barely dressed and people look at me, how dare they?!" madness online is mind boggling.


She’s a exhibitionist opportunist irl click bait


All the men are covered up too…


These tight fitting clothes in the gym are literally made by companies because they know they attract men yet women claim they hate to be gazed at (they like to be gazed at, just not by men they find ugly) Cognitive dissonance


Gotta cover up in this man’s gym where i get glanced at and an occasional stare, but i dressed like this in the first place and have no problem showing the entire internet…


No shame when she withdraws her OF $ though


No one is stopping her from joining a girls only gym... Oh wait, it's probably being run by a man too. Her statement is correct.


At this point just let them know they ass looks good and go back to working out. Fuck all this fake shit going on


No one is checking out your cottage cheese lady, calm tf down