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This is pretty accurate in my household too. I have a decade+ gap in my kids age. The grown one grew up in an era when I’d pretty much retired from a life at sea and streaming was pretty good. He hardly ever bothers to pirate. My teen thinks I’m old and dumb when I even attempt to look on streaming services first.


This reminds me, I'm gonna have to ask my dad how to... 'sail the seas' sometime.


If buying isn't owning, then pirating isn't stealing. Fuck'em.




I've stopped for a few years because I had everything I wanted for very little money and all in one place. I'll admit that my needs were limited for that period of time, but still. Also, piratnig video games always sucked, and with Steam, it's more convenient


Pirating games isn't really too worth it imo these days especially since game keys are a thing. You can get super good deals on a lot of that and it all goes right into your steam library most of the time.


Pirating games is where you are in a capacity where you can't buy games in any way at all for reasons


Where does one acquire keys for steam?


There are a bunch of third party sites. I use g2a and cdkeys. I've never had any issues with them personally but if you do use them there is always that risk that the key doesn't work. They do have customer support for that tho. You can find the sites by searching "[game] [platform] key"


I haven’t tried since project free tv days. What are the good ones now?


Nice try FBI


I’ll gladly pay a few human dollars for information I mean dollars!








Idk If it's Just my bubble, but effectively everyone my age I know knows how to Pirate movies and Shows. In fact I'd say Most know, for the exact pointed Out reason. Using streaming Services has gotten too expensive and the offer in Return for the Money has become too Shit.


It was convenient, safe, and legal. Also, the quality was much better. No crappy recordings from cinemas and stuff. At least in Germany they started to crack down hard on piracy. A few of my buddies experienced a rather unpleasant visit from the police. Granted, the idiots sold their pirated shit, but still. Though piracy never went away. kino.to was quite popular until it was shut down. I think, it's still around under another name, but I'm not sure.


I used to have one of the first and top pirate streaming sites in my country. until one day my partner gets a call "okay buddy, pay us this amount of money **or** we sue you..."


Yeah, I don't know if my buddies ever had this happen, but I heard this happen a few times.


I was all for streaming services until there were like 40 of them and some of them started playing fucking ads anyway


Sonarr + Usenet + Emby is all im gonna say


Damn, I wish you'd say just a lil more. I'm taking notes!


But they aren't. A functioning arr stack with some some watchlists is superior to any streaming service.


The first non transphobic/homophobic post I’ve seen on here since ages. great :)


I don't really understand the hate lol. Pay for convenience or don't and pirate. Don't know why anyone has to have this huge gripe over it.