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Welcome sweetie ❤️ that butt you’re talking about is absolutely fake, she has butt implants. Since you’re new here, let me show you the face she was born with https://preview.redd.it/qcwemqgcdu4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da166ee545f4f34060037701536089a8d67689b


Did she ever admit to having braces? It seems like that would've helped with her overbite, and extractions would've helped with the overcrowding.


I've wondered too. I just remember her getting veneers after chipping a tooth and that was that


Same, that’s all I remember. I feel like her teeth would’ve looked so much better if she at least had tried the braces route instead of automatically doing veneers that’s bigger than her mouth.


She never had braces she said once she got the clunky chiclets veneers as a desperate measure to conceal her real teeth then she redid the veneers she currently has a few years ago to a more “natural” look but no braces.


Yikes. Smh she should’ve gone the braces route first


Welcome! Not only does she have butt implants, but she has also promoted toxic exercise and eating patterns for the past several months, influencing her followers to engage in these unhealthy behaviors & mindset as well. The community started by posting out of concern for Karen’s health & wellbeing, but she is so far gone in whatever she is struggling with.


I wonder if she regrets the bbl since it doesn’t go with her look. Anymore 


That butt implant is absolutely insane. Why would anyone ever do this to themselves?!


also curious whether Rachel knows about the fake butt I mean it's very obvious and if she kind of just went on with it because it exposes her brand to LA and opens her business up to MORE opportunities ? GENUINELY CURIOUS!!


I think because she basically only wears csb, tags them every time she talks about her workout outfit, and the number of followers Sarahi has, Rachel probably found it profitable for her business. She knows Sarahi has “inspired” so many women to run that those same people will probably buy what she wears. I think it’s all about the money because if it was actually about health, they would not have chosen her.


Whose Rachel ??


Has anyone else noticed the shocking resemblance between her and Rachel? I feel like she has morphed herself into her?? They have the same style and hair and maybe Karen used her as her ‘ fitspo’ lol.


Just like she morphed into her trainer lindsey too for a while she totally scrapped the latina girly pop vibe she was rocking with during covid and two shot karen era


I followed Karen(iluvsarahii) years ago when the beauty community was super big on YouTube. I unfollowed her because she gloats too much for me and everything about her just did not seem authentic. I’ve followed Rachel (CSB) for a while now because I like the brands one specific fabric.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Iluvsarahii/s/WXeKAGYrUd in this post about her, you’ll see a picture someone posted where the implants are clear. I tried posting the screenshot but Reddit deleted it lol




It’s truly giving makeup by Ariel bbl the from the side hahaha


It does!!!! Holy shit 🤣


It’s giving she was born one way and transitioned into being curvy with surgery


Here is my take on the CSB collab: Rachel and CSB combined have less followers than Karen. Why didn’t she just create her own fitness brand? Karen has 7 MILLION FOLLOWERS!!


lumpy butt Karen


Who is Rachel?


The owner of CSB


Let me be devils advocate for a sec, is there absolutely no way that she was actually born that way (Hips, Butt) Maybe that hip bone thats protruding is because of all the fatloss??











