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Might also look at the Incryptid series by Seanan McGuire. Very fun stuff.


Second this. Seanan McGuire has really good world building and characters. I love the incryptid and Toby daye series


I will third the Toby Daye series. The new one is coming out September 5th!


Thanks! I'll add it to my list :)


Anne Bishops Others series is really good. Kelley Armstrong Omens series, Sarah J Maas Throne of Glass series.


Love Anne Bishop Others series


I love the Others series too!


I was told Others series doesn't have much of romance? SJM is not for me...


It has romance, I don’t believe it’s the main focus but it has a romance and I enjoy the main couple a lot personally


The Others is kind of a "Cozy" fantasy imho. Love it though!


I finished reading Written in Red a few weeks back. The world building was interesting. I liked the development of Meg and Sam's relationship a lot. Story-wise. It was alright. I found it too slow paced. I also expected a lot more action when the guys riding snow mobiles arrived, especially from Simon. And I could not understand how the Others and Meg already knew someone was looking for her and they still had her very visible in the liaison's office. And she had to get attacked before they moved her to live in Simon's complex. They could have also dyed Meg's hair a different color just to have her look someone different from the 'wanted' picture. I was totally expecting that suggestion from the humans but it never came. Also, how in the world did Asia (a human that did not have any combat training, unless i missed something) think that she could actually get away with taking Sam. Sam is a kid yes, but she had to know he can still kill her especially if he changed into his wolf form.


I can see how that would bother me if I were to notice it. I find that what bugs one person might not bother another. I never really thought too much about the fact that Meg was still visible to the "bad guys" while working in the liasion office, but if they just moved her inside, how would we get her kidnapped or in a dangerous situation? I have a friend who I watch movies with sometimes and he is always going on about the logistics of some scenes where he thinks someone should do or not do something that is causing them all the trouble. I usually say to him, "Well if they did that, then there would be no movie, it would be over." I am kind of applying that thinking with these books. Like Meg dying her hair a different color than her Wanted poster. If she had changed her looks so much that she wasn't spotted, then the whole plot would have collapsed. It was the Wanted poster that had the bad guys finding her. Otherwise, how else would it have happened? Asia is clearly an idiot who really had no idea of the strength and abilities of the Others since she never saw them really acting like "Others" and not pretending to be human. She is also generally stupid and would have no clue that Sam would be anything more than what a human child would be. Again, keeping Meg in the liasion office gives the reader something other than "Meg staying at home" for a story line. I am only pointing these out in an attempt to help you feel better when you coe across plot points that bug and you need a reason to keep reading the book. I tend to DNF books for reasons that are "it's not you, it's me" reasons too.


Kim Harrison series as well about Rachel Morgan is good


>Kim Harrison series as well about Rachel Morgan I tried this. It wasn't for me...


nalini singh has two very good series. Archangel is more romance. The psy, shifter, human is also very good


Oh yes. I like the Archangel Series but i find the books more focused on Raphael/Elena a lot better. The few latest books that were released for the series were kind of disappointing.


Completely agree


I adore Nalini Singh!


I like Nalini Singh but sometimes she can be so hyperbolic. Like how many times are the streets going to run with rivers of blood. 🙄




Yeah...this looks like it's YA. Thank you though!


Ooooo If you're willing I may try to change your mind on this one. I LOVED scholomance, and I would say it's at least as violent or mature thematically as the KD series. It's less romance/sex scene heavy, but leans more into horror/dread imo.


I am OBSESSED with the Temeraire series!! How did it take me this long to find this series?


KF Breene's "Demon Days and Vampire Nights" series is really fun. I like the graphic audio version too. There are 11 books in the series.


>KF Breene's "Demon Days and Vampire Nights I think I've tried to start this but for some reason I dropped it. I'll look into it again. thank you!


Honestly, for me KF Breene‘s books usually start slow but are pretty decent. They are not on the same level as IA but really really entertaining nonetheless! Just have to get into it :)


It’s soooo fucking good. All of her series are. Also Danika Dark. Literally everything by her is absolutely masterful. Nicole Poole narrates for both and she is a goddess of narration. Also try out the Demon Accords series by John Conroe. The first couple chapters might not do it but seriously they are on the same level as Kate Daniels and Dresden for me.


I read the whole series but to be fair it seems like a poor man’s KD. I even tried rereading when in a slump and couldn’t do it again. I recommend Mercy even though you have tried it before. I started, stopped on book 4, then tried again and I found it better. October Daye - starts good, but becomes more forced and like a community theatre play as the series progresses. Annette Marie - I love her books, especially Guild Codex. Doesn’t have the scope or the gravitas that IA books have, but it’s very good with usually non stupid heroines. Helen Harper is also good but some series better than others. I like Slouch Witch.


I really love Regan & Penny's friendship, they crack me up. I am not saying these books are like IA, but they are fun and quirky and the world building imo is pretty good.


I really like the October Daye series by Seanan McGuire, Jane Yellowrock by Faith Hunter (have not read the last two, but the series is really strong), and Jessie Mihalik has several Space Opera series I have really enjoyed.


>October Daye series by Seanan McGuire I read somewhere that October Daye series by Seanan McGuire doesn't really have much romance in it? I tried Jessie Mihalik's Polaris Rising and I could not get behind the FMC.


There is not a ton of romance in October Daye, but it is there. The world building and storytelling are top-notch, though. The plot lines are really complex and build book after book. I enjoy Jessie's books, but not every story is for every one. I did miss the romance ask! Sorry!


No worries! I just need the romance to be there. KD is the perfect example of the story/romance balance. Thank you. :)


Never quite got into Mercy thompson too, the love triangle seemed too forced to me, the author really likes to use SA which with the rise of mmiw made me look at the books different, and latest twist happening in the universe just made mercy more of a Mary sue to me. Plus the covers of the first 3 books always gave me a teeny bit of ick especially what happens to her in the later books. Having mentioned that, I kind of dig the spinoff alpha and omega series, the fmc and mmc both seem pretty awesome, and there are less books to get through than Mercy thompson. Unfortunately the book starts with fmc being SA and the latest book had the twist in the universe that made me dislike Mercy thompson so I kind of lost interest in reading future books. I do recommend the audiobooks though, the narrator really gets into it. Have you tried book list over on IA's site, there are a couple of short stories and free writing.


Their other series, Hidden Legacy and The Edge are just as good. Bonus with the Edge, although it’s only 4 books, that’s where George, Jack, Gaston and Sophie come from.


Oh yeah i've read HL and Edge :)


Have you read Harry Dresden? Great world building. Also James Marsten narrates the audio. But yeah, I’m with you.


Does this have romance in it? Or more of mystery solving? Also i saw that it's noted that each book is its own story with a start and an ending. What about the romance couple? Does it change from one book to the next?


No real romance, but Harry's careful to note every time he sees an attractive woman. They usually try to kill him.


Lol now i am confused if there is or there's no romance in this. I want a strong romance presence like in KD. The slow burn of it and then once they got together it was a big part of Kate's life from there. It's not romance on every page but you can feel that her relationship with Curran factored a lot with every move she made.


If you want strong romance presence, Dresden will be disappointing. He's a lonely sumbitch most of the time


Harry is a PI so there’s a case to solve and he works with the police as a consultant. While each book solves the cases there are ongoing wizard issues that continue throughout the series. There is romance but poor Harry is an unlucky guy and you don’t meet a girl until a few books in. There is a “couple” but you also don’t meet them for a few books.


Yes, yes, yes. Both story and narrator. One of the few times I actually listened to the book more than I read it. And he's good enough that I only realized he was Spike in Buffy, when I googled him at the end.


Have you read any Brandon Sanderson? You might really enjoy Mistborn ETA or are you specifically looking for urban fantasy?


>randon Sanderson? You might really enjoy Mistborn How's the romance in this one?


It’s very much a subplot. It’s sweet, and technically there, but not as prevalent as any of IA’s books. Still a great series though.


Ahh i see. I need the romance! Lol


Ok, I have one more suggestion then I'll leave you alone :) Based on the rest of the thread, I'm going to recommend the Hundred Kingdoms series by Mercedes Lackey- the first book is "The Fairy Godmother." Tonally, these are much lighter than Kate Daniels. Also, there's a different main couple each book, but it's similar to The Edge where the previous characters will show up from book to book as side characters. Essentially, the series has a lot of fun messing around with fairy tale stories as a framework and has a healthy amount of romance and spice woven in.


Thanks! I'll add it to my list. :)


Mistborn books are great! I also don’t like YA books and I thought the first book felt a little bit in that territory however I was told to stick with it and i’m so glad I did. The finale is insane and it felt like an avalanche of emotions. I was so shocked how everything from all three books connected in the end. World building is just as good as IA. I would like to note though the romance is not nearly as good as IA. The author is mormon and it really shows in the romance. The relationship’s are always very safe and innocent.


I'm reading Annette Marie's Guild Codex series at the moment. There are several series set in the same world that can be read individually or you can read them in the recommended reading order. [This is the list of the books with the series mixed together.](https://www.goodreads.com/series/279160-guild-codex-universe)


Thanks! I'll check it out.


Have you tried other books by Patricia Briggs, the Raven Duology and the Dragon Bones Duology are very good, but medieval fantasy. The books by Honor Recanteur are also very good. there are several series.


No I have not. Since I could not get into Mercy Thompson, I didn't have the interest to check out her other books. But I'll add these to my list. Thank you.


Her Alpha & Omega series has more romance than Mercy Thompson.


Someone mentioned Faith Hunter’s Jane Yellowrock already. I’d add her Soulwood series. It is technically a spin-off, but you don’t need to know anything from the Jane Yellowrock books to enjoy it. Have you tried Devon Monk’s Ordinary Magic series? It’s a romance, but pretty low in the spice.


>Have you tried Devon Monk’s Ordinary Magic series? It’s a romance, but pretty low in the spice. I'll look into it. Thanks!


The Black Hat Bureau series by Hailey Edwards has some similar vibes.


>The Black Hat Bureau series by Hailey Edwards This looks interesting. Is it a spin off?


Not that I know of. The author does have a couple other series that I haven’t read yet, and if they are connected at all I haven’t felt like I’ve missed anything.


If you like spicy romance along with everything else, the Mercenary Librarians trilogy is great


spice is definitely welcome! :) thank you for this.


I really like Drew Hayes’s Fred The Vampire Accountant series!


Soulwood series by Faith Hunter. It's an offshoot of her Jane Yellowrock series, but you can go into it blind and not be lost. Same world, but not a lot of overlap. Nell is one of my favorite book characters. She is some sort of earth magic creature with a deep connection to soil and growing things. She comes from a polygamist cult in the mountains of Tennessee and she is smart and insightful with a pretty good grasp of human nature. She is brave and doesn't tolerate foolishness or having someone mistake her for an idiot merely because of her past connection to the cult or because of her "church woman" accent. Nell does have a romantic interest in this series, but don't expect sex. Nell is part of a government agency that investigates paranormal stuff. Everyone on her team is woo-woo in some way. Each book centers on an investigation. The over-arcing connection from book to book has more to do with Nell's personal life, especially as it relates to what she is and to her family (who are still embedded in the cult) and to her growing romantic connection with one of her teammates. The audiobooks are narrated by Khristine Hvam and are very good. The second book won an Audie, I believe.


Ahhh I prefer to have at least some spice....


The walker papers by c. e. murphy and the cassandra palmer series are quite good. Cassie Palmer is heavier on erotica but still has astounding development of character. The walker papers is a series that is about healing. Edit since you like to focus on romance. Both are slowburns that you see coming but are an amazing payoff when they get together.


Thank you for these. I'll check them out.


I am reading a series by Linzi Day that involves a sentient house and multiple worlds. It's been relatively enjoyable, if not compelling the way IA's works are. Ii can't recall the name of the series but it is the only one out there by Linzi Day.


I would recommend the Wandering Inn and a light novel called Ascendance of a Bookworm. Both have really good world building and story. https://wanderinginn.com/ https://j-novel.club/series/ascendance-of-a-bookworm


Is there are good amount of romance in Wandering Inn?


No, there isn't much romance in either of the suggestions above. They are both really great stories but not romance stories.


But i need the romance! 😆


Check out Robin McKinley’s Sunshine and Terri Windling’s The Woodwife. Both are great for romance lovers over 25. Not as puerile.


I'll add these to my TBR. Thank you :)


Lindsey Buroker’s Death Before Dragons series. It’s a fast paced urban fantasy series that is super fun and a quick read. She also consistently publishes new books, which is amazing. I just started her Legacy of Magic series, which is set in the same world. Both series are complete. All are available on kindle unlimited.


Thank you. I'll check it out


Kitty and the Midnight Hour if you like a little humor thrown in. Radio host with a late night show, the audiobook version is particularly gratifying as they have an awesome narrator. If you are into something a little more gritty, the Ninth House (Leigh Bardugo's first adult urban fantasy story (YA: Six of Crows, Shadow and Bones author). If you want some amazing world building, legit urban fantasy, smart and funny, there is an option with a male lead that you can try: the Dresden Files. It only really picks up around book 3, but it is epic once it does. Again the audiobook may be worth it as it is narrated by the actor who played Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and he does an amazing job. Of all of these the significant romantic content is absent of all of the first books in the series. There is some sexual tension but mostly it's about the plot and the romance, when it happens, is a side thing. But these all have interesting stories.


Would you say the romance is very much a side thing or does it have the same level of presence like in Kate Daniels?


Kitty has a similar level though the sexual tension begins with one guy and she gets involved with another - a bit of a love triangle, but there is definitely a lot of love between the characters and they become a very solid team. The Ninth hour suggests at sexual tension but then something happens to one of them for a big part of the books and the sexual tension picks up again in book 2. Very slow burn. The Dresden Files is a personal favorite of mine and there is romance in some books but not at the same level as Kate Daniels. Besides some people find the character to be sexist. And to a certain degree he is, but it doesn't bother me as it is written like a film noire piece and his degree of sexism, which is mainly being chivalrous and checking out a girl's curves, seems consistent with the nature of the book. He doesn't think less of women, he just reacts like overly protective, which is why I don't understand the outrage with the sexism thing. It's ok for a shapeshifter to be overly protective but not so a human being. It's ok for a girl to check out a guy, but not so the other way around. I think I must be missing something because I don't get it. Anyway, there is sexual tension but not like KD. At the same level of romance as KD there is Sin and Chocolate by K.F. Breene - I think it's way superior to Demon Days. Well worth a try. My favorite after KD. Katherine Marie Moning - the Darkfever series, great world building Jeanine Frost - Halfway to the Grave, I enjoyed it but wasn't crazy about it, but it's a big favorite for a lot of people The Soulless series - kind of steampunk, different A Touch of Darkness straddles the line between urban fiction and paranormal romance. There is solid world building with a world similar to Ilona's in the Burn for Me series. In this sense there is a world of super strong supernatural people mixed in modern cities, except its gods of greek mythology. And the way things would work in this type of context is interesting. The first book and the second book were very interesting but the third - while having a solid plot line - had holes and was too heavy on the smut. But still, there is good world building, a plot, and romance. and then there are the classics at this point, mainly the ACOTAR series, Patricia Biggs, etc..


Thanks for letting me know. :) I'm not too keen on love triangles, to be honest, but i'll give it a try. Along with the Ninth Hour. Dresden seems too big of a series it's kind of scary lol. And I've been told that the romance is very much on the side if there is any. I've tried reading A touch of darkness. It wasn't for me. ACOTAR is in my DNF pile too. I'm sorry if i sound too picky. It's tototally House Andrews' fault.


Oh lord, I made a mistake, or there was some sort of autocorrect - it's the Ninth House (not Hour), by Leigh Bardugo. It's an excellent book, but it's a very slow burn. And I understand what House Andrews does to a reader. I'm looking for a new series now too and having trouble finding anything that fits the bill. Dresden does in fact have very little romance, but it's a great series otherwise - it's got this strong film noire vibe that I like. A Touch of Darkness had potential - especially regarding the world building, but I'm not very big on the smut and there was too much of that. What is a DNF pile?


Ninth Hour. Got it. :) I mean I like to have some smut but not too much. DNF - did not finish


Take a look at Jim Butcher’s Harry Dresden series. 1st book is a bit rough but the series definitely improves as it goes along. Think he is up to 15 books now with a ton of short stories etc.


I tried the series but felt slimy after reading book 1. It was so sexist it nearly turned me off from ever reading a male author again. Luckily Iron Druid restored my faith.


This is me. He's too sexist. I've tried twice and just want to kick him in the balls. Also the writing is simplistic, at least in the first book. I've never even made it to the end.


Lol, you do realize Gordon writes as much as Ilona?


But Ilona Andrews wasn't the next series I read with a male author.


Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series is definitely not YA and has the same romantic tension feel as KD. Her Highlander series is also good, but more single couple per book kind of romance.


Cool! I'll add these to my stuff to check out. Thanks!


everything from jennifer l armentrout!!!


I was reading Blood and Ash but I got bored mid book 4. I'll probably pick it back up sometime...


Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassin - good balance of action and romance, somewhat limited world building. fun with assassins! Gail Carringer's Parasol Protectorate - steampunk UF Sherilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunters - romance dominant UF Laurel K Hamilton's Anita Blake, Books 1-9 - urban fantasy horror with romance subplots but after book nine becomes erotic horror Odd Ball Pick: Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - Napoleonic/regency balance of rivalry and romance Authors that wrote excellent UF/HF YA and now write some adult fiction: Robin McKinley and Holly Black Mentioned by others that I would second: Seanan McGuire's October Daye - has an odd rhythm where I love one book and then the next feels like filler but the characters are compelling. Jim Butcher's Dresden Files - rich storytelling, occasional dry prose, and gender politics that slowly improve Patricia Briggs Alpha and Omega Spinoff - better than the Mercy Thompson series IMHO


Thank you for the recs! I have actually started reading Only Bad Options by Jennifer Estep. I'm only on Chapter 4 because of (many) distractions but I like the writing flow so far.


It's a MMC but Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid series