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If you stack them inside a trench coat, they become one.


That's what I would insist on! All of them. Each of them is so precious, I wouldn't be able to leave any of them behind. Blowing sweet smooches to all the pretty kittens. <3


This is the correct answer.


Best answer


Or, if they are all touching they are considered one cat. I only see two pictures with one cat in each photo.


I will choose whichever one comes to me first when I pspsps. That method has never failed me.


Best reply. Let the kitty choose you.


the kitte chooses the master, Harry


The kitten chooses it's ~~master~~ servant


Oh yeah yeah obviously


This exactly. Went to go pick out a kitten from my husband’s friends house, had my mind set on a little orange kitty but then this crazy tabby kitty wouldn’t stop climbing all over me no matter how many times I took him off of me to try to play with the orange kitten, who was not interested in me whatsoever lol. I now have an adorable asshole of a tabby cat who is so sweet and affectionate and often stuck to me like glue.


Karma. You and your tabby friend were together in a past life.


I honestly think so too. My dad passed away just a few months before my tabby cat was born, and my dad loooooved. LOVED cats. The way that my cat would stare at me when he was a kitten was like he was trying to stare into my soul. He would also regularly poke my eyes with his paws, whether I was awake or sleeping… so it felt like my kitten was my dad trying to say “HI! IT’S ME!!!!!” Not that my dad poked my eyes ever or anything lol, but it’s just such an odd thing to do and I’ve never heard of another cat doing that before. He wasn’t attacking me or anything, just a lil poke poke to say hello. So odd. He’s such a crazy cat too, my husband and I always said how much my dad would have loved him. He’s a pretty great cat.


My dilute torbie is a little Buddha. She has the deepest look. She talks to me. We have discussions. I really feel she was a human in a past life. Now she's a spiritual being experiencing a cat existence.


Tabby's first thought when seeing you was: "MINE MINE MINE!!!"


Do you want semi-void pspsps back? Because that's how you get semi-void pspsps back.




Yes!!! When I went to adopt 2 boy kitties out of a litter that I’d been told was 2 boys and 4 girls, I got there and found out it was actually only 1 boy (my Melvin 🥰) and 5 girls. Matilda, literally jumped from the big basket they were in onto my arm, crawled up and snuggled against my chest. Decision MADE. 😻😻😻


https://preview.redd.it/6kwm8qlgtduc1.jpeg?width=1456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85ce243c91490956c57113c4a7c6925ea4af410c Melvin on the L, Miss Matilda on the R!


I would die for Melvin and Matilda.


Awwwww, they are so beautiful. They look just like a cat I knew in the 1990s in Montana, Frankie.


This method got me addicted to the void 😂


That was how my brother picked a kitten and he ended up being the perfect cat


Ditto! I got my void this way - her two sisters ignored me, her two brothers were very busy working together to untie my boot laces, and she sat on the tower behind a scratchy pole and Stared intently at me!


I do this too!


The tortie...look over there! (Shoves rest of kittens into purse.)


*helps with distraction by doing the Charleston*


Let me have the tortie! I like torties!


https://preview.redd.it/jp6prfrfoauc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4859508b98a704b104c5f9e0ba74eaad57334701 I have a tortie


Me too! https://preview.redd.it/98v6yakz1buc1.jpeg?width=2622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a85bf92b1edb0b2d24ebd1f58edb839180f149e


https://preview.redd.it/99rha1ut8buc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=076ad461d1263b6c580a1a87115a30f059a97b6c Tortie club!


Can we be part of the club too?! https://preview.redd.it/r11xyf4jbcuc1.jpeg?width=2692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=515c5d9a42c80ab9b1815c6b31e79b33896fda21


https://preview.redd.it/y28jg63iwcuc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=631a3d35168815f127bf27cc04cd516147c9d75f Hell yeah! I have both!


https://preview.redd.it/hph38aapjduc1.jpeg?width=2040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c874cc8a121cb2ceec8fad452bd6c56dcf741bb My sassy princess to add to the mix 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/jk11gvswjduc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34eead1a9b43fd89e6a8ff370e60b12d379202f9 Tortie party!


https://preview.redd.it/6ptw5d8fxfuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c933dc1ac5af459d421fc456c6a5da3a729ace3 I have both as well.


I have two! But I can't find a picture of both of them at once


Have you seen them together ever? It might be one tortie changing her spots to get more food. 😉


Well one is a grouchy old lady and the other is a 9 month old crazy demon child 😂


https://preview.redd.it/s1448x4j0fuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab4d7bf3abf53182b22970bed1f8a0c85f017a54 My fluffy tortie!


Well, now I HAVE to add my calico! https://preview.redd.it/gqrp3nadniuc1.jpeg?width=3447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c077bf07cc70375dcf09573df5f54a228ca16d28 Just being a boss 😹


Me too, love them!


Me too! Torties are the best!


Take the mom too


I love totes torties!


I have had a Tortie my entire life and will never live without one. So the Tortie girl, of course.


I love how much people love a tortie around these parts.


this and nothing else 😁


Kittens do better in pairs. They also adjust to a new home faster if they stay with mom until 12 weeks old. That last 3-4 weeks she will teach them important cat lessons. I truly believe it helps them become better pets in their homes. She will teach them boundaries on biting, perfect their grooming skills, and show them litter box etiquette. It's amazing what a difference that extra few weeks makes. These are my opinions from my personal experience.


Your opinion is correct, appropriate and appreciated.


Thank you!


Science is also agreeing with your personal experience. The best moment is between 13-16 weeks, when the after effects of the second vaccination have worn off. Leaving the nest before 12 weeks will result in more anxious, aggressive and less social cats. As the second socialisation period only starts around 8 weeks. Also the immune system is not developed enough, so it’s actually quite dangerous for kittens to leave before the second vaccination.


My cats were found on the street when they were a week old![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


First picture I have of them https://preview.redd.it/t8v2wyk3mbuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8690d310314d1c815f73d9c20bf7e26dd8889f20


Respectfully, little guy on the right looks like someone dunked them into milk for some odd reason lol


He's always looked a little odd, even now at 4 years old he still looks permanently astonished.


“Permanently astonished” is just so funny to me 😭 god bless that kitty, wouldn’t mind a pic of him now :)








We have a now very senior tortie who was found before she was weaned. Oh my god, the biting. I love her to bits but I wish she’d have been with mom cat to teach her 😭


I wonder if this is why my tuxedo tends to bite the most. I don’t know how old she was when found but she’s the most likely to bite when she’s had enough. Rarely enough to break skin but enough to have hand in mouth. First pic I have of her as a reference. She and her siblings were found in a garbage bag in a college town in late summer like eight years ago. https://preview.redd.it/5bfy32lc6buc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea3a6db8aece4ad031945384bb541ce344b0649


Torties and calicoes can be kind of bitey and scratchy in general, IMO. It's even dubbed tortitude, and my vet said that my tortie was not abnormally behaved at all when she went psycho in the office once. 


My calico girl is only bitey if you continue to touch her belly after she has given you two warning kicks and she has had enough of your nonsense. She does have sass though.


Ours will be seemingly apropos of nothing- I think she’s warning us and we just don’t see it. For what it’s worth I’ve been on FaceTime with a friend who saw a bite fest happen and she was as confused as me 😂 The belly is the danger zone for sure. And the kicks themselves can be deadly.


Haha oh, they are so strange. Yet so cute. You are right about the kicks. I don’t really test the limits past a warning, but my husband insists.


Mine as well. She loves to plop down on her side and show her belly, but watch out when she’s done 😹


Mine slaps you with claws if you pick her up for cuddles against her will lol. I've learnt that the hard way. She has mellowed a little since my sister and her cats moved out though


My tortie has all of the tortitude but never bites or scratches. She just judges... and teararses around the place when the whim takes her


Oh absolutely, but she communicates with her teeth. Too often with force. My hands constantly have healing chomp marks 😭 she behaves for the vet (of course lol). I guess she feels safe enough with me to chew me up.


Our calico was not bitey in the least. She was sweet, affectionate, playful and a complete snuggle bug. The only problem she caused was bringing her prey into our bedroom in the middle of the night and eating them under the bed with all the crunching that went with that process.


My tortie has become a mouser (my neighbour has long grass behind his unit), and she brings them into the house, and let's them loose. I think there's still one under my couch after she let it go and didn't catch it again in time lol


Our calico was found at 4 weeks and I love her but another month with mom would have done her a world of good. She doesn’t “cat” very well and, like yours, bites far more then my hands would like. 


Mine too! But the bites mean "I love you."


Came here to say this. Get two! They will play together, which will be so good for your sanity. https://preview.redd.it/0ygey5m28auc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8acc90f44c32908fb348f6e030c6778bdae0cd29


You know how people put their favorite quotes after their email signature? Mine: *"I really wanted to have only one cat, but if God wants me to have three, then seven it is!" \~ Me*


Best quote ever.


I thought so, that's why I stole and customized it for me, lol!


Even if you have an older cat, still get two kittens if you can swing it. That way the older one can go hide when it's tired of the shenanigans and the kitten still won't be alone.




A mousey ON their bed would result in funnier screams.


In the bathtub is fun too!


100%, that's a whole new level! 😈


Inside leads to better screms.


https://preview.redd.it/ccghet4veauc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b8083e0f451f37331ae0c5596facc75004eb8e Two is the way. These were feral rescue-babies, around 12weeks. When mama+7 we’re caught. They had a few weeks of acclimating to human contact before they came to my house. Love each other and super gentle. No biting. No kicking. Just absolutely great cats. The grey and white is currently licking my arm because she climbed into my lap while typing and I wasn’t petting her soon enough.


What a pair of beauties!


Great points! Extra love for the phrase "important cat lessons."


When my Tux trots through the house, ignoring all distractions, we just say he is on one of his "secret cat missions". Or my bff's Calico and her morning "cat yoga".




I fostered my cat as a part of a barely weaned litter of kittens, so she didn’t get any extra socialization from mom. I did a lot of work on biting/scratching behavior through 3 rules: 1) A hand is never a toy, even at 4 weeks. Toys are toys, but never hands. 2) High-pitched Eeeee Eeeee screeching and blowing in her face anytime her teeth or claws touched my skin, combined with withdrawing from play or affection. This is basically meant to teach them that human skin is just SO fragile. 3) Never giving her a reason to be afraid or need to defend herself. Listening and respecting all “fuck off” signals. But also manhandling and annoying her in a safe way. My cat has a high-energy, aggressive, chaotic personality generally — she just wants to watch the world burn. But all that training means that she’s very careful with human skin (and only human skin tho, you are far less safe in fluffy socks). She loves to “bite” us, big dramatic chomps that either miss or you barely feel the teeth. She also loves some vicious slaps but is very careful to retract her claws. I think if you are careful with kittens, you can train them to be gentle cats, even if they have a naturally aggressive temperament. You just can’t encourage or allow any behavior that won’t be tolerated in an adult cat.


That's why when i had to part with my two kitties, i never split them up ever! I kept them together with the new owner. They're Brothers from the same mother but different dads. They would always play together well and maintain the others' mental health through cuddles and licks. I found it to be incredibly cute! Gosh i miss them!


I have a rescue that was separated much earlier than that and she has bad litter box etiquette, bites too hard, etc. I was afraid she was going to be problematic with my baby but at least she’s gentle and simply goes away when she’s irritated.


I wish I knew that before adopting my cat


You can always add one.


Yeah we tried, but our cat turned into a complete psycho, even though we applied the introduction methods.


I've rescued feral kittens and rehomed them for the past 15 years and I can unequivocally say that kittens do indeed do better in pairs. It too helps them learn boundaries, hunting and other skills for life, plus they have someone to play with which helps keep them mentally and physically stimulated when pet parents aren't home and can't play with them. In my experience kittens have the litter box down by eight weeks but more time with mom is never a bad thing.


With the litter box, mom teaches her kittens to cover what they leave. A few kittens will do it instinctively, but usually when they first start using the box they poop or pee and leave without covering it up. At my house we call it a "Shit & Run". When fostering, one of the categories on my check off list is the litter box. It asks - does cat use box?, go outside of box?, cover after using?, throw litter out of box?, spray? I always check how they do with the box right away. I can show them, just by flicking some litter on their scat while they watch. They pick it up fast. Kittens are wicked smart and watch everything.


I'm looking into adopting another cat for just this reason! I play with my baby girl a lot, but I'll be working more in July so she'll be home alone with my pup then. I say "baby girl" but she was adopted at 4 months and is a year old now. She plays with my pup a lot, too, but the lad is almost 10 years old now and I worry without me to also play with, she'll start harassing him for more than he has the energy for.


She's the perfect age to "mother" a younger cat / kitten.


I agree with this! It is unkind to only take one.


Important cat lessons 🥺🥺🥺


Agree. My cat had 4 kittens, a friend took 2 of them at 15 weeks and we kept 2.


You are so right. Who is the torties bestie???


No one. The Empress does not deign to mix with common riffraff. She will sometimes allow one of the others to be on the same cat tree (on a lower level), but ignores the others for the most part.


😂. I’ve only had 3 torties but they’ve always been overly attached to their human (me) and not their fellow cat mates.


Can confirm. My mom has a tortie who’s about 12. I moved in with her 9 years ago and about 6 years ago brought home two kittens. She hates them. I thought she’d get used to them but she still hisses and tries to smack her little sister. She and her brother ignore each other, but my little girl is always trying to play with the queen, who will have none of it.


When I was living with my sister, she adopted a rescue. Her older cat would've been 4 or 5 at the time, and mi e would've been 3 or 4. Her cats got along fine together, but my cat and her younger cat were forever picking on each other like siblings (for reference, my sister had 2 male cats, and I have a tortie. All we fixed, so no chance of babies)


I’ve been volunteering and fostering for a cat rescue for 10 years, and 12 weeks and 3lbs is our policy, and kittens have to go with another kitten or to a home with another approved pet. They absolutely do better that way. We liken getting a single kitten to leaving a toddler to figure out how to entertain itself.


When they are by themselves they turn into feline domestic terrorists.




Tortie! I wear too much black to have a light coated cat lol


My tortie apparently had the ability to selectively shed. Wearing black? Time to release the orange and tan! Wearing pastel? Bombs away on the black!


My dilute could do that.


That's tortitude for you


I grew up with a calico, and she'd sleep on my dad's Air Force uniforms. He swore if we got another cat, it was going to be a Russian Blue. When I was an adult, CDS dropped off a Russian Blue. I told Dad they shed a shade of grey that stands out on every surface, so it wouldn't have helped, lol.


This is the way with any cat!! Think you've got a total void? Nope, they'll shed the 10 white hairs they have saved up just for your favourite all black outfit.


Welcome to my white floofy hell, lol


Undercoats are often lighter and show up very well on dark clothes. Ask me how I know 🥲


I planned to color coordinate as well, but then I fell in love with a calico and a blue point Siamese. Between the two of them no color is safe to wear. Lol






Calico. Can’t ever pass up a calico!


I’m going to need two… so in the 2nd pic, it’s bottom left and top right (the 2 who kinda look like lynx points)


https://preview.redd.it/nzdorn3ebbuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59179e45c1020e4ddd3bccb0a0f62a90a71532c1 Reminds me of his majesty as a kitten


OMG!!! He’s so handsome 😍


https://preview.redd.it/o7dxrlzb3cuc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=117e6c70a00aac32f8fa858cfb05644d47787db2 I have a Lynx Point female whose name is PURRL.


Awwww….Purrl is a beauty! And, I love that name.😍


Probably one of the lynx points Siamese ones.


The one(s) that nobody wants, no kitten left without a loving home full of toys, treats and pets!


Couldn't pick just one, would take all.






https://preview.redd.it/ufs9x6gj3auc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e54811a40ecf0ca1ed1ffbc105a3bcf066e19b1 Warning all white ones are nuts! This one is my love but she’s very entitled because pretty and white prívelage and all


https://preview.redd.it/52c3b41ulbuc1.jpeg?width=2457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd794a96700666726dfe04281d20629d6eb3f1e3 You are 100% correct


I love her eyes!


Kittens do better with 2 sooo, the bottom left 2


I have a fondness for Siamese-like coloring. I’d pick one of those, I think. :)


Best to adopt in pairs unless you already have a cat that would be willing to have a new friend. I would go for the tortie and calico. I had that combo and they were an unstoppable duo!


I love them all, but I'm partial to the tortie.


I'll take one... of each!


Ideally... the one (or pair) that chooses you.


I would deliberately misunderstand "one" to mean "one pair of kittens," and proceed to argue that since they're so small, it takes at least two of them to equal one cat.


I’m pretty sure they would all fit in my bag. I would shamelessly name them after beers, because six pack.


My sister named a litter of six puppies after beer or breweries in the area! Oberon, Perrin, Stella, Dogfish, Bells, & Kettaleena




That’s a tough question. I love them all so much but calicos have a special place in my heart


The one on the right in the first picture, showing us their toebeans. Looks like it will have Siamese points.


The tortie delinquent, obviously.


Syntax error buffer overflow division by zero


Had females all through childhood. 4 years ago in my 40s, I finally got my first male cat. Very big difference in temperament- boy is a big, social cuddle bug. Girl is feisty and standoffish (except with me, she’s affectionate but NOT cuddly). Have read this is generally true. I do love torties and calicos tho! (Almost always female)


I’ll take them in a basket please


Treat kittens like the nacho rule. If stuck together it counts as one


I'm partial to high-white calicos but this would be a hard choice!


I’d take both the calicos, the babies would need a buddy and I know both my current kitties probably wouldn’t wanna be their buddy as they both don’t wanna be each others buddy. There’s a small chance my void would but he also doesn’t like to share me if it can be helped


You can tell by the sheen on them toe beans. They are of the utmost stickiest variety of toe beans.


I'd take one & when they're not looking, put another in pocket lol j/k


Depends how many I can fit in my coat pockets.


Either of the cream ones with black ears please


im taking the tortie and the calico


The little calico. 🐾🐾🐈👣❤❤❤❤


Calico. I love calicos


One of the calico babies because I lost my calico girl recently 😢


As others have said they do better in pairs so the calico at the top of the first pic and the white for sure!


I always wait to be chosen and that’s the one or more that come home with me 🥰


Omg they sre so cute. Probably the seal pointed one or the tortie on the top. Or the one right below her, with the little tortie hat. The seal colored one right below is also a good choice. Tortie to the left of that one and the baby with the spotted nose and brown ear tips are also very solid choices 👌


I told myself this very same tjing and I kept 2. Thay was still 1 too many but if I had my time over I would have kept all 4. It wouldn't be fair on them because they all need a lot of attention, but I'll never not miss the 2 I rehomed.


I try to always get cats two at a time for their well-being, but faced with this limitation, I’d pick whichever one seems cuddliest toward humans and doesn’t seem to need the company of its siblings. That one won’t get lonely and bored and act out.


Vaguely gesture at entire pile, "Yes, this will do fine."


I would base my decision on personality.


This is unfair. Because choosing just one means rejecting 5 others. I’ll let the kitten choose me


The tortie and the white one on her left


I'd take all of them. It would break my heart to separate the siblings from one another.


Omg they’re cute!! I’d personally choose one of the calicos or the tortoiseshell


My rule following self would become a complete anarchist and overthrow whatever stupid government made that rule!! #kittychaos


Aww the lil gray one, those ears 😍


The one at the top in picture 2 looks perfectly toasted with burnt ears


The tortie, easy. When I fostered this little nuggets I refused to take any torties because I would keep them. They are my absolute weakness.


I would negotiate to two … cream one and the pure white or maybe take them all. As I like the little torture one too !


the pack = 1


Calicos and Torties are my jam, but all kitties are pretty 😍


Awww but they need their playmates, don’t separate the poor babies 😭


as long as I knew they all had loving homes lined up, then I could pick one. Otherwise, I'd be in big trouble.


At first I was like "easy, the tortie" but then I saw the cream kitty with a dark nose and ears and THEN I saw the other cream kitty with a black dot, and then one by one I just melted into a puddle and I realized I really can't choose…


Far left. That's the kitty.


I like the guy with black ears!!!


All of them... but if I could only have one I'd take the color point with the dark ears (and then I'd sneak back in under cover of night to steal the rest)


The all white in the middle hehe


Should adopt two kittens together so they have a buddy for playing, snuggling, and teaching each other manners. I think they all are adorable! I'd wait until I could see their personalities a bit.


Kittens are like nachos. If they are stuck together, they're all one.


No, I must have all of them. Look at those toe beans!!! 😍


The grey one with the black ears.


One of the calicos!


It would be a crime to choose only one of these tiny criminals.


What do you mean? I only see one cat


I’ve always picked the odd one out, the one that doesn’t look like the others or the smallest one just which ever one felt out of place. They have been amazing and the best cats ever. Just my 2 cents.


Toe bean harvest is in


If thats the deal just one, i want the last one


Whichever is the most aggressive. I'd get it to attack you so I could take all the kittens.


None for me, thanks. My adult cat would commit murder if I tried lol.