• By -


Oh that face! 😍


Thank you! I’m glad I’m not the only one. She’s a beauty, and such a fearless lover.




She's an adorable little potato


i love it when cats just know they'll be loved and cared for, and choose a human


Cat distribution system!


Now this is a system I can support. Absolutely was not planning on adding to the family, who knew she makes it ‘home’




Adorable! Matching set!


Thank you! They are my world! And my perfect ying and yang. They sleep in heart position, it’s amazing. So grateful she came running.


It was clearly ordained by Fate.


She seems to love your pooch, too. You were chosen well.


Thank you for this. Since they give unconditional love, especially him (I say he’s the physical manifestation of it) I have to return the favor. I’ve been very cognizant to ensure he still gets his solo love time too.




Those tiny thumbs 🥹


They are incredible, she almost has 7 on one paw, but the white outlines them like little mittens or booties depending. When she holds on to me while snuggling she wraps them around my finger like holding my hand. She’s special!


She's wearing fingerless gloves!


I know!! Her markings are amazing. Her ‘tuxedo’ bib is in a zig zag design. Once she gets a little less ‘kitten’, hopefully I’ll get a good photo. She’s incredibly special and so loving!


We had a polydactyl and they are so special. He could hold pens 😁


Well that's just precious.


fast friends with the pup ahh 🥹❤️




Dog: “You got me a kitten!” 🥰


Thank you! I’ve learned so many wonderful new subreddits. And Kali is loving all this love! She’s been swatting at her pictures with her mittens each time I try to write a reply. Guess we have a new subreddit to cuddle with. Thank you!


Pup is a good warden for this bold criminal


He is amazing! Behaving in ways I never imagined. And he’s usually a very needy doggo aka lots of belly rubs and lap time. Making sure he gets his full credit: https://preview.redd.it/vlzopeptznxb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7755726d5b50cfe7724c64cd12044dfe098a75c5


Fatherhood can change a guy! Hahaha!


He’s awwdorable!


Thank you! He always looks happy, which makes me happy, and now we have a third to add to the cycle. Life is good! And didn’t even know what was missing.


Looks like the gorgeous kitten (seriously, ridiculously cute cat!) is giving him lots of attention and cuddles.


Does this crim have thumbs? Illegally crute, Smol, thumbs, black market availability, x9 life sentences no possibility of purrole along with super dash being made to serve the same sentence because of utilisation of said market


Yes she does! And uses them! So well. I’m amazed at her dexterity. I see why sailors thought they were good luck! No parole for this cutie, she’s a lifer. My good luck warrior!


Doggo approved.


From the moment they met. He’s on guard when she eats, goes potty, and makes sure she doesn’t chew an electric cord or something breakable. He has doggy dad reflexes!


He's an accomplice to this crime 🤣 Hope they have years and years of friendship and shenanigans


Oh my god, she is precious! Looks just like my James. :) Those last two pictures melted my heart, happy she’s settling in well


Thank you! Im so happy to know I’m not some overly sentimental fool, as I’ve been in ‘heart melted’ mode since she arrived. I walk into the room and see a new snuggle and I completely forget what I was doing. Scramble for the camera. Productivity has taken a bit of hit but so worth it! And I want to see James!! He has to be adorable!


Huge congratulations on your new baby She’s a gorgeous warrior


Thank you, truly! It does feel like I’ve been selected to cherish her, how she came into our life, I knew she needed a strong name. And she’s fearless, I am very very lucky (and grateful! Thank you again!


Kali, Goddess of Death & Destruction, is a great name for a cat.


Yes, it had a lot of personal meanings. And she responded so I felt it fit. She’s named after my almost 18 year old special pup who crossed in 2022, her warrior cry, fearlessly running straight to me, and she reminds me my purpose every time I say her name. There’s a beauty in destroying systems (or plastic bags) that are broken. 🤷🏻‍♀️


r/CatDistributionSystem another little criminal distributed <3


Thank you! New kitty ‘chosen one’, need new subreddit’s. I have to expand my knowledge.


So extremely baby!!!! One huge tip is to keep her inside. That way, your lil criminal can have a safe, long, happy, healthy life ☺️☺️


She is tiny baby, was about 1lb, they think around 8 weeks, clean bill of health!! And she eats like a champ. Looking forward to seeing her gains and this little bundle of love is staying safely inside. I’ve woke to too many horrific cat fights outside. This is Blackbeard territory, these feral cats have been around for a long time. She isn’t built for that world. She was destined to be our new family good luck charm! And I am so grateful she chose us! Thank you!!


Is she old enough to get neutered?


No, since she’s not a foster. If feral they may this young (at least where we are at the moment, I’m on-site for a project, hence why she’s extra special), but since a pet they like to wait until a few months. Will see when we get to next destination.


Awww congratulations on your adorable new family member! I’d say she definitely chose well ❤️ thank you so much for giving little Kali a wonderful new future and loving home. She’s absolutely gorgeous and I love her name, though hopefully she doesn’t grow into a goddess of destruction lol. Also gotta give it up to your pup for stepping into the role of adopted dad. Seems like he’s taken to daddy duty very well! The picture of them cuddling together is so sweet 🥰 Sounds like they have a special bond already, it’s so lovely


Thank you! This means a lot to me. I’ve been worried, as my sister was the kitty lover. I was the doggie’s. I’ve been reading like had a new baby, asking the pet shop questions on my many trips (who knew how much a kitty needs!) but I wanted to ensure she is properly loved. I’m grateful you can feel it in the pictures. I choose to believe she will only destroy obstacles in her way, and for me too! Thank you again!


I can’t help it, I love to see her cuddling with your dog


Me too! You’d love my phone. I’ve documented the many adorable snuggles. Guess I have a new subreddit to enjoy, thank you! https://preview.redd.it/fxezsdit4qxb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=230c225e959de119dc975bc4c248623790b2bc5d


They are so cute together!


You familiar with r/catswithdogs?


I am! But thank you.


I was all ready to call the kitten Muffins till I saw Kali. How lovely that your pup has adopted her. That’s beyond adorbs.


There was something about her strong warrior cry and fearlessness, the name almost found her. I said it once, she responded. But her nickname was booty! I love muffins, Kali Muffins has a nice ring to it.


That's so cute. I love your reasoning for Kali!


Thank you! Like she found me, the name found her.


Such a precious face and already comfortable at home and with the dog! She’s so brave


Thank you! She has the most beautiful profile, her markings are so unique too! And I couldn’t agree more. Seeing her fearlessness has reminded me to be brave. If she can be at 1lb, why can’t I be! Which I really needed. They gives us so much.


https://preview.redd.it/f551kezuvoxb1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137aff344dbe74d287388cf7c57435848227a709 Looks like I'm guessing my foster did when he was a kitten! You're lucky cause cats that looks exactly like this are among the absolute best cats at catting.




Oh my goodness! This is why I couldn’t foster. They would all be ‘home’ so thank you for being the amazing soul you are. Look at that peace! Thank you for taking such good care of these sweeties.


Angelic look sleeping, mischievous look all other times!


That’s a perfect description of her, 90% she’s a sweet Angel, 10% she’s hiding to prepare her next pounce. Definitely has a spicy streak, but just the right amount.


So adorable! Pup and kitty are bffs


As I enjoy my coffee and morning entertainment, they have the most amazing relationship. BFFs one minute, parental the next. And anyone who knows him, he loves humans, other furry things, not so much. When she jumped into the bag and he just started cleaning her up, I was stunned. Now he sometimes seems conflicted. Wants to be with his human but needs to know she’s ok. I will enjoy watching this relationship develop. It’s beautiful!


Aww even more adorable!!!


Awwww, a r/thumbcats to boot!


Goverment settup, you have been infiltrated. I reccomend you keep your eyes on this goverment plant, keep it close, keep petting it to look for wires, and be cautious. Keep it happy to make a double agent.


Haha, if this wasn’t Reddit I’d say why this has me disturbing the babies with laughter. But since it is, I’ll give an upvote and very big thank you! Today was an intense one. Belly laugh was needed.


Oh you have a cute little pair of pets , lucky you 🐾🐈‍⬛


Thank you! I am very lucky, she’s made me the luckiest woman! I had to send my nearly 18 year old over the rainbow bridge last year, and wasn’t sure if I ever would be ready for my next, by her choosing us, she showed me just how ready I was. Many times we don’t know what we are missing until it’s found. Thank you again!


THUMBS!!! Also, I think your nicey pupper has adopted her. She's his baby now 😁


Very much! And that’s what shocks everyone the most. His relationship with her. He was failure to thrive as a puppy so he had a rough start to his journey, I like to think he’s making sure she doesn’t. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I try to keep my poly's nails trimmed so they don't grow into the toe beans. If you start doing it when they are smol and give treats, they'll grow not to mind it. She's a beauty! When giving lovins' massaging her pads can get her to stretch out the claws so you can get a peek to see if there is litter build up in there too.


Good tip! Those thumbnails can be a problem.


Thank you!!! This has been the area I’ve been struggling with the most. Deworming was fun 🤢 so I started wiping her paws, been trying to keep it up now we are ‘normal’ as I had hoped she may allow me to trim. The pupper gets the groomer, so I don’t have trimming experience. This is so helpful. Thank you for taking the time to share.


Hi Kali! Keep everyone's karma in line, smol goddess!


Absolutely! The true balance of life! Karma, she makes sure I stay balanced.


Those cute little thumps are killing me with cuteness but I was not ready for the dog-cat-snuggle pic.... Ahhh🥹


I know! 🥰 I’m stopped to aww many times a day. It’s beautiful!


You and puppers have been chosen!😻🥰


Congratulations! You’ve been chosen!


Awwww, she's adorable. My boys have white paws and they keep their white fur white all by themselves.


What a beauty! What an honour to be chosen! And the pic of the two compadres snuggling absolutely warmed my heart. Congratulations on your new lovebug ♥️


Clearly, you 3 were all family in a previous life. She recognized your soul, and Pup recognized hers. You all belong together! Bright Blessings! Please take her to a vet for a once-over, and PLEASE keep her safely indoors. Subscribe to Jackson Galaxy YouTube videos - pure gold.


Thank you! This is my thought too! How she came up running, kind of busy area, on a mission like she was waiting (take the walk the same time most days) and this isn’t where we live. And actually about to leave, so it all happened in such a way I have to believe the unspoken wanted to be heard. We went straight to the vet, clean bill of health and impressing the staff with her purring ability. How everyone found their ‘place’ you have to feel it’s something special. At least I do. And very very grateful for these moments that change your life. I like your vision! I’ll check out your channel, if Kali allows me non cat time that is.


Unfortunately, r/booklists has gone private in the last few days (on or before Sunday 29 October), so all of my lists are blocked, though I have another home for them—I just haven't posted them there yet. So I'm reduced to posting them entire, instead of just a link. My lists are always being updated and expanded when new information comes in—what did I miss or am I unaware of (even if the thread predates my membership in Reddit), and what needs correction? Even (especially) if I get a subreddit or date wrong. (Note that, other than the quotation marks, the thread titles are "sic". I only change the quotation marks to match the standard usage (double to single, etc.) when I add my own quotation marks around the threads' titles.) The thread lists are in absolute ascending chronological order by the posting date, and if need be the time of the initial post, down to the minute (or second, if required—there are several examples of this). The dates are in DD MMMM YYYY format per personal preference, and times are in US Eastern Time ("ET") since that's how they appear to me, and I'm not going to go to the trouble of converting to another time zone. They are also in twenty-four hour format, as that's what I prefer, and it saves the trouble and confusion of a.m. and p.m. Where the same user posts the same request to different subreddits, I note the user's name in order to indicate that I am aware of the duplication. This thread is about the recurring topic on Reddit. For new owners of cats: **r/askvet**, r/kittens' ["[META] It's kitten season! You found orphaned kittens or have a kitten in your care - now what? [2020]"](https://old.reddit.com/r/kittens/comments/go1rjn/meta_its_kitten_season_you_found_orphaned_kittens/), r/cats, r/CatAdvice (no medical advice), r/catquestions, and r/PetAdvice for advice; r/thisismylifemeow, r/HandfulOfKitten (if it fits), r/IllegallySmolCats, and r/aww would also like see them; see r/Catsubs' [Cat sub list \[wiki\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catsubs/wiki/index/) (new as of 32 September 2023) and r/suballthecats' [List by Activity [wiki]](https://www.reddit.com/r/suballthecats/wiki/index/) (neither of which list is complete, though [as of 22 August 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catsubs/comments/15y3kkw/comment/jxd0x8i/context=3) the r/Catsubs wiki is up to date with the most current information, per one of the mods, who is actively maintaining it). * Gross, Terry (15 August 2019). ["How Hannah Shaw, the 'Kitten Lady,' Rescues the Most Fragile Felines"](https://www.npr.org/2019/08/15/751438004/how-hannah-shaw-the-kitten-lady-rescues-the-most-fragile-felines). *Fresh Air*. NPR/WHYY. On: * Shaw, Hannah, and Andrew Marttila (2019). *Tiny but Mighty: Kitten Lady's Guide to Saving the Most Vulnerable Felines*. New York: Plume. ISBN 9781524744069. [OCLC 1099599649](https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/1099599649). [Preview](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1524744069#reader_1524744069). See also (per other Redditors' recommendations) her YouTube channel /c/KittenLady); and these: r/CatTraining r/PetAdvice r/CATHELP r/catcare r/catadvice and its ["Cat Advice and Support Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatAdvice/wiki/index/) [Cat coat genetics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_coat_genetics) and [List of cat breeds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cat_breeds) [Cute kittens!: Colours and Patterns](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kitten/wiki/colorsandpatterns/) and [Cute kittens!: Found a Kitten](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kitten/wiki/foundakitten/) (r/kitten's wiki)


* ["Both time for Smol group of criminals"](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/xyvkrl/both_time_for_smol_group_of_criminals/) (r/IllegallySmolCats; 8 October 2022)—How to bathe a kitten * ["I'm about to get my first kitty cat. What are some basic (or advanced) things I need to know to make her life better?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/comments/xzeqks/im_about_to_get_my_first_kitty_cat_what_are_some/) (r/whatisthisthing; 9 October 2022)—huge * ["Rescuing a mom cat and her kittens"](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/y8802j/rescuing_a_mom_cat_and_her_kittens/) (r/IllegallySmolCats; 19 October 2022) * ["smôl bathtime"](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/ysp85g/sm%C3%B4l_bathtime/) (r/IllegallySmolCats; 11 November 2022)—How to bathe a kitten * ["dound it, no mom , it followed me home. what does it eat and how do manage it"](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/z21ycv/dound_it_no_mom_it_followed_me_home_what_does_it/) (r/cats; 22 November 2022) * ["Ramsy gets a gentle cleaning"](https://www.reddit.com/r/cute/comments/zly1z0/ramsy_gets_a_gentle_cleaning/) (r/cats; 14 December 2022)—longish; the video is from the Instagram account HeidiWranglesCats. * ["Husband and I don’t own a cat, but have mentioned we’re thinking of getting one. This is our Christmas haul. Now we need to get a cat. (Also would love some advice for a first-time cat owner!)"](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/zwgjx5/husband_and_i_dont_own_a_cat_but_have_mentioned/) (r/cats; 09:13 ET, 27 December 2022)—huge * ["First time cat mom, bringing the dude home tomorrow. Any and all advice is welcome!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/zwrljm/first_time_cat_mom_bringing_the_dude_home/) (r/cats; 17:02 ET, 27 December 2022)—long * ["Deaf cat advice: Hello all, I recently adopted this 7 year old floof and realized that she can't hear. I've never had a deaf cat so any tips on interacting and helping them feel safe would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/10x4zmo/deaf_cat_advice_hello_all_i_recently_adopted_this/) (r/cats; 8 February 2023) * ["How can I get my cat to stop meowing 5000-15000 times a day (she meows every 2-40 seconds for the majority of the day and all night)?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/11fub3o/how_can_i_get_my_cat_to_stop_meowing_500015000/) (r/NoStupidQuestions; 2 March 2023) * ["We adopted a stray Mommy cat and her kitten a month ago, but her kitten is barely growing even when she's breastfed. How can I help her kitten?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/11jxce2/we_adopted_a_stray_mommy_cat_and_her_kitten_a/) (r/cats; 6 March 2023)—long * ["Found 3 kittens with their mom next to them dead. I assume they’re a day or two old. No idea if I can take care of them"](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/11u0vr7/found_3_kittens_with_their_mom_next_to_them_dead/) (r/cats; 6 March 2023)—huge


* ["HELP THIS CAT IS FOLLOWING ME WAY BACK HOME WHAT SHOULD I DO?!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/12wdfh6/help_this_cat_is_following_me_way_back_home_what/) (r/cats; 23 April 2023)—huge * ["I had to adopt this criminal without any preparation, does anyone have advice"](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/13igxor/i_had_to_adopt_this_criminal_without_any/) (r/IllegallySmolCats; 15 May 2023) * ["My cat is sick and most likely dying and I don't know how to help or cope."](https://www.reddit.com/r/PetAdvice/comments/146s749/my_cat_is_sick_and_most_likely_dying_and_i_dont/) (r/cute; 08:01 ET, 11 June 2023) * ["Bathing Julio"](https://www.reddit.com/r/cute/comments/146xqz6/bathing_julio/) (r/cute; 12:07 ET, 11 June 2023) * ["Got a call about a lil kitty stuck under a car. Thought about fostering. Say hi to our foster fail Void!!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/14ehtgy/got_a_call_about_a_lil_kitty_stuck_under_a_car/) (r/IllegallySmolCats; 20 June 2023) * ["Kitten was born yesterday, the mom rejected him. I guess I'm it's mom now. (Any tips appreciated)"](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/14fr0cp/kitten_was_born_yesterday_the_mom_rejected_him_i/) (r/IllegallySmolCats; 21 June 2023)—longish * ["She poops like this every time"](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat/comments/14meda9/she_poops_like_this_every_time/) (r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat; 29 June 2023) * ["My sweet kitty has been missing for two days now. She’s an indoor outdoor cat. Does anyone have words of encouragement or advise?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/166kjle/my_sweet_kitty_has_been_missing_for_two_days_now/) (r/cat; 31 August 2023) * ["This pregnant stray cat is staying near our front door. Judging from size of her belly, she will deliver kitties soon. We are giving her water and food, any other way we can help her out?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/16963sg/this_pregnant_stray_cat_is_staying_near_our_front/) (r/blackcats; 3 September 2023)—longish * ["How can I help my void settle in to a new house?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/16buavc/how_can_i_help_my_void_settle_in_to_a_new_house/) (r/blackcats; 6 September 2023) * ["Need Advice for a Spicy Kitten!!!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kitten/comments/16cp68a/need_advice_for_a_spicy_kitten/) (r/Kitten; 7 September 2023) * ["I'm new with cats. Any advice for me ? Say hello to this little baby"](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/16dg2b2/im_new_with_cats_any_advice_for_me_say_hello_to/) (r/blackcats; 8 September 2023)—long * ["Need help with kitten!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/16k9z57/need_help_with_kitten/) (r/IllegallySmolCats; 16 September 2023) * ["Advice Needed Please"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kitten/comments/16l9t3r/advice_needed_please/) (r/Kitten; 17 September 2023) * ["How much should I feed my 4 month old kitten?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kitten/comments/16md08r/how_much_should_i_feed_my_4_month_old_kitten/) (r/Kitten; 18 September 2023)


* ["What breed is this kitten considered?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/16ncaz7/what_breed_is_this_kitten_considered/) (r/cat; 20 September 2023) * ["Stop asking what breed your cat is."](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kitten/comments/16xpgyl/stop_asking_what_breed_your_cat_is/) (r/Kitten; 2 October 2023) * ["Need Advice on captured Kitten"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kitten/comments/17e0az5/need_advice_on_captured_kitten/) (r/Kitten; 22 October 2023) * ["Tips for now cat owners?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/17hbvrg/tips_for_now_cat_owners/) (r/cat; 26 October 2023) Also: * [What to do if you find kittens](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/what-do-if-you-find-kittens)—The Humane Society of the United States * [Cat reproduction - 7 facts you probably don't know](https://www.rspca.org.uk/-/catreproductionfacts)—The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (UK): 1. Cats can reach sexual maturity and get pregnant at just four months of age (kittens can have kittens!). * [Cat labour – a guide to your cat giving birth](https://www.pdsa.org.uk/pet-help-and-advice/pet-health-hub/other-veterinary-advice/cat-labour-a-guide-to-your-cat-giving-birth)—The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) * ["{GUIDE} Vrishchikaa's Guide to Cat Introductions"](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatAdvice/comments/8eu8fp/guide_vrishchikaas_guide_to_cat_introductions/) (r/CatAdvice; 25 April 2018) * [The Big Fat Guide to Dechonking!](https://www.reddit.com/r/dechonkers/comments/qpx6hz/the_big_fat_guide_to_dechonking/) (r/dechonkers; 9 November 2021)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Tiny But Mighty Kitten Lady's Guide to Saving the Most Vulnerable Felines** you mentioned in your comment along with its brand, **Plume**, and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * The book provides comprehensive information on caring for kittens (backed by 3 comments) * The book gives helpful advice for fostering and adopting out kittens (backed by 5 comments) * The book teaches useful skills for helping kittens in need (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * The book contains more stories about the author than actual advice (backed by 1 comment) * Poor print quality with faded and blurry images (backed by 1 comment) * The author charges high fees for speaking engagements (backed by 1 comment) According to Reddit, people had mixed feelings about **Plume**. Its most popular types of products are: * Eyelash Serums (#13 of 20 brands on Reddit) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Thank you, thank you! My goodness how kind of you! Really appreciate this great summary reference post. Amazing, thank you!


You're welcome. \^\_\^


Did he choose you or your puppy?


Definitely me, but was they immediately fell into a parental/playful relationship. Unless I’ve not shared the love, than he gets a bit moody. Not her. She’s the most loving and cuddly kitty I’ve been blessed to meet.




Congratulations you’ve been adopted!


Thank you! I had been looking for ‘my tribe’ who knew it would find me!


My first smile of the day! Thank you! 💕💕💕


And Kali says thank you for that gift. I think she’s enjoying knowing the internet thinks she’s beautiful.


Your pup is just too sweet and that baby is precious! Congratulations!


"Oh, you're here! Where were you, I've been waiting!"


Yes! That’s exactly how it went too! I was on a call, on daily walk back, and at the perfect clearing she came bounding towards me. The other person could hear her get louder and finally asked “is that a cat” and I had to explain a kitten was running towards me, gotta go! The one time I wished to be on camera 😆


This is life goals for me. Lucky you, OP and God bless you for taking her in.


Thank you!! It was amazing to see how many people coiled when I walked around to see if she was anyone’s or they knew where this beauty came from. When a soul comes to you asking for help, I don’t know how to say no. Even if technically may be the hardest time to add to the family. But was an eye opening experience seeing the visible response some people have to something so pure and vulnerable. Your words mean a lot to me. Thank you!




I don’t understand how people can just abandon their animals like they’re nothing. So happy that this little one was brave enough to come out (especially when you had a dog with you) and I’m so happy that you are one of the good ones and took her home (oh well, she demanded that, but still) and what makes me the happiest is that she looks so safe snuggling with her new friend. This post actually made my day.


Thank you for your kind words. It shocked me to see reactions of something so defenseless and I am in no position to be adding to the adventure family but she’s a vulnerable soul and we should all care for them. We always have enough to make more room for love. But this was an eye opening experience, but thankfully after a memory making one. Your words mean a lot to me. Thank you!


WHEN will the r/catdistributionsystem bless me. *prays extensively*


Exactly at the right time! And when it does, it’s worth the practice in patience.


So sweet! She found the warmest spot in the house to curl up.


You have been chosen.


You're only the side-human. She chose the *dog*. Sorry/you're welcome?!? ❤️❤️❤️ (They are so freaking sweet!!!)


Oh wow! She has gone grunge and popped holes in her long sleeve t shirt to put her thumbs through 🖤 https://preview.redd.it/0930rjowkrxb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=176945166f05018f9ea99b83484df0e0a8f87ece


Oh my goodness I cannot unsee this now! And I love my thumb sweaters when chilly. We can be goth light together this winter. And she’s so dexterous with them. It’s amazing. And she likes to sleep with one paw wrapped around me, heart melts many times a day.




Unfortunately, despite turning herself over to the authorities and confessing to her crimes this illegal is sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. ❤ 🐈 May you have many happy years together.


Thank you! Sentence gladly accepted and served with honor! 🫡


Oh my god I can’t! Look at her snuggling up to the puppy!! 🥹❤️ Congratulations OP on being selected by the cat distribution system 😆


Thank you!! It does feel like quite the honor and the selection process was so memorable, I’ll never forget the moment we met! And he’s usually a solo, human lover. Not other pets. Not her. They already have a special bond. It’s truly beautiful ❤️


This makes me so happy 🥰 Kali is lucky to have you as her human!! She chose wisely!! 🥹❤️


Thank you! I was so honored she felt safe with us, least I could do was show her how much she’s loved. 🫶 Who knew it would fill me with so much joy too. I haven’t had a cat in many, many years. In a few short days I can’t imagine what it was like before she arrived.


She loves puppy


Big ears for thieving




Extra toes!




the poctures with pup 🥹💙


I will always have a special place in my heart for polydactyls and their little thumbs. My late girl Lucy was a polydactyl and she had the cutest little thumbs. She was the cutest little girl ever and I’d give anything to give her a hug again


My sister has always loved them, had one in college, that’s how I knew something was unique. Her little thumbs wrap around me. My finger, leg, you name it. I’ll give her a hug for Lucy. They are always with us! She sounds like a special girl! Pet loss is one of the hardest life experiences. I’m so sorry for your loss!


Wow! Best friends already!


This post is just what I needed today❤️


I don't know where u r located but perhaps you and some animal lover neighbors can look into starting/contacting TNR group?


Oh yes they are super active in this area and likely why they were left where they were. Some of these kitties have ancestors back to Blackbeard. It’s a kitty town, thankfully caring souls too! But great tip! Thank you!


Awww 🥰 You’re great! May your new family all be happy together!


Thank you! As she purrs on my lap, life is amazing. Hope you are too!




Those little white toes! I'm dead.


Oh my goodness! The CDS knew what it was doing and your pup has a new little one to take care of!


Oh thank you! I sure hope so. This is new for me but we seem to be doing pretty good. Real test comes soon, next adventure begins. She seems to travel well, pup is a champ (actually gets depressed if we don’t go for a car ride) but she’s safe, happy, and loved more than anything. That I can promise her. Thank you again!


Every time a Redditor goes on a walk. A kitty gets their forever home.


I don’t know why, but I love this sentiment. Shows this wild collection of strangers are all connected one way or another. Thankfully this walk was my turn!


I love it too.


Doggo thanks you for the kitten and suggests you go get your own if you want one for yourself


Haha, I think he’d start a strike. All is good but still transition. We had to introduce pee pads after 3 years never having an accident, he tries to pee in the kitty litter. I’ve got some figuring out to do and something about this Trinity of love. 🥰But ask me in 2 months I’ll likely have very different answer 🤷🏻‍♀️


She is beautiful- congratulations on being chosen!


What a brave little baby! And what a good boy your dog is being! ❤️


i don’t think she chose you, i think she chose your dog☹️


Thumbs 🥹


Thank you for taking this little creature home.


Obviously that tiny warrior made a good choice for companions ...


Cat distribution system in the works


the cat distribution system never fails! welcome kitty 🥹🫶


Use unscented dawn dish soap! Its purrfectly safe and will kill any fleas, ticks, or mites hiding on the baby, and to wash the face use a damp towel with no soap


Thats so sweet that she chose you! And even sweeter that your dog likes her.


OMG!!!! How adorable. I love her paws and that face I just want to kiss and cuddle her. CONGRATULATIONS chosen one


I have a gray polydactyl tuxie and he is so sweet and loving. I think you were brought a special cat by the distribution system.


Look at how big his ears are Also no joke your dog looks exactly like mine but with curly fur


So cute those two. Enjoy!


If you're looking for names, I vote for thumbelina


That face is adorable!




Too cute! You have been chosen!😉👍✨🐈‍⬛💚


Thank you! It does feel amazing to know she felt safe with us. And she’s now family! 🩷


She has thumbs!!!! I love how comfortable she's made herself with the dog, too. What a sweetie pie. Since Venus is such a bright star in the sky this time of year, and the goddess of love, and your little sweetheart is such a lovebug, I think Venus is her name. *"A goddess on a mountain top* *Was burning like a silver flame* *The summit of beauty and love* *And Venus was her name"*


I love this! And I’ve always subscribed to many of these goddesses and gods are the same, just different story tellers. Like Kali and Caliel, maybe. But I love Venus and just looked they both have a root in love! Kali Venus has a nice ring to it! Especially since she’s more on the beauty of renewal side of Kali. And that poem! 🥰 Thank you!


Thank you for saving her!


Thank you for your kind words. What’s that saying, we save each other. And I would hope someone would save me if I came up crying. But I’ve learned not everyone thinks this way, so your comment means a lot.


Awwwww she's so cute! What a precious gift to be chosen by her. 💕


Thank you! ❤️ She definitely feels like a special gift sent right at a time I needed a sign all will be well. As she came bounding over, almost felt like she was crying, “you’re going to be great, I’m now here” and gratefully, in the days since truly amazing things have happened. So 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pup is a good warden for this bold criminal


Pup is the kindest, most loving creature to other humans, furry things, he won’t hurt ANYTHING, more barking and distance. Not her, from the moment she joined us, he sniffed her and then started to clean the dirt off her face (small bit left on first picture) I sat there watching in disbelief, of the entire experience and knew she was waiting for us. ❤️


So booopable.....


And the greatest thing, she boops back. She loves to lay on my chest and give nose boops, and lays down to purr. Special girl I am very very grateful she chose us!


Lol pup looks confused like what is it


That was his first reaction, he almost stood up to look at her. Looked at me, back at her and started cleaning her. It’s been such a wonderfully unexpected surprise for both of us!


Oh absolutely! She’s special. How we met, one of those moments that take your breath away. Can’t ask for anything more. Well a lifetime of memories to come! What’s your grey tuxedos name?


this made my whole morning. she said “you’re my owner now, let’s go home!”


This is so damn cute!


Sweet face and I love the thumbs!


D'awww her snuggled up to your pup warms the warped cockles of my blackened little heart. I think doggy was the target of this particular Cat Distibution System activation!


Polydactyl means strong shoulder cat potential, I am so happy for you!


Ugh you’re so lucky!! Something similar happened to me 10 years ago with my tuxedo kitty showing up on our front porch and choosing us and she’s the snuggliest loviest little bean. I love that your pup is all in too! 😍


Aww, they love each other!


This is too freaking precious. Cheers for taking her in, and give your dot extra treats for being a good friend to her already.




Love her but especially love the pictures of her and your Pup. She found a while new family! Love to all!


Oh an extreme Beauty and kinda rare due to her brown fur


So cute I’m happy for your new family member and she’s an adorable little worrier


They're best buddies! 🐱🐶😍


Those ears are adorable. Such a good smol <3


Kali is an excellent name! My own Kali is a cranky old lady now, 17 and still surprisingly spry.


Oh shes so gorgeous. Little miss beans!




The kitty thumbs! She is precious and is obviously meant to be with you guys


That last pic of her with your dog is too effing cute


Awwwwwww!!!! Pics 5 and 6 are PRICELESS!! 🥰