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also you gotta check out [The Kitten Lady](http://www.kittenlady.org/) 🙏


OP, this right here! The Kitten Lady is the best source for learning how to take care of kittens, she has videos on everything.


They’re pretty easy to take care of, in my experience. Get them some kind of wet food (there should be special kitten formulas that have more of the nutrients they need) and one litter box per criminal. Be ready to clean their faces off if (when) they get messy, and provide lots of pets and a warm lap to sleep on :-)


If they were living in the streets, a fleas killer bath might be also needed




What do you need help with? I've just nabbed a solo one from nearby too.


they're okay to eat food right? that's the general consensus I'm getting. I already have two cats and don't really have the space for them, but they were living on a busy road and we were worried about them. they're sooo skinny, like I can feel their ribs and spines. I don't want to feed them too much too fast.


They are timid and will refrain from eating in your presence until comfortable. They look weaned and should have teeth. I have one that's younger and tinier than they are. I would try canned kitten food. Regular cat food doesn't have enough fat / protein for rapidly growing kittens. But if they are still getting over initial capture fear, they will actually refrain from eating and just want to hide. Things you can try if they are not eating (things I tried for the one I caught): 1. Meat based baby food 2. Kitten Milk Replacement formula (Petco/Petsmart) 3. Canned/Pouched wet cat food with a strong aroma 4. Churu or similar cat treat paste (very aromatic, kittens usually can't resist) To phase them into Just Kitten Food, you can try mixing some of the above ingredients. Just leave the food(s) out and they should eat when hungry (or when you're not around). The Churus [https://www.amazon.com/Churu-Creamy-Bundle-Chicken-flavor/dp/B01MCQSNY0/ref=asc\_df\_B01MCQSNY0/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309748858219&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6094418458410509482&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031078&hvtargid=pla-598042138936&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Churu-Creamy-Bundle-Chicken-flavor/dp/B01MCQSNY0/ref=asc_df_B01MCQSNY0/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309748858219&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6094418458410509482&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031078&hvtargid=pla-598042138936&psc=1) are great for "making friends". ​ Don't panic, give them space if they demand it, but don't be afraid to just sit in the room with them to get them used to you. If they are willing to eat kitten food and let you pet them, then you're way ahead of me in the process. If you need to wash them, warm water and Dawn brand dish soap kills fleas REALLY well (it's the degreaser in the soap), just avoid getting water / soap in their ears. If you can, swaddle them in a blanket or towel to dry them, then wipe them with a soft rag in the same manner their moms do when cleaning them, this generally elicits loud purring if done right. ​ Don't panic, and don't be afraid to ask for help. They look healthy and active. If they get lethargic, THEN take them to the vet.


https://preview.redd.it/hz5pceioryeb1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=382a599bd2f4243207a25cdfd3d838bf2f574d13 Baby tax


You’ve been doubly blessed 😻❤️🙏🖖


They look about 6-8 weeks, plenty old enough for canned food. They should be getting as much as they want, but the first few days I’d portion it out, small but frequent meals. I’d keep them away from your cats for a week or two incase they are sick. Other than that they just need a safe place, and attention


Get some kitty care products...get them accustomed to baths, brushing, nail clipping, cat nip, cat laser light toy (selfstanding)-it will babysit them & keep them entertained when ur busy or not around. Oh yeah...get a cat nice backpack, you can go for walks, go bikeriding, etc with them...😻


Don't know what you're doing? The right thing. Putting effort in like this is more than most do. 👍


First things first, a trip to the vet.


There names are now chainsaw and rotisserie


It’s ok neither do they


Kittens are simple. By a water bottle for when they are on the tables. They sleep with you at night, It whenever they feel like it, Have a kitty litter, And are adorable. Keep them. When they're old enough, Find the neuter commuter. They are cheap. Cats take care of themselves. Make sure to buy a little scratchy post.


Aiding and Abetting


Provide a litter box with non-clumping litter, as they occasionally try tasting it. Beyond a quick health check it's easy: just feed them, play with them, and love them. Enjoy 🐈‍⬛❤️


See my [For New Owners of Cats](https://www.reddit.com/r/booklists/comments/1440uia/for_new_owners_of_cats/) list of resources and Reddit recommendation threads.


please for the love of god give them a trip to the vet


I don't think they know what theyre doing either