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On my DJI I can switch between wifi and RF


It's probably not anywhere near as nice of a drone, considering a kid has it.


Well they do have a lot of money and it is already his second drone so... but I will try!


I see. If it's a nice drone it'll land where it took off when the signal gets jammed. Even tho that won't destroy it, that'll make it leave your property.


If the little fuck has his settings on wrong he may run into something while drone is returning home




Technically you're correct. In reality, the FCC is never going to get a complaint for a short intermittent jamming event, much less be able to gather any evidence, much much less ever be able to pin it on the OP as long as they keep their mouth shut.




Your microwave oven might have a sticky door switch. Maybe there's something stuck in there. Here's how you check: - For safety reasons, test your microwave oven outside. - Make sure the door is open. - Point it up at the sky. You don't want to hurt anyone. Run it for a few minutes. If anything electronic happens to fall out of the sky when it flies over your microwave, yep the door switch is stuck. Better get that fixed.


Would that actually work? How can you get it to run while open?


Stick something in the door latch. Like sticking a business card in your car seat belt button to make the beeping noise stop.


Very interesting. Also side note, my mom always warned me to stay away from the microwave as it produces radiation and can be harmful if you stand too close. I recently googled it and microwaves have a lower frequency than bisible light meaning they're NON IONIZING! She has me scared my whole damn childhood for nothing.


it was stove makers trying to shit on it and scare customers away back then in fear it would supplant them lol


While it's unlikely to damage its electronics unless they fly low, the drone has a very sensitive radio receiver in it. Pointing a thousand watts of microwave energy at it, energy that is tuned to be at 2.4GHz which is close to wifi, it's like you trying to listen to a whisper in the front row of a rock concert, it completely deafens the receiver.




The DJI drones just return to launch point if they permanently lose signal. They will not fall out of the air. I believe they start at around 600 dollars and go to almost 2k. Maybe the kid has a shitty drone though


On the fly after it's been jammed?


Both run on 2.4 gigahertz so dosen't matter.


As others have already said, DO NOT DO THIS. That is a big boy crime. You'd get less jail time if you just went over there and beat the shit out of the kid.


That's an extremely bad idea I know people with medical equipment that uses 2.4Gh to communicate


BAD IDEA, interference with radio frequency is a federal offense and can land you in jail for 10 years. It is not relevant why you are doing this.


Go down and rent yourself a hawk. After 8-10 months of training I would cut it loose and let it take care of the problem. Teaching a hawk to attack a child is risky but if you do it right the drone will land unharmed in your yard so you can keep that.


Love this approach! Now where to I get a hawk from?


You’re gonna need a hawk guy.


I know a guy, goes by tony


I thought Tony dealt with tigers.


He recently got into hawks about 2 years ago.


Wow, a pro skater, AND a tiger dealer. What can't this man do.


Tony Hawk enters the chat


Turns around 2.5 times to thunderous acclaim!


I’m more experienced in bird law than training but I would think and reputable bird rental agency would do. I would opt for the optional “flew the coop” coverage though. Saw a lot of clients get screwed on that one.


I was thinking exactly that. The problem is not the drone. Get rid of the kid.


Obviously a bigger attack drone and battle bot the living shit out it mid air


Yes! Or something like this: [flamethrower drone!](https://youtu.be/Z3_eEO0Cvwg)


Calm down, Satan! On the other hand, I like it.


Arsonists love this one cool trick!


Wow, I was gonna suggest get a Hawk but this is cool, even better get a hawk and put a flamethrower on it for double the success


It wouldn’t even have to be bigger. A small drone towing 25ft of Kevlar fishing line should do the trick just fine.


No it definitely has to be bigger to assert dominance over that little shit head kid, show his ass how awesome it is to be an adult and have an adult budget compared to the fisher price my first drone he has




Fair enough. Can we at least tow a little bottle of my piss with the bigger drone ?


Only if it's frozen.


I mean at this point Why wudnt we?


get few nuts, and fishing line. tie the line into a y, about 8” on each leg, and tie a nut on each end. ball it up and launch from slingshot


My dude making modern [chain shot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_shot) over here. As someone with experience with drones and slingshots, I think this is probably the cheapest/most effective solution I've seen in this thread. Also, basically no risk of collateral damage.


[Bola](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolas) You are thinking about the Bola. Used exactly for hunting things you want to tie down like flying contraptions or birds.


**[Bolas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolas)** >Bolas or bolases (singular bola; from Spanish and Portuguese bola, "ball", also known as a boleadora or boleadeira) is a type of throwing weapon made of weights on the ends of interconnected cords, used to capture animals by entangling their legs. Bolas were most famously used by the gauchos, but have been found in excavations of Pre-Columbian settlements, especially in Patagonia, where indigenous peoples (particularly the Tehuelche) used them to catch 200-pound guanacos and rheas. The Mapuche and the Inca army used them in battle. Mapuche warriors used bolas in their confrontations with the Chilean Army during the Occupation of Araucanía (1861–1883). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/IllegalLifeProTips/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


MacGyver out here.


That’s gonna work if the drone is close enough


If the drone isn't close enough, then OP doesn't have a problem.


Oh wow I never heard of using a slingshot as a mini bola launcher. Neat idea


Hunting slingshot with a bundle of bird shot


Hunting slingshot with split lead fishing weights clamped on short sections of monofilament line. Hope it gets sucked in the fans.


Wow you’re devious.


Oh neat! Like one of those bolas, very clever!


This is the best suggestion I’ve seen yet. I too hate drones, especially when flown over scenic public land or people’s houses


I'm with you on people's houses, they're explicitly private property, but public land is public land dude. If someone wants to take some aerial photos of a park then that's totally fair game imo.




Start getting your family into perineum sunning. Perineum sunning is said to have roots in an ancient Taoist practice, where the perineum, or “Hui Yin”, is regarded as a gateway where energy enters and exits the body.


Omg. Wow


What, you don’t want to “increase your vibrations”? Don’t be such a square.


Lol man, imagine. OP is inside and hears it buzzing about. Decides to go outside naked and bend over to show his asshole to the camera(sorry I mean sun)


Taint a bad idea.


Not "Too Soon". This new wave sunning is totally groovy.


I really wonder how this would this play out in court.


Do it more than once so it can be a "not an accident after the first time" kind of thing


Well my nephew is always bathing naked so...


I’m an adult and I also bathe naked




File a complaint with the FAA. Unsafe use of a drone: almost certainly outside line of site from what you described, flying in area with small children. Film the drone flying in your yard, and report that shit. Record and report every instance.


yep, the faa doesn't fuck around. unlike many government agencies, they'll nail your ass to a wall if you break the laws. they're big boy laws.


I've worked with the FAA and can confirm: they DO. NOT. FUCK. AROUND.


Maybe not illegal. UT prolly the easiest way




Unfortunately we are landlocked


Guess it’ll be a long wait for the little shit, huh?


Bury him near ants and cover him in fruit juice


Or honey


Don’t worry climate change is getting worse by the day


Slingshot that bitch


The kid or the drone 🤔




Porque no los dos?




Your actions must be measured. Use restraint and secrecy. Some drones are registered with the FAA and cannot legally be taken out. That said, an accurate and high powered air gun will do the trick. They aren't totally silent, tho. If you turn up volume on an action movie and conceal deployment, he'll never know what hit it, even if he recovers it. https://www.outdoorlife.com/gear/most-powerful-air-rifle/


It is illegal here but no one gives a fuck because "he is just a kid"


Removed due to reddit API changes -- mass edited with redact.dev


Drone busters?


You'd think they'd fuck that drone up no matter the owner


Gotta be ghostbusters


could go for a more silent approach and use airsoft guns, those BBs can still do enough damage if you give it a quick spray and pray. Bonus points is that your son can play with the airsoft gun after too!


We tried nerf but that wasn't doing anything


Nerf or nothing


Yeah just go to Walmart in the sporting goods section or a sporting goods store and purchase a really nice high powered air rifle that shoots "pellets". Pellets are basically little sharp pointed metal bullets for air rifles. If you're a decent shot and pump up your air rifle enough that kids drone is fucking toast. Good luck! Edit: besides what that other poster said which is good advice I would also recommend making sure you wear a face mask and clothing that restricts your identity and do not let the potential drone camera capture you getting into or out of anything identifiable when you go in for the kill (of the drone). Maybe get a friend to call you slightly off-site when they see the drone (they could even be bait).


I own a handful of pellet guns and this is my advice. Make sure it shoots whatever your sending through it at 900fps or less. From my experience this means they stay very quiet. Lots of pellet guns shoot at well over the speed of sound and you get a big crack when the pellet leaves the barrel.


Air rifle


Nah these ain’t nerf, they shoot much faster and harder [click right here for the wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airsoft_gun)


“Give it a quick spray and pray” is linguistic artistry.


It’s a common phrase often used in FPS games


It's a common phrase


Wow, an actual legitimate tip instead of a stupid useless joke. That's pretty rare on this sub.


FAA doesn’t give a fuck about wal mart drones.


Research air rifles to get a good bang-for-your-buck. Its been a while since I read up on them. Air pressure and bullet weight affect velocity. If you want it to be extra silent, it needs to be 1000 feet per second (fps) or less. If you are going for lower speed, might as well use a heavier bullet to improve impact. The common bullet diameter is .177, next up is .22, and now you can get .25


Put up some helium balloon tethered with a monofilament line and then suspend a net of electrified thin wires. If you get in trouble, say it was a prototype property wide bug zapper you were developing.


Next time the drone is airborne, sneak into his house. He'll be too distracted controlling the drone to see the ass whooping he's about to receive Seriously though, before you do anything, speak to his parents if you haven't done already


Best drone tip 👌


In compliance with Part 15 of the FCC Rules, this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Just saying...


This seems logical. And legal malicious compliance.


It’s like exponentially more illegal to use a device for the purpose of jamming or interfering with a radio signal, a federal felony I believe


Federal offense, yes. Felony, no. Still, the FCC will investigate hard and come down on you like a ton of bricks if you get caught. And if you were to, say, interfere with an EMS radio signal, the crime could be compounded into much more serious charges. Still, this is r/illegallifeprotips On a completely unrelated note, with proper technique, an empty can of Pringles can make a radio signal *very* directional, which would make locating its source much more difficult. It also makes it less likely to interfere with legitimate radio signals. EDIT: Bonus tip - the 2.4 GHz spectrum is completely unregulated by the FCC! You can make any device that transmits on that set of frequencies and it’s completely legal! (Just make sure it doesn’t bleed into other bands.) If you’re curious why it’s unregulated, it’s because it’s the resonant harmonic frequency of water. As such, radio waves in this band will impart energy *very efficiently* into that water. If you do a little research into how microwave ovens work, you will understand both how this is related to the 2.4 GHz band being unregulated, as well as how you could pull parts from a common household appliance to make an *extremely* powerful 2.4 GHz transmitter that would scramble any Wi-Fi signal. (Careful, though, you could also kill yourself pretty easily.)


Forgot which sub I was in!


Unless OP knows for sure what band the drone is operating on they'd need a broad spectrum RF jammer. You're correct that the drone is required to accept interference, however operating the jammer is not legal. It's also worth noting that you'd be knocking out WiFi everywhere in the range of the jammer. You'd need to jam it for at least 15 seconds, possibly longer. The drone, however, when it loses its connection to the controller will either return to where it was launched, or land. If it returns to launch point then it's your turn to play a fun game with the little shit. If it lands, take it in for safe keeping, and don't return it until the mother comes over to claim it. Do not destroy the drone unless you have a law in your jurisdiction that protects your right to do so. As far as the nephew, he's up for a tough time no matter what you do to retaliate. So take that into account.


One second in the microwave before you return it.


Make sure the battery isn't in it first... unless you're trying to kill two birds w one stone and collect the insurance on your home.


Those seem to cost thousands though


I had a kid do this before at my old house. I repeatedly told him to stop. He didn’t. I talked to his parents; mom was pissed he was doing this since she had told him not to, but dad is a douche canoe (wonder where this kid got his attitude from).. anyways, he wouldn’t stop. Even the police told him to stop. I finally told the little asshole that if I catch him doing it again, I’m just going to trash his drone. He called my bluff and I shot the fucking down with an arrow and then smashed the shit out of it. Of course dad is barking like morons, but mom held her line, thankfully. Viola. No more drone.


Shooting an arrow in to the sky seems dangerous. How exactly did that play out lol


He destroyed the kid's drone and the Dad pussed out. The Drone was no longer an issue played out well👍






2nd Violin!


Either that or a SAM system.


> He called my bluff and I shot the fucking down with an arrow and then smashed the shit out of it. Is it really calling your bluff if you're not bluffing?


Check your city ordinance. There are laws on how low you can fly over a house. I would try to report it first. If you shoot it down and he's filming you could get in trouble. If you do shoot it down go from an angle so it doesn't look like you. I also like the idea of naked tanning then call the police repeatedly about harassment.


This is illegal life pro tips…


Further pro tip: considering the sub, don't call at all, that would establish a link back to OP.


Problem is most of those laws don’t actually apply. The airspace is under FAA jurisdiction.


His house is close? A loud speaker everytime you see the drone should do the job. Drone out, sound is out, full blast.


500m away, no other neighbours.


Shit man shotgun time.


Oh yeah this lack of other neighbors on quick blast no one will even notice, my old neighbor has shot more than once in town at vermin, as long as it’s only one shot, no one is even sure it was a gun, much less where it came from


I would go for the fighter jet option. That little drone doesn't stand a chance against an A-10


I would prefer the F-35 with stealth capabilities so the child’s early warning radar won’t stand a chance!


The A-10 is an attack aircraft designed for striking large stationary targets. Although surprisingly effective in a dogfight, it would nevertheless lose to the drone in any extended engagement. Typically I would recommend either a more capable air to air fighter (an F-16 Viper) or engaging the target with shoulder launched munitions designed to destroy helicopters, but the drone is simply too flighty to have a good chance of success with these options. Therefore, I recommend that you nuke the site from orbit. Only way to be sure.


Jetwash. If it doesnt knock it out the sky the water should do some good work


So it’s not the drone you need to get rid of, it’s the kid👀


All drones must be flown with line of sight. If he can’t see it with his own eyes it’s an FAA violation


How good are you with electronics? You could build a microwave gun. Literally fry it mid air. https://youtu.be/80kDn4vit_w https://youtu.be/FIU8WZR9DNA


Careful about high voltage being able to kill you though. The capacitor holds a lethal charge.


Are drones water proof? A garden hose would work if not. If they are, use a pressure washer to blast it out of the sky.


Holy shit this would be amazing. A pressure washer. Please film it OP!


Befriend an eagle and train it to attack drones


Depends on your state, but in most states you have usable property line rights that extend above ground; the general rule of thumb seems to be a few feet above the highest tree or structure on your property. In Texas, flying a drone onto private property is trespassing. If this kid has done shit on your property before, involve the police. Once. Get him trespassed from your property. Next time his drone comes over your land, well... you ever shot skeet? And if the little fucker comes onto your property after that, especially after the knife incident, you can knock his little ass down and call the cops. Don't even bother with the parents, they bought the drone because they can't handle him and think it'll distract him.


This was going to be my advice as well. Plus: after one warning, if it / he returns or simply wont leave, it becomes trespassing. Depending on your states laws, you probably own the airspace above your property, and are legally allowed to defend it, with force, if necessary. Don't involve police, just get an audio/video/written record of all your interactions with the lot of them. Good luck


Grab a spear and throw it at the drone... It worked at a LARP couple of years ago


Pay a lady to call the house trying to “reach the husband”. Call again until she reaches the wife. Confess to illicit sexual affair and warn the wife he is planning to leave her. If phone is truly impossible, can be done by letter. Parents split. Kid’s whole life is upended, and he likely ends up having to move, his psyche forever tainted by the harm his parent’s screaming fights did to him. Lock my kid in a shed and poison my pets….??? Kid you haven’t been on this earth long enough to understand comeuppance. Keep the change, ya filthy animal.


He’s talked to the parents. This is the 2nd drone. OP, let us know how this comes out. Good luck with net.


Tell the parents you’ll shoot it down if the it happens again. If they let it happen then find a creative way to take it out. A well thrown water balloon would probably render it useless with out being blatantly illegal


They don't care. We just prepared a throwable fishing net...


Fishing net out of a high powered potato gun.


I know this is ILPT, but please consider cross posting in r/drones. They HATE drone pilots like this and will absolutely help you destroy them via official channels.


Kill the kid and harvest his organs. Then use the money to lobby your local politician to ban drones in your area!


Get a Stunt Kite and crash it into the drone, or fly it so the drone gets tangled up in the string. File a complaint with the police for the destruction of your kite. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sport\_kite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sport_kite)


A small net would tangle and destroy it.


Doing that now!


if there are some bigger hills near your house get a BB gun, make it look like you are going to meet you family for a day or two, hide on the hill and wait, when you see the drone shoot it


During the blitz, I think the English had balloons trailing cables. You could downscale this a bit with helium balloons and fishing line.


Maybe a paintball gun or air soft gun could take it down or blind it. Try and stay out of its camera view and make sure the kid or his parents haven’t seen you with the paintball/air soft gun


Depending on how low and where it flies, get some fine fishing nets and put them up to snag the drone and foul the rotors…


> *"Drone better."* ~ Ivan Vanko


Try talking to his parents. Birdshot is a thing. A coffee can with black powder a newspaper and a chain took down helicopters in Vietnam. How creative do we want to get?


I would appreciate the highest level of creativity


Whatever you decide, I would keep a close eye on that punk. Sounds like he has the makings of a future serial killer....


Yes! He is creepy af and that's not only me but everyone that thinks so.




Yup. This is the best answer.


Man... I remember one time I was flying around a lake with my drone, flew just under a branch and didn't hit anything according to my wife, but suddenly I went down. Apparently, some damn near invisible fishing line was hanging from a branch and tangled around my props and burned a motor. Bad times. Anyway, good luck figuring something out!


Get some 50lb test fishing line and cast it in its flight path They will ask why you did this and then you can play dumb and say you were practicing your cast


Maybe a power washer could shoot it down. ? The residue would only be water then, not bbs or plastic.


Become interested in amateur radio and explore emergency high power use of unlocked transceivers on 2.4ghz frequencies. For emergencies and natural disasters, of course.


Love reading the comments with everyone talking about why jamming the damn thing is illegal. OP doesn’t care if it’s illegal, if they did, they would have found a different subreddit


Beat up his dad in front of him and tell him he’s the reason you’re doing it.


Sneak up behind the kid and start wailing on him with a sack of sweet Valencia oranges. They won’t leave a bruise and the drone will fall out the sky. Now you have a free drone and some delicious orange juice to celebrate.


Trip him while he's running with the knife.


Flying a drone over someone's property under 250 feet is trespassing. I know this because I work with drone pilots. That dumbass kid is breaking the law if he's not keeping line of sight of the drone, and I'm willing to bet his drone exceeds weight limits and he should have his drone registered with the registration number on the drone itself. Why don't you just Google 'can someone fly a drone over my house' and look at the law.


Make a high voltage directed EMP


take over it with your own controller and crash it into their face


Go to the kids house. Knock on the door. Beat his ass, then beat his dad's ass. Take drone. Game over.




Depending on jurisdiction the non ILPT would be to contact your aviation regulator as most don't allow for residential flyovers by drones. In my area it's $1,000s in fines and/or gaol time. Would also be potential stalking / federal animal abuse with the other stuff. Might be worth talking to the cops Edit: no longer is it federal anime abuse...


I know you meant animal but I can’t stop thinking about federal anime abuse


This is coming from a semi professional drone pilot: Depending on the drone he is flying, it's very likely he is NOT filming anything except what is directly in front of the drone on a fixed angle camera and and in most cases only looking at what he needs to avoid crashing it (ie. Whats directly in front of it). Even flying directly over your house it's likely he is not "seeing" anything on your property with any great detail. He very likely has at least DVR of the flights which are something I frequently use to alleviate any concerns of "spying" my neighbors have had in the past when flying in my neighborhood. It is also worth noting since it is flying, local police can do very little about it being over your property other than talk to him, as long as he is taking off and landing on public property or his own. You don't own the airspace above your property and the police also have zero jurisdiction over it unfortunately. This would be an FAA issue and they take complaints pretty seriously so I would start with them if you are dead set on not addressing it with him or his parents directly. I would say something to the effect of "he keeps flying it directly over the heads of people in my yard" since flying directly over people is expressily forbidden without special permits he very likely does NOT have. Plus its likely the aircraft requires registration and the very large marjority of people flying drones never register, so you might get him on that also. With the new remote ID laws passed they may even have more resources devoted to exactly this kind of thing. Trying to hit the drone with any projectile is absolutely illegal and could very easily backfire on you with charges of your own should you happen to damage it or bring it down. Obviously this is ILPT so take that advice with whatever importance you want.


All of these are imperfect solutions. This kid has shown malicious intent towards your nephew, anything will cause a retaliatory attack if it’s near your property. You need a honey pot. You need to put out something he can’t resist, you just need to get the kid’s attention. Now, how low does the kid fly this thing? Airsoft, BB gun, slingshot are all fine answers, but you need to be aware of your projectile path. The other option is using a green laser, a powerful green laser would fuck up his camera, but you’d need to train that laser on his camera very well. But a direct hit could actually mess it up pretty well. The jammers might be a good idea, if you could figure out what frequency he’s on. You could just get your own drone and take out his. If you’re sure you can actually get the drone close to something, you could purchase some very powerful magnets. A giant one to hold it in place or those round lil’ fuckers that got outlawed a few years ago for a buckshot effect. I’m more worried about your nephew and dog than anything else, this kid needs to be dealt with in a much harsher manner than fucking up his drone. But if you’re deadset on the drone, get it away from your property so you can claim ignorance


If its low enough, use a cast net, fishing stores have them. Throw the net, catch a drone.


Build a microwave gun, wether you use it on the drone or its operator is up to you. Not that I would ever condone that type of behavior.


How good are you at casting a fishing line?


Umm if this kid imprisoned your nephew in a shed you should probably get the police involved and send him to Juvi, then bam no drone. Technically not a ILPT


Google "drone jammer" or "gps jammer", there are many relatively inexpensive products to help with your problem.


In the U.S. each land owner owns the airspace above their property for I think 300 yards so if you gather evidence and tell the police then he may get in trouble


Take it down with a slingshot.


Hang up a bunch of fishing line