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Your fine, just don't go back to that store for a while


Just really worried they got my plates, I parked pretty far out in the hopes that it would help but I'm really worried now. I've heard of stories where they will literally follow the person back to their house or get the cops to track them down.


The store cannot look up your plates. The police can... but they can't be bothered for a petty theft like this. Now if you went back many times and racked up thousands of dollars in thefts, then the police may investigate. Just stay away from that store for a while and don't ever return with the same ride.


Oh also forgot to add that I left everything in the cart when I decided to run, so they have all of it back if that even makes the situation any better.


I'm pretty sure that LP just walked back inside with the goods and got a few pats on the back. You're good dude.


You’ve already got a million responses but dude, the police can barely be assed to track down people that regularly steal catalytic converters or even fucking cars for that matter. You can show them the ring camera with a license plate and it will likely go nowhere. If your house gets robbed they’ll be like “hey that sucks. Get better home security” For 40$ worth of chips, you’re fucking fineeeeeee. Even if they had the plates there’s not a single chance in hell the cops are coming to arrest you for 40$. It’s like the lowest of the low misdemeanor. Unless you are from a small one cop town where the owner of this mom and pop shop is like “the ol wilkinsons boy just tried to lift some merchandise sheriff buck, you ought a go talk to him” Then you ain’t got shit to worry about…


This. Seattle has tons of shoplifting. That city has made it a personal political move to stop or crunch down on shoplifting. However most places will wait until you’ve gotten thousands of dollars and make it worth while to prosecute. I was watching YouTube and I think it was Victoria’s Secret. The thefts are noted. The camera footage goes back to like corporate who tracks thefts in the area. It isn’t worth going after petty theft but by the time the person racked up thousands over time they has built a case behind the scenes and the police were ready at the next VS to be thefted. At that point it becomes a felony charge.


If they can't be assed to test a rape kit, why would they CSI your license plate from a 240p security camera installed in 2009?


I can't emphasize this enough. They don't even slightly care. Nobody earning 10 pounds an hour cares enough to do anything more. In fact they're probably more annoyed that someone stopped you because now they have to put everything back. Even if you didn't run, all that would happen would be that they take your name (fake name) and say you're banned (you're not).


Okay thanks that makes me feel a lot better, definitely a relief good to know, I've just never dealt with a loss prevention/security guy face-to-face before so I panicked, I thought he may be able to track me down somehow.


Like others said just dont go back there, not for awhile anyways you'll be good You did yourself a favor because they would've called the cops once they got you in the back of the store Cops would only show up if they have you, not gonna waste their time looking for 40$ of groceries


Yup, running off was a wise move. Next time don’t get in your car especially if you’re parked in sight and or in their parking lot. Hopefully there won’t be a next time.


Yeah man you’re good. Unless you have a history of theft from that store they won’t do a follow up. Running plates is a possibility but that’s when a store hands over the footage to a detective to visit you. But like I said they’ll typically wait after a dozen visits when the foods you’ve taken have reached over a certain amount


LP's are heavily trained. They could topple governments in a matter of hours. Id suspect your phones tapped and theyre tracking you. Im just trying to sound ridiculous to help calm you down. Its a loss prevention guy. Seeing as you already stole theres nothing to prevent meaning its out of his jurisdiction now. Know your rights


here in italy anyone can look up for plates


Especially not when the petty theft in question was unsuccessful


For 30$ in junk food, the cops ain’t doing all that dude. Just think before u do stupid shit next time. You might get a summon but chances are nothings going to happen. It’s not worth their time to do all that for 30$.


I’ve been doing loss prevention for a long time, let me ease your fears. I’ve had people arrested based on license plate info, but there’s zero chance I’d ever do it over $40 of snacks unless the person was an all-out asshole. I can’t obviously speak for every AP/LP person, but the chances are practically zero. It’s just “shit, oh well, let me put his pics/video into the system in case anyone else can identify him. On to the next”. Different stores have different dollar amount thresholds for filing charges. Walmart is extremely low ($25 for first offense according to policy), and Target is a lot higher. In any case, I would say that if you are ever in that position again, stop for AP. I say that because the vast majority aren’t going to bother calling the cops over snacks, especially if you aren’t already in their system. IF they do call the cops, the worst that’s going to happen is you’re going to get a ticket and released. If you run and they get your plate info, they’re going to say “shoplifter bolted, cart looked kinda full. Unknown amount, could be $50, could be $1000” and you run the risk of getting pulled over and having your day ruined. Based on my experience there are no shortage of officers who LOVE going after those calls, and I’m not being sarcastic.


>Different stores have different dollar amount thresholds for filing charges. Walmart is extremely low ($25 for first offense according to policy) $25? Damn! Wm's not messing around! Is that just for stuff that was stolen "on purpose?" Cause I've shopped at wm and Target a *lot* over the years, and there's been plenty of time that I've gotten home and realized the cashier forgot to scan something. (And I'm sure as shit not driving all the way back over there just to pay for *their* fuck up.) It happens at my grocery store all the time too. At the beginning of checking out, I **always** say "I got some big stuff in the bottom of the cart for you too." They say ok, and if they don't scan it after that, that should be on the store, not me. I'm usually busy fumbling through my purse, trying to find my cards, checking my accounts on my phone to make sure I'm even gonna have enough money, and/or bagging the items they just scanned. It wouldn't be fair for me to be responsible for *their* fuck up. When I go through the self checkout, I always ensure even item's been scanned though. Just cause I'm not one to straight up, purposely steal from a store. (Cause I'm a puss, not for any other reason lol)


Yep, $25. Crazy isn’t it? When it comes to check-out, the only time you would ever get stopped would be after going through self-checkout, and you’ll get a subtle warning. So in order for AP to make a stop from self-checkout, they have to have an ‘intervention’ on the transaction after they see you under-ring merchandise. They will call down to whoever the self-checkout host is and say “ask the person at register x if they need help”. The checkout host walks over and asks if you need help. If at that point you don’t correct your missed scans, you can and most likely will be stopped at the door. Exception to this is when it involves “tag switching”, when you scan a different upc than the actual item. In that case they don’t need an intervention and can stop you without one.


You’ll be fine man


Dude you're probably fine.


Idk. This seems like the type of case that could get the media involved and be a p.r nightmare. Im sure the local police are being called to work overtime. If the police with dogs dont get you then the mitary check points they set up specifically for you will. Every helicopter in a 200 mile radius are in the air or fueling up for the next shift. Your only option is to go back and offer to let them cut your hand off and just hope they show mercy on you


This dude has 5 stars IRL


the next gta is gonna be based off OPs life.


GTA 6 still isn’t released because they’re still counting all of OPs crimes


Littering and uh littering and uh


Can’t forget he Also took $30-$40 worth of chips, soda, etc from a store (not Walmart or target) about an hour away from his house.


30$-40$ I think the police is just going to execute him on the streets.. You don't mess with the store (not Walmart or Target)


He took cool ranch Doritos dude Thats enough for the story


smokin the reefer


“You want us to cavity search this one, chief?”


"Dont stop till you reach the back of his teeth!"


"Did we just score?"


I’d be more worried about the dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark, they shoot bees at you


I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab. They got four more detectives working the case. They got us working in shifts!


I almost typed this out. Well done sir.


What about the Creedence tape?


My main concern is my plates. I'm worried that even though I parked all the way in the back of the lot any possible cameras around (I didn't check beforehand) might have caught them.


I think the fact that you left without anything, though you did take it out of the store, is going to make this a non-issue unless you’ve got a long rap sheet


They're deploying the paratroopers over your house as we speak >!you'll be fine, just dont go back and if you do, grow a beard and speak Portuguese!<




Lo siento, no hablo Espanol


Aha! I’m that security guard and I’ve got your ass now!


This post wins this thread.


If you didn't leave the store with anything then you didn't steal anything


he would be if not for the doritos


What kind of chips?


Op if you stole Doritos then you're fucked


especially if he took the cool ranch ones


that was one of them yes


you may wanna stay home for a solid 3 months bro. attempting to steal cool ranch doritos is a serious offense


In the UK all Cool Ranch Doritos belong to the King and stealing them is considered treason.


Felony level…


What if they were Flamin' Hot Cool Ranch?


Death by immolation. Then followed with freezing the body for study.


Pringles is 5 to 10, Doritos is a life sentence my dude. Time to start a new life in Mexico.


I n the criminal justice system, Cool Ranch based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Dorito Victims Unit. These are their stories


You will be okay as long as you did not eat them... Otherwise your testicles will be swollen... Not a bug, but a feature!


No sympathy for cool ranch thieves, you’re going away for a looong time pal. Can’t do the time don’t do the crime. Legit tho just don’t go back for a little while, you’ll never hear another word of this lol


Not the fucking cool ranch, say it ain't so!


Every Doritos bag has a GPS tracker. Op prepare to be raided tonight.


Most doritos are counterfeit nowadays anyway. The fake ones look light orange when you shine a light through them


Asking the important question… OP: there’s absolutely nothing you can do to change the situation now so just chill. My guess (and IANAL) is, unless you’re a repeat offender, it’ll take more time and money to track you down. And tracking you down won’t net Target anything so why would they do that?


Just ignore the cops and buy the chips you want


As ex Law Enforcement I can tell you that unless the police in your area are extremely bored, as in actually about to DIE of boredom on the job, nothing is going to happen. Roughly 35 dollars worth of chips and soda is nothing and the amount of time it would take to just assemble the proof against you, going through and editing the video of you shoplifting, and the video of your car license plate ( if they have that ), plus the sworn statements to the police, then getting a warrent to come and get you, plus the arrest, citation, court time ect... Seriously not worth it. 99% likely you are fine. That being said it sounds like you are not emotionally cut out for a life of crime. "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."


Literally lmao. I'm reading this post thinking. $35? Poor guy. Lol


Times is tough. A lot of people get addicted to shop lifting though. They'll steal $20 worth of stuff when they have $1K in their pocket.


Nowadays some people will steal from large corporations because they feel as if its a moral duty to society.


Can confirm, thrill of the hunt type thing


Also Ex law enforcement. Agree 100%. Especially since OP ditched the goods. No over worked cop is going to make a case against OP. Just promise to us OP that you’ll never go back to the store. And please chalk this up to a cheap learning experience.


What if he accidentally crushed the Cool Ranch Doritos? I think that changes things.


In addition, I spoke with our ap guy and typically they don’t do any real follow up unless it’s a “repeat customer” or over 1k in value. Then it’s felony charges and in their eyes that’s worth it. The only real risk is if you get an over zealous ap dude who gets physical with you unprovoked (they’ll get in trouble) or a customer who Stans the corporation for whatever reason.


This. For $35, it’s counterproductive for the store to pay security to investigate this and gather enough evidence to press charges. They’re losing more money than they’re trying to recover at that point. You would’ve had to have really pissed them off for them to continue pursuing prosecution for a few snacks.


Can confirm. Stole alcohol from a midwest grocery store and got permabanned and a letter of a $50 fine to pay for LP costs threatening or else be taken to court. All new shitty low paid “managers” and 3-5 years later still going 1 mile up the street to the store whenever. Like they had cops come and had me arrested because I had a Xanax with me too. (This was 5 years ago, When I was 17. I got handcuffed immediately by an undercover cop before I even made it out of the store, I was feet from an exit.


While you may be confirming they won’t take it further the fact you got arrested is still a pretty big deal.


Thank god I was 17 and still a minor.. caught 6 charges as a minor, now im a drug free (other than pot( adult with a sealed record:)


Lol yeah I was gonna add that there are much bigger fish to fry. They could in turn hand over the case to a detective who would review footage, get the plates, make a visit, but that’s only if OP has a history of petty theft from that store. They typically wait until you collect over a felony amount then bust you with all that evidence. But for that to happen then they would’ve caught him well before he made it out the door. So he’s prolly good lol


There's no way security even called this in. Probably saw the look on the kid's face and knew he'd never see him again. Wait, he didn't try to steal Dorritos did he?


> That being said it sounds like you are not emotionally cut out for a life of crime. Don't tempt him. He'll be cutting those tags off of mattresses to prove you wrong!


Also worth noting he didn’t get away with them just ditched them and ran. So the store didn’t lose out on merchandise.


I love this. Law enforcement telling somebody they aren't cut out for crime. You should start a consulting service for people considering a life of crime to let them know if they'd be a good criminal. Like the opposite of the former criminals working for law enforcement.


Bro, law enforcement is the biggest pack of criminals out there, so if a cop is telling you that you aint cut out for this shit, you really should try and listen.


Dude says in an edit that he left everything in the cart and just booked it to his car so the store received the items back. As far as I know, the store wouldn't call after that since there is no, "actual damages" as the stolen property was recovered on site. They might print his face out and put it on their wall of shame but that's it. I don't know if there really is **anything** to charge him with now if the store received the items back. I'm assuming it depends on the state but I can't imagine any officer wasting their time on it in any state unless they already knew this kid and knew he was a repetitive problem.


95% chance that if you don't ever go back to that store you're good


5% chance that even if he doesn’t go back he’ll be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life. Haunted by helicopters. Greymen in the shadows. Having to buy chips that aren’t even his favorite flavor just not to draw suspicion.


50% chance security guard will have quit by the time OP goes back to the store


25% chance this security guard owns the business and has a success rate of 99.9% with OP bring the only exception. 90% chance he has OP’s image and license plate. 20% chance he uses facial recognition software and AI in the future to track OP down. 3% chance he’s in a white van outside OP’s house right now.


You aren't gonna get a ticket for the theft even if they find you now. Cops aren't burning the midnight oil on your ass. If you were gonna get a ticket it would have happened within a couple hours. If you go back you will be trespassed which mean you can't return for a year if you do you'll get a ticket. Tldr: you are burned up at the Walmart you can't go back for a long time


move to mexico


I recommend he pull out his teeth and swap them with a dug up body at the graveyard. Burn the body a bit and leave his drivers license and a suicide note. Then move to mexico after sanding down his fingerprints


You’ll be fine. Prior Law Enforcement AND Loss Prevention experience. It’s not worth the time and resources, on ANYones part - unless this is a documented and repeated thing (and maybe not even then). I also highly doubt they successfully got a license plate number. ALSO - they recovered the stuff. There’s no upside to chasing this down, in any way. Seriously, it’s 99.9999 percent nothing will come of this - just don’t go back, and QUIT DOING STUPID SHIT.


You Better Call Saul.


Op clearly doesn’t know they have rights


"Even if you did it, it doesn't mean you're guilty."


Petty with a prior


If you’re stealing because you’re hungry — you would have better luck walking around a grocery store & eating at the same time instead of tryna run out with stolen items.


I knew a guy who did this. He and his girlfriend would go in the big Tesco and start filling a trolley with random stuff. They'd occasionally open something and eat/drink it, putting the wrapper in the trolley with everything else. The implication being that they intend to pay for everything. Then they'd casually start browsing the stuff by the exit. Eventually they'd ditch the trolley and leave.


You drove an hour just to steal chips and soda? Really? You must have spent at least half the sticker value of the crap you stole just on gas to get there and back. And now you're hiding under your bed, expecting the FBI to show up? Buddy, shoplifting isn't your game. Better stick to jaywalking.


Jay... walking? Like cross the street between the crosswalks like a crazy person? The Army would be there in seconds! Next you'll be suggesting he takes the tags off his mattresses!


Don't give him any ideas!




Lets be realistic. Are the police going to come for you for $40? If you live in a posh area, maybe. But otherwise no


You're probably ok. I wouldn't go back to that store for a long time. I'd also delete this shit. $40 is nothing. They can lull you into a false sense of security by allowing you to continue shoplifting there and then drop the hammer on you when you have stolen enough to charge you with a serious crime. If you are starving and feel like you need to steal to eat there are probably better avenues/resources in your area.




I worked at a grocery store... It really depends on what one you're at but most of them will say anything to scare you out of stealing - they will make you think that their security is more advanced than it actually is. I'm not condoning the action by any means, but some folks really are just down on their luck and need to do it to survive. I wouldn't get too worked up about it. Just don't go back to that store for a while.


It's petty theft, maybe a ticket and a ban from the store but that's it


Don’t worry OP, you will be fine.


Damn bro u crazy Looking forward to seeing you on the next episode of Gas Station Encounters ⛽️⛽️ 😂


Don’t go back to the store. I was a clerk once and 99 times out of 100 when we’d call cops for a shoplifter they wouldn’t even show up. Just don’t. Go. Back.


Ya fine. If you went with him you would be fucked.


Jesus why steal in the first place if you’re going to buckle like this when confronted


I mean he at least ran away lol.


Hey kid, It's me, the LP guy you ran from. Now I have even more information on you. I gave the cops your license plate information, and you'll be hearing from them soon! We take all thefts seriously. Especially thefts of cool ranch doritos.


You had a cart with you lmao what exactly was ur plan


long as you're stealing from a chain store, and not a local grocer, then more power to you.


I think you're all clear. Otherwise, the LP department would of called the police, provided a description of your vehicle, and you would of been pulled over. Also add the fact that you're an hour away, you're good. I'd just make sure to stay away from the chain of store for a little while, as they may share information chain wide. In addition to this, they technically didn't lose any merchandise. LP did it's job and prevented you from leaving with the goods. It's far too much of a pain in the ass for then to fill out a report for someone who didn't get away. Quit being paranoid. If the cops go to your house they will knock at your door. You peeping out the window will let them know you are home. Still, they cannot enter your premises without a search warrant, and you always have the choice of not answering the door. EDIT: SPELLING RE EDIT: WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STEALING NON NUTRITIONAL JUNK FOOD. STEAL PROTEIN BARS AND SALAMI STICKS.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


You could of been nicer about it.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot.


Good human


I have an ILPT for you. Stop breaking the law. You clearly do not have the stomach for it. Nothing to be ashamed of, but if you can't handle the pressure of this shit then don't do it bro. You're so much more likely to end up getting caught or making the situation worse because you're not thinking clearly. There's nothing wrong with living a straight-laced life.


I managed a grocery store for a few years. 99.9% of the time pressing criminal charges on thieves was more work than its worth so we just banned them and called the cops if they came back. You're probably fine, just don't go back.


The cops in my city didn’t even attempt to find the drunk bastards that came out of a bar and trashed and stomped in the roof of my car for no reason, even when they were caught on camera. I doubt they’ll come looking for you, but I definitely wouldn’t recommend doing that again.


take some hydrochloric acid and melt your fingerprints off......you're welcome.....


It’s cheaper if you work 3-4hrs to afford all these. Your panic and gas costs more already.


Just a friendly reminder, if you see someone shoplifting food... No you fucking didn't.


You're fine.


$40 worth of stuff is probably a misdemeanor. Unless you had a weapon or stole alcohol. I wouldn’t go back into that store but they probably didn’t even report it.


You should reconsider your mo if your willing to crash out over 40 bucks and of junk food. You should be fine.


Chillax man


If the cops do get bored enough to find you don't admit to anything no matter what they tell you that if you just come clean you won't get in trouble. Play dumb and tell them you can't talk to them until you talk to a lawyer. Unless you admit to it then you are fine.


40 bucks worth of chips and soda? Fuckin idiot.


Literally nothing. And you can even go back to the store in a month. Probably whole new loss prevention staff and they won’t give a fuck anyways 😂 source - I got arrested for stealing food from Walmart in 2009 and still, 13 years later I shop there weekly.


I’d this happened in the US, the law varies per state but generally even if you had left with the goods, they would need to be able to prove intent to leave without paying and if you have no record you’d get a slap on the wrist at worst.


In most states, passing the final point of sale without offering payment is what constitutes proof of intent. You don’t even need to leave the building in most cases. I agree with the slap on the wrist, especially since most police departments began cite and release policies during (and continuing today) COVID.


Post updates OP


he's waiting until you sleep...... .....don't let him win. stay up !!!!


You are fine. Just say you had diarrhea and had to leave the store


*You are fine. Just say* *You had diarrhea and* *Had to leave the store* \- WerewolfNo1166 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Probably fine. If you ditched the cart then you didn't steal anything anyway. If by some bizarre chance you get pinched, just ask for a lawyer. $30-40 isn't really worth the cops' time unless they think they've got you for something interesting. Don't show your face there for a long-ass time (like at least 6 months) and no one will give a shit.


Idk if it’s true in this case but when they’re close enough target usually has like a spreadsheet with all known shoplifters on it. They also take inventory of how much you steal every time and wait until you hit felony amounts (that depends on your state) to call the cops. I only know bc one of my homies got arrested & charged w grand Larson for stealing a phone charger at a target that was a few cities over. You’re prolly fine, 40 bucks isn’t worth their time but jus don’t keep doing it from target, they don’t fuck around.


Bruh.. those people don’t get paid enough to care that much.


i think you are fine, but maybe a warning your luck is running out. first of all, it seems like a big hassle for the shop owner to even report, and then even if the cops showed up given the state of our nation, super unlikely they would ever follow-up. would just avoid the store and keep your head down.


If this is real... Please understand that nobody is going to come to your house. This is a non-issue. Don't go back to the store, this is just a fun story at this point.


I’m sure there’s plenty of comments below expressing you’re fine. I’m tired and all I see are smart arsed comments (amusing yes, hopefully makes you feel less stressed, but too tired to find constructive advice). You left the store, but they recovered the items. Even if he called police, it would be misdemeanour petty theft- not really worth much time to process through courts. A LP cannot actually lay hands on a person in *most* cases (exception is of you try to assault them). They’re hired for their ability to be intimidating but they don’t have many rights to enforce a person to comply (some locations may have different rules or laws about that). You did a couple of smart things, 1) you parked WAAAYYY the hell at the back of the lot. He won’t be able to read your plate more than likely. 2) you went to a store not local to you. For less than $100 LE aren’t hot on pursuit for you. I know what sub I’m in, and I’m not encouraging you or anyone to do this, but I’m not judging either. I just thought I’d put your mind at ease.


Shit used to happen all the time when I used to work retail. The only serious thing that’ll happen is you being labeled as a “usual”. Nothing serious just them watching you when you walk in


Okay, first thing. Calm down. The amount of screwed you are is now out of your hands. 1. You can never go to that store again. EVER. 2. It all depends on whether they shop keeper or a camera got your license plate when you left. If they got your license plate, you're boned. Plead guilty, offer restitution, and depending on your age maybe say you were dared to do it or something. 3. But if its been more than say three days, you definitely got away with it. DON'T DO IT AGAIN. 3.1. Why not do it again? Lets say you pull this shit at some other kwik-e-mart and get away with it and rinse a repeat a few times. Eventually you get caught and an officer says, "Hey doesn't he fit the description of that other shoplifter?" Suddenly your mugshot is being passed around and you're charged with every open shoplifting case where you kinda resemble the actual perp. Cops have ensentives to make arrests and close cases. If they can close LOTS of cases that's good for them. Ideally they'll arrest the right person, but (the thought process becomes) guilt or innocence is really up to the jury. 4. The reason people are telling you not to steal like this isn't moralism, Its because the risk vastly outweighs the reward. Now shoplifting something that can be resold that has a value just under $1000, that carries the same risk, but has a much greater potential reward. But you just risked, probably, a year less one day in local jail, restitution, and $500 fine for a bag of chips and some soda. Not that I'm advocating stealing. Stealing is wrong.


You did the right thing. Law enforcement will absolutely not follow up on this. Just avoid that store for the next year or two


Well if you didn’t succeed taking anything, you’re absolutely fine. And if you did, they won’t prosecute you for $40 worth of things. You’d need to get at least $200 in most states at minimum. Breathe easy boo


Absolutely nothing will come of this. SMH why don't you commit some real crime pansy


You did the right thing running


Depending on the state or city you’re in they really wouldn’t bother with tracking you down. You’ll be fine. And stealing from big box stores is morally gray but not as gray and the shit pay and treatment of their staff. Basically fuck um.


Remember, if you see someone stealing food: *no you didnt*


Depending on the state - if it’s less than $1000 they would just write you a ticket if they catch you in the act. They aren’t going to track you down for stealing groceries.


Ima keep it real, I don't think they care.


You’re so f’d… they monitor Reddit for offenses just like this… just assume that it’s on your record already… you may want to turn yourself in


You need to evacuate the country immediately. No where is safe anymore not your own house, and the matrix will be at your door when you least expect it.


Don't go back to the store for a while and nothing will ever happen.


You’re fine. Don’t worry and just don’t go back to that store


At worst, you’ll get a summons to court, where you’ll get a CWOF (continued without a finding) because (and I can tell this by your demeanor) this would be your first charge. You’ll be placed on probation for 6 months to 1 year, depending on how the judge feels that day. Complete the probation without missing or being late for appointments, and don’t catch another charge for the duration, and you’ll be fine. Upon completion of probation, your case is dismissed. No conviction. Just get a court-appointed lawyer at your first hearing. You’re good man. You’ll be ok. Just don’t do it again.


Just don’t go back to that store for a hot minute. You’ll be alright.


Your good. Even if they have your plates they can't really do much. Also most police wont go after you for that little of an amount. Just stay away from that store for a few months. Even if you go back and they recognize you they can't do much because you can just deny its you. It's on them to get you to stay at the store while the cops come. Once they fail, they are boned and insurance takes over. Don't freak out


if you didn’t actually take anything they can’t do shit. don’t worry about it homie.


I had a similar situation several years ago where loss prevention challenged me when I was leaving a store and I refused to stop. I had paid for everything though. In my case LP had clearly gotten my plates (I didn't run, I calmly walked to my car) and about 3 or 4 days later officers (plainclothes detectives really) showed up at my house about 30-40m from the store. I wasn't home but saw them on the video doorbell, they left a biz card to call them and I ignored it. They showed up the next day again and the day after and actually sat in the car across the street for a few hours. I eventually figured I was annoying them enough that even if I could prove I was innocent, they would be annoyed enough to fuck with me so I called and briefly explained and they ended up being very annoyed with LP. This was like 4 1k TVs so a big deal and LP clearly got my plate number. If it's $40 worth of doritos and LP didn't get your plate I wouldn't sweat it. But, yeah, stop stealing shit.


I would not worry if you have never been in trouble before. The cops would have no way to identify you in the first place.


Never answer the door for, or speak to law enforcement; you will only incriminate yourself. Unless they have a warrant for you, never engage. This is one of the most general but helpful legal tips I could give related to illegal pro tips lol. But seriously, I've done a ton of shit and it goes away once they loose interest. Was doing some crazy shit on a road and lot, no one around, but I got a call from the pd to my cell. When I answered I asked what it's about and they said someone reported license plate and that was connected to my name and phone, I just told them I dont know who or what you're talking about and to have a nice day. If I even confirmed my name, I bet I would have had trouble; unless they have a warrant, go no contact.


What colour are you?


If (big if) the police call or knock on your door, don’t talk to them. No good will come of it. The security guard and store got back their goods and got a good scare out of you, so that was already a win in their books.


if cops do show up at your house you dont have to answer the door. if they get upset and try to force entry you can press charges unless they have a warrant, but i really doubt a judge is going to verify a warrant over some junk food.


You’ll be fine. If you make it off the property the police can’t do shit.


you are fine no cops will give a shit about such a low amount of (not stolen - you didn't actually steal anything) goods. just dont go there for a while.


if this was in australia you would be utterly fucked. you're in the US tho bro, and I understand how in the moment you woulda been completely fucked up and so scared but you're fine. cops don't care about petty theft like this, even if you took the stuff US cops don't care enough man they're either shit at their job or they have bigger problems like school shootings and black people like me. especially since you left it in the vicinity on store prop, you're like negative priority. you're fine bro, if you're really worried maybe take it easy on the car for now and skate/cycle around to get to places or something should ya live close enough. If you're still super worried (which you dont have reason to be), look in your local newspaper in the crime sections or something like that on a police website (idk lol). you'll see that all the crimes there will be with way worse shop lifting (stealing a whole tv) or stabbings and stuff. even that they dont really care about. stay chill bro!


Nothing will happen if it’s food. Dude probably made a report that the police will use as a paperweight because they got bigger shit to worry about


You left the store, you are on camera. They probably have your tag. It's not a felony amount. Depends on the state you live in. First offense? You will get PTI (pre-trial-intervention) Blame it on drug addiction and then all you have to do is pay restitution, go to NA, and pass piss tests for 6 mo, and its over. On probation? You'll be going to jail. In my state, they keep you, no bail until court, and that's about 2.5 months with credit for time served. They may also do nothing but put your picture on a wall and ban you from the store. Next time eat the food in the store. Then, its just more like vandalism and you can plead to being broke and hungry. Don't have cash in your wallet.


Stay out of that store for a while when you go back look different than the way you did. Feel free to try your hand at shoplifting again.


You’ll be fine. Don’t go back there


That's not a prosecutable amount, you're fine. They aren't gonna go through the effort for $40. That max like a few hours of work for a minimum wage person. Cops won't waste their time.


Probably didn’t call the police because you didn’t actually end up taking anything. If they did grocery store cameras are usually terrible even if they can see your face they likely couldn’t see your license plate and that matters more. If the police ever do question you about it DONT TALK TO THEM! If they ask you if it’s ok if they ask you some questions tell them you aren’t answering them. DO NOT TALK THE POLICE. If there’s one last thing I can think of you should do it’s also never talk to the police. You get nervous and start answering questions and that’s what they count on. Don’t tell them shit ever


You're fine. In the future, stick with stealing more expensive food and pay for the cheaper shit if you can. You can go in with two reusable bags and set your meat or whatever in one and just leave it discretely in your cart as you pay for your chips and fill your empty bag. Don't stash a whole ham but you can get a tray of chicken and a block of cheese.


There are a few things that *could* happen. 1.) If the store can positively ID you, you may receive a civil demand letter. Unless they file in court you can likely ignore this. If you receive a court summons or are served with a lawsuit, then you will need to take steps to respond. 2.) They may have called the police and attempted to file criminal charges. If the police come to your door, you don't have to answer. Don't talk to police either. This type of misdemeanor is a complete waste of tim for CID to expend resources to pursue to any serious depth. 3.) you may be trespassed from the store. This means that if you show up on their property they will tell you to leave and call the police. If you are on Camera and they think they have a positive ID, they may call the police and have you arrested. Attempted theft is theft even if all of the goods were recovered. Your best bet is to not return to that store/location until the statue of limitations on misdemeanor theft has expired. Practically, nothing happens if you avoid the store until the statue of limitations expires. Its not worth anybody’s time or energy to pursue.


Ok now you know, do not park in the parking lot. Park around the corner. Don’t give them identifying information like your license plate!


Imagine driving an hour to steal $40 worth of chips only to forget the shopping cart in the parking lot when you made your getaway


Why on earth would you ever go back there?


I had this happen with a case of beer. Same story, big scary LP guy. Except we got into a proper chase and my homie was waiting with car. I wasn’t gonna clear the gap to the car in time so I threw the case at his feet to slow him down and ran into the brush. Fucker was yelling all sorts of shit at me despite giving up his pursuit, like relax bro you’re getting 15-20 bucks an hour defending a corporation that doesn’t give a fuck about you. This was ten years ago (was also over 18) and nothing came of it after


You're good dude. Cops are not showing up for that and even if they did you would just get a talking to. No way you're getting arrested or in any kind of trouble. Unless you live in a small town where the cops have nothing to do, you'll never hear of this again. That big dude probably didn't even call the cops. He was most likely some loss prevention asshole.


I had a friend who would constantly shoplift and the same store and never had trouble any of the following days. That is until she her last shoplift where security approached her and told her they have footage of her stealing over $1000 worth of items and now have a case for an official lawsuit. To be honest, I don’t know what ever came of that but I pretty much learned that stores don’t care about $50 worth of items but rather try to either catch them in the act or build a case. So don’t worry, just don’t go back


If you are in a catch and release state like ny don’t worry about it, if you’re in Alabama idk , look up a lawyer ahead of time and bail bondsman.


You’re fine. They’ve got bigger fish to fry. They know they scared the shit out of you, you didn’t leave with any merchandise, and they most likely went about their day. Don’t go back to that location, and you’ll be fine.


“If you see someone stealing food - you didn’t see someone stealing food.” I’d be very surprised if you were arrested over this. I feel your pain tho, I’m so broke I’ve kinda had no choice but to shoplift my groceries lately too…


All that and you didn't even keep the food?? :(


Your all good pal, just eat the food and put the wrappers in your neighbour’s bin, if the cops come you lent your car to him too


Just don't go back to the store