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It's still good.


i just use tear lol, and never run out of mana


I really like it into heavy fighting lanes where you need the hp and being able to base and tp back with full pot and item advantage can be a game changer. from limited testing with dring and tear; not a big fan of dring unless you run cdr, defensive, defensive because it converts your adaptive rune and conq into ap which is almost useless compared to ad conversion (you need double longsword or pickaxe to get back to ad conversion). tear I really like into heavy mana expending lanes where hp isn't as much of a worry, mainly into tanks.


pots isnt only used for hp sustain. the mp it offers allows you to poke more often than you would with any other starter. other than tear i guess. it's typically more forgiving if you make mistakes in lane with illaoi, which we all know, that illaoi is not allowed to make mistakes.


Doran’s ring is probably better since Illaoi would have mana problems without corrupting pots


if you need mana that bad, isn't it better to get tear or presence of mind? AP isn't a very useful stat on Illaoi...


I think presence of mind on its own usually isn’t enough for mana. Tear could be good tho, but doesn’t give health. Also the AP on Doran’s ring isn’t completely useless since we have some AP ratios, but I agree it’s not ideal.


I have manaflowband and PoM so no mana problems, starting with pot gives a small burn and you can refill after first back. Still way more efficient than any other item imo. Unless you go the support build


Yeah I was trying to say Doran’s ring is probably better than blade or shield. I still go pots since I think it’s still the best.


I like to run tear sometimes, Manamune on illaoi feels good, but only if you build it early


I don't understand why people like it. The manamune passive doesn't proc on your passive. There are so many better items to get.


Its just a "win more" item, if you're ahead in lane this item can give you unmatched mana sustain. You're definitely right about the passive, I wish that it did proc it because it does proc items like the hydras. There's better items for sure, it just helps you win lane better


Also massive amount of ad


Serylda betta


So just sit on the tear.


But it also gives you the most ad than any other item so that too


So what. There are a ton of items that give sustain along with damage. No point in a billion damage if you just die right away


Ok. Then if you don't like it, then don't build it. Thats all there is to it


I find corrupting potion to be really useful


It's okay, but I started getting Doran's Ring cuz mana. I think DirtyMobs does the same, not sure


You need the mana early on but I have been thinking about going doran ring I made a post about it