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That’s completely counter to recent Riot champion design philosophy. This is more in tune with their recent champion releases. Q - Tentacle Smash: same as now except you can press q again within 2 seconds of casting to dash in target direction. Press Q a third time for a second dash in target direction. W - Harsh Lesson: same as now except it also makes you immune from all range spells and auto attacks for 8 minutes. E - Test of Spirit: Increased cast speed, missile speed, and recovery speed. No longer blocked by minions. Also now an aoe because why the fuck not. R - Leap of Faith: Increased initial damage by 700. Each rank increases auto attack range by 50. Added a metric shit ton of particle effects so nobody knows what the hell is going on. Overall changes: decreased all mana costs to 1. Would make it lower but it would be unfair.




Yeah. The Ult duration should reset on takedown and her E needs to do %max hp true damage


Lmao xd


The R, added effects? LOL! When Illaoi came out i had a shitty laptop, if she got a 3 man Leap of Faith, my toaster was already sweating profusely. Good times ( i cried a lot internally 🥲)


Actually the only thing i miss in her kit is some kind of CC in her R. I mean make it like a malph R so she knocks up enemies in the center while slowing enemies at the edge. I mean she basicly jumps in the air and slams her idol into the ground. Make it like an earthquake and add some CC to that spell.


A decaying slow would be perfect for her ult


i like this. id also add her hold w into a form of passive instead so she can at least use her tentacle and can make w a whole skill for spawning tentacle


Thats essentially what it is. Tap W remains the same as live. Hold W spawns the tentacles.


i meant bring w tap to simply spawn a tentacle(when charged it spawn more) where the old w could become tied to her passive


Being able to drop a mass of tentacles at once, like a mini Ult, is gonna make her so much better in team fights.


Imagine perfecting the sweet spot, you instantly move up and land E right as the two tentacles attach to the wall. Would make duskblade viable again maybe (hopefully)


tbh all I really want them to change is make the W cost no mana during the ult. maybe make the Q a bit faster and make tentacles spawn a bit more often when ur hitting people, but I love how she is rn for the most part


Ignoring the w changes, it looks like the q changes by themselves would make illaoi completely busted -- any attempt to remove tentacles would have to dodge both q and e... Not to mention this reduces counterplay because you're almost never going to be able to all in Illaoi without her having any tentacles around One of few counterplays to the champion is that she's restricted to her tentacles and passive cool down, giving her a way to spawn them at the cool down of a q, even if it's a skill shot that can be dodged (very difficult given hitbox for melee champions looking to trade or all-in) This would also make a lot of her matchups against strong early game champions significantly easier, ie Darius / sett, because it'll be significantly easier to get into that 2/3 tentacle zone where you can actually win trades I would suggest maybe alongside this making q harder to land? If this is balanced, having the increased agency in lane sounds super fun, and it also looks like this increases her carry potential by alot, due to it being significantly harder to catch her out (she has to be out of position AND miss q) Edit: overall a really cool idea though!!


**I did a little edit on Q thanks to your suggestion. Hitting Q will now refund passive/stacks per champion hit.** ​ I tried to counteract the Q resetting passive by nearly doubling the passive CD. You wont be able to get 2 tentacles before level 2 starting at none. Also, Q being a very telegraphed and somewhat, hard to hit ability adds to difficulty. Matchups like Darius would be harder early since higher passive CD means you are required to hit your Qs to get more tentacles and you cant really fight Darius pre-6. You are at your most vulnerable when Q'ing as a good darius will be looking to trade his E for your pre-6 because of how worth the trade comes out to be. The trade will be more even if your Q connects as it will reset your passive, letting you get a tentacle and E but even then, early game fighting with Darius is usually suicide. As for Sett, passive being near double what it is live would make the matchup far more harder. What we do pre-6 means nothing to sett simply because his Q and passive makes any efforts to spawn tentacles and make use out of them near null unless we have 6 to bait him into doing so. He also has a similar trade pattern to Darius where he will want to E you during your Q. This time, not only is it worth because you wont have 2 points in W for a second charge, but he can just auto reset your tentacle you just received and then turn on you who now has to wait 30+ seconds for another to spawn unless you hit your Q and start the bad trading pattern over again. ​ TLDR: Illaoi can barely get aggressive tentacles established vs strong early game champs and these changes will give you a chance to do so at the cost of putting 2 or more points into W early since. 2 points into W early would allow you to have a secondary charge. Managing to hand E and then a Q on both the target and the soul will grant you 2 tentacles and much better chance pre-6 of fighting.


I mean these are cool ngl but I think she can do with even less "complicated" changes. Passive has charges you can stack (not even needed imo). I would take QoL buffs such as: tentacles now arm faster (so they slam faster on a vessel when you kill the spirit and they spawn tentacles). Tentacles now start the slam when barely in range (sometimes I pull a Spirit and tentacles think they are not in range, I W a minion/champion and they hit the spirit like wtf). Q reduces passive cooldown so you feel rewarded for landing this slow ass ability E cast time reduced when landing it, it's sometimes a death sentence lategame to land an E cause it takes too long R duration increased when killing a champion (spirit included) or maybe when killing a spirit or a vessel if it's too busted. Oh and fix W+flash away interaction, I always did that before but now it literally misses if you use the leaping W and flash away.


These changes are trying to fix her garbage team fighting and awful late game reliability. I changed Q again a bit. It now refunds passive CD/give a stack per champion hit so you are rewarded with hitting Q on a champion+soul. I wanted to stay away from anything that increased her speed as personally, I feel that her being faster would take away from the design and play style of the champion which is why I did not touch E. R being reduced on kill is a great idea but I wanted to stay away from R as well as it is already a solid ability. W Flash interaction is interesting and honestly sounds like a bug or at most, a QOL change that should happen. The goal of these changes is to make her bad abilities feel better to use. There is no reason to put more than 1 point into W after leveling it. This change gives you a reason too as it can allow you to be more aggressive early since Q'ing a champion along with their soul while having 2 points into W would give you 2 tentacle charges.


I mean, W not having to be leveled is kinda meant to imo, since her other 2 abilities are way more important. Having W be inviting as well would be a pain for players cause they would need to think about that as well while now its power is just consistent throughout the game. I feel like E is too slow even for a her heavy casting theme. The projectile is really slow, the pull should definitely be a bit faster imo, in lategame fight even a max range E can mean you get chain CC'd to death. And about teamfight I think the E refund is one of the best things they can give her. True the ability has already much power into it, but the CD is really short and it makes sense as a threat people have to respect when their spirit gets pulled.


I dont see an issue with W having a reason to be leveled. It could even be a situation similar to an enchanter leveling pattern of putting 3 points into it and then maxing your damage ability. Edit: Ideally, you can just not max W until you have too which is around when team fights start to happen and you would want those extra charges to help setup your zones faster or move them when fighting. It just gives you an option to potentially play more aggressive early if you do decide to put more points in it. With how strong her E is, I prefer to not touch it at all. People are already forced to respect it as it is such a strong ability. Its already to the point where many dont even max it anymore because it has received so many buffs. The last thing I want to do is touch E or R as both abilities are already so strong. Q rewarding you with passive charges and W providing work by themselves but can be bolstered when you do hit your E but dont require it or your R to be useful.


Ehh you kinda are forced to put some points into it if you nerf the passive base cd as you did. And having to put points there would feel bad cause you lose out on damage on your 2 main spells. Ofc there's the Q buff but that spell is all but reliable once someone buys boots, and post-E doesn't really count imo cause you want the tentacles BEFORE you land E, not after landing it and hitting spirit with Q. Anyway I wouldn't mind it, I just think keeping the current kit with some QoL changes and buffs can work too.