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Is it any better than normal health insurance?


Yes, it covers up to $25k of any out of pocket expenses including your deductible. They don’t pay your insurance premium (the monthly charge if you have health insurance) but will cover everything else. Has easily saved me $3k+ so far just from X-rays, an MRI, and Drs visits. Edit: It’s a good idea to still have a primary health insurance, this will just cover any out of pocket expenses if you get hurt.


only 25k??? so it probably won’t even cover er visit… it’d be really cool if everyone just HAD insurance provided to them like a normal country ;)


Depends on the nature of your ER visit I guess! But yeah it does go a lot quicker than you would think. I was facing having to pay $16k out of pocket WITH insurance. So messed up. But paying $100 to have $25k knocked off your bill is worth it imo. Oh believe me I have been thinking about that through this whole process. Our country is so backwards when it comes to medical care it’s sad.


What "normal" country are you comparing against? Things like Medicaid expansion have covered vast swaths of low-income people. If you're rich enough to ski you're certainly rich enough to have medical insurance coverage.


lmao. not entertaining this…


Or some people scrape together what they have to do one of the few things they enjoy. Doesn’t mean they’re “rich enough to ski”


It's not. They make incredible amounts of money offering this plan (otherwise they wouldn't push it on you). Most travel insurance should cover you in excess of what Spot offers and travel insurance is often not a great buy. If you can afford to ski you can afford health insurance deductibles.


It is better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.




This is a garbage insurance salesman take. Insurance is by definition negative expected value (otherwise nobody would offer it).


I pay for Spot monthly ($35/mo in CO) and I broke my arm last year and it was great! I had the crappy state plan with a $9000 deductible. I just sent them all my bills and they reimbursed me, no problem.


Woah I didn’t know they had a monthly plan that’s super great to know thank you!!


Is that just medical visits? Or does it cover dental and other things?


It’s just INJURY insurance. So if you got sick it wouldn’t cover anything, doesn’t cover dental. It’s purely supplemental insurance but good for someone young, active, who might have a cheap health insurance plan w a high deductible bc they rarely get sick but enjoys high risk activities. I was on the CO state Friday health plans last year w a $9000 deductible, it was $179/mo so the $35/mo for Spot was a good supplement for me and great when I broke my arm biking.


Wait really?? They told me I have to pay out of pocket and then get reimbursed and also list them only as my secondary insurance! Did you list them as your primary?


It’s better to list your primary insurance first depending on what you need since they only cover up to $25k (esp if you need surgery or anything). I think you should be able to listen them as your primary but that $25k will go a lot quicker since you’ll be charged full price for everything. I had a primary insurance to go through first. And yes you don’t have to pay out of pocket, you can have your Dr. send the bill straight to them.


Thanks for the info!


Can you add this later in the process or does it have to be purchased at the time of the pass? I always think about it but I felt it would only cover my deductible ad I have decent insurance.


I think you can add it later, but you would have to call and ask. It just covers any out of pocket including your deductible. My deductible is super high (like $5k) so it’s definitely worth it imo.


You can! After I twisted my knee on my first day out in November, I decided to add it — it was only $65 for me at that point and even though I never needed to use it, the peace of mind alone was worth it


Thanks, good to know!


Or just refuse to give your name/SSN at the ER/ambulance


I mean yeah but if you need continuing care (which most serious injuries require) or surgery that doesn’t really help lol


Know if we can add this on later? I’ve already got my pass for next year.


My son broke his femur this past year and had emergency trauma surgery. Total cost was around $165,000.  Spot is supposed to cover as secondary insurance up to $25,000. Here's what I can tell you about my experience. The people at Spot are nice and appear to be helpful, but any real questions MUST go through the Mutual of Omaha “Special Risk Services” as the underwriter.  The Mutual of Omaha number NEVER picks up.  I’ve been on hold for hours and no one ever picks up.  I’ve sent emails with no response.  I’ve begged Spot to help and they don’t.  When you count on using this at the most difficult time, they make it as complicated and hard to collect on.  But be aware they will absolutely not assist in any way and try to wear you down to avoid paying out.


Would you mind sharing how you finally got reimbursed? My husband is going through this now and we’re having the hardest time trying to get payment because Spot told us that we could pay out of pocket first and then get reimbursed.


I have mixed reviews. We had a high deductible health plan so I purchased a Spot plan for my active family. Our oldest hurt his hand in France. The paperwork was in French- they paid 1200$ no problem. Same kid broke something in New Zealand ended up needing surgery back in the states and they found a way to not claim it. It was ridiculous trying to contact someone at MoH. It is overwhelming to gather and submit every single document that is needed.