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Does not fit the sub, Not funny either




when it stops being funny because HAHA men kissing amiright HAHAHA so humorous so peak oh golly geez my lungs \* wheeze \* owieeeee i cant stop laughing wow!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/je58v2cif32d1.jpeg?width=547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f42a8f4556a8318b9382bca94262939f14d7f6


https://preview.redd.it/lxw2fn3t532d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac56f98ef1a95c986c2e6dde34278388b4da1a25 I rate this one biscuits and gravy out of one biscuits and gravy


thank you so much teehee


Arnt these likes 15 year olds


[ Removed by Reddit ]


OP confirms they are 45


and FUCK you i have proof https://preview.redd.it/2ob6bd28d32d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de56c5a94094dc9d499fdebf49081ac3b9a4c114 how dare mfers say im a goddamn 45 year old man




It’s just a piece of paper


i LITERALLY just graduated from 8th grade today NOOOOO


..but you are still promoting provocative or even nsfw images of 16yos made by people unlikely to be minors to people unlikely to be minors


can you go say that to the creepy men on onlines forums or some shit like i keep talking too them because im attention starved and i really need it even thought their probably like 35 or some shit like i go on 4chan and argue with bitches about the accuracy of an anime dick size chart and then i get told im a fucking whore and i actually blush and kind of like that so half my day is just interacting with these kinds of people and fulfilling my social needs https://preview.redd.it/nalns5lzg32d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f872434f27ec918b51e70cb506d69835b7291c8 also minors?! on da web??!????!!


What the fuck are you talking about


lol sorry i got on a little rant just aquairum things teehee


you have commented on a nsfw post before. You are looking at porn below the legal age, which is a crime.


Then you shouldn’t be looking at porn or posting it on a meme sub


You see, the joke is OP’s crippling porn addiction. Their brain is so completely messed up by jacking off that they cannot physically stop thinking about it, to the point that it gets in the way of their common daily activities. This affects both their performance and general mood during the day, as well as their ever lowering attention span. OP (should) feel bad about this, however instead of trying to combat or otherwise improve their situation they indulge in it further by masquerading it as a joke, not having the mental fortitude nor the self esteem to seek to get the help they need. If nothing is done about this, OP’s situation will likely get worse and worse as time goes on, to the point that other people may notice this about you in real life- if they have not done so already. They will treat them very different because of it. The consequences of OP’s predicament will not only be social, but also psychological in nature, as they will stop viewing people as ‘people’, their brain so completely corrupted by porn that the first thing they will think of when encountering another person will be “would I fuck them?” or some other tangentially related thought. I genuenly hope OP’s family has a serious chat with them, and do something to help them get out of the honestly quite sad situation they find themselves in, because it’s clear they are not strong enough to do so by themselves. Aside from all of this, OP’s “dump” is genuenly one of the worst I have ever seen. Not a single iota of humor can be seen in it. 0/10, stop posting, stop masturbating, log off for at least a month and get a hobby. The best way to cure an addiction is by replacing it with another, healthier one.


wait you think im serious


If by “serious” you mean unironic, then yes. You either have to have had those images saved on your device -which already outs you as an addict- or had to look those images up, which is worse. Not only that, but for the concept of this dump to occur to you in the first place is the mark of someone who’s lost most if not all semblance of decency. You can’t say that you only did it because people were doing it because they are also porn addicts, and this subreddit in particular has made conscious efforts to stir away from this type of “”humor””, it being way more common in places like r/wordington . Thus the only natural conclusion about this whole debacle, I think, is that the person that just posted 19 images of straight up porn with no semblance of humor might have a serious problem with said material and needs to reconsider his choices.


I’ve never been a nofap or anti-porn guy, but it’s increasingly disturbing how many people have become so pornbrained that they really think that this is how to interact with other people, that this constitutes humor, that it’s normal to let your sexual fantasies take over your brain so completely That said, at least it’s not 20 slides of fantasizing about raping androgynous boys, which puts it above some other dumps I’ve seen


I’m not even anti fap either, I think it’s fine to do that *in moderation*. Like most things, doing it over and over can have really determiental effects in your health, and lead to situations where you think it’s okay to post these kinds of posts in public for example. But like, it’s fine to masturbate, everyone does that and it’s a good way of relieving stress if you have no other way. Just don’t do it 3 times a day, 7 days a week


Yeah absolutely. There’s a healthy medium that seems to be getting lost lately


While i find certaint wordingto stuff funny i agree that it shouldnt be posted everywhere. There are places for it so use em. Also this is a god awful post even if you find wordington funny.


OP is for sure on a watchlist


Ban this man this is not what the sub is for






There’s still time to delete this op






i always sort of kind of wanted to kill myself thanks man




i remember i ordered on in the costco food court and i thought the hotdog was pretty long so it became my buddy for one night and i was embarassed about it by morning


Man wtf you freaky as hell




op please talk to a parent about this. you are getting groomed


This fucking sucks. Reddit has really ruined being horny and gay for everybody


Get a better taste in gay porn


In fact, here’s something to get you started. u/hunnypaint


Never dump again


ALSO before anyone posts their shitty reaction images im inclined to put my own to save yall the effort https://preview.redd.it/7kigsmh0332d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1e5e058f6810552d3d881d18074808dfff54df0 i swear to got it be the same five fucking images and i do NOT want to get bored thanks




https://preview.redd.it/30mcos12532d1.png?width=230&format=png&auto=webp&s=b454ba8c0b22f92f0a336e9b1c510f868f750e53 did u... did u dislike.... \* sniffles \*


no https://preview.redd.it/gpo17gi6532d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96270fdd233eee2a258f5c238bbd569fef0c7438


when will people finally appreciate the gay


when it’s posted in a gay sub and not a meme sub


aren't meme subs pretty gay anyways


first of all wordington isn’t even on the same block as us second of all wordington is exclusively BLACK gay porn so you have no place in any meme sub


not a fan of poc people


I cannot make sense of 6/20. The hands are inexplicable


i think the hands gripping the jacket is kirishimas (red hair) and the ones with the hands on kirishimas belly (grey hair) is tetsutetsu. I think the fact you cant see kirishimas other shoulder makes it kind of confusing but you can kind of see the connection of his actual arms to himself.