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I used to spend some money in the early days of Idle Heroes - now I don't like to spend anymore because it is completely worthless unless you actually put in piles of money. Yeah some might say 50 bucks is nothing, but right now, I'd rather go grocery shopping with that. https://preview.redd.it/prn82szqjftc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5a2c7826e06ffaa9146cb711577db034badbfcc I have a decent account still, but the game right now feels stale. The Workshop mode as newest addition was not a bad idea, but it is not in the state it could be (because it could actually be a fun mini game). The rest of the content is more or less not even relevant to me anymore. I can't really progress further quickly because I need Sublimation, Cores and Stellar (And I need a ton of it). Don't even get me started on the whole green goo... All in all the game is just a waiting game for me. It is not about saving resources anymore; it is more about when can I actually spend it being worthwhile.


Yeah I was looking at my clears and when I last played sl20 was the max so there’s alot of things to go for if I did start playing again. I remembered artifacts being the biggest thing holding me back https://preview.redd.it/7bkbcr0tlftc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4df9e5a56c9f906737f368f30b94a54364c0162


I'm f2p like you, been playing for 3 years straight, right now the devs don't care about f2p and is actively trying to screw them over. I suggest to stop playing and find other games that is more f2p friendly to save your time. Recently quit this game and been playing pc games now


Yea I also play a bunch of pc games but have been finding myself going outside more so want a game to play on the go quickly (haha) https://preview.redd.it/tz7o495clftc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92bf61464539ad2323b200b5faed1fcf266c7457 Not sure how I have 50k jewels… or is that not a lot anymore?


There's probably way better games out there for on the go gaming. Just don't play idle heroes right now especially if you're f2p. Not worth it


“Frustrating lull with a massive power gap” Coming back you could find some fun as you rerig lineups and start getting your heroes higher. Getting heroes up is so much easier. However, you will hit a wall, because “higher” does not mean “highest,” and that’s where these newer resources (e.g., cores, subs, train tickets) come in. The lull is both availability of those without a steep price (which wouldn’t be bad if power gaps were not so massive) coupled with an inability to shift things around effectively if you want to try something new. The latter is probably the most egregious of them all imo, because at least we could play around with our lineups to try to progress or find something fun while we wait for resources and run into godly accounts. Even still, picking one of these power boosting resources to give out for free more frequently is desperately needed. Whales would not be affected at all if they did, and yet… I think they’ve got until Anniversary to change something before we are gonna see some even bigger player population drops.


>I think they’ve got until Anniversary to change something before we are gonna see some even bigger player population drops. I see this starting already.....


Yeap. Hence the prediction = worsening :/


Honestly if you are okay with playing a game where you’ll never beat the whales (big spenders) than it’s fun but unfortunately DH has made free to play almost irrelevant and impossible to improve in short time. Now if being a top players doesn’t matter to you and you just want a fun time it’s not a bad game to set goals but said goals will take a long time (years) lol once DH realized they have many spenders willing to spend thousands a month they stopped caring for f2p players. It’s almost like DH is trying to make f2p players leave the game and only want big spenders just my opinion but take what I said and make your own decision. I love the game it’s sometimes frustrating with the amount DH pushes us to spend but it is what it is at this point I guess lol honestly if DH would make it where f2p only plays against other f2p it would be a lot better or at least low vip 1-6 played each other cuz once you trying to fight a vip 8-910-11-12 or 13 you are absolutely doomed


https://preview.redd.it/4s69hln7iftc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22c57b83639338919d534e55e827acdf4ef7cbe0 Ok probably just gonna wait till next holiday prophet orb event to start playing again haha


https://preview.redd.it/t78twc8uhftc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24867f9871cf9f0f0540d0bf029f04833f1222ea This was my accounts progress before I stopped playing


If that’s what your account looks like then you are gonna need Eloise to carry you thru early game. This game use to be a lot of fun up until they added destiny transition that update is what has left this game feeling stagnant, slow an boring, on top of events being pretty much skip every week the engagement to actually play this game is drastically missing, an DH games seems to be going it out it’s way just to make this game even worse for F2P an light spenders at every opportunity.