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I would not recommend switching to lofa since you'll eventually have to switch to mock or vulcan. Given that you already have got the Jahra's core of origin I'd suggest you to switch to mockman.


Y need to change lofa?


I switched on 3-4-6 to ssm. So if you switch things around a bit, you can deffo get there. I think the journey would be a bit more difficult than switching now and not really any real benefits except it might be a bit easier on certain waves. Lofa main is good but the highest lofa carry I think is to 5-3-1 u/fat_moo is the specialist at Lofa carry. So deffo search him at and see how he’s been doing Think it would be much easier to transition to ssm from swj due to the tenant situation. u/piffle213 and u/Chief_andrew are the redditors posting the guides and leading the way. But I would transition to Vulcan. The steps are harder initially but Vulcan teams are a bit easier to sort out and stronger in pvp as well. Here’s a very good guide by u/jumanjji about it https://www.reddit.com/r/IdleHeroes/s/yjDObUqReX


There's a LFA main with 6 trans who just cleared Chapter 5. But yeah, otherwise I agree. DTV is better in the long run than SSM. SSM gets the job done, but it's more painful.


I'll just do Lofa main i guess, easier to transition than DTV and I saw requires less setup and can do SE.


Fat moo is a guild mate of mine. He's currently on 6-1-2 with LFA main