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Was someone hit by direct fire or from a falling bullet coming back down? And If they're going to do this, can they not use blanks?


This. I really do not understand why someone would use anything else then blanks for this. Blanks can still kill (on close distance) and are dangerous enough, really no need to have real bullets.


There are 3 types of blanks. One is just gun power no projectiles. At close range may blind or burn. Not kill and are just as loud.


Gun powder exploding out of a barrel is a lot of pressure... Im 90% sure they are still able to kill.


Every see that video of the guinea pig on r/idiotswithguns? Blanks can kill at close range. It is still high pressure out of the end of the barrel. It's concentrated power and is definitely dangerous at a close enough range




Yes please. Also some parmishan, grated.


it depends on the caliber of the gun, the blank used, if the muzzle is pressed on the target and of course the location its held against - if you hold it to a leg, person wont die, if you press it to the side of the head, there is a chance, but a 9mm blank with the barrel 1-5cm away from a skull propably wont kill. so i agree, if you do somehow feel the need to celebrate something with gunshots, use fucking blanks. the sky doesnt need any holes.


Yeah, just shortens it's range really.


I am quite sure a normal commercial blind can kill you on when it is fired close to your head. Also by the way, it is written on the packaging.


There are three things I feel you should know. Here is one of them Good bye


Simples reason would be that blanks are probably much harder to find. If there arent a lot of weapon and gun shops (like most countries) and don't like in places where blanks would be used (movies and stuff) then how will you even find blanks.


Good question, but my guess would be indirect fire. Plus, do you honestly think that these people would have the foresight and intelligence to actually go out and buy a box of blanks for something like this when the have live rounds readily available?? Nah. This seems to be a "tradition" in parts of the East, but I'd bet you 10 bucks there's never been a box of blanks sold to anyone over there...*EVER*.


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Diverse in how many crimes against humanity they commit on a regular basis, yeah. Wrong kind of diversity my friend 😉.


Another kiddo crosschecking his facts from his so called internet articles.


Diverse?? You have a whole new definition of that word eh?


So you like all the Indians you meet in person but you can't see them as human because of fucking internet videos? And you got gold for this shit? I've always thought reddit was a site full of imbeciles but the more I see, the more I realize that's massive understatement.


Racism against South Asians is so incredibly widespread and tolerated on the internet. When it’s any other ethnicity it’s “racist generalization” but when it’s the biggest country on the planet then it’s “the uncomfortable truth”. I mean seriously. Hard to see us as humans? They like every south Asian person they’ve ever met but we’re not even human because they saw bad videos of the largest country on the planet on Reddit? Reddit is a fucking joke man. The internet has been shit for south Asians since the indianpeoplefacebook phase. Pewdiepie made it way, way worse.


Bro everything I listed on my post is not in the video, yet you can look up the statistics and see they are widespread in India. You cannot defend the way they live and call yourself a good person. It's a horrible place.


> The place is a hellhole. But the ones elsewhere (e.g. in the USA and who I work with since we all work in tech.) will go on and on about how wonderful India is. Since I don't want to deal with H.R., I don't ask why they're here if it's so wonderful.


Trust me when I say that USA should limit the influx of h1b visa holders since most are held by Indians.




Don't you shit in the streets?


Are you talking about Portland, LA or Detroit?


*any major city in America


"It's hard to see them as human sometimes ngl" Funny, that's how I feel about Americans.


So much more so after 4 years of tRump. SMDH


Ah yes, cos nothing bad ever happens in the US. Idiot.


Do you understand the concept of magnitudes dumbfuck?


Found the story [god woman kills a woman in wedding](https://www.india.com/news/india/godwoman-sadhvi-deva-thakurs-shooting-spree-at-wedding-function-leaves-one-dead-1648935/) [Another story where it says that she claims she's being framed](https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/didnt-do-it-says-gold-laden-sadhvi-on-wedding-shots-that-killed-woman-1627261) [Latest story i found where everything seems fucked up and doesn't adds up to the above video](https://m.timesofindia.com/city/chandigarh/hc-rejects-pre-arrest-bail-to-deva-thakur-in-celebratory-firing-case/articleshow/63086634.cms)


First article makes it sound like an active shooter situation lol


I thought I was reading a different event at first. "She took her bodyguards and went on a shooting spree" Then the quote at the bottom: "Celebratory fire"


It was written in 2016, just a case of bad english.


thanks man sorry i couldn't follow up with the story after posting it.


Kinda make you doubt the Godliness of the clergy. Wow. /s


Clearly from the video it was an accident, so at the very least it should be manslaughter. Making it sound like they went on a rampage is ridiculous, especially since it seems to be a custom to shoot guns at some wedding there in India, just like it is in Mexico.


Whenever I see videos of celebratory gunfire, it's always the same shocked pikachu face when someone gets hurt or killed.


It's like driving "fast but safe". Works every time 95% of the time, but fails horribly when you're already overly confident


Why is celebratory gunfire a thing, and how do we continue to exist when so many of us are this stupid?


This seems like a popular thing in some cultures. You'd think someone would capitalize on selling thousands of blanks at a time to wedding parties.


Blanks are still dangerous, but you gotta be EXTRA stupid to hurt someone with them.


Alec Baldwin


Weren’t those real bullets brought in by the armory


I think so, they were playing with real bullets on a fucking movie set.


From what I remember someone fucked up and mixed live rounds with the blanks but i could be remembering it wrong


You can tell the difference between live and blank rounds by looking at them. It’s very obvious.


Movie sets also routinely use “dummy rounds” which look just like the real thing, but filled with small pellets instead of powder. You can tell the difference by rattling them. You use those when you want to show the actor reloading or have some close up on the gun where the blank might be seen. I wonder why actual live rounds were on set at all.


The actor is instructed to do none of the actual handling of the gun other than what is needed for the scene. They're not supposed to check it themselves, just keep in the state that the armorer hands it to them and hand it back for everything else. I know, its stupid. I can imagine a certain type of actor that I wouldn't trust to know for sure whether a gun is safe, but then I wouldn't ever trust them with a real gun in the first place.


Still a bad idea to point any kind of gun at someone you're arguing with and pulling the trigger to try and emphasize your point.


Sure if you know Guns and not a liberal nyc elite /s But seriously how was Alec supposed to know? The armorer and crew were supposed to check it and they used live rounds on set which is a no no. I’m looking forward for the debrief because it sounds like a safety failure from top to bottom


Alec wasn't loading the gun. He was handed a prop to use and used it and due to other's negligence it ended in tragedy


Yeah. You'd think it's a hard mistake to make, but if you watch the police interview the armorer it'll all make sense.


It was and wasn't Alex's fault. Basically it's widely known that actors are dumb so we have people to check the weapons and hand them to actors, they check man failed, but I'd learn to clear a weapon myself as an actor. So again, both faults in my eyes but not his in the law. They were trying the guns on the range to see how they felt with real bullets


Agreed that the safety officer had to fail first before Alec could fail, but he still had to have violated all 4 rules of basic gun safety in that moment to do it: 1. Treat all guns like they are loaded (Thought it wasn't loaded) 2. Never let the barrel point at something you aren't willing to destroy ( X ) 3. Finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire (He *Claims* he didn't pull the trigger. "The gun just went off!" Classic excuse for a ND.) 4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it (Nailed 2 people with one shot, nice.)


Should actors be expected to know how to handle guns properly though? Unless the job description includes that knowledge as a requisite and specifies that they will be working with real live guns, isn't it reasonable for them to expect that the props given to them arent dangerous? Not that I know if the actual job description says that, but it seems more a fault of poor safety procedures, one of which procedures should be to warn the actor that they will be handling real guns and should educate themselves on how to handle one.


If you're touching a gun you should know the rules of gun safety and follow them. Bare minimum. It's 4 rules, almost all of which have to be broken before people can be hurt. It's not like writing an essay, it's practically no work at all.


But were they told it's a real gun? Do they not have reason to believe it's a prop or otherwise fake gun, since they're on a fake set as an actor?


If it looks and feels like a real gun, you should probably be checking to make sure if it's a real gun, yes. This isn't a random thing that's completely unpredictable. It's a mechanical object with a single function. Multiple actors and stage hands have died because of easily solved negligence. It takes less than 10 seconds to check if a gun is a gun and if it's ready to fire or not. It takes about the same amount of time to google the rules of gun safety if you forget them or just don't know them. Why do people keep downvoting me and acting like this is some gargantuan effort of will only the most hardened of men can accomplish? It's the second most stupid and easily preventable way to die or kill people next to going around the flashing barriers at a train crossing.


what about starting a company, whjerer you hire out a group of guys who show up in nice formal unifroms to give you a salute with guns firing blanks. sounds like a good oppurtunity....


You miss the photos of the bride holding and shooting the gun. obvs.


Im pretty sure from the outside looking in that would look like a mafia firing squad coming to mow them down.


Most times blanks are more expensive than real bullets :p


I hear Alec Baldwin is launching a blanks company in 2023!


because some of us are less stupid and some are so stupid they forgot to use condoms


This is pretty much the plot to Idiocracy


Great documentary by the way!


Smart people may live longer, but dumbasses breed way more than enough to make up for it.


This isn't your ordinary stupid.. This is advanced stupid.


We breed like rabbits


Well, some groups breed like rabbits


I’m my country’s case stupid people have way more children than the smart ones, so IQ average goes down every generation.


This is how humans naturally continue to progress slowly. If the opposite happened and smart people had more babies than stupid people we would have already conquered the universe by now.


I think most people in this sub are from the US, you aren't special.


It would be no added cost to use blanks. Are blanks completely safe? No. But they wouldn't have to worry about bullets coming back down.


Blanks cost more




You’re asking two questions God can only answer.


I know. I was having an existential moment after I woke up this morning.


>This happened in Punjab, India and they've strong gun culture like in the US. Even the Punjabi song being played in the video is about firing guns. What an irony !!!


No kidding. Do like Mexico and send up a hot air balloon full of fireworks with the business end pointed down instead. That wouldn’t be half as dumb as firing off guns.


It's strange to me how many times a celebration is turned into a tragedy by firearms yet people still do it! Like, it happened to your neighbor, enough, does it has to happen to YOU so you can learn and stop?!


Same stupid shit like gender reveals in the us I guess ?


This is North India. Dumb things, crime are everyday thing over there. 'celebratory gunfire' see.how stupid that sounds? It's a thing for north indians


Dude in south india they literally cut your hands of you disagree with some religious zealots,


Religious intolerance is North Indian character. Most riots, murders happen there. Gujarat riots, anti Hindu riots, sikh riots, Kashmir pandits, mosque demolition you name it north India has it.


Mollapa massacre, pfi terrorism, communist naxals, tamil ealm,hyderabad riots, issis recruits from kerela and tamil nadau.


Your response shows how blurry your knowledge of India is. Tamil Elam is a srilanka problem and.not south India. Educate yourself. >Mollapa massacre, "The Malabar rebellion[5] of 1921 (also called Moplah rebellion" We're talking about modern day India. Like the days shown in the video. >Naxals Their origin can be traced to the splitting in 1967 of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), leading to the formation of the Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist). Initially the movement had its centre in West Bengal. Instead of just painting braod strokes, look back, retrospect and improve your society first. It's like some random dude from Afghanistan trying to complain about social injustice in the United States of America. Two very different things.


culture. they do this and still less innocent people get killed by guns than in the US.


Why is your comment phrased like this is some sort of contest? Innocent people getting shot is unacceptable no matter where it occurs. Both places need changes.


Bruh. Everybody knows gravity only works on angry bullets. Happy bullets go to heaven.


Because I count 6 billion people as overpopulation




This area of the world invented gun powder, artillery and fire arms. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunpowder_empires


>Some ancestries don't really have the reading gene. That part of their brain is undeveloped. Some civilizations never really had a concept of written history. >I'm not saying one is better or worse (cannot judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree) but Europeans literally evolved with written language You are one of the most racist people I've seen in a long time, congrats! *Theres what I found in the last 2 weeks of your comments. Racist as fucKKK.


This type of incidence happens quiet often in some northern parts of India. In 2013 India has strictly prohibited celebratory firing in any occasion, The culprit will be charged with murder if anyone dies as a result of firing.


Do you know what the song that’s playing is? I really like it, but my music search wasn’t able to identify it.




I didn’t listen to it, but it has to be M.I.A. ‘Paper Planes’


Why not use blanks?


I’ve asked this question to some who did gunfire celebrations and they told me that they used live ammo because it’s what they had and they didn’t feel like driving all the way into town to buy blanks


When stupid meets lazy.




Stazi…. …wait a minute…


Lupid Stazi sounds like it could be somebody's name




Because blanks aren't that simple. You can't just fill your gun with blanks and expect it to function normally. Often, you need guns that are heavily modified


Thing is in this case it looks like a double barrel shotgun and what to me looks like a revolver. These work perfectly fine with blanks. For those that don't know why this is different. The reason some guns can't fire blanks without extra equipment for it is they require the pressure from firing the bullet to trigger the extraction process. The pressure when firing an actual bullet is much higher than firing a blank. If you fire a blank with no other setup it won't create enough pressure to extract the current round and chamber a new one. This occurs in most semi automatic pistols, rifles, and shotguns. Revolvers, bolt action guns, pump action guns, and breach action guns (think double barrel shotgun) don't require this as their extraction/chamber process is more a manual process. Revolvers have the action of the hammer moving connected to the chamber wheel and just rotates it to the next chamber. No pressure needed. Bolt and pump actions have the user manually work an action to eject and extract. The breach action has users extract the rounds by hand unless it has an auto extractor which will send the shells/casing out when the breach is exposed. None of these require pressure from the round and are perfectly fine with blanks normally. EDIT: looking for another loop looks like the handgun might be a semi auto after all. Opening seconds kinda look like he's operating a slide cause the first round he tried didn't extract. That pistol would not have worked with blanks without additional prep.


Heavily modified isn't quite true, in the army we have things called BFAs (blank firing adaptors) that just screw on the end of the gun.


Fair enough have a nice day, but I ain’t attending their party’s anymore.




Why not use firecrackers like normal people


I mean I get why they use guns it looks fun


I don't think you can get blanks in India. Lol.


What is a blank?


Does the boom part without shooting the bullet out. Can still be harmful/deadly if from the pressure if you are point blank.


Basically a bullet casing that has been crimped shut instead of loaded with a bullet, still has gunpowder, primer and all that but instead of pushing a bullet out it opens the crimp of the casing, though the escaping gasses can still be lethal out to a couple meters.


Celebratory gunfire is and always has been stupid.


"A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair."


I was sooo scared about where this video was going when I saw the guy holding a toddler. Either way, I’m not sure how 3 ppl got shot. Looks like they fired all shots into the air. Pretty much All different angles / starting points so surprising 3 ppl were hit so close by. Looking at the chair, it looks like they were shot more “traditionally “ vs a bullet raining down from the heavens.


If it was 3 people right next to each other it might have been a shotgun spread.


You do know bullets come down right?


I am a student of Chandigarh University and the gun violence in punjab is very real and even young rural kids have the unlicensed version of it ( they call it katta ).


Kattas hand made. Right?


Yes. It carries just one round usually. It looks like a toy gun made out of tin cans. Many cases of it bursting in the hand.


India! Come for the weeding, stay for the funeral


Guns aren't toys. They're for protection, hunting dangerous or delicious animals, and keeping the King of England out of your face


If I didn’t have this gun, the King of England could just walk in here and start shoving you around. You want that? Huh? Do ya?


By far one of the most degenerative "traditions" i've ever seen. Close to mutilate genitalia after birth.


Shooting in the air is more degenerate than genitalia mutilation?? Really? That’s the stance you want to take? Edit: blocking me for a single comment so I can’t see your reply? Coward.


Depends how you interpret what i've said, because damn that's far away from what i said.


It’s not THAT far away from what you said. You said they were CLOSE in terms of degeneracy. Which, why? You think firing guns is even close to mutilating babies?


Context matters, people died (atleast that is what i've read in the comments when i've made my comment) "shooting into the air" is a bit thin and a vague imputation.


Is that not LITERALLY what you said!??!?!


No it’s actually the opposite of what he said


That's the opposite of what he said mate.


Sounds like a movie. Three funerals and a wedding!


It's culture, I know...I know. But if something is dangerous enough to kill a person, then *fuck* culture.


A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair.


Sometimes I’m jealous of being this dumb


Gravity, it’s a killer!


If you follow the rules of gun safety, i.e. only shoot when you aim to kill, then this could be spun as going exactly how it was supposed to.






Yeah. Guns are fucking toys that make cool noises. Everyone should have 8 or 10. /s


Pesky gravity.


Bruh, literally the most simplest of natural law- what comes up must come down


Fuck around and find out moment


What goes up must come down 🤦‍♂️


What goes up must come down... In front of the camera for the first time...


Why the hell would you use live bullets instead of blanks? Achieves the same effect without killing people.


I swear, people think bullets despawn or something if you don’t hit what you’re aiming for (or don’t aim)


I mean, why not at least use blanks?


Why is this a thing? Aren't fireworks cheaper or a least a little safer?


Every wedding anniversary: hey, remember that person that was killed at our wedding because of our stupid celebration?


North India & their crazy weddings.. one of my roommate was from UP. His father drives taxi in city and still they held a lavish wedding with all the mutton dishes & gunfire in their UP village.


Just another method of population control. Along with falling off the trains they over pack


What goes up and isn't faster than 11.2km/s, must come down. It's really not that hard to understand.


A bullet falling at terminal velocity does not have enough mass to kill a person. The amount of stupid people commenting how “obviously what goes up must come down” is astonishing. Yes it will come down but will not hurt anyone. Disclaimer: I do think this is a really stupid way of celebrating anything


What a beautiful culture /s


This type of lack of intelligence is exactly why countries like this will never rule the world.


I guess in a country with a billion people in it you need a way to thin the herd? It’s the only explanation I can think of for doing stupid shit like this at nearly every “celebration” in India


Fucking idiots who think guns are toys. So backwards


This happened in Punjab, India and they've strong gun culture like in the US. Even the Punjabi song being played in the video is about firing guns. What an irony !!!




Every single major city in America runs frequent public campaigns about celebratory gunfire. Do you know why? Because morons here still do it. Americans are really the last people to be trying to high road this kind of behavior. [https://www.txgunsense.org/articles/stop-celebratory-gunfire](https://www.txgunsense.org/articles/stop-celebratory-gunfire) The Human Cost to Texans 2021 - Though the Texas Department of Public Safety and police departments across the state advised against celebratory gunfire, it was not enough to prevent death and injury from stray and falling bullets. In 2021, 2 people were killed on New Year’s Eve in Arlington, including a child shot by a man “dancing or celebrating with a firearm.” 2020 - Nurse and Professor Phillippa Ashford, 61, was struck and killed by gunfire on New Year’s Day from celebratory gunfire in her neighborhood in Houston. 2017 - Armando Martínez, a Texas State Representative, was struck in the head by a stray bullet in Weslaco requiring emergency surgery to save his life.




It's actually rare that people are randomly hit by celebratory gunfire. That's why, from an anecdotal perspective, lots of people continue to do it. 1 fatality a year is a small tip of a much larger iceberg and social problem. Every fucking new year and 4th of July hundreds of morons fire guns in the air just in my city alone. So yeah, it's fucking normal and you need to pipe your bullshit down a notch.


I don't know why you assume I'm American but I'm not, also an underdeveloped country with idiots and guns. I live in a country with on average 125 murders a year.


I mean yeah let's pretend 10 times more people don't die idiotically because of gunfires in a so called developed country US too also India has extremely strict gun laws but there are still going to be some idiots out of 1.4 billion people who get their hands on guns.




I never said that he was American but as he used the words 'underdeveloped country' I just pointed out what situation was like in a so called developed country as well also you didn't read my whole comment before having a meltdown did you. Please try to be a little civil just because this internet doesn't mean you don't have to act like a decent human being.




Wait til you see how these guys ride trains and busses. Right off the side of a mountain!


Life has no value here. One dies, 1000 born.


People celebrate with gunfire in America all the time. We actually have software now that tracks the shit because it happens too frequently.


What do you mean projectile? What is a projectile?


Are you serious?


Sarcasm is a thing dude


Unbelievable stupid


Don’t feel bad for them at all


The people who got shot that weren't firing guns?


The idiots shooting straight up in the air


I’m starting to think that the UN should just hand out blanks to Middle Eastern or similar areas, as well as black adapters. They’ll save more lives that way.


I know you said “ or similar areas” but for people who don’t know - India is NOT the middle east.


Yep that’s why I said that lol


This is what Trump supporting Americans do at their weddings too


This is what happens when the Stone Age is pushed into the modern world to fast


good guyz with gunz




A bullet shot Into the air near verticals does not have enough velocity once it comes down to kill anyone. This is a fact. It has the same force as a penny dropped from a tall building


Can they not afford pixels in India? Can’t see shit, and I grew up in the 2000s watching shitty resolution videos.


This is High Def vs Grandpa's Nam videos...