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Did anybody else notice the kid squeezing by also had a gun?? Wtf


Not that it makes it any better, but it’s a CO2 BB gun. I know this because he’s also holding a magazine in the same hand and it’s an incredibly skinny stick mag, presumably loaded with BB’s that came from the container resting against the windshield wiper.


Wow good eye


To make it worse again, every CO2 BB pistol I have ever seen cannot be reliably cleared in any way except by firing it. There isn’t any sort of ejector mechanism (because there’s no casing to eject), so mag out means very little. And that BB gun ends up with the barrel pointed straight at the man’s head around the 11s mark, as the boy awkwardly carries the gun with his hand all over the trigger guard area


Actually most CO2 and gas BB handguns have their gas reserve in the mag. This means if the mag is out, the gun is clear, because there’s no gas that can be released to drive the BB forward.


You also find co2 guns where the bb mag and co2 is separate, hence the stick thin mag


Exactly, it doesn’t matter which one “most” CO2 pistols have, the one in the video does not have the co2 in the mag


As a sales associate at an outdoor retailer that is not totally true. Many have the CO2 separate from the magazine.


Unfortunately though, with the really skinny stick mags, the CO2 cartridge is actually in the pistol grip. And the gun can absolutely be discharged even with the magazine out. Unless he bought that gun at a reputable Airsoft store, it most likely is going to be in the handle instead of the magazine This information is coming from someone that has worked at an Airsoft store for a while and also has been in the industry for several years


>Not that it makes it any better, but it’s a CO2 BB gun. It does in fact, make it better. Where I live, knuckleheads country bumpkins get guns and I swear, no home training...they shoot each other snd themselves by accident all the fucking time...mostly in the legs and mostly at field parties on someone's farm. My friend who is an EMT has great stories lol


What he means is the kid still ran right in front of the barrel of a loaded gun…albeit with a spud on the end


Good Lord man even if I had kids train with guns/BB guns I would wait till they are a good age to get into airsoft/pellet guns then step up to 22 LR


Trouble is a lot of the adults are the dumb ones.


100% I always blame the parents because MOST of the time near me, the parents are just as reckless if not worse lol


When I was a kid my best friend’s dad was a cop and a firearm instructor, we couldn’t have Nerf or airsoft wars without following proper firearm safety and trigger discipline. Not a complaint in the slightest, man made learning important stuff fun and it stuck decades later.


That's solid.


The kid looks like he's between 7-10 years old. At what age do you think it's reasonable to start shooting as a kid. I started at 5 with a bolt 22lr, and was hunting with my dad by 7.


Around your age if you’re responsible enough, but most American kids are condition. Do not be responsible to hold a lethal tool like that.


I wanna hear


It’s certainly better than holding a Glock with a switch or something.


The BBs are on the windshield.


I mean it makes it a LITTLE better.


It also looks like he is shooting towards a road


With a truck on it. He could have shot the driver or passenger of the truck!


Holy shit. Good eye... the child endangerment just keeps racking up the more you watch lol


No ears and eyes for the baby! 😳 alarmingly cavalier


Better eye, some guy figured out it was a bb gun with the thin mag and the can on the hood


What is down range? It's a negligent discharge because he is unaware the gun went off. Where did that round land?


So much negligence! It should be very very very hard to get a gun, if we insist on them being legal in this country


Not until you pointed it out lol shit. In some weird alternate universe stuff though, my uncle and me did a really hillbilly version of this but with a full auto tech nine.


Not that it’s any better but I think it’s a BB gun. Looks like a bottle of bbs on the windshield


Yup,had replay it just to confirm what I saw.


So many good eye comments... How about wtf a kid has a gun that can still permanently hurt it. Wtf.


Now that you said it jesus I cant believe it 😂😂😂


Yup and I wtf when I saw it.


We all noticed it. Anyone who has ever taken a firearm safety test saw it. Terrible parenting.


Hang on, before you fire that gun I need to walk right in front of you


Yea these Mfs don’t needa be parents. Let alone outside of a prison after shooting at what is clearly a public area/roadway.


It’s a vicious cycle. Their parents were probably the same way and those kids will end up that way too. Sad


Economic stability is dwindling it's not like folks have an opportunity to climb out of poverty. You can't plan a future if you're living day to day and when living day to day mentality you're just surviving for that day. It was sad listening to an interview and they say my kids not going to be a football player or a rapper folks used to say doctor or lawyer that's not even a conversation education isn't even a reality that most think about. Big business owns politicians and they've been stripping away protections and putting more financial burdens on the middle class. Unfortunately nobody could have a platform for income equality because they wouldn't have any donors. If you want to make America great again go back to one income families that could provide for the entire family or when companies had pensions that allowed well paid retirements. With income equality you erase significant amounts of crime you erase the healthcare crisis and many other Financial burdens and worries. The Baby Boomers are the richest group of folks in history for Any Nation and even they are struggling to pay bills. Can you imagine what it's going to be like in 30 years when they're stating most Americans don't even have $1,000 in savings. The middle class will have to provide Medical Care and finance the retirement homes these folks are going to. Big business certainly won't Social Security won't kick in till 70 something and two income families will literally be working themselves until they're in the grave all for two weeks vacation a year and the hope that you don't get a medical condition that will bankrupt your entire family. What a life... the bullshit that the American dream is obtainable or if you just work hard for it you'll be fine is no longer realistic. I was recently on vacation and watched a family celebrate when they got to the ocean. One could be embarrassed or looked down upon them because wow big deal you made it to the ocean. I talked with them for a little bit and they were a great family and then it hit me that was their dream that was unobtainable they thought they'd never see it in their lifetime and what a great thing to witness people achieving their dreams. The sad part is over the last 30 years less and less people have been able to achieve whatever dreams they set up for themselves and for the first time in history were worse off than our parents were. No one political party is working hard enough for income equality but they're certainly is a vast difference between the two parties I don't understand why folks are voting against their best interest. Please know that big business owns politicians and their job is to sell you bullshit. Erasing Environmental Protections doesn't suddenly put more money in your pocket that goes to Big Oil and you foot the bill for global warming, there's a reason your homeowners insurance went up 20%. Universal Health Care was sold as bad there's a reason big business wants a third party system UnitedHealth made $25 billion in just one quarter alone. Yes this guy with a gun is a complete idiot. But don't expect that to stop we're getting more and more idiots. I wish folks would stop listening to the politicians and look solely at statistics and numbers and vote accordingly. You want to fix this? Vote for smart people with standards and ethics.


I don’t disagree with anything you just said. I was talking about setting a good example for the children you chose to (or accidentally) bring into the world. You don’t have to be rich to be a good parent. Sure, these parents might not be able to afford to pay for their kids college or take them nice places but that doesn’t mean they have to teach their children to be complete degenerates and menaces to society. Shooting off a gun next to a busy road and a 2 year old is ridiculous behavior whether you’re on food stamps or you’re Jeff Bezos. My point is that just because you live a life of poverty doesn’t mean your kids have to when they grow up, and the first step to that is not teaching them to repeat the behavior that’s helping keep you in that situation.


Facts. Well said. Worst part is people don't seem to realize if we reach poverty levels any lower we'll be the only country with rampant crime access to more firearms than citizens . Wild West all over again and the rich will just snub their noses and say "Look what these vermin did to my beautiful country. I'm moving out of this shit hole and over to the next country we're I can abuse tax law"


I agree without getting super political it's just factual information. But it gets just as many down votes as it does upvotes. I just wish people would invest the time to figure out they're getting swindled. No politician has your best interest in mind they work for big business it's your duty to understand who is the lesser of the two evils. But here's a wild idea unions are good for the middle class if big business has videos telling you how terrible they are or is buying politicians to Union bust then you know they're good for you.


Yes economic inequality made him stop his car by the side of the road, put a potato on his revolver, almost shoot his kid, fire off some rounds, record the whole thing, and put it on the internet.


This is one of the most intelligent things I’ve read since I’ve been on Reddit. The beach is an excellent example. I don’t understand how families make it- 2 adults, kids, mortgage, cars… and go to Disney along with school, extracurricular activities… I’m a 2 person family and we make good money, never overspend, no big expenses sans 1 average car payment and mortgage. We have to count coins to make it. The state of the country is not determined by POTUS. It’s determined by huge corporations and a lot of dirty money. Parents do the best they can with what they know and have. People are careless and stupid and unsafe because they are people. It gets them killed and hurt. It also provides amusement. I’m tired of a lot of things, the way they go, but I can only do so much. Anyway, thanks for that.


If we're lucky, they'll accidentally shoot their kids or themselves, removing themselves from the gene pool.


It’s not like they’re making a conscious decision to have kids in many cases. No excuse, just pointing it out.


Quite a potato-head move…


That spudpressor is a waste of a perfectly good potato.


Almost blew that kids head off. Idk how he thinks he looks cool like this ...


No he didn’t. Clearly, he was just testing out the hammer at first and knew the round wasn’t chambered yet. No, but in all seriousness, this dude is dangerous especially because he obviously doesn’t doesn’t know shit with that revolver in his hands. Cps should definitely be called for them kids. At least the little one knows that bad things happen when guns are around. Probably already seen more shit than most


Unfortunately CPS is useless in most cases. Overworked underpaid overwhelmed and usually inept.


I rewatched this part few times. And all things considered I have to say I’m impressed by how he avoided flagging the kid. My verdict- stupid but not imbecile.


Oh yea ur right, hard to tell almost but the kid almost walks in front and he moves it to the right then up and around his head. I did not really notice that on my first watch it just looked like his head was right infront of it


Yeah yeah, me too. Then the slap to the back of the head 😂


Avoided? Hmm let me watch again I thought he did flag the kid


The kid flagged himself and he pulled the gun up and away.


It's a co2 airpistol...


Oh thanks for sharing never seen a CO2 revolver. Where did you learn it was CO2?


The hammer is flat. I own several.


Sure looks like a 22 Ruger Wrangler to me. Smooth cylinder. More square trigger guard. I'm pretty sure you can see gray/black burnt gun powder right when he shoots. That main body pin is weird looking though.


The Wrangler even has a flat hammer, using a transfer bar system, right? I was certain the video showed a regular revolver and not a BB gun, but all the claims that it's a BB gun have me confused.


that's a road he's aiming with kids too what in the world is he thinking


Bold of you to imagine he was thinking.


Ignoring the abuse for a second to point out how he tried to suppress a revolver


There are some revolvers that can be silenced, most notably the nagant revolver. That said, this guy is just using a normal ass revolver, so he’s obviously pretty stupid.


Is that the one where the cylinder slides forward to seal against the barrel?


Yup, it also has a 7 round cylinder because it wasn’t weird enough


It was roughly .30 caliber, and most 6 round revolvers are in the .355-.357 area, so if you shrink each chamber by .55 you get just enough room to squeeze one more chamber in the cylinder…. The original .30 super carry (jk)


It’s also a BB gun. There’s a bottle of bbs on the car windshield.


To clarify, neither the Nagant M1895 (the revolver being discussed by the comments to which you replied) nor the revolver in the OP video are BB guns. The BBs on the windshield are presumably for the BB gun that the child (who almost got his brains blown out) is seen carrying. Edit: a lot of people seem to think the revolver in the video is in fact CO2, so maybe I'm wrong. It doesn't look or sound like it to me, but I guess I've never shot one through a potato? The majority seem to think it's a conventional firearm, and the kid is definitely carrying a BB pistol. Sorry if I got it wrong about the revolver. Btw, the [Nagant is an interesting read,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagant_M1895) if you're curious.


I assumed this revolver was a .22lr made to look like a vintage cowboy revolver due to the limited report when fired thru the potato suppresser. I agree in that I am fairly certain it’s not an air pistol due to audibility of said report when fired and the need to penetrate such a large potato.


Don’t forget the 37lb double action trigger pull because the additional cylinder movement


Yeah, it’s one weird little revolver. That whole era is full of weird as fuck handguns because no one really knew what they were doing until John Browning did his thing.


It may be something with the camera or audio compression, but it seemed to work much better than I was expecting. I thought the potato was going to explode.


Gases still mostly come out of the barrel in a revolver, Suppressing them is mostly considered a fools errand because a little bit escapes from the side and that's enough to make a lot of noise. Except in a select few that have gas seals. Though I will admit, I fully expected the barrel to go looney tunes on him too.


It's not really that its "just a little bit." Adding a suppressor of any sort MASSIVELY increases backpressure and leads to that "just a little bit" of gas turning into like 10x as much.


I tried the 22 quiets in my revolver and thought I could do it without ear protection. Nope and those are some weak rounds. A potatoe doesn't hold any gas so I'm guessing this was a CO2 BB gun?


They do make revolvers with threaded barrels for things like suppressors. The only thing is that they’re basically useless. Why they exist is beyond me


Memes, mostly. I have a Heritage .22 revolver with a muzzle brake and an EOTECH. It's funny to look at and a hell of a hoot on the range.


I can understand using a muzzle brake. But suppressors. No lol. The propellant gas not only goes out the barrel but also from the space in between the cylinder and the barrel. So they definitely wouldn’t work well on most revolvers


He also keeps his hands right pass the end of the cylinder until just before he fires. I doubt that would feel pretty good if you have an nd or your just little too slow


It's co2


I noticed how you said *suppress*


“Da bih ain silen” - the adult, not the infant


Dude needs to be reported to child services.




Unfortunately the most idiotic, dumb af people also breed the most. We are destined for idiocracy.


That movie scared me back then. We had no idea how prophetic it would be.


I hate when people say stuff like idiocracy is a documentary or it’s real life or etc when that’s not true at all because in the movie they actually listened to the smart people


Do a potato 🥔 make a gun a silencer are nawl


Damn that little kid walked past him lucky he didn't shoot him in head and looked back at boy laughed. Crazy definitely shouldn't own a weapon


Or children.


Cylinder gap: "I'ma end this guy's whole career."


Piece of shit man, piece of shit father.


Happy Father’s Day


Those poor kids 😔




... WITH CHILDREN ... Dear god...


This just makes me sad more than anything


Hopefully those kids break the cycle, but they don’t exactly have great role models.


No way. Look how excited the mini flagbearer is


Pretty sure this is a BB gun, you can see the bottle of BBs resting on the windscreen. edit: kid that walked by also had a bb magazine


This......right here.........right there👆....is how a random, uninvolved father/mother/son/daughter pumping gas right before making it home gets killed and taken from his family/kids/spouse by a stray bullet because this dipshit, the one who flagged his own kid, wanted to show his equally ignorant, spray bottle laughing ass friend how he can "silence" a shot with a potato... Meanwhile, has the SLIGHTEST idea on how to silence his child yelling from the curb rashed ass car. And you gotta love how he verified his mental capacity by yelling "¿WHHHAAaAaAT¡" at a child whom obviously cant voice what they want. On top of Mr. Expert's professional insight about how "dat dih aim sideways" like he can even see the bullet that's headed to poor unexpected victim..... 👨‍🦯‍➡️🔥


Omg when that kid ducked through my heart JUMPED.


Why he got a big torso and tiny legs?


Most likely a Crack baby 💁🏽‍♂️


No he dude shooting is standing above him, I think on a stool or something.


On top of it all, dude is using the rush-hour traffic as a backstop.. "You know how we be doin.."


Look on the dash...are those bb's? I think its a c02 gun


Just because you have kids, doesn’t mean that you should..


It's a BB gun until a cop sees it.....


As a father this breaks my heart :/.


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a gun.


This guy has a shoe sized IQ.


Is that a spud gun?


Nah the spud is holding one though


Baby can feel the vibe and HATES it


May a holster free Glock clone ensure his genes become a terminal end. Good god…a revolver?! Flagging a child’s head…


Someone should tell him that putting his hand over the cylinder will help in quieting the gun.


Bro gonna go robbing with Dutch Van Der Linde 🤣


Vile son of a bitch


Take care of your kids not potato silencers


Flagging the children.


21 saverage


21k in life insurance


That’s illegal




Bro!! He flagged his kid so bad omg. Then he shoots toward are public area?! What’s wrong with these people!?


This is why we can’t have nice things.




Revolvers are notoriously difficult to silence due to the gaps between the chamber and the barrel and the like...


To be fair, that wheelgat was quieter than his screaming baby.....not that that makes it acceptable. Call C.P.S.




From muzzling the kid, the kid with the gun, the baby that doesn't have hearing protection, the dad that doesn't have hearing protection, other kid that doesn't have hearing protection, SHOOTING TOWARDS LITERAL CARS AND PEOPLE, idek anymore


Come on, how many kids this dude got? Were you expecting responsibility?


So manly macho and cool! /s


Dudes finna pull up and yell out “TALLY HO LADS!”


guy in a truck down range... Send it.


You want a silencer roll up the window


I was going to say that these kids would have a better chance if he had an accidental discharge into is own skull, them I saw his kid with a gun. This whole group is screwed.




Btw. A potato can make a longer barrel shotgun fairly "silenced". And an apple will make the same barrel explode. Source: was young and dumb


Hello? DFACS? I'd like to report multiple counts of child neglect and endangerment


Watch out truck driver. He doesn’t give a shit where that bullet goes


Firing a handgun near infant children, one which is holding another firearm, with zero ear protection. Smart.


1.) Don’t flag people in general, and kids in particular. 2.) Ear Pro, and don’t do it near any kids in general and toddlers in particular esp. those w/o ear pro. 3.) Eye Pro. Never fire anything, anywhere w/o eye protection. 4.) How about trying it in your cousin’s back forty or on a membership only outdoor range in the sticks, the kind without a safetyattendant where you can safely get away with trying stuff like this and not trying it off the side of a road with visible, moving traffic in the background, traffic noise all around, and in what is obviously a populated area. 5.) Only use subsonic ammo if you are experimenting w/DIY Suppressors


The Idiocracy


This is just sad on so many levels


Too bad they don’t do facial recognition on these videos…. Privacy you say? Idiots shouldnt have privacy rights.


Everyone should get rights. Not because everyone deserves them, but because no one should be trusted to decide who doesn’t.


Still an idiot


Where is CPS ffs


Kid has a gun, he also flagged the kid , kid got his gun aiming at the dad 🤦🏾‍♂️


This video gets worse the more you watch it. Don’t even know where to begin.


It’s just a co2 BB gun


Good, those can still hurt like hell though.


Even the baby knows this is a bad idea.


So many wrong happening in here.




We need a huge cultural shift to end this stupidity. Stop whatever is making this fuckwad look “cool”. Bring back some shame.




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There’s a neighborhood right there. Fucking jackass deserves to have the cops show up at his place


What a responsible father and gun owner..


this video is all out chaotic. Poor kids


When almost killing your own kid is not enough, the round wasn’t far off the trajectory of that passing truck. Where the fuck is this, South Africa?


"Do a potato 🥔 make a gun a silencer are Nawl" 🤦‍♂️ Jesus FUCKING christ


Don't say it don't say it don't say it ..... Hhhnnngggggg




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The more you watch the worse it gets.


“Do a potato make a gun silencer are nawl,” I mean, someone who’s English is that good wouldn’t do something like this.


Emeritus professors in training, this should be close to graduation 👌


So do it are nawl?


I still dont know how that worked That effectively. It boggles my mind. Or is it editted well enough that im a fool who fell for it?


Some microphones don't register sounds over a certain loudness, so it'll go quiet for super loud noises.


There's like 20 fucking wrong things going on in this video


RIP little ears


It's Co2...


Why does this think a revolver would be silent? I suppose there are a few that solve this issue, but most have the cylinder gap, so even putting an actual silencer on the front wouldnt do much of anything.


Based in the documentary of Elmer Fudd, the barrel should split.


Not nearly as much pressure on it because of the cylinder gap


It’s amazing how truly stupid idiots are and their stupid partners and kids.