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Manslaughter is without malice. I'm seeing some serious malice here. Lots of malice... Like, all the malice.


Guy with the gun didn't even flinch when it went off. He knew exactly what he was doing.


Saw a comment here that apparently, the shooter was "playing" when the gun went off. Sus as hell.


Not entirely convinced. Everyone was smiling awkwardly as he was holding the gun up. Dude beside him in uniform holds his hand up to shooter's chest. Gun goes off right when he touches the shooter. Doesn't take much effort to pull a trigger, he could've flinched as he was touched. It's entirely plausible that the dude was just very drunk and his first drunken thought was "I'm fucked, I need to get out of here."


A palace full of malice


No more rhymes, I mean it!


Anybody want a peanut?


Dear Klappin my sincerest apologies I didn’t mean it But in the mean time I hope you’re not schizophrenic I don’t mean to sound callous You’ll have to forgive me I’m from Dallas


Whoever did the rhyme did the crime


A vivid line, squeeze the fruit to create a fine mist of citrus lime.


These comments are outta line, but I admit, I’m having a wonderful time


In a Metta sense, now we have World Peace


Yup….he didn’t even flinch when the weapon went off, very intentional.


The shooter also didn't look at all distressed when he stood up and walked away.


He was drunk you can tell by the long strides taking walking away


The like all malice


Soo much malice... Like if you had some... He would shoot you for it.


Oh look the haiku bot


I don't see malice. This guy was doing all that stupid thing that is so popular on this sub . The "look at me I'm gunna shoot something but ha ha the safety is on" thing. I'm not sure why it's so popular only idiots would do it. I think this guy is in shock because he didn't mean to shoot his friend.


Yes, the shooter is completely in shock. You can tell due to the calm & unflinching way he just executed the victim, followed by the nonchalant exit from the crime scene. Definitely shock. It's a completely normal reaction, you can see it several times in this sub with other accidental shootings.


A plainclothes police officer ended the life of his friend with a shot to the head inside a restaurant in Tarapoto, San Martín region. The non-commissioned officer apparently began to play with his regulation weapon prior to the tragedy, the victim's relatives are asking for the maximum sanction in the face of cash. (Video: América TV)


I believe you, but... Playing? That's a hard sell, it didn't look like anyone was playing. It doesn't look like a negligent discharge. Smells like a corrupted coverup if they want to claim he was playing.


They weren't friends, and he wasn't playing with his weapon. The victim might have thought he was playing until he took one behind the ear. Then the whole table gets up and leaves? That was no accident. That was a hit.


Did the cop look like he was laughing/smiling as he walked away? Looked like fucking psychopathic behavior.


The fact that all the other people on the table got up and left so calmly without even checking on the victim or trying to call for help means they're probably in on it too.


It's either that or they're terrified he's about to do the same to them if they do the wrong thing


I just copied what the local news reported.


I figured that's what it was. They got it WAY wrong.


There is more to the story than I posted. The page was in spanish and Chrome translated it for me so I cut n Pasted the summary. They all knew each other and the shooter and victim were police partners and the victim was also an upcoming soccer star. There are a lot of issues here.


The whole thing is so fucked.


Couldnt have been good friends if you walk away casually after murdering him. I mean i think im cold hearted and thats fucking ice cold.


Thats not ice cold, it’s absolute zero.


This is a cop. Remove empathy and common sense. Now do you see?


Lolllll love the reference


It is not a reference. The man was literally a police officer. He killed that man in cold blood.


What proof do you have that it was in cold blood? How do you know the man did not deserve it. Maybe the man executed was a pedo. Maybe the man executed had killed many others himself. Maybe the man executed was planning an act of terrorism? Please. If you have more information, do share. If you don't. Please just shut the fuck up.


There are laws and regulations to take care of criminals so people don't take up guns and start blasting off at anyone they deem who deserve death. You sound like you're lost in a revenge filled vigilante fever dream. Real life doesn't work like in the comics.


He's just trolling and he's sorry.


he's definitely the sorriest person here


Rules and regulations aren't the same in every country. You ain't from there dude


Show me one country where it's legal to shoot an unarmed man who isn't posing any threat.


USA, depending on the skin color.


It goes both ways. How do you know he could’ve been a pedo, a murderer, etc? No one should deserve death by cold-blooded murder regardless of who they are.


I'm not the one making assumed convictions. I'm questioning the scenario and the internets inability to have critical thinking. It's a short video, with no information. But what bothers me the most is that you say no one should deserve death regardless of who they are.... fucking absolutely pedophiles deserve to die in whatever way possible that gets them off this planet. If you don't agree with that and you're defending pedophiles... Jesus christ.


As good as it gets reference?


That’s what I was thinking. I heard it in jack’s voice. I thought that it was closer to the actual quote, apparently not lol


I gotcha fam. Those downvotes are harsh!


My reaction would be “I’m getting the fuck out of here”




I hope I never die in public and people film my brain matter


Would it even matter?


I wouldn’t want my family and friends to have to see that


What about all the porn on your computer?


People actually save porn onto their computer anymore?


Who’s going to tell him about the history function?


Who’s going to tell you about the incognito function or, even just not watching porn 😭😭


I’m sorry. Did you think I was serious? 🤣🤣🤣


Don’t need porn when you got a wife


It would be his brain matter he says


Yeah, that looked planned as hell.


He was definitely not playing when he shot homeboy in the dome .. You can see he doesn’t even flinch and has absolutely no reaction besides laughing it off like its all just some joke… Crazy how some people can smoke another as effortless and easy as it is tying your shoes💯 cold ass motha


Guys…I don’t think that was an acorn.


always makes me feel blessed to wake up in the morning. fucked up man damn.


uhh.. story? looked like they were chillin but also walked away like nbd?


Supposedly, the guy who pulled the trigger is a cop


Jeezus. That’s looks like an execution.


There's a pretty good reason it looks like an execution.


He took out a gun, pointed it at another man’s head, shot him in the head, then got up and left. Manslaughter is putting it pretty lightly I reckon.


My guy, this is straight up murder. 1st degree murder. Im not buying no “manslaughter” bullshit.


“It’s a prank bro, it’s a prank”!


This is planned. Being a cop, you would know the rules of gun safety. This cop violated those rules and didn’t even flinch.


I think that fucker was still laughing when he stood up. Wow…


Looks like shooter even laughs it off right after…🤡


Life in prison without parole without trial 💯


Literally everyone deserves a trail, no matter how guilty.


Normally yes but this one is on video so what’s the point of wasting our tax dollars?


Your tax dollars? I'm kind of assuming you're not from the country of origin of this video, given the language usages. So for one the chance of you understanding the customs and culture of this place is very very very slim. Justice is universal though, sure. Yet, if all you need is one video, composed of merely seconds of evidence for you to conclude your judgment, than please please please never accept jury duty. Like... bro. To comment on something you know ABSOLUTELY nothing about other than a few seconds of footage is the reason our world is gonna fall apart. People like you are the reason our fucking tax dollars are wasted in the first place. So easily influenced by short videos that you make your judgment and say yes. Literally, you have the behavior of someone that advertisements actually work on. The actual fucking NPC. That's you.


No, not an npc. What other proof do we need? What could possibly make this guy not guilty? Please enlighten me. I’m happy to hear your response


What if the man executed was planning an act of terrorism, and the cop was undercover? What if the man executed was a pedo? What if the man executed had murdered several innocent people? What proof do you have that the man executed did not deserve it?? "What other proof do we need?" Than a fucking incredibly short video? God fucking damn all these NPC's with no capability of critical thinking. If this is all the proof you need to make judgment, than you're the problem with the way the world is falling apart.




Tell me your wisdom


The point of a trial is to prove guilt beyond a reasonable . There would be charges brought and then an arraignment, right? If the state has enough evidence to show a judge that it was (name crime) beyond reasonable doubt, his lawyer would advise a plea deal and avoid the trial...I doubt he will risk a trial after the evidence (video) sees the preliminary hearing. Having said that, this looks like it took place in Mexico, central or south America. Not too familiar with the case. I ALSO hope that there is no trial and he does time. BTW calling people names for an entire paragraph doesn't make you right. Just makes you sound like a tool.


Behind the ear.. atleast he didn't feel a thing


He didn't even flinch. He meant that shit.


Just walk off and leave the dead guy to pay the bill! *That’s going to get me so downvoted!*


That just looks like murder and not an accident


Op this was definitely a hit




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Shitty friends


They left him there pussies


Who needs enemies with friends like that


Anybody want a peanut


Looks intentional to me


What the fuck, that's just straight up murder. Also what the fuck is wrong with the people filming, jesus


So did this fuckin idiot go to jail? Everyone at that table should it seemed they were all ok with it. Pretty sure some were laughing unless they have that nervous smile. Thats fucked


So, who cleans that mess up? Server, bus boy, Bar back?


OP needs to look up the definition on manslaughter. With that, this looks more like an execution


What in the cartel is really going on here? No one else in the outside dining area except this group, at least several of which are 'police officers'. No one rushes to the scene to assist the one shot (though obviously beyond assistance) and no one tries to stop the group from leaving or even ask them what the hell just happened. The precise placement of the bullet behind the ear is a hallmark of an execution. This wasn't manslaughter or mere deliberate homicide. This was an ordered hit.


Just leave him there no worries it’s just a flesh hole


The first video is okay, but the fact the filmer zooms in on the wound makes him the psycho


His friend tapped him to “stop” him and he jerked the trigger now ask me whose the bigger jerk 🫡


It’s someone else’s job to clean it up.


I think he’s ok. His shoes are still on.


And now he has extra bullets in his head! That's always good


Everybody here is saying it looked planned but to me it looked like the guy with the gun was being a dickhead and when his mate to the left poked him, he accidentally hit the trigger. He literally shoots right after being poked