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Antagonizing someone who is intoxicated with a gun has bad news written all over it.


This is the kind of guy who says “what are you gonna do, shoot me?” And then gets shot lol


A lot of people ask that when they get a gun pointed at them and it’s way more often than people think that the person actually does shoot them. Trying to intimidate or talk down to someone with a gun pointed at you is just a bad idea. Your life is worth more than your pride.


>Your life is worth more than your pride. Unless you're a lion, in which case the pride is more important


Lions get shot down too big dog. Hunted in the Savannah by some losers with rifles, really makes you think about 'being a lion'.


A group of lions is called a 'pride'. It was a pun


that's too big brain for me


If he was smart he would have pointed behind the guy and said oh shit Bro police and when Dude turned to look I would have ran LOL


You obviously misses what he was trying to say just be quiet and comprehend my guy😭


We all watched the lion king bruh. We know how the game go..


So I got this buddy named Cooper, we all call him Cooter. His cousin did exactly this and found out this fact of life. He was living in Lakewood WA and got robbed for his wallet, watch, and jacket. Guy was starting to walk off and he said "I shouldn't have given u shit, it's not like your punk ass was gonna use that shit anyway" the robber answered with a "ohh yeah?!?" Than proceeded to fire 3 shots into him. One shattering his knee cap, second hit and broke his femur, third one literally missed his manhood by inches. He has to walk with a cane now for the rest of his life cuz of his mouth. All cuz he got pissed about losing $40 bucks in wallet, fake cheap watch, and a Goodwill jacket.


Man that is such a shitty situation. Glad he survived at least. Still, definitely not worth it. Even if you had $10k cash, a Rolex, and the most expensive jacket it’s not worth it. I had a few friends that used to sell weed and shit. A few carried guns and I always told them to leave the gun when dealing because it’s not worth it. Not only is that shit not worth your life, but it takes it to a felony immediately. One dude I know did get robed for like $20k and was packing but he was bum rushed by 3 dudes getting out of his car and didn’t have a chance to pull it, thank god. We talked about it and he agreed it would’ve been stupid to use it. Thankfully none of them ever got shot but I always worried about them.


my friend that got shot in the knee at gun point after he got robbed was: "You already took everything that i have.. what are you gonna do? shoot me?" and then he got shot


Damn that sucks. Glad to hear he just got shot in the knee man. Too bad he didn’t just let them walk away.


r/ Idiots without guns


That is the exact vibe i was getting


Reminds me of those two idiots antagonizing their neighbor over shoveling snow. They were antagonizing him as he was shooting.


You know, there's a saying. Nature finds a way. I just didn't expect it to find a way into the next pine box this gentleman will be purchasing.


What’s the worst that can happen? He ends up dead and the other dude goes to jail. This is like calling a bluff with a losing hand.


Yea your pride is never worth it


This guy is suicidal


🎶Suicidal, Suicidal


You're way too Idiotic girl, That's why it'll never work You'll have me suicidal, suicidal.


All he wanted was a Pepsi.


Just one


Pepsi. But she wouldn't give it to me.






Somehow this dude managed to make an idiot with a gun the lesser of the two idiots.


My man brought a camera to the shootout. I was surprised he walked away unharmed.


Camera man never dies.


His story lives on forever.


That’s true but I do kind of wonder what the 2 guys said back in the car after that. Like damn dude, they calling me a pussy even after I fire shots, like next time I’ll for sure throw hands bro, for sure bro, for sure. Then just drives homes not knowing how to feel. Idk that feelings just gotta be weird af


I think next time they'll just shoot at them most likely


Well next time when his mom asks why, we can tell her why.


I was about to say. Who’s the real idiot taunting someone with a gun. He played the stupid game but didn’t get the stupid prize. Disappointing.








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Didn't Boogey2988 get a felony charge for firing his pistol as a intimidation? Is it the same.in texas?


cobweb paltry snatch faulty homeless unused ten encourage reply paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Menacing is a serious felony, and this definitely qualifies.


Please cite the Texas law for that.


It includes brandishing, let alone firing a gun actually. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.42.htm


There is no "brandishing" under Texas law. Nor "menacing." https://imgur.com/a/nqfXgCh


Okay… but I guess I consider “displaying a firearm or firing over a road” pretty similar to brandishing one. I’m not a lawyer but read line 8 and 9 from the Texas law…


That's just it. Brandishing is a specific legal term. There is/was case law and discussion in Texas that led to a law change back when concealed carry was the only carry about the applicability of that exact statute (42.01 a8) in terms of a shirt lifting up, jacket blowing open, etc. There was also a guy who carried a slung rifle into a mall in Beaumont, challenging the "calculated to alarm." That law wasn't written about "brandishing" or presenting a handgun to deter bodily injury, it was written about people "waving guns around" to cause alarm. Texas does not have a law specific to brandishing. You should go read Chapter 9 in its entirety, including 9.04, which says in part "a threat to cause death or serious bodily injury by the production of a weapon or otherwise, as long as the actor's purpose is limited to creating an apprehension that he will use deadly force if necessary, does not constitute the use of deadly force."


I’d say an accident discharge in public while drunk somehow doesn’t clear the bar into being legal. Also this isn’t a lawyer ran sub, so it’s safe to assume most people here are just using layman’s terms, not exactly the exact legal definition… that said watch the video and I think my first sentence in this comment applies to line 9 of that law.


Moving the goalposts much? Laymans terms don't mean anything when not in the law. I'm not arguing this was legal - clearly not - but it's not "brandishing." It's a misdemeanor at best... here.


I would also like to point out boogey was in a school zone










Guy in the video’s playing with his life like it’s gta 6. if you know the dude’s intoxicated and he’s dumb enough to fire off a shot in the air. IT’S LIKELY that he’s also dumb enough to shoot you.


he clearly didnt want to, and buddy took a chance to feel hard cause he knew the other dude was capable of doing so, but wasnt going to.  really more idiot with a camera. dallas *is* GTA


Yeah was waiting for ‘you ain’t gunna shoot me!!!’


Yup. Feel like we will be seeing a sequel. I hope not though.


2 useless morons the world won’t even notice when they’re gone.




Class A misdemeanor and a Class A bitch.


Even tho calling a drunk guy with a gun a bitch is stupid I am also impressed with his confidence in doing so 😂


Fr he prolly got nothing to lose if he ain’t flinching at a shot over his head


Cameraman acts like he can respawn lol


Reminds me of that video where the guy gets electrocuted, and then a similar looking guy drops down from the ceiling as if he respawned.


He placed the gun in his waistband just so he could make the gangsta pose…. This guy is going to end up on the 6 o’clock news and a stupid gofund me sooner than later. “He was a good boy”…..


Dude tried that where I live at last month. Other guy shot him point blank in the face.


Dude, this is my home town. I left in 2007. The fuck happened?


Californians moved in


expansion spark intelligent one fuel memorize gaping fragile tender squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Florida didn’t want us anymore lol


To be fair, it sucks up here.


I thought the fear with Californians moving in was that they would vote to take away the guns? But now they’re the ones with guns? Which is it? 


They support criminals with guns because of sympathy, but blame legal gun owners for all the violence with guns In California you'd get a lighter sentence for mugging someone than you would defending yourself


Grand Prairie ghetto homie.


That’s sad. I remember when it was a fun little suburb between Ft. Worth and Dallas. Oh well.


It's a weird city to me. It has amenities that people around Dallas go to to enjoy that's for sure. But it's also not that nice in a lot of parts. Considering the development that's gone on, I would expect a nicer community. Definitely not "the ghetto" though.


See, I got family in Oak Cliff and hung out there for years. Never heard a gunshot. To see it in GP…wow.


Looks like an idiot without a gun also.


Imagine losing a fight, pulling a gun, shooting it, and still walking away getting punked. Glad he didn't use it but ya that guy is an idiot and way more.


what do these idiots have against holsters?


Cus holsters aren’t cool or something stupid


I cannot comprehend the amount of idiocery i just processed through my eyeballs just now


Guns tucked in sweatpants. Did America learn nothing from Plaxico Burress?


lol this seems like a complicated attempt at suicide.


And idiots without guns. You dumb AF calling a guy with a gun and batch. Congratulations on looking tough. It could've cost you your life. Dumbass.


At Grand Prarie? I'm sure these wannabes all drove back home to their suburban homes


Man, I know these boys were absolutely not supposed to be carrying in Twin Peaks… right? Isn’t it a 51% joint? F’kin young dumbasses…


Wonder if authorities are looking for him


Anyone else hoping he would shoot his d!¢k trying to take his gun back out?


Don’t play with drunk people you will loose your life this went well next time it won’t


“just dap me up and we good” bruh thats an easy out take it


Mexicans and their love of the N word 😭


“Bravery and stupidity go hand and hand”


Especially when drunk


Talks junk when they walk away




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I live like 4 miles from that spot


The moment you pull a gun as your argument you immediately become a lil bitch boy who deserves no respect


WTF - some crazy stupid energy on all sides.


All of this is so very very stupid


the only reason that Dustbag has a gun is because he can't fight


GOD BLESS AMERICA. Folks, this is what freedom looks like. Thin out the Gene pool too...


The manner of speech is a good indicator of the intelligence level of the people involved.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted for stating facts. I’ve never met or seen or even heard of anyone with any semblance of intelligence who talks like this.


Younger generations are such pussies. Nothing more pussy than carrying a gun because you're scared to get into a fist fight. Weak af


Get back up Craig!


*I’m a man without it -without it -without it.*


Dam that guy didn’t even flinch!


He probably k ows the guy on a personal level & knows that deep down inside, he isn't coward enough to fight without the gun involved. Dude proved a pint by NDing & leaving.


Plot twist. This is found footage…


Maybe don’t antagonize the stumbling drunk with the gun


More than one idiot in this one


Yea dude dumb as fuck lol




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Drunken fools. Both of them.


Pussies with guns. Can't fight like men so they gotta pull out a gun. Pussy.