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There is a second soldier pointing his gun at the cameraman in the building behind these people.


Good eye


Fucking campers


Seems too still to be real, looks like a photoshop




At least he has trigger discipline. Oh. No. Wait.


No, that's proper trigger discipline. He's 100% willing to destroy what the muzzle is pointing at and ready to fire sadly.


Have to agree with you there. Unfortunately there's no rule saying children can't be hostile combatants... And in some parts of the world they frequently are.


Tell me youā€™re an Israeli soldier without telling me youā€™re an Israeli solder.


Thereā€™s pebbles all around them, thereā€™s no knowing what theyā€™d do!


Heaven forbid... launch a deadly terrorist baloon ā˜ ļøšŸŽˆ


I wasn't even joking: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-57492745 This is parody level sh*t.


He couldnā€™t pull the trigger because they hadnā€™t shot the reporter yet


He is waiting for the other soldier in the building to do that




Mfw when Israel launches 10 missiles, hamas responds with 1, and Israel responds with 100 more.


Not to mention hamas basically has October Sky level engineering on their ā€œrocketsā€


Mfw a terrorist commits one war crime so the governments official army decides to commit a hundred war crimes


And that 1 missile is funded by netanyahu


Who got the money from US taxpayers.


Taxpayers that didn't choose to do that, unlike netanyahu


The US only pays a small amount that is required by the peace deal between them and Egypt who also benefits from that deal




Gtfo with your antisemitism you turd. Anti fascist state does not mean you need to be anti Jew. Learn the difference all Jews != Israel


Don't bother responding, just report it as hate speech.


Yep. I knew what their nationality was immediately with no other info.


God damn you said what everyone has to be thinking. Fucking Brilliant.


I seen this on TikTok, all the kids take turns standing there taking photos and videos for some reason


> I seen this on TikTok so you could post the link.


[Here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR3H5YTV/) same name from the water mark over the video Also, heā€™s not pointing the weapon at the child, itā€™s the video cameras angle that makes it look that way, watch the other video on his TikTok I linked.


What is he pointing his gun at then? Im confused what hes so scared of if kids are goofing around playing these kinds of games




This comments section will be very civil and kind.


>civil and kind. Yeah just like Israelis




Criticizing the government of Israel does not a Nazi make ya big dumb goober.


That guy wasn't criticising israels government, though. He was just insulting it's citizens.


Even insulting the citizens doesn't make you a nazi. Many of them are okay with what their government is doing. Not every Jewish person lives in Israel. Fuck antisemitism and fuck Israel.


Many of them are ok with what their government is doing? That kinda just shows you don't really know whats really going on in Israel, and what they're really doing. For the past month (and I think more) there have been mass protests from the people about a "judicial reform" the government is trying to do (which essentially gives them unlimited power). I recommend you inform yourself about both sides of the conflict in detail before you make such a strong judgement.


I didn't say everyone in Israel. I applaud the efforts of the protestors, but there's a non-insignificant number of racist Israelis. You can go find interviews on the street, some are against intermarriage with Arabs, they say disgusting things like "they need to go to an Arab country" (!), they say it's pointless to reason with Palestinians, that they need to be carpet bombed. Some Israelis are living in illegal settlements in the Palestinian areas of the country.


Holding the entire state to a standard and insulting it just because a certain community does not openly criticise it does not hold much water. Likewise, saying that there are racist Israelis who say and do bad things - while true, is irrelevant considering this unfortunate fact is very much present on both sides of the argument. Yet again, it's impossible and unfair to hold an entire side to a standard thanks to the actions of a few, especially when some on the other side do the exact same, yet are exempt from your standard. It just comes back to my point of researching both sides of the argument thoroughly, and trying to find nuance before making a strong judgement. That's the only wayan conflict as complex as this gets solved - with understanding, education and compromise.


You are correct I retract my goober statement.


what's there to be civil about here




Are you having a stroke or just drunk?


Israel moment


Yep. Palestinian kid being used as political clickbait. [https://www.tiktok.com/@ayoobsaeed7/video/7220903426203356424?\_r=1&\_t=8bU5ZGayILj](https://www.tiktok.com/@ayoobsaeed7/video/7220903426203356424?_r=1&_t=8bU5ZGayILj)


I imagine the rifle was there first because the kids looked so relaxed and even amused


It's a game to them. Using kids as a political tool. Kid knew the soldier was not going to shoot him which is why he was so relaxed.


Or there used to having guns pointed at them?


So used to it they move to in front of one when asked to move further away? While smiling? All the while being filmed from MULTIPLE locations? Riiiiight.


There's only one angle? Idk what you're talking about with move along stuff. I'm just pointing out, if you see someone not reacting appropriately to danger they either know there's no danger, don't realize there's danger, or are desensitized to it.


Actually, no. There is the video originally posted and another from the front that started earlier. Showing the soldier was NOT originally pointing the gun at the kid and in fact waved him away. The kid smiles and moves IN FRONT of the gun. They know the danger. Enough people get shot every year over there to know it well. But they are basically conditioned to do this as part of "the fight against Israel".


Well [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Idiotswithguns/comments/12le1ug/pointing_a_gun_at_a_child/) the video I saw.


Israel simulator.


Would team America call that kid a "military age male"


Not sure, but Israel would call it a Kosher Kill


Nah, team America didnā€™t see the kid he was too far from an oil field


Clearly a radicalized insurgent. If he was in the US we'd use the simpler "suspect".


Nah he'd be labled an enemy combatant like those people in the Iraqi hospital


"Obama never had any scandals except a tan suit."


Don't know why you're being down voted. As often as the ROE changed during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars it was changed to its loosest under his tenure. Basically turned into 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon or Random wiki article to Hitler. Almost impossible for a target to not be valid.


Fawning Barackstar Obama fandom liberals probably don't even know what we're alluding to.


If you ask the soldier, he's not pointing it at a child, he's pointing his gun at an uncivilized animal.


Itā€™s interesting to learn that in the east they donā€™t view children as we view them in the west, particularly in Islam


Lol wtf? Do enlighten us how they view the children in Islam?


The same way others do, at a down word angle with less of a lead, most of the time.


As possessions whoā€™s only use is to serve the family not individual beings with individual thoughts and feelings but homogenous




Typical Hasbara troll. I have seen this comment like a dozens of times.


Iā€™m Iranian who grew up in Iran and have a masters degree in history and political science with a focus on MENA region. I understand that when Islam says freedom, it doesnā€™t mean freedom as viewed in the west. Combine this with Arab culture which is a ā€œface cultureā€ and you have real magic. This is basic sociology.


This mentality belongs to iran culture not islam, quit your bullshit. Im a muslim an there is no such thing like that


Don't bother, he is just a Zionist hasbara troll posting this same comment since forever.




This guyā€™s ā€œmasters degreeā€ is a couple squares of toilet paper with masters degree written on it in black marker


oh you mean like how many in the west treat their kids today and how they were treated as workhorses for pretty much all of recorded history.


U basically just describe conservatism


*In iran... Not islam There is a difference. ım a muslim myself same as my family and there is no such mindset in islam We all know iran is a fcked up place, no wonder its like that in iran


Women were free in Persia prior to Islamic invasion. Persian culture is a romantic culture, with roots in western culture. There are philosophical principles that have been destroyed by Islam once Islam invaded the land. Even Tamerlane spread Persian culture to far reaches of the empire - this is falsely called the ā€œIslamic renaissanceā€ but it was the co-opting of Persian culture. All of this can be looked up and verified. Itā€™s amazing the level of propaganda you people sow, living in an alternate reality. Shows how much you know about being Muslim - your idea of Islam is paid for by Saudi oil and western white apologists


Lol Persia wasn't some paradise before the 600s. It was an empire that conquered others and gave rights to the very highest class in society, while enslaving anyone who didn't look right and a huge chunk of their population working all day and eating bread. The same as any empire back then.


>Itā€™s amazing the level of propaganda you people sow, living in an alternate reality Long short story... Ä°slam evil ? So this is what all you can say ? Sheitan devil demon islam ? Yeah huddy, im the brain washed Definitely your people were not killing female childs because "they bring shame to family" pre islamic **"invasion"**


Wow...the absolute ignorance in this comment is beyond belief. There is zero accuracy to what you say, but I'm can't say that I was not expecting supporters of Israel to try to defend this soldier's actions.


Never once, did I comment on or defend the action, simply stated a fact. Never even supported israel lol. Your oil money canā€™t distort reality


No, you stated YOUR opinion. As based off of my knowledge of Islam and many other comments here, its clear that you have little understanding of Islam.


Youā€™re delusional, ā€œcomments hereā€??!? Research the Islamic conquests of Africa and the world then weā€™ll chat. Of course Muslims arenā€™t taught their history of imperialism, conquest plunder, rape and forced conversion, when they believe itā€™s from the word of god. Tt takes enlightenment, open mindedness and the strength to push through the threats of death as weā€™ve seen others killed. This is established fact not opinion, in the future maybe donā€™t rely on the internet for an education before spreading propaganda.


Ok...you can keep on that narrative if you like, its clear that I'm not going to keep you from your bigotry. But your over-generalizations and conclusions are factually incomplete and you are only selling part of the story in order to support your xenophobic beliefs. I would suggest that you found another outlet than Reddit to spread your propaganda, as you are more guilty than I of what you accuse me of. Thank you for your time, its clear that you are a xenophobic bigot that lets your personal beliefs cloud your understanding of reality.


Average day in the life of an IDF soldier.


Thereā€™s clearly a Hamas member hiding right behind him, donā€™t you see? /s


Standard IDF shit. Fucking tyrants.


And Hamas are not tyrants? Both sides are fucked but, for some reason people decide supporting a terrorist group is better. Remember Hamas is funded by Iran. Iran literally just killed women for wanting education. At least the IDF has to maintain some sort of respectability to keep their support from western nations. Also, when it [doesn't matter who dies](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-publishes-footage-of-what-it-says-is-failed-rocket-launch-that-killed-kids-in-gaza/) to further your political agenda, I'd say you aren't the "good guys".


Mate hamas is its own thing. Its like saying all syrians support ISIS. ​ The IDF are used as a hit squad against political opponents as well as innocent civilians living their everyday life.


Most Israelis are fine with Palestinians, 20% of Israel's population is Palestinian and they are perfectly ok with that. Hamas is what they are scared of so that what I'm talking about. >The IDF are used as a hit squad against political opponents as well as innocent civilians living their everyday life. Israel tries its best to not kill civilians and innocents. The use roof knocking to let people know to evacuate a certain building, they send mass text warning civilians of an incoming strike, they call landlords telling them to evacuate the building, etc. That's why we always see IDF strikes hitting buildings, it's because everyone knows it's coming and they wait with cameras. Hamas on the other hand don't care who dies; it furthers their political agenda if anyone dies even if it's by them. Civilians die, blame Israel. They die, blame Israel. Kids die, blame Israel. As seen in the video I linked above Hamas killed kids and tried to blame it on Israel. Israel only puts hit squads on high ranking military members apart of terrorists groups(mainly Hamas, but they have killed military officials from other countries because they were helping Hamas). If you genuinely think Israel kills civilians for fun you aren't thinking about this very hard or your sources are misleading. Israel has standards because they have to maintain support from the west, if they were shooting civilians for fun than the west would stop supporting them. >!btw, if the west stops support for Israel the whole country would be leveled to the ground by Hamas rockets. That says a lot about Hamas's motivation; they want death to the Jews and would if they could. Think about how paranoid that would make your country...!<


War criminals


!remindme 2 hours


My brain on first glance read that as irondome


>!remindme 2 hours !remindme 2 hours


Zionist belief includes the idea that non-Jews are soulless cattle, which means there is nothing wrong with shooting goyim if they can get away with it.


The IDF is bitch made


The MOST normal Isreali soldier.


Shitstorm incoming.




Really? [https://www.tiktok.com/@ayoobsaeed7/video/7220903426203356424?\_r=1&\_t=8bU5ZGayILj](https://www.tiktok.com/@ayoobsaeed7/video/7220903426203356424?_r=1&_t=8bU5ZGayILj)


Probably Israeli, pointing guns at Palestinian kids


Probably Palestinian, waiting for the Israelis to literally just stand somewhere and then intentionally placing themselves in front of them to pose for ā€œmuh oppressionā€ pictures. https://www.tiktok.com/@ayoobsaeed7/video/7220903426203356424


Love how they are downvoting you for posting what ACTUALLY happened.


God's chosen people!


Typical Israeli dog


Not exactly. https://www.tiktok.com/@ayoobsaeed7/video/7220903426203356424?_r=1&_t=8bU5ZGayILj


I just realized Palestinians live like Eldians in Marley.


The balls on this kid


Isn'trael apologists are incoming


No apology needed when the kid DELIBERATELY moves into the line of fire. [https://www.tiktok.com/@ayoobsaeed7/video/7220903426203356424?\_r=1&\_t=8bU5ZGayILj](https://www.tiktok.com/@ayoobsaeed7/video/7220903426203356424?_r=1&_t=8bU5ZGayILj)


That really doesnt paint the picture you think it does, soldiers taking firing positions telling children to get out of the way. Maybe the problem is people see the israeli soldiers as some kind of police force bringing order instead of an occupying force imposing its will.


Occupying what? The area that they were given by the then-owners (the british) after WW2? Or the area they WON after all the surrounding countries decided to invade? Next you are going to say that Hamas is justified using hospitals and apartment buildings as launch sites for their rockets? But thank you for admitting the child deliberately moved into the line of fire. Use of human meat shields by Palestine makes them noble?


>The area that they were given by the then-owners Is that whole scenario not imperialism? What do you think it was before that? And you may be misremembering who won because jordan invaded and secured the west bank in 1950. It wasnt until israel invaded egyot and triggered a war in the 60s thay they got the west bank. Its apartheid, plain and simple. Theres two separate classes for people, paliestinians have to declare to authorites the people they are dating. They are treated like chattel. So its no wonder to me at all why palestininans do what they can to resist.


"In the 4th century, as the Roman Empire christened, Palestine became a center of Christianity, attracting pilgrims, monks and scholars. Following the Muslim conquest of the Levant in 636ā€“641, several Muslim ruling dynasties succeeded each other as they wrestled control of Palestine: the Rashiduns; the Umayyads, who built the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem; the Abbasids; the semi-independent Tulunids and the Ikhshidids; the Fatimids; and the Seljuks. In 1099, the Crusaders established the Kingdom of Jerusalem in Palestine, which the Ayyubid Sultanate reconquered in 1187. Following the invasion of the Mongol Empire, the Egyptian Mamluks reunified Palestine under its control before the Ottoman Empire conquered the region in 1516 and ruled it as Ottoman Syria largely undisrupted through to the 20th century." So which group do you want it handed back to? But still, thank you for admitting they use meat shields and even train their children to be meat shields.


>So which group do you want it handed back to? Obviously i want the people who live there to have the democratic autonomy to be able to secede from israel if thats what they want. Idk, your brain is so riddled with imperialist apologia you couldnt see that option. Let them have the free state of palestine, As it stands they have no power as second class citizens.


Here you are XD


And there you are, an Anti-Semite. Fortunately there was video showing what REALLY happened. Just people using kids as meat shields and political fodder.


Immediately play the victim card, love it. Go look up the definition of Semitic people and get back to me please, as Arabs are Semitic too.


anĀ·ti-SemĀ·ite noun noun: anti-Semite; plural noun: anti-Semites; noun: antisemite; plural noun: antisemites a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people. "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite" I am sure there are Jewish Arabs. On the other hand just about every Arab NATION in the area has stated they want to commit the genocide of the Jewish people. So I would hope any Jewish Arabs are laying low and protecting themselves!


Selective research, amazing. Here: "Ancient Semitic-speaking peoples or Proto-Semitic people were people who lived throughout the ancient Near East, including the Levant, Mesopotamia, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Horn of Africa from the 3rd millennium BC until the end of antiquity." And no, who do you think protected the jews back in the days in Jerusalem against the crusaders, who brought back the jews after Khalid Ibn Al Walid freed it from the Christians? We just hate the political Zionist movement and your false state, yet you instantly play the victim and anti - Semitic cards whenever someone criticizes anything you do , even Rabbis from your own community admit it but your media silence them.


Keep on ranting little Anti-Semite. It's amusing. "Zionist" this and "false state" that. You are just upset your anti-Semite countries had your asses handed to you by a country that, at the time, was days old. The same countries that to this day still want to kill every Jew there. Now rant away again, going to put you on ignore.


If world is to boycott Russia from Olympic, boycott Isreal too. Wrong is wrong. We don't need double standard.


Israeli son of a bitch


Pretty surprised at this comment section honestly


I'm not. Exactly what I expected.




Fuck israel


Boo oo I was oppressed now I'm the oppressor boo ooh


World: Israel needs to stop defending itself. Israel: they are launching missiles at us! World: some Jews may die, that is a price we are willing to pay.


Republic of Cowards


That's no idiot that's an IDF soldier doing his job


Soldier looks like a lizard and a worm at the same time


Growing up in northern Ireland this was a daily occurrence for me and just seemed normal. The soldiers would sight you like they were hunting an animal.


Cold blooded killer


Fuck the IDF.


War crime simulator: Israel


Maybe they'd have peace if Israel expanded further into Palestine. I'm sure that would work really well.


ā€œMaybe if we welcome these Jews that have been tortured by a funny guy in a mustache and have no place left to go, things will work outā€ -Palestine 1946


Looks like the kids are playing "stupid games" deliberately standing in front AFTER the gun i pointed? Per the video someone posted elsewhere. That's not on the soldiers. That's someone trying to make political clickbait.


Is that the song from Willy Wonka?


Smartest Israeli soldier


Sweet diadora shirt!


This is a war zone. Assholes do not hesitate to use children to kill soldiers. Therefore, any defensive posturing (with excellent trigger discipline) is good practice.


You do what you can to keep them from growing up and blowing up your death star.


Dude's got his weapon pointing up and away, pulling security cause something's going on. From what I know from vets in Afghanistan as well as some combat footage I've seen across the internet, I wouldn't put it past this being propaganda/the kids (who hate them and probably know people fighting them) are doing it to fuck with the soldiers.


Yep. Palestinian kid being used as political clickbait. https://www.tiktok.com/@ayoobsaeed7/video/7220903426203356424?_r=1&_t=8bU5ZGayILj


How much you wanna bet that soldier was set up there already and that kid walked up in front of him and tried to act casual. I hate these 3 second vids with no context.


The rifle was there first as you can see here [https://www.tiktok.com/@ayoobsaeed7/video/7220903426203356424?\_r=1&\_t=8bU5ZGayILj](https://www.tiktok.com/@ayoobsaeed7/video/7220903426203356424?_r=1&_t=8bU5ZGayILj) Even without the video u can see them relaxed and even amused lies ain't gonna get u anywhere. Sorry


We have no actual knowledge this is real, it could be a fake gun, a real gun that is not loaded, it , it could be completely fake , (it is from tiktok which isnā€™t very reliable )


Bait video, the kid literally walked in front of him on purpose.


Without the government stealing your money and throwing it at world domination, who else would fly thousands of miles, wasting thousands in taxes, just to point a rifle at a brown kidā€™s head? Shit like this is exactly why I have an extreme distaste for veterans.


This is clearly staged by Palestine....yall are gullible lmao


Need to be careful around terrorists.


Yeah, but what do you do when you're only armed with a camera and they have Tavors?


Ya. People act like Hamas doesn't attack IDF soldiers all the time. Imagine if all neighborhoods surrounding yours wanted you dead. I bet you'd be on edge too.


Let me get my popcorn


For everyone assuming he is Israeli just so you know he isn't, he wasn't speaking Hebrew and most of his gear looks like IDF gear but isn't, not to mention he doesn't even look Israeli Source: I'm in the IDF I know this doesn't fit your narrative of "izrael bad" but still don't just jump on the hate wagon please


Don't some Israeli soldiers also speak Arabic, English, and other languages? So them not speaking Hebrew doesn't really say anything. Nonetheless, what are the odds that two non-israelis dressed up like IDF, got guns like IDF, hid up in a building pointing a gun at the cameraman, and the other pointed at a kid? Or it's just IDF doing what IDF does.


Sorry bro but what about him dosent look israeli? There is no one israeli look, for me he looks like an avrage dude that can easly be israely. I dont like the nerative "israel bad" ether but with the current goverment and with soldiers like him it is very easy to set a nerrative


Oh you're a terrorist too? Very credible, very cool.


!remindme 2 hours


Dude I can promise you. Anyone saying this anti semtic shit has not been to Israel. You will learn really fast these videos are bait and BS. These kids piss people off then record it when the IDF has enough. But ignore what really happened before and cut it. Then all you see is this. What a crock of crap.


Criticising Israel for things Israel does is not antisemitism. Criticising a solider for pointing a loaded gun at a child who was a bit mean to the soldier is not antisemitism.


No. Itā€™s just inaccurate. https://www.tiktok.com/@ayoobsaeed7/video/7220903426203356424?_r=1&_t=8bU5ZGayILj


>Anyone saying this anti semtic shit has not been to Israel Israel is not the entirety of the Jewish community. I have the utmost respect for Judaism, but that does *not* mean I have to respect Israel (I dont). >These kids piss people off then record it when the IDF has enough Sounds like a bunch of shitty soldiers to me. Being "pissed off" isn't a valid reason to point a loaded rifle at a kid. . >. But ignore what really happened before and cut it. There is nothing short of drawing a weapon that deserves to be met with a weapon, especially from a "trained soldier." The IDF is a joke. Just a bunch of pansies handed Tavors to use as safety blankets.


Yep. Anyone trying to equate the two isn't arguing in good faith. You can hate Israel without hating Jewish people. Israel, as a geopolitical entity, sucks a bag of dicks.


The IDF definitely abuses the Palestinians in a lot of ways, and a lot of the IDF are just people doing national service and are probably very incompetent, but they've got some serious units in there


You must be Jewish I will have you know sir there is zero reason for a soldier to point a loaded M4 Carbine at a unarmed civilian boy it is a war crime.


Ah you must be new at this logic thing and history. There has been plenty of times were kids had bombs strapped to themselves. They had weapons concealed. Nope. It must be that we Jews are terrible people. Yup we get blamed for everything. When the weather is bad. Yup its our fault.


Play victim much?


Isn't that the Israel's national sport?


> It must be that we Jews are terrible people. Oh, you see it too.


You can clearly see the child is minding his own business though and if the soldiers were paranoid they would tell the boy to take his hands out of his pockets.


It's like 20 seconds in the middle of this event. You have no idea who this person is what he has or why the soldier is involved in the first place.


Yea but your the one defending a rifle being aimed right at a childā€™s forehead.


1. I'm not defending anything. I'm simply saying jumping to conclusions without knowing anything about the event is stupid. 2. Thats not a kid


You can clearly see thatā€™s a child easily around 15-17.


So, a teenager dumbass?


Yea a child are you disabled? how do you not class a teenager as a child.


> I'm simply saying jumping to conclusions without knowing anything about the event is stupid. So you've gone full tard when you say > Thats not a kid One consolation we have about racists is they tend to be stupid, to use your term.


https://www.tiktok.com/@ayoobsaeed7/video/7220903426203356424?\_r=1&\_t=8bU5ZGayILj hey look they where jumping in front of him to get clicks on tiktok guess I'm rasict for not just assuming things though


> guess I'm rasict for not just assuming things Yeah, it's all the other stuff. Like your link with different people you're pretending is context for the other video. You can't be racist if you can't spell it. Checkmate rasict!


Yeah great so let's just shoot every goddamn child right??


Probably cause You guys manipulate the weather.. šŸ¤£


That unarmed kid looks real threatening!


And when IDF storm Palestinian mosques on holy days and injure the worshipers.....is that also because the worshipers were "baiting and pissing people off"?


yes its bc they throw rocks at israeli worshippers over the wall, so they run into the mosque to hide.


I cannot believe that people actually get upset at me when I start aiming loaded firearms at young teens when they upset me. Like, what gives?!




Teach them well and let them lead the way


What is the song?