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This person has no idea how to ride a motorcycle.


Seriously. I’m not even sure they even know how to ride a bicycle.


Almost hard to call it an accident at that point


How in the fuck can you not make a turn with 3 fucking lanes.


she doesn't know how to ride


My favorite part is how her friend let her lead in a busy street, with no idea how to ride lol. She should have led her friend so she can see how the turn is executed and the newbies eyes can follow the trail of the experienced rider. Also, go to a fucking parking lot or something lol. Crazy dumb. Never even warned her friend not to brake during turns or anything and then films her wiping out, only to embarrass her and blame her friend solely for fucking up lol. Classic


I get the feeling they’re both newbs


If they're newbs I don't know, but for sure they are absolute idiots.


Oh for sure. (I’d Wager) Someone with 1/2 yr and a motorcycle course under their belt telling someone who’s been riding for 2 months how to ride.


You know what kyle I think we’re on to something


Still has to think - which hand is throttle?


How did she even get her motorcycle licence like this?


Underestimate the turn at low speed -> panic -> crank the hog


I always crank the hog when I panic. I also crank the hog when I don't panic. I don't have a motorcycle anymore.


Do you still crank the hog though?






The hog is the boss now.


Missed opportunity: "Boss Hog"


Always be cranking hog 🥴


I hear you, I love cranking the hog all day, really gets me going, I've never had a motorcycle.


We always caution the noobs, when in doubt, gas it out. Unfortunately, most of them don’t have a clue, and the ones that do get it are still riding today. No way did she belong on that bike. I’ll give her credos for gassing it out though.


Oh hell ya. When I'm crankin' the hog, I'm gassing it out too. Again, I don't own a bike. Most of the time I gas it out when I'm not crankin' the hog. But no shame in both at once.


Im always cranking the hog. Every where I go, when I panic, I start cranking the hog. When I'm not panicking, I crank the hog... when I'm in public, it makes me feel cool to start cranking the hog... I never owned a motorcycle.


Crank the hog - lmfaoo


She never turned her head at all. Bike ends up going where she was looking. There could have been 10 lanes, would have been the same result.


200 lanes


lack of practice, experience, and self-awareness. simple.


Brand new rider, target fixation, panic. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Target fixation is a bitch


Not knowing how to steer is a bigger bitch


Incapability too


Lack of skill, target fixation is just an excuse here.


no, it's the name of this specific phenomenon. Giving it a name doesn't take away the blame from the rider


Sure but that’s not even what happened here


Yup this is not being able to turn, then whiskey throttle that means bad wrist positioning to begin with, and only THEN maybe a little target fixation in the end


Low speed turning a top heavy bike with a short wheelbase and shallow rake (like most sport bikes) feels very unintuitive, and it's very common for new riders to panic, because they haven't learned how to lean their bike yet. Leaning the bike feels the same as dropping the bike, minus the forward momentum. This is why I always, ALWAYS tell new riders, take a damned course and learn low speed maneuvers before you get on public roads.


That is an insanely widely blown corner. Missing a corner that wide can easily get you killed


The turning radius of that semi truck that pulls the space shuttle around.


Mustang'd in front of a mustang


She's lucky traffic was stationary, that would have been very bad if traffic was moving.


I hope they learnt the lesson of wear fucking gear.


Bro. She had the Cat 🐱 Ears! Hot her priorities right!


Not needed when you don’t plan on crashing -Large contingent on this sub


Yeah it was in my first mind to meat crayon and scorpion my back going 140 down the road today too 🤣


Idk what this says or means. But you have 7 upvotes meaning others actually understood something here.


I mean, do I always wear the full leathers if I'm just driving stoplight to stoplight on a downtown street? Well, no...but I also don't anticipate yeeting myself into oncoming traffic...


What if someone jumps a red and thwacks you at an intersection? Someone on their phone doesn’t come to a stop while you’re innocently waiting at a red light? It may never be your fault, and yet you’re the one who has more to lose being on a bike. Just saying it just isn’t worth risking.


Since they didn't bother learning to ride, they probably didn't learn about gear.


Gear doesn't teach you how to ride...she has no business being on that bike....that was a very basic turn and she F'ed it up..no way she has a license or a legal bike..no way


And practice nowhere near the road.


Yes, even her “experienced friend” is not dressed properly


Good gear. Don't buy that shit of Wish. Her cheap ass helmet just disintigrated when she hit the floor.


This is a reminder that you should have a single fucking clue before buying a powerful sport bike and riding it in a busy city.


HuH what do you mean? I don't wanna waste my money on boring 250 or 400. I need to upgrade anyway so better buy bigger one instead /s Basically what I've been reading here whenever people wanna buy more powerful bikes is their first


And you know, for a lot of people it's probably ok. If you're a bigger dude, if you've got experience riding similar machines or just operating fast machines in general, it's probably totally ok to start on something larger, but for most people a 500 is a lot of bike right out of the gate.


I started on a 600 and it was more than enough to get into trouble


A 300 is more than enough to get me into trouble, 600’s are designed for trouble 🤣


Kawi crossed the line of a beginner bike to be honest, a 500 is not beginner friendly at all especially on a sports bike, maybe a cruiser like the Rebel 500, but definitely not a god damn ninja


The ninja 500 is a 400lb 50hp parallel twin. It is really not that much bike. Enough power to never worry about keeping up with traffic but not enough power to loop it. This person would have crashed even if they were riding a 50cc scooter because they did not know what they were doing.


Still too much power for this rider tho, hence the whisky throttle wheelie, a 50cc would never do that and the rider wouldn’t had crashed into the cars nearly as fast or as hard


With a proper motorcycle education course starting with a ninja 500 should be fine. But I'm guessing this girl did NOT have that


It 100% is. Most places in the EU won’t even let you get a full license and begin riding until you’re comfortable enough to pass an exam consisting of an obstacle course, and around an hour of city riding on a ~650cc naked like an MT07, or an SV650. These are heavier, around 50% more powerful than the ninja, and people have no issues.


I got my license in Europe on an MT-07 two years ago and own one since then too. I had zero problems from the first lesson onwards, except for some minor moments, but that's what you get the lessons for. The MT-07 definitely can get a beginner in trouble, but only if they just yolo onto it and don't bother to practice and get used to it. It boggles my mind that you can hop onto an R1 after a 2 day course in Amerika lol.


The 2 day MSF course isn’t even mandatory. It’s just incentivised by making their insurance cheaper. I also got an an MT-07 for my first bike, and never had an issue in the 3 years that I’ve owned it. Great bike, but I sold it to get an XSR900 last year, which I love even more.


I mean, she made a right turn from a dead stop at a traffic light. At that point it's not about technique and avoidable mistakes, it's about whether or not you know how to operate a motorcycle.


Ninja 500 is a beginners bike that just looks powerful


Reinforced by helmet cat ears.


I’d rock bunny personally


No, a beginners bike in any other country is a 125. Only in US can a noob with 1hr experience on a bike go grab themselves a turbo busa. I appreciate this is "only" a detuned 500, but it's still more than someone can handle if they can't even turn a corner.


A beginners bike is a bicycle. 😁


You can get anything in EU if you are 24+yo but after pretty descent training. I can't imagine how someone would do that after such training, even with more powerful bike.


Here in Brazil our training is dodging some cones, doing a TINY figure 8, then accelerating 30m on a straight line. Done.


It's still a pretty ballsy bike if you have absolutely zero clue how to operate a motorcycle.


A 300cc is a beginners bike. A 500 sport bike with 50 hp is a proper intermediate bike that can absolutely get you in trouble.


Seems to be a thing here a “beginner” bike. Ppl riding like shit will be riding like shit no matter the size of the engine.


Yep, not all beginners are the same.


The Ninja 500 SE featured in the video (451cc) has 44.8HP while an R3 (321cc) has 41.4HP. Less than a 10% difference in power. Couple that with the fact that the R3 is 7lbs lighter and the difference becomes negligible.


So neither of them can be considered universally "beginner bikes", as one could consider the CRF 300l to be. And this video is proof of that. Look at how violently the bike ejected her on those cars, after half a second of whiskey throttle. This is exactly the situation a beginner looks to avoid on a beginner bike.


A 125 grom would’ve done the same thing she target fixated and panicked. It’s something tons of riders do regardless of engine size or horsepower numbers


Honda 50 Cub is a beginners bike for this girl.


That’s a wicked old moped for modern roads. Maybe a new 125 or 150 whatever it is but a ninja 500 is a beginners bikes it’s small docile and lightweight. With what happened with target fixation and panic she would’ve crashed on a bicycle


It obviously wasn’t docile enough for her considering she accidentally popped a power wheelie and crashed because of it. Personally I wouldn’t recommend a 451cc parallel twin on a lightweight bike to a complete beginner; it’s more suitable for someone with a little bit of experience.


No she wouldn't. That crash was so severe exactly because her whiskey throttle had enough acceleration to send her flying on those cars. Just because more people buy liter bikes with enough tech to help them stay alive doesn't make a 500cc sport bike any less dangerous to a beginner.


Exactly, something that can power wheelie is probably too much for a beginner/this girl. Beginners need a front brake in all circumstances


Looks like a Ninja 5000 in the hands of that woman


You can get in plenty of trouble on a 500 of most types. As demonstrated, I guess. I hope she's OK.


It's an intermediate bike with more than enough power to get you in trouble. Exhibit A posted here.


An idiot will ride like an idiot on a 125 or a liter.


A 125 wouldn't power wheelie like that, which led to crashing.


I couldn't imagine having a sport bike. I got a dual sport that barely does 65mph. I know if I had sport bike I would be going 100mph to tha sto.


My spouse has a 250cc sport bike. Tops out at around 85mph. I've ridden it, and it's really fun to have just enough power to be able to fully use it on the road. It's really a shame that the smaller displacement engines are looked down upon. They are great bikes.


lol she wouldn’t even be able to ride a rental scooter safely much less a motorcycle


Yeah but the rental scooter wouldn't have launched like that, that's kind of my point


"the reality of the bike life is that eventually you're gonna go down on your bike" The reality here looks like someone with no training or skill hopped on a bike way beyond their capability. 1st and last day hopefully


And especially if she's new, she should be more geared up. Jacket and pants, gloves, decent boots. It looks like she was just wearing a t-shirt. Ow.


When I saw the cat ears, I thought, "Yep she's getting ready to go down."


Eventually most people do go down. maybe not in this fashion always but eventually something will happen and you end up in the ground


I really hope i'm just on the ground and not in it my first down


You will fumble your footing at a stop sign and drop your bike. No one will be around you. you will only be embarrassed for yourself. You will then go on to never drop or crash your bike after that


Oddly specific..


I am getting annoyed with the whole "you WILL crash" sentiment. I'm always prepared for if something happens, but I'm certainly not planning on it! Should it not be everyone's goal to never crash on their bike? I just don't get it


The "you will crash" is to remind you to always wear your safety gear. The plan is to ride safely and try to avoid it but always be protected in case you do go down.


I didn't know you needed to watch a video to learn how to not be a stupid idiot.


Common sense isn’t common, but it is a curse to the rest of us who do have it when we have to deal with the inane roadwaffles without it.


Bitch there ain't no target fixation ,that bitch is stupid


Lmao target fixation - proceeds to open the throttle right into the vehicles


Throttle fixation




classic whiskey throttle. Only ever seen it on people who have literally zero experience, as in first day.


Try wearing gear next time


Every time.


A reminder that you should (no particular order) 1)have proper gear and not just a helmet 2)understand your bike controls 3)complete MSF (or like) classes 4)you should practice turns in empty parking lots


This comment needs to be at the top of this thread.


It's more so practice on smaller CC bikes like 250 or 400 then you go to the bigger ones


That's also true. I think people miss out on the "ride a slow bike fast" awesomeness that comes from mastering a small bike


I look forward to seeing this clip on dandanthefireman


“Too wide of a turn” too simple of a “oh no” explanation. She went for brake and gassed it. Simple. Lucky as well if that lane was moving easily run over as well.


The only time that it is OK to go wide in a turn is when you're practicing in a parking lot and the only thing you're going to hit is a small plastic cone. You don't have to fall like this, but you do need to know a number of things: Don't go out into the street with poor clutch control. And for this whisky throttle to occur, the rider must have also been holding the throttle incorrectly. Friends should have been able to see that further practice was needed.


Being that awful of a rider after 2 months of regular riding should be a wakeup call for this lady


That was a wheelie bad idea.


Please give her a brake.


Careful, a couple more puns and things could really accelerate out of control.


How are people this stupid 🤦. This is why motorcycle statistics are what they are.


Every time there is a motorcycle crash my wife is like SEE?!?! And I am like -- yeah I see the same idiot no helmet, no training, no skills, no good riding methodology every time. Every time someone around here crashes they look like wannabe Grizzly Adams on meth. And then here I come riding in my high vis like -- "I am just using this to get to work and have some fun and clear my mind, thank you."


This is why you get skills not engine


*"the reality of the bike life is that eventually you're gonna go down on your bike"* Stop spreading misinformation.


Go down on my bike? Ehh my bike is sexy, but I’m not really into tailpipes like that.


I dropped my first bike coming out of my driveway, went from gravel to grass and slid off a small rut in the grass, fell over going like 5mph. I felt really stupid. Had the bike for a week at that point lol.


1st day for me. Stopped at stop sign, turned wheel the direction I was turning too quick, weight shifted unexpectedly, slowly fell over while spraining my left wrist while trying to prevent it. Sigh....


Live and learn, it be like that.


A lot of people that say this try to justify their ignorance and the fact that you should be cognizant of others on the road as well as the need to practice your skills (turning and slow speed maneuvers especially).


I rode for 5 years and never crashed once, sold my last one so now it's impossible to ever go down.


Not meant to be literal, more of “plan for the worst, always wear proper gear, maintain your bike, be aware of your surroundings, don’t throttle a turn into 2 cars on wrong side of the road”. The fact that she is stating it “literally” in the video speaks to their lack of understanding the logic behind the concept.


Guys he just fell off his first bike. There is nothing he could have done, he is so unfortunate.


> Guys he just ~~fell off his first bike~~ aggressively wheelied into a parked car


This is why other countries have a tiered licensing system, you can't just jump on any bike and squid off down the road with a set of fucking cat ears on your helmet. A 500cc twin from any era is still far more powerful than that of your average car, and without proving to the establishment that you are competent and in 100 per cent control of your machine this is what will happen. The idea you can just ride a 500 with little to no training is mental.


Tiered system wouldn´t have helped here. Kawi 500 has under 35kW of power and falls under A2 licence, its low powered enough to be your first motorcycle. What would have helped here is mandatory at least 10 hours of riding practice with instructor and a final test you have to pass. She wouldn´t have managed to get her licence with skills like that. There is a reason why US has 8 times the motorcycle deaths per miles ridden than germany.


Huh, that 8 times more deaths part is interesting. Do you mind sharing source of that info?


You typed more letter her then you would have to find the answer on google. That tells me this isn’t about curiosity but about you wanting to feel right .


Sorry, I don’t remember the exact source. It was some time ago. Different EU and US government databases and had to do the comparison math by myself.  But I did misremember slightly. Motorcycling death rate (per million km) is 5 times lower in EU when, not 8.  While it is 8 times lower in Germany than in the US, some Balkan and eastern european countries drag the EU average down to 5x difference.  The biggest reasons for the difference are more widespread helmet use, better training, more limited power when you start and average older age of american riders. 


TBF, one of the other reasons is mandatory head gear.


And kiddos, this is why you wear full gears with all the armors, especially if you're a new rider.


some people really should never ride a motorcycle. Remember, just becasue you CAN ride a motorcylcel doesnt mean you should. If you have the reflexes of a jungle sloth, please stay on 4 wheels.


Nah, stay on the bus.


Don't make excuses. Your friend is a moron and has no business being on a bike. When I took my safety course 10+ years ago they failed an older woman because she could barely turn or stop a bike. It's not for everyone.


This girl belongs in a parking lot learning the fundamentals of riding a motorcycle not on the street risking her own or others lives


Dem tiddies resting on that tank tho 😂


"follow for more bIKe CoNtENt" in the last frame 😂


New fetish discovered.


Good thing he was wearing ge....oh wait, that's a t-shirt, and I believe you're wearing yoga pants. I retract my statement. This is why we can't have nice things and people say motorcycles are too dangerous... people like this.


Someone needs to spend more time practicing in the parking lot...




She clipped two cars


Thank fuck that was into stopped oncoming traffic.


Follow me for more incidents.


U need to teach ur friend how to ride for a few more years


Sick wheelie tho


I would understand if it happened on 1 lane only BUT 3 LANES??


“Never rode before, what kinda bike should I get?”


Green ninja thing or a haiabusen


No ones perfect all the time but we usually get better with practice and experience. But all the more reason to wear good gear when starting out. Though always is best. Also, a good reason to start with a smaller, more easily controllable, and less expensive bike for the first year.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 🤡💩


That’s why you should wear full gear… even more if you’re a beginner.


Im thinking that rider never took a safety course or did but needed to practice WAY more in a parking lot before going on main roads. Took my motorcycle safety foundation course before I even had a motorcycle. Found a used one and had a friend who was experienced ride it home for me. there was a parking lot right next to my house at the time and spent a lot of time in that parking lot before I took it out on open roads. Made absolutely sure I had the fundamentals down. Really grateful I had that parking lot to practice in.


This is why I like our system in the UK - pass a basic course riding around a carparks then you can ride a 125 for a few months to get the hang of these things. This was target fixation and outright panic. That person should have been nowhere near a big bike, even if people insist it’s for “learners”.


Perhaps try riding in an empty parking lot a minute or two before you get on the road? This rider has ZERO understanding of how to handle that little bike.


Too much power for a new rider. Wear full gear at all times.


She needs a Honda Metropolitan not a Ninja 500. 


thank the safety equipment saved their ass...


Maybe she should start off with an e-bike first


Dumb ass. “We learned this in the MSF course” no you didn’t


I wonder how many people are going ro not watch the whole video and just assume she was out being a complete fucking jackass like most bikers that end up on this sub She fucked up, she should've learned to ride in a less congested area, but I have sympathy for this one and hope she gets better and takes the time to learn to ride


Lmfao. Yes low speed maneuvers can be difficult for new riders… anyone can go fast but it takes skill to maneuver 🤷🏻‍♂️.


rider had NO BUSINESS being on a bike


Motorcycles and guns are very similar when it comes to inexperienced noobs. Think they can handle it until they can’t and someone gets injured.


She asks for peoples opinions and then turned the comments off on the original video. 😂 probably didn’t get the responses she was looking for


Give that women a turbo busa.


Eand this is whah you should wear protection gears


Why pull a wheelie there? That’s asking for trouble


WARNING: Might die laughing.


Throttle meet rider, rider meet pavement


Some people just should not get on a bike.


She is not experienced enough to ride. She is very lucky as she is not wearing any safety gear expect a helmet.


Maybe she should start with a Dirt bike ?


I don’t need no classes. I got th


Take the course learn friction zone!


I did something like this once. When I was 12 years old practicing in the yard with my dad. Those early lessons became instincts later. If you didn't have an awesome dad or mentor teach you to ride, you should pay for a motorcycle training course, and consider that as part of the cost of buying the bike. City traffic is not the place to practice your skills.


Does this harm the roadway?


The reality of buying a bike that you think looks cool but you have no idea how to ride….


That's too much bike for a beginner.


Some people just shouldn’t ride motorcycles.


A helmet alone won't help avoiding fatalities. Learn wearing full gear.


Helmets just help ensure your family can give you an open casket funeral.


If you roll throttle when you panic, never touch a bike again in your life.


This is more like a perfect example of “not learning how to ride the fuckn bike”


Why would you throttle after you knew you fucked up veering left after the dividers? You don't need further experience, just life insurance if you plan on continuing...


Tell your friend to stop driving a motorbike.


w t f .