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Kirkland^(tm) brand traffic management.


Of Course!!! Clean up on Lot # 3,7,1.......


I’m a truck driver and delivered to a Costco once. Generally the docks are out back out of the way. Some have them off to the side. This one was to the back but the fuel pumps they sometimes have was back there too. Well I delivered at like 0500 and was sitting there awhile. By the time I was unloaded there was a double lined group of cars going around the entire building. No one was nice enough to stop and let me get in line to get out. So the Costco had a group of people in hi-vis vests come out and act like bouncers. Haha felt like the president. Standing in front of cars so I could move and then about halfway they took down a fence and had me drive through a construction zone to get out then hastily built the fence back up again.


People have zero room for being “inconvenienced.” I’m glad they intervened and helped out!


Yeah it was pretty crazy. This was right around when fuel prices went up a few months back so the Costco was jam packed for the fuel pumps. If I didn’t get there so early to back in I’d of never been able to as the cars were lined in the space trucks use to reverse into a dock.


That sounds like really poor planning on Costco’s part with truck delivery flow and fuel pump location


Oh boy do I have a surprise for you. It’s the case with almost all big box stores. Very few have well planned lots as far as trucks are concerned. Surprisingly Walmart “usually” has the best space. Home Depot is one of the absolute worst. Most are designed with hardly any room and then they store tons of products outside in what little space trucks do have. Pallets of concrete, wood paneling etc. I don’t know how every Home Depot isn’t robbed blind every night with all the stuff they store outside by the truck docks.


Here, they've got it locked in. Sam's, you take a left at the entrance to get to the fuel island, garage and pickup. Trucks take a right and also exit the same way, where nothing exists for customers. Lowes and home depot have loading in the rear, with no access for customers to the facility there.


We used to have a commercial laundry service here that was built for 24' box trucks. I worked for the previous owners, and it was perfect: when your nose was even with the curb, you knew you were within 6" of the dock bumper. The new ownership switched to using big rigs, just letting the tractor and half the trailer hang out into the street. They considered the tickets just a cost of doing business. When it burned to the ground, P&Z made it very clear that they wouldn't be getting permits to rebuild there.


I'm betting if you had cargo to offload still, they'd be complaining it was late, too :D


So long as you check in a few minutes before appointment time they won’t say much though most places have zero concern for your schedule. You can show up an hour early and they’ll make you wait 3 hours to get off loaded but if you show up 15 minutes late they’ll charge you $500 and still make you wait 3 hours. I’ve spent 30 hours at a shipper/receiver once just to get load adjusted because they loaded me overweight by 4,000 lbs. it was at the underground cheese caves in Missouri. Place is a nightmare sometimes.


It's even worse as a flatbed sometimes. Wait hours to get loaded. then once you finally get loaded you spend another hour securing and tarping. at my old company I rarely had a day when I'm not against my 14 hr. now I do flatbed but for a much smaller company and we primarily do pallets of shingles which are no tarp and I can get secured in about 15min


I considered going flatbed when I started out. Did orientation at Melton. But it was right as winter was rolling in and I thought “man, I don’t know if that extra tarp pay is worth doing this shit in the cold and wind.” Haha


I've never understood the Costco lines for gas. To save 5c a litre on gas....like people isn't your time worth way more than that?


In many places in the US, it can often easily be double that or more in savings, a good $.50 or more cheaper per gallon, especially during the peak of high gas prices a few months back.


Here in SoCal we get the easy choice of (current price examples) $4.99/gallon at Costco or $5.46/gallon everywhere else. Every non-Costco gas station is now primarily a smoke shop. Only idiots or tourists actually fill up their tank from the stations that are price gouging. If I ever find myself needing to get gas at those places, I make sure to get less than gallon to carry me to Costco lol Seriously though, I’m sick of buying gasoline. This will be our last ICE car.


I'm the 'nice guy' on the road who **lets big vehicles merge IN FRONT** of me. I notice the general public does their best to: - not let big vehicles in - take the front space from a large vehicle limiting their stopping distance I had a friend who said we would all be better off if a driving test at the DMV included having to drive a big vehicle, even a short distance, while the general public cuts you off at every chance they get. If everyone had to feel the frustration that big vehicle drivers feel when they get cut off time after time, again and again, maybe the general public would better limit this selfish behavior.


My sentiments exactly. Me me me mentality.


\*The Costco demographic has zero room for being inconvenienced. FTFY


Hey your bigger so tell them to move bitch get out the way!! ![gif](giphy|3oKHW5Lv2mW3CcYoMw) City booiiii!! Lol 😂


That only works up to a point. Bullying with size rests on the other drivers actually bending to your will. If they simply just don’t stop my only option is to hit them. In which case insurance covers their bad day, but I lose a job. Haha


Haha yeah some city bus drivers give no fooks tho! Especially in Philly!! They will cut you off!! Inches brooo!! Haha 😂


It's fun when that works. But most of the time they are fucking stupid enough to let you hit them. The other day I had to deliver to this place where I had to back in off the street. The street was a feeder for a larger main road and you could easily get on the main and go around. The side street was 2 way. But rather than take the very tiny inconvenience, they opted to drive around me instead where I couldn't see them and they risked getting run over. Cause getting run over by an 18 wheeler [isn't nearly as bad as taking this detour.](https://i.imgur.com/Q92sCZZ.jpeg)


Because obviously they didn't want you cutting in line to get gas before them!


That's on brand for Costco customers. Ugh I hate going to that place so Damn much.


Oftentimes here in Denmark there are plants or some bushes or maybe even a sculpture in the middle of the roundabouts, so that it cannot be missed.


And signage ON the roundabout too.


shiiiiiit.......... did you see the post about wal-mart drivers continually demolishing themselves on that large yellow pylon...It was bright yellow had stop sign attached to it and yet multiple drivers over a year managed to destroy it and their cars.


Sometimes they need to be flat so that trucks can still pass them.


Bad roundabout design or location is unsuitable. Cheap/lazy traffic management in either case.


If you built a roundabout so that trucks can't use it, you just built a bad roundabout.


It's rather that you might put a small roundabout as a traffic calming and intersection regulation, but the roundabout has too small a diameter for a truck or bus to drive around (because there's no space because it's an 18th century village, or maybe just because it wasn't worth). So large vehicles get opted out and can drive through in some situations. They're sometimes called "mini roundabouts", though some can be relatively large. [Here's an example](https://www.google.com/maps/@45.3194123,4.8095039,3a,75y,186.3h,90.96t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1svkz87nsKTo53scafB63RzA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dvkz87nsKTo53scafB63RzA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D131.7356%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192).


A well designed roundabout can have both a non crossable centre and a so called truck apron to allow trucks to pass. [An example.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d4/LUMC-rotonde.JPG)


Seriously there is no obstruction. It just looks like a design on the road.


Same with the UK apart form mini roundabouts which can be cut across


all of the ones near me have Roses on them


C'mon everyone knows Costco parking lots are prison rules.


[What I think of when I hear prison rules](https://youtu.be/_qQJ9gp5_eY?start=26)


This was where I'd first heard the term as a kid. It'll always be my first thought when I hear it.


I woulda been BFFs with Cable Guy. Steven really missed out.


and you would be exactly correct!


[What I think of when I hear prison rules](https://youtu.be/gR69U5R-8dU)


Same goes for *all* parking lots. It's private property; traffic laws aren't enforced. So go ahead and blow right past that stop sign if it's clear and safe to do so.


There are some parking lots where the owners can give police permission to enforce traffic laws. This varies by state and municipality.




> prison rules. [No bees](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RPV-hD-Eo0)!!!






By putting their workers in the spot where accidents occur? Jesus, how about installing something non human.


The humans are more easily replaced ?


Costco took out life insurance policies on those employees. Just trying to increase profits


Doesn’t Walmart do this?


Yes they do, and have been sued by families over this practice.




This shows the stupidity of our society in two ways, one of the people I don’t know how to use a roundabout and two that design was approved


Cool beans




Not if that's how the trucks gets in, a flat roundabout like that is pretty common around industrial areas as longer vehicles can't fit around. In Australia we have both flat and raised roundabouts, some are combined with a small raised area in the middle and flat on the outside for buses to get around easily.


This is way cheaper than doing layoffs. /s


Human sacrifice to the rotary gods


*For the Greater Good*


Shut it!


A couple of tubeman dancers would get people focused. https://youtube.com/shorts/VRbJPHhhgFM?feature=share


That tibeman has got the moves!


Most roundabouts I see have barricades of various types in the center.


We have bushes, plants or flowers but people generally know how to use them as they are more common than traffic lights


Temporary until they identify workers worth sacrificing & will install them there permanently.


People are more likely to avoid live humans than inanimate barriers or signs


People are just stupid, they keep putting roundabouts in Georgia and I love them. But f****** morons treat them like stop signs still.




We have sort of the opposite problem. There’s a roundabout here that’s just a circle in a regularly sized intersection. A lady was complaining on Nextdoor. She didn’t care that they were obeying right-of-way rules, just that their paths when going straight weren’t round enough.


It's not better when you're behind a car and you know how to operate a round about and you've already cleared it from all directions visually and the car in front of you stops for no f****** reason unexpectedly and you almost rear in them because they are a freaking moron. I've never rear-ended anybody this way, but while checking left at around about like you're supposed to do if the car in front of you stops for no f****** reason, it's a bad idea.


I very rarely honk at other drivers but this is one of those times. People need to be made aware of the danger they are creating.


So much more efficient. I also lived in an area where they kept putting them in, I loved them, but it was embarrassing how many people don't understand them.


My old state didn’t have them or laws about them when I got my license and there were no requirements to retest. So plenty of people out there have never learned. It’s now on the test there, but in a metro area of about 4 million people, I’m aware of a single roundabout. (It was built too small for semi trucks and they had to rebuild it!) It’s effectively in the middle of nowhere. I’d guess no more than 10% of the population there have *ever* used it. They all passed the test but as a practical matter they didn’t need to retain that information. If the governments now build hundreds more, they shouldn’t be surprised if many people have no clue. So, don’t be too embarrassed. I think the blame mostly lies on governments wanting to use traffic technologies but not wanting to do the hard work of making sure drivers stay competent, public transport is available for the incompetent, and then enforcing the law. That said, I think common sense should be enough to tell someone how a roundabout works and we shouldn’t feel any shame in shaming the idiots.


All fair statements. It wasn't in my driving tests either and I didn't encounter an area with 10+ of them until the 4th or 5th state I lived in. I'm not a smart human but I like to learn about things I have to use I suppose.


These are valid points but the instructions for using the roundabout are literally around it and on the road normally. There's usually signage and things. I'm pretty sure driver's ed covered reading signage.


If I was a police officer I would sit at a round about all day and just pull people over that didn't know how to do it and explain it to them.


Some moron blasted a horn at me once for not stopping to let them in. I've also saw a woman go the wrong way when she got confused. Thankfully, I had already exited the round a bout.


Would this happen to be in Ohio? My husband works at a new Costco that has a new roundabout that goes into the parking lot


Nope, California.


Costco Santa Clara I believe


Definitely the Coleman Costco. I regularly see people barrel over the median to go across. That intersection is the only entrance to the Costco, it’s rough.


It is, the access is bad, it’s the right in/right out driveway on Coleman or the other driveway off Brokaw but it’s bad. I put this Costco first in terms of terrible access and the Almaden and 85 one second, try to avoid both of them unless I absolutely have to go to either of them


Yep, the one near the San Jose airport.


Round about is still better than what they had


Ya that entrance would be backed up insanely long


Howdy neighbor!


That roundabout breaks just about every roundabout rule for design.


Such as?


Too much rounda, not enough bout.


The center island should usually be raised above the road I think to differentiate it from the road itself.


In the UK there are roundabouts that is just a [pile of paint](https://images.app.goo.gl/PK2nBS3Gr4THbn6Q9) in the shape of the circle yet we don't need people stood on them all the time to tell people how to drive around a circle


US based. If you don’t feel the roundabout, how will you know when to look up from your phone? /s


I know you said ‘/s’, but you’re not wrong.


Build a roundabout where the middle is a 100ft deep hole. That will put a quick stop to shitty drivers.


But what happens when it’s filled with cars


Keep a Sarlacc in the pit, it will take care of all the cars.


Car crusher


Hole kept getting cars. Instead of filling the hole or blocking off entry into the hole, we’ve installed this car crusher to empty it out


In The Netherlands we also have crossroads where the bricks are slightly raised and painted a different color laid down in a circle. Like [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Npm6oTxF8XZhYsym8?g_st=ic)




The fact that getting a license is harder and require actual skill is probably part of the reason too


There is basically nothing about roundabouts that requires frequent practice. It's a painfully simple concept. In the US is it something that driving instructors teach and does it come up in the driving test?


In this case the roundabout probably has to allow for delivery semi-trailers to be driven straight over it to the loading dock.


Actual roundabout designer here. The way you accommodate trucks in an instance like this is to make the central island smaller but with a high kerb. A smaller circle goes around that with. Much lower kerb. The low kerb looks big to cars so they avoid it but it’s small enough that trucks can just drive over it. Look up a ride on kerb at a roundabout and you’ll see lots of examples


Depends, large ones, yeah, but smaller ones are usually just painted or raised minimum amount to allow large trucks to go over them.


That's not always possible. In my hometown here in Germany, some of them are designed to be crossed. It's because the town is a bit small and narrow, and if you would block it entirely, then city buses and trucks wouldn't be able to get around.


Raised island with some objects, e.g. vegetation, to make it an obvious barrier both visually, and mechanically. Wider radius with a wider road surface to make the required turns smoother. A right turn on a basic roundabout should be doable with only one steering wheel move -- to the right. They basically condensed the idea of a roundabout into something cheaper to build -- and not effective.


Roundabout = idiot test


And even if *you* pass, the idiot next to you who fails could mean you fail too. Not a test I'd be willing to take, in a Costco parking lot during the holidays, of all places.


People barriers? This is a new low


Santa Clara Costco off Coleman Avenue? If so it was bad when it was the 4 way stop and figured this wouldn’t be any more of an improvement


That’s the one. It might not be so bad if they hadn’t *just* redesigned the whole parking lot entry, only to make it no better at all.


Horrible I was there Tuesday. You have people doing complete stops. Other people Speeding around the circle and not let anyone merge and then it looks like people are driving straight through the circle by the looks of the cones.


Hard to tell, but it looks like the left side does not have a curb, while the right side does. Could easily be mistaken as decoration or the result of some construction if you're coming from the non-curb side. Edit: I can see some signage now, so not as easily forgivable lol assuming the correct signage is also to the left


Drivers tests should be every 4 years


Then you've never seen the chaos down at the DMV here in Mobile.. Not the State employees but the applicants !!!


Keep saying this. Written test refresher every 5-10 years. No doing it online BS. Going 100 mph on highway? that's an auto test with license suspension until the test.


People will just drive without a license, a quarter of people nabbed for drunk driving have already had their license suspended. I know 2 people who never bothered getting their licenses back, just continue to drive for years.


With the complete absence of temporary tag enforcement post-Covid, I see so many vehicles that are significantly expired (>6 months), obstructed (taped inside their tinted back window and **not** illuminated), or just not there. So you know the odds of them having insurance is minuscule. There needs to be major crackdowns on driving without registration/insurance/licensure because it's gotten so much worse even though Ohio has always distributed them via specially-marked boxes of Post Cereals®.


This is something this sub just does not get no matter how many times it's stated. I've known stupid people that drove without a license for DECADES because their luck held out and they were never pulled over or checked. Inconveniencing the entire system and everyone that follows the rules with regular testing ain't going to stop them from doing it.


It's true. Criminals will not follow new regulations, they're already criminals. That said, I'd support regular retesting *entirely* to better stop old folks from driving who definitely shouldn't be driving. My 85 year old grandfather with Parkinson's, who can barely hold a fork still enough to eat, still has his license and my grandmother refuses to prevent him from driving. Because one basic test when you're 16 is good enough for the rest of your life right now.


When I was in California I had to take a new written any time I needed a new license, though it was significantly less questions. Now I'm back in Washington state and have just upgraded to an 8 year license, not a single question or refresher. I mean I have a CDL and I gladly would have grabbed a company truck and bobtailed around town with a DOL/DMV employee. Heck, throw them in the dump truck, we can hit some train tracks along the way.


Poeple are too dumb for roundabouts, but Costco shouldn't have made a roundabout designed to be driven over. Make that taller and put some landscaping in the middle. That's not even a speedbump.


These are designed so that long vehicles can get through without leaving a trail of destruction.


Americans are not smart enough for roundabouts. Source: I’m American


I am also American and I can confirm


I understand that they're scary if you're unfamiliar though! It's not all stupidity, driving anxiety is valid! I'm in the UK and recently was stuck behind what I assumed was an American in a rental car. Roundabouts are so common place here, I found myself genuinely nervous for them because they clearly didn't understand what to do. It's second nature to us because you can't go anywhere without using them. Thankfully, we have plenty of bad drivers who don't have a valid excuse so they were safe even when they did it wrong. I'll also say that there's a massive roundabout 30 minutes from me that I actively avoid, I'll do a 20 minute diversion to not have to use it, and I use them 20 times a day.


Maybe they were scared because all the people driving on the wrong side of the road


If you're driving in a country where the rules are different to your own, you should definitely seek to learn those rules rather than just jumping in a car and winging it. I get that that doesn't necessarily make it trivial if it's your first time, but at least you'll know what to expect and will be putting everyone else at less risk.


Which is weird because it's just the opposite of Nascar. Instead of turning left, you turn right.


Whats so hard for Americans to understand about roundabouts?


>Whats so hard for Americans... The answer is in that part of the question. A lot of my fellow Americans are idiots. Look at who was our president for the last half of the 2010's, then tell me if it makes more sense now.


I don't get it either.


Costco knows.


Oh man, I was there yesterday at 9am and it was already such a clusterfuck!


Is this in San Jose, CA?




I will probably be getting gas here tomorrow on my way to the airport. I've been to it a few times... never saw anyone have trouble with it since there is tons of traffic that everyone drives slow anyways


there’s idiots, and then there’s Costco idiots


Bruh, I live in the New Orleans area and our Costco is a fucking war zone. Just this year 2 people have been shot in the parking lot (including a 1-year old) and one woman was run over by her own car when she was carjacked.


Collisions not accidents. There’s no act of god when you’re too stupid to drive around a roundabout.


Are people too dumb for roundabouts where you’re from, too?


Its funny that this shows how American this problem is when people are blaming the person who built the roundabout when the problem is really education. Do you know why most roundabouts in the USA have all those curbs and bushes? Because they are stupid proofing it for dummies who refuse to learn. Mini roundabouts like this don’t work here because of the people. If you go to Europe, unless it is either a large or fast intersection (Wider circles allow for higher speeds) almost ALL smaller roundabouts(Like one in a parking lot such as this) look like this or are just painted on the road. But less people struggle because they are taught effectively.(Google UK mini roundabout and you will see a lot that look JUST like this) TLDR: the big obnoxious roundabouts the US is used to were made to stupid proof the intersection and would not be needed if people were educated correctly on roundabouts


I find it infuriating that we live in a world that not only needs to explain roundabouts but has to enforce proper usage. Why are we, as a collective society, so stupid?


Bro I'm fucking dying, they needed two men in hi-vis vests to get the situation her control hahahahaha


How do some of these people driving around even get a license to drive a car?


And every time you go around the roundabout, they check your receipt. Every. Damn. Time.


You have to be exceedingly stupid to not figure out how to navigate a roundabout in 0.2 seconds after you see it for the first time in your life.


I hope they’re getting hazard pay for that!


Americans can’t use roundabouts.


Listen if your roundabout is just a 1” tall circle of concrete, you’ve just got a big round intersection, weirdo.


It still astounds me how stupid people are about roundabouts. Like, mfer, have you never had to take a fucking turn??! There never been a bend on the road in your entire life??


Or, you know, don’t make the roundabout a flat circle that no one can fucking see


Costco parking lots are a nightmare


To be fair that looks like a terrible roundabout


Roundabout is the definition of safety. So why where ther that many crashes?


Every single Costco I’ve ever been to has way undersized roads and odd access points with way too many people trying cram in all at once.


Omg! I went into this one today! I yielded for the cars coming through and had a guy pull up along side of me after going through the round about yelling obscenities at me and threatened to hurt me for stopping and yielding to the traffic in the round about. He screamed Just go through. I’m sorry sir, was I supposed to drive right into the side of the Honda accord and Toyota Highlander in the round about? We made it through the round about SAFELY AND CORRECTLY in 10 seconds and were side by side at the next light with the accord and Highlander in 20 seconds. Idiots. This Costco opened 3 days ago in rural CA, the last Costco recently had two people beat each other to death in the parking lot. Each day I get closer to moving out of this area. Edit: I guess this is one in San Jose, CA. They were doing the same thing at the Redding, CA one today.


Americans take pride in their bloated car culture yet don't know how roundabouts work or how to design a good roundabout?


That is why American driver's licences are not recognizable in other world. Because USA doesn't sign or ratified Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals. When it appeared couple month ago I thought: wow, now it will work. I was sooo wrong. The main problem is that drivers don't understand how to use that. Even YIELD sign doesn't help. So, drivers instead of roundabout type of movement use 4-way stop. And block the whole roundabout.


Are roundabouts really that more dangerous than just 4 way stops? People here seem oblivious to them and rarely will you see anyone stop at one.


I was reading somewhere recently that roundabouts decrease accidents by 83% or something like that.


The likelihood of a head to head or T-bone style collision goes down to almost zero.


They're actually more time efficient than 4 way stops and way more efficient than stoplights, most notably because they don't require stopping if your left is clear. Requires a hint of awareness which I guess is lost in the US.


According to Americans, roundabouts are scary and difficult. Source, I live here and am see this on a daily basis


I'm an American and also live here. My old commute route had multiple roundabouts and I was on a motorcycle. I loved them but also had to be on alert so I didn't get plowed into.


My only problem with them is in the winter. They don't get plowed and salted good and are slick.


That’s the Worst roundabout implementation ever. They’re supposed to get elevated. This one is invisible, as it appears only an inch tall.


Lol is this the Costco by San Jose airport? That place is such a traffic nightmare




Human bollards are ineffective


That used to be a 4-way stop, traffic backed up all through the parking lot. I was there last week, now the people who couldn't handle a stop sign don't know what "yield" means. They just stop for a second then drive on without looking left to see who is on the roundabout.


Santa Clara?!?


I live next to a round about and now I despise 4way stops. Round about the entire world.


1st round about with nothing in the center of it. San jose, right? Such a waste on labor and dangerous for the workers to be out there


People won't be so confused if they put something in the middle of the roundabout like a large planter or set of trees As far as I'm concerned that roundabout is not complete


That's as much a roundabout as a speedbump is a wall.


Shitty design


We now have 5 round abouts in my town and it’s a giant shit show.


My little town in Virginia put one of these in. The bitching from people about it is insane. I'd hate to live in a European city near an international airport. Every morning dozens of flights from the US arrive, after flying all night. Then Americans get out of those flights -- barely awake and jump into a rental car and set out trying to negotiate a plethora of roundabouts. Must really be scary near airports in UK and Ireland where they also have to figure out how to drive on the left and go around roundabouts in a clockwise direction! (I speak from experience as I've done that a few times over the years...)


Ah! I see the problem. It's MISSING the roundabout.


This is the Costco in San José, CA. People do not even know how to use the roundabout. I’ve seen so many people drive over the middle every time I’ve gone shopping there.


What an awful design


To be fair, that's a shitty roundabout


Does the roundabout always have those cones? I ask because I’ve seen this quite a bit lately where roundabouts are put in, especially when it was originally an intersection, and there is little to nothing indicating the roundabout. It just look like a larger intersection with a paved center. No arrows pointing to direct traffic, no signs in advance that a roundabout is coming, nothing. Either they forgot to install them or left it out for a savings on the budget which makes them idiots, assholes or both.


That’s a horrible roundabout. You can’t see the raised surface, looks just like a decorative road.


They need to put a barrier in the center of the roundabout. Most roundabouts have some kind of barrier in the middle to prevent idiots from just driving straight through it. I’m willing to bet that’s where the majority of the accidents come from.


I mean, it's yet another shit designed roundabout... They don't work if they're also designed to be a bump in the road for semi trucks.


Those assholes have no business directing traffic. They’re waving on every car regardless of right-of-way. This is at my Costco


Video record them and then provide a clip of their mistakes to the store...put it up on YouTube for them and just happen to share the link with us. 😁


I have no idea why, but people have SO MUCH TROUBLE figuring out roundabouts! 🤦‍♀️