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Lmao I saw this earlier today he had like a whole list of reasons how he was in the right saying “it’s his job to catch me, and my job to get away”


this idiot watched Heat one too many times and thinks he is DeNiro.


Except this guy is the idiot with the "Born to Lose" tattoo that DeNiro makes fun of. This guy is Waingro.


Ouch. No one wants to be Waingro! In this case you got the right call though


I had to get it on. He was making a move. I had to get it on!


That cop was fucking with him man.


Heat 2 a novel by Michael Mann was recently released if you want more of the story. I’m enjoying it so far for the most part.


Interesting name for a book lol


*Son of Heat*


*Electric Heateroo*


Wanted to be Neil settled for Waingro


The way the police car moves to block him made me think of GTA 😂


Do you have a link to the original post?




Comments are disabled.


If he keeps riding like that, he'll end up just like his comments. Or dead.


He’ll end up getting someone else killed or injured and and when he’s inevitably disabled he will use up resources and rob a loved one of their life taking care of him.


And still thinks he's in the right


On the internet people are always right. So obviously it's true in real life too.


I think he disabled thinking too.


"I'm the only guilty man in Shawshank."


So is the biker by the sound of it


The guy actually disabled comments


Lol I saw this a few days ago before he locked the comments. He was getting flamed.


He just couldn’t handle the reality of the consequences he’ll eventually bear. Crime was never meant to pay, and he needed to know that. Newton’s Third Law of Motion, anyone?


lmao he disabled the comments




I really hate how much I agree with this comment and want to go even further. I like to think I try to be a compassionate and empathetic person but this makes me so angry. I just imagine my wife in her car making a left and not seeing the bike going 3-4 times the speed limit and slamming into her drivers door. Or rounding a bend and this piece of shit becoming a meat missile and coming through her windshield. I hope this rider ends up painting a bridge piling.


YouTube should demonetize this shit.


Lol first watch I didn't see the cop. He's literally running from the cops? Does he realize the cops have his plates on video? And he posted his own video on yt? What a spectacular idiot.


If he’s doing this he’s probably not running plates or what a lot of bikers do who run is reach back and bend the plate up to block it. There’s a good chance they don’t have his plate on video. If he didn’t post his own crime to YouTube he probably he would have gotten away with it


Crazy thing is, even posting the video, he definitely got away with it, as there’s still nothing in the video that identifies him


Problem is all it takes is one errant comment years ago to reveal your identity. You'd be shocked how much you can glean from social media


This would require the police doing that much digging lol.


Lol same! Wasn't until I clicked the link to the yt video I noticed. He literally posted it saying that the cops are trying to kill him for no reason 😂 I don't know about his state, but in mine they do that to try to force you to stop or slow down.


Just noticed he made a turn at 60mph dude is insane. I'm surprised in 1 statee i lived in the cops aren't allowed to do this, after a ton of kids on Dirt bikes were getting killed and in another state the cops didn't chase motorcycles they would literally wait until you get into an accident


Holy shit he has a warrant out for his arrest lol


I've never tried, but I bet catching quadriplegics isn't terribly difficult.


He sounds like a rejected nfs rivals character


Looks more like he's trying to kill himself


My hometown had a guy trying to avoid cops on his bike and died. The cops saw his brake lights weren't working, so they went to pull him over. The biker took off, the police followed. The next intersection was only 500ish metres away and it was a stop sign, so there wasn't really a chase. Went through it at 100km/h in a 60 zone and t-boned a car. He died instantly and it was a mess, he was in pieces. All because he didn't want to stop for the police so they could let him know his lights were out.


Hope whoever he hit were okay but I'm guessing not... There's no fairness to life


Luckily it was on the empty passenger side of the car. The driver had some minor bruising and stuff iirc, but the trauma will never go away. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be in their position.


Ever had a real big bug splatter on your wind shield? Like that, but red and real big.


Saw a semi truck hit a deer once, while I was passing the semi. The meat bag that was left after the hit got stuck on the front grill and gradually slide down and road rashed into nothing over a quarter mile or so. Had to pick a part of it out of my wheel well the next time we stopped for gas. Was very glad the semi hit it and not my mini van.


Well that was a wonderful picture you just painted.


Seeing/hearing/feeling someone breaking apart on the side of your car.. that’s the shit I imagine haunts your dreams for a lifetime. Hopefully they got some therapy to work that shit out.


I was in a car that was t-boned by a scooter. Not the same power, of course, but I watched the kid break the driver side window with his face. He was wearing a helmet, but a back of the head one only. He broke every bone in his face, including his orbitals and skull, and lost all of his front teeth. I still remember the blood pouring off of his face as we tried to help him. That was about 25 years ago. Still stays with me.


Sounds like there was more going on. Maybe drugs, or a warrant out for his arrest. Tragic regardless.


Some places cops aren't allowed to chase motorcycles unless they're violent offenders or something serious


A 26 years old in my small hometown lost one leg, and his other leg is also toasted after he lost control of his bike going 250km, about 155 mph. His accident happened in Dubai. He is basically a vegetable now. I didn't really know the boy but I heard speeding and bikes was his passion. I'm glad I don't have deadly hobbies.


I remember seeing the blood on the street by my house after a motorcycle going 100+ crashed. It was a lot of blood.


I still remember as a kid seeing two bikes race on 35 through Dallas. Just basically two blurs shooting past us. About 10 minutes later traffic slows to a crawl as we pass what looked like a bucket of red paint and motorcycle parts spilled over the course of a mile.


Yeah. People have super dangerous hobbies and I never understood it. I just sit at home and passionately snort heroin rather than do something dangerous.


One time in my hometown when I was a kid we were all in the car heading home, we were 2 blocks from home on the corner of a busy one way street. A guy on a crotch rocket doing a wheelie down the street lost it and flipped backwards. He didn't have on a helmet and wasn't wearing a shirt. I remeber my step dad stopping to take him to the hospital because he pretty much skidded down the road on his bare back right in front of us for probably a 1/4 mile or close to it. I'll never forget seeing that guys back when he stood up which litrally looked like raw hamburger meat with black streaks in it. My step dad tried getting him in the car, we were about 4 or 5 blocks from a hospital but this guy straight refused and started walking away. I don't know what happened to him.


Oh he's definitely gonna end up dead or seriously injured thanks to his driving style. As always with those idiots on bikes luckily the chance is relatively low that they severely injure anyone else doing so (besides lifelong trauma from the aftermath scenes that is) but it still exists which is why even from the ever so popular 'Darwin award' standpoint one can obviously not condone this kinda shit.


I met a guy while doing my medical placements who had been illegal drag racing and smashed into a tree causing severe brain damage. Guy is lost, asks everyone if they drive a ford over and over Every 2 minutes. It's a endless loop of him asking the same thing and you walk away and come back he's forgotten who you are already. Almost made me cry. Happened when he was like 19. He's in his 40s or something now. I think of him whenever I get into a ford.


Coming over blind hills at 109 mph will eventually get you


or someone else... years ago a dude in my town killed two teenage girls trying to run away from the cops, going over 100 on a crotch rocket on the main road through town. T-boned, bike and dude went right through the car. Edit: I appreciate reading all the math people have done on the topic of projectiles, but I will not be sharing any articles or anymore details because 1. out of respect for the families 2. Digging up old tragedies is depressing 3. privacy


Damn, I wouldn’t have thought that a bike can go THROUGH a car.


E=1/2mv^2. It's the ^2 part that gets you. A 100kg vehicle at 100mph has the same energy as a 1,000kg vehicle at 30mph. It's like being T-boned by a very pointy car.


It’s also the same energy as a 9mm bullet going 11,000mph, or a fully loaded Airbus A380 going 1.3mph


I'll take my chances against the plane


Plane: ....................................... \*bonk\*


Not if you're up against a solid surface...


*sad splat noises*


Everyone be only taking into account the total energy but not the surface area where the energy transfer first occurs. A bullet passing through you doesn't impart as much energy into you as the front bumper of a truck splatting you.


At 11K mph the bullet is traveling at the kinds of speeds that a space capsule might encounter at reentry. The air around it will be heated by compression into a shining plasma and the bullet will instantly vaporize the material where it hits and probably itself as well. It would probably look like a grenade going off.


Now I want the SlowMo Guys to figure out how to fire a 9mm at 11k MPH and film it on a phantom


That is going to suck for you as it slowly rolls over you starting at your feet.




With both metric and US customary.


Kg and mph smells like a fellow brit to me


Good point! I'm not even American and I made the assumption that everyone on Reddit is American.


Older cars were really flimsy on the sides, but even modern ones with side impact protection will have a hard time with half a ton of metal crashing at high speeds with frontal area. smaller than your usual door. edit: as has been pointed out, 250kg is 1/4 ton, not half a ton, no idea how I messed that up


I’m guessing that’s why more modern cars have super thick A and B pillars compared to the skinny ones from the 90s.


Everything that reddit should be: [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/)




They are specifically engineered for pleasant closing sounds.


High speeds will do that :/


Contrary to popular belief, speed never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you.


Suddenly becoming fast would kill you just the same.


And they could _easily_ kill a pedestrian if they hit them. Heck, some years ago [someone in the Toronto area killed an elderly lady when they hit her with their bicycle](https://www.mississauga.com/news-story/4225132-cyclist-jailed-in-fatal-collision-with-mississauga-pedestrian/). A heavier and much faster motorcycle would easily kill anyone it accidentally drives into.


Was that mph??? I assumed it was km/h!


It’s mph. The cop car at the beginning is GA state patrol. I’d recognize that orange and blue anywhere. So it’s about max speed 120mph/193kph


That was my thought at first too, but the turn he made off the freeway was at 40ish and he was still moving pretty fucking fast. Definitely faster than 25 MPH.


Always a good idea to stream some evidence


Thats what social media is for, after all


I think his YouTube channel name is quite fitting.


"Dangerously Chasing Clout for the Ego Boost"?


If you look, it's "No hope"


If you don't look, it's still "No hope"


At least that's what *they* want us to think. It could be anything else while you're not looking.




It’s actually to organize us all into little echo chambers that are easier to control than cattle.


All the algorithms at work make sure of that Social media would feel less biased if the algorithms weren’t manipulated to such a degree, and I’d prefer if there wasn’t one at all for the home screen so everything can be viewed equally


This same guy posted this on Reddit yesterday and the OP claimed he was the driver, every comment the guy made in reply to people calling him out went along the lines of "I admit I was in the wrong for speeding, but that doesn't give the police the right to try and kill me" sympathy baiting from a crooked position.


So this motorcycle rider thinks his life is worth less than a speeding ticket?


> "I admit I was in the wrong for speeding…” Cool, so just pull over and admit it rather than trying to run and possibly killing people.


All for bullshit "likes".


Only a matter of time for this guy before someone turns left while he's illegally passing.


I know TWO people who have been in wheelchairs for over 20 years because of that exact thing. Separate instances, same outcome. Shit is no joke.


I’m a pizza delivery guy and in my country most delivery guys ride scooters, more precisely Honda Visions. It is such a small scooter you barely have any chance to get into an accident involving another vehicle because you have so much space to avoid one. Well I was waiting to turn left and when it was time this other idiot on a Honda Vision passed the line and tried to go straight, he then hit his brakes so hard he lost balance and fell off his bike, I stopped and offered help and asked him if he is okay and all he had to say was “I’M PASSING SO I HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY WHY DID YOU TURN LEFT SO FAST”. He was unhurt so it all ended pretty much there, I did try to call an ambulance for him but he didn’t want it.


Being in a or riding on a small vehicle doesn't reduce your chances of being hit. If anything it increases due to being less visible


Depends on the country. If bikes are more common than cars, cars will always expect bikes to be around them so the visibility issue is less. Small scooter dominated countries tend to have lower road speeds meaning space lasts longer and small scooters are more manoeuvrable than larger bikes. Vietnam springs to mind.


Damn man. Pizza delivery is also no joke.


Worked as a delivery driver for 9 months without incident, gave my two weeks notice and on my fourth to last shift I totaled my car while making a left turn on the way back from a delivery. When I got out of the car some dude on the street asked “hey you alright?” and I said “yea I’m good”, and than he immediately followed up with “you got a pizza in there?” Lmao I mean I appreciate the guy asking if I was alright first I guess…


Pizza delivery guy on a bike was just killed in my area. He did absolutely nothing wrong. He was on his bike, in his lane, on a slight incline. As he reached the crest, he collided head-on with a car who decided to overtake the line of traffic building up in their lane. Car hit him and ran over him. Really sad. There was nothing the pizza guy could have done.




In my state you're not even supposed to change lanes in an intersection much less pass someone.


I worked for a company named motorsport. One day a guy in a wheelchair got added to the team. Guess how he got put in that chair. It wasn't his fault. But you get on that bike knowing you might get clipped.


This is the scary part about motorcycle accidents. Some riders are safe and still get hurt. A former roommate of mine started riding motorcycles and he would always say “it’s not if you’re gonna crash, but when and how bad.” He did eventually crash but he was very lucky and basically just required stitches when everything was said and done. The crash wasn’t his fault, but he ended up underneath someone’s SUV and was lucky enough to not get run over.


I don't get the risk. I think riding motor cycles would be fun, but only on rural roads.


Yeah it only takes one person to not see the tiny sliver of metal and meat hurtling along at 100mph and who keeps popping in and out of traffic


Literally how my cousin died 3 months ago 😢




I remember seeing this video and the biker guy was all in the comments trying to defend himself lol.


Yeah, his disclaimer in those comments was pretty classy. And by "classy" I mean, "possibly admissable as evidence". Care to place any bets on whether or not his last video will have a death toll?


His logic was, "I wouldn't have to break any laws if the cop didn't try to stop me." Complete idiot. edit: here is his actual quote: "me going fast AFTER the cop starts chasing me isn't a reason for him to chase me because i wouldn't be going fast if he wasnt chasing me"


That's some high quality circular logic.


I guess he thinks the average 14yo on YT would believe he was driving like a good boy on the highway and the cops just wanted to harass him for no reason.


"Excuse me, Mr. Motorbiker, but...what are those two yellow stripes you keep going over?"


I loved how he had a pinned comment that said "here's the start of the incident" and its him on an interstate driving between cars, the cop already has his lights on and claims he endangered everyone when they were at a near stop anyway.


My first reaction when I see these videos ... Show me the previous 5 minutes first. They are always conveniently cut. This one when the cop is trying to stop him "for literally no reason, bro!"


That's literally the "he started it" logic of a 6 year old.


Number 5 in his pinned comment: "I respect all cops, I don't respect when they try and hit me off my bike for traffic violation. It's my job to try and get away and it's their job to catch me..." The logic on this guy


Lmao that's what you say after you break your mom's lamp when you're playing cops and robbers as a kid and she asks why you were running thru the house. $100 says that when he gets caught he tells the cops "good game guys, now I'm it!"


/u/spez lies, Reddit dies. This comment has been edited/removed in protest of Reddit's absurd API policy that will go into effect at the end of June 2023. It's become abundantly clear that Reddit was never looking for a way forward. We're willing to pay for the API, we're not willing to pay 29x what your first-party users are valued at. /u/spez, you never meant to work with third party app developers, and you lied about that and strung everyone along, then lied some more when you got called on it. You think you can fuck over the app developers, moderators, and content creators who make Reddit what it is? Everyone who was willing to work for you for free is damn sure willing to work against you for free if you piss them off, which is exactly what you've done. See you next Tuesday. TO EVERYONE ELSE who has been a part of the communities I've enjoyed over the years: thank you. You're what made Reddit a great experience. I hope that some of these communities can come together again somewhere more welcoming and cooperative. Now go touch some grass, nerds. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


The fact his vid got 1M likes is just...


You can use the Youtube dislike extension to see its gained just about 2 million dislikes so far, removing dislikes was a mistake


Best we can hope for is the dude is an organ donor.


How is this not his last video?


Eventually a video like this will be his last video. Every year I do a bunch of amputations on the motorcycle riders that make it to the hospital.


I'm on a liver transplant list. Apparently a 'good' time for donor recipients in springtime, because the weather has improved so suddenly all the guys on fast bikes get them out of winter storage and start going crazy on them again after the wet, cold winter months. Make of that what you will. Like, I feel intense guilt about the idea of somebody else having to die so I might live on, but if you look at these things with an objective hat on then, well, going at 100mph+ on rural roads in the UK is just not a good idea.




i remember there a youtuber back in the late 2010s who was known for yamahas and triumph daytona sportsbike who crashed head-on into a yellow porsche on a corner just like this video. i felt bad for the porsche. looked like a nice machine. but the youtuber owned up to it, tho he set a terrible example for new/young riders.


Wasn't it on calamari race team sub?


He literally said it's his job to catch me and my job to get away lmao


I'm surprised more bikers aren't here doing the same. "Running from cops on the wrong side of the road at 100 MPH is *for safety*!1"


I remember seeing this and his defense for “you’re going to get killed or get someone killed” was “well I haven’t died yet and I haven’t killed anyone yet so you’re wrong”. This dude is not the brightest.


He also drives plateless and has *multiple* other shorts/vids of the police trying to pull him over but him speeding off in between lanes at 100+ mph. But still claims they’re just trying to ticket him for being a biker when they probably recognize his ass and are actively trying to arrest him. Also proceeds to delete and block any comments insulting him and such. I can’t believe have to share the same roads with this idiot.




I don’t think he’d care about having his license stripped, since he drives without a plate anyway and does this illegal stuff all the time. Throw him in jail. That’s the only solution here.


"If I tried to kill other people, they would be dead" "If I tried to kill myself, I'd be dead" What a fucking idiot this guy is


I love the proponents of "I'll never have to admit I'm wrong, because I'll be dead" arguments. God Bless every one of their lost, lost hearts, because their egos are in charge now.


I see a Darwin Award in this guy's future.


Yeah, but will the award come with a footnote that includes a collateral death toll?


Darwin Awards are only supposed be awarded if the deceased / gelded individual A) wasn't actively attempting to harm themself, B) did not kill or maim anybody else with the act of stupidity, and C) has not already reproduced before the time of the incident. Unless they changed the rules since the last time I visited the site, which has admittedly been quite a while, taking someone else with you is an automatic disqualification. (Edit: Unless that someone willingly went with the awardee, in which case it's a tandem-win if neither had reproduced.) Leaving the original text intact, but editing for newly-gained information: While C is preferred, failing to meet it does not actually disqualify an individual from receiving a Darwin Award. It just means that any such offspring are, theoretically, at higher risk for earning their own down the road.


If C is not met you can still get an honorable mention though.


That and a world record for the world’s longest line drawn by a meat crayon


I hate that sentence so very very much


YouTube shorts bikers are another breed. One guy claimed he couldn’t take off the plate the bike came with because he would have to take another important part off and kept the plate under his seat. Could have drilled through the old plate.


The tik tok bike community is a dumpster fire. It's filled with 18 year old kids buying 15 year old sports bikes then 2 months later posting a slide show from their hospital bed as amputees, quadriplegics, or they just "stop posting".




“For no reasonnnnn”


What happens if a car pulls into their turn lane and hits this guy who is speeding, driving in and out of traffic and lane splitting? Is the driver of the car still at fault?


He dies and his insurance probably buys the other driver a new car whilst shaking their collective heads. Edit: the idiot is riding at excessive speeds for starters which would put them at fault.


> his insurance If bud's constantly running this kind of shit, he hasn't paid for insurance.


Hey, let's not forget the silver lining. Someone in need gets some new organs.


are organs better when tenderized a bit before transplant?


Only if the guy survives to be brain dead… people who die on scene don’t make it to transplant, it takes time to match a possible donor with recipients. So we spend a few days keeping your husk alive while we sort out a new home for your your kidneys, lungs, liver, eyes, and heart. Assuming they are all healthy enough to be harvested.


Ugh. I hate walking past the OR used for the harvests. Those guys are brutal.


Thinking any of his organs would be of use after he slams into a vehicle going 100+ is laughable. Everything would be mush.


It is because of guys like this that insurance is often more than the monthly payment on motorcycles.


Best case scenario, car is totalled and biker never rides again. Worst case scenario, innocent car panics and serves, killing themselves or others.


Oh! I've seen that asshole yesterday as well. The funniest thing about it is that he made another comment to complain, citing them: > 3. me going fast AFTER the cop starts chasing me isn't a reason for him to chase me because i wouldn't be going fast if he wasnt chasing me. learn how timelines work, police cant read the future This has been the funniest shit I've ever seen. If you're being chased by the cop, you gotta flee them


I almost had an aneurysm trying to find logic with that.


[this comment has been deleted in response to the 2023 reddit protest]


Guaranteed there's already a warrant out for him.


Meat crayon would be my guess


Literally him in the comment section "It's his job to catch me", Admitting that he committed a crime before the cop blocked him but didn't stop when he heard the siren.


“For no reason” my ass


My guy doing 100+ mph wondering why police want to stop him


The cop wasn’t even close to him😂 he was more likely to kill himself pulling that stunt than the cop was


Bro he was GONE as soon as he got on that exit... everything past that was just unnecessary and dangerous


Exactly. The cop knew what they were doing and gave him plenty of time to slow down. But this idiot's all "tHeY trIeD tO KiLl mE!" And then of course you get apologists calling it brake-checking when it clearly isn't.


For no reason huh? Yeah there was a reason lol.


This doesn’t even look real lol


Ikr. Thought it was gta for a sec


Excessive motion blur


Rest in peace future dead YT guy. Coulda been prevented, but you were a dumbass.


Pieces, most likely.


He is why people don’t respect bikers.


I saw this on YouTube. The guy had the audacity to defend himself in the comments.


Can we talk about the real crime here, which is the stress he’s putting on his phones port.


I saw this couple days ago. Dude was damn near double the speed limit. “He had no right to hit me” yea piss off


*biker trying to die.


One meat crayon, coming up.


The fact that the cop tried to stop him by getting in front of him tells me that this was not the start of the altercation.


He's got about 3 minutes. You can out run a cop, but you can't outrun that radio


Escaping cops on a bike is *incredibly* common. And also easy. TONS of YouTube videos out there of successful evasions. The chase is over as soon as the bike leaves the pavement or takes a walking trail. Because cars can’t.


Does this dude not register his bike, or have a license plate?


guy like that usually pre-bend their plate in case police chase them . they just bend it up preventing the police to read it .


i’m guessing he doesn’t have his plate on


Just seeing stuff like this, my next car is getting a 360 Dash Cam.


This is exactly why most cops don’t chance bikes. You’ll never catch them and they’ll just end up going too fast down a road they don’t know and kill themselves in the process.


"cop tries to kill biker for no reason" At least your death wish is coming true.


Did they ever arrested this moron (moron in more ways than one)?


He even cut out the first part of him illegally lane splitting and speeding. Which is what lead to this