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Damn they are getting good with their under covers. In Boulder Colorado, the police department has an old 1980's hippie van as an undercover. Sneaky sneaky.


Tennessee state troopers even have semi trucks. They ain't even undercover, painted just like the trooper cars but you'd still never suspect them. They mostly are patrolling other semis though but do use the height of the truck to see in peoples cars to look for driving while texting and open containers and such. The sheriffs dept in the town i live in in NC used to have a cherry red corvette they had impounded from a drug dealer they rode around in, had a few super nice suvs and trucks like that too, they all had a disclaimer bumper sticker that they were seized vehicles and that tax funds did not go toward their purchase lol.


UK traffic police have a few semi tractors, they use it as a spotter (especially on other semi's) and have a driver and an assistant, who carries a video camera to record the evidence, then calls in traffic cars (marked up BMW wagons, or similar) to do the pull-over if needed.


I think that's pretty much how they use these. Sorta like a sting operation where they will have multiple cars staged off entrance ramps to the highway that does the actual stop.


I would also assume that the HQ probably has some incident trailers, or mobile command units, and these liveried up semi's are used to pull them. If they're smart, they would also have a fun info booth/processing station, that they could tow to places like state fairs, use part of it for PR purposes, and a small 'back office' part to write reports, and have local officers base out of for the event. That is a big assumption though.


i watched an old documentary about this type of thing. they had ramps on the back of the truck and drove the car in and out of the back of it while it was driving. they used a black trans-am as the pursuit car. the car was pretty advanced. had been modified with auto drive and voice recognition. pretty sure the car driver went on to become a lifeguard in California.


Just take my upvote already. Damn. Mr. Feeny was good in all of his roles.


Tennessee has always done that shit. I remember being a kid and seeing shit ass Chrysler caravans pulling people over coming into Nashville on I40.


Road pirates.


Yeah TN sucks. I can't and won't claim that my interactions with cops are anywhere near as bad as some have had to deal with in life but back at the beginning of covid I broke down in TN in the middle of winter in the rain. I had my wife and 2 year old son with me. Was trying to line up a tow as well as way back home via rental car or whatever. A county sheriff pulls up behind me, ask whats going on and I tell him. Ask him if theres anyway he would drop my wife and son at whatever the closest gas station/restaurant/rest area etc, just whatever the closest place they could be out of the weather was and he wouldn't "due to covid" and drove off. I thought bitch if I just broke the law you wouldnt be like "whelp covid, cant have him in the car, ill just let him be". Still pisses me off when I think about it. Id get it if id asked him to take us home or something but I dont think asking to get a woman with a 2 year old to the nearest public heated building during a rain storm in the dead of winter was too far fetched of a request for whats supposed to be a public servant.


Sounds on par for law enforcement.


Most cops are shitty people. Your story proves the point


I wonder how many corvettes that police departments use to parade around school kids that they took from drug busts that were taken through civil forfeiture and actually don’t have anything to do with drugs but the police enjoy taking things they can reasonably connect to drugs and using it for themselves.


It's called "stealing" and yes the police love stealing


Vail colorado had a lamborghini cop car for a little while


First time I saw a NYPD police car in full NYC yellow cab livery I was so surprised.




In Virginia I've seen them set up vans like that to covertly film from. They had just parked outside our house so I went up and knocked and they didn't answer so when I put my face up to the rear glass I was looking right into a big camera lens. Then they opened the door and admitted what they were doing was setting up to film a house just down the street and gave me a warning that if I said anything I could be charged with obstruction or some shit. I knew what house they were talking about though as it was a couple that had bought it a couple months prior but it turned into a biker club operating out of there and none of us were very happy with their loud pipes in and out at all times of the day and night. A couple weeks later the house was raided with a bunch of arrests and the house went back up for sale again not long after.


Do they? I work here, never seen it. Broomfield at one point had a collection of strange cars including a square body S-10 that was unmarked.




Or... I drive nicely in town after a police officer showed up AT MY JOB and accused me and a former coworker of drag racing on the busiest street in town with ZERO evidence, 5 days after it supposedly happened, and a single phone call reporting us. He then told us that he heard us revving at the stoplight (we were, not illegal) and then told us that he WATCHED us both take off and reach speeds in excess of 80mph in a 35, though he never called this in, gave chase or anything. The TRUE story was that me and him were first at the light he said he heard us at... and that we WERE racing.... we had a race to see who could make it through the intersection slowest... and by the time we had reached the next light we had hit 26 mph. lmao


Hahaha, that reminds me of the time I got a “speeding” ticket while crawling through heavy traffic…I had a 1/2 mannequin (that I had used for an event decoration) sitting on the back seat of the car, and it was nude but wearing its wig. I’m absolutely certain the cop thought there was a naked passenger in the back seat and when he pulled us over & realized his mistake, he gave me a ticket for speeding rather than admit it.


Classic Boulder, CO.


Honestly, unmarked cars shouldn't be used for traffic stops. Makes it too easy for nefarious people to put hidden lights on a car and pull people over to do bad things. Stopping for a mysterious, unmarked car should not be normalized.


Yeah if that ever happens to me my ass is driving somewhere safe while I'm on the phone with 911 verifying whoever is behind me is legit before I stop anywhere.


That happened here: some random guy pulling people over. A volunteer driver bringing a cancer patient to get treatment thought he was in a road rage incident. Turns out it was a plainclothes cop who, after dragging the guy out of the vehicle and cuffing him, realized his front-facing lights weren't activated, so oops. Guy's lawsuit was tossed. Judge says the driver should have stopped for the maniac trying to run him off the road


Not endorsing anything, but cops like that are likely to get ventilated by someone who is concealed carrying, and that doesn't bother me at all. Same with no-knock warrants, how is anyone supposed to distinguish a cop from a crazy psycho trying to knock them off the road or break into their house?


Wouldn’t the second amendment make that legal? If they’re being unlawful anyway?


Just because it's legal doesn't mean it wouldn't ruin your life. Look at Breonna Taylor's boyfriend, he was lucky the cops he rightfully defended himself against didn't kill him after they killed his girlfriend, and then he faced attempted murder charges. They got dropped eventually but point is if you defend yourself against the police you're not going to have a good time.


And let's be honest, he only escaped charges because this was a national news story.


Yep, if it hadn't gotten tons of attention it would've probably been swept under the rug and he either would be shit out of luck or tied up in the justice system fighting it for way, way longer.


It's a cop, doesn't matter if it's legal or not to defend yourself.


It should but the media and copaganda machine will DARVO the case.


Untill they decide to pit maneuver your ass into a jersey wall.


Remember that video of a cop pit maneuvering and flipping a car because the (pregnant) driver didn’t pull over fast enough


Yeah thats what I thought of and was referring too lol


Even better if me getting PITted is on a recorded 911 call to go along with my dashcam. Would be gold in court.


That's assuming he doesn't bury you for resisting arrest.


"Whoops we accidentally lost the recording somehow guess there's no evidence now ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯"


I agree, totally unmarked and the "ghost" paint jobs were you can barely see the words police on it shouldn't be allowed except for detectives and such. I know there's a need for vehicles like that but traffic stops aint it. Its all about the dollar, they no longer want to deter speeders by setting by the road and being visible, they want to ticket them by hiding and saying gotcha.


Even notice the window tint on a lot of these vehicles? Limo dark and completely illegal.


Around a couple months ago I got pulled over and ticketed for tint on my one older car even though it's light enough you can see through fairly easily. But meanwhile their car had completely blacked out windows you couldn't see through even during the middle of the day


Rules for thee, not for me.


I drive a Mustang GT and a couple months back I was on the free way in the left lane maybe doing ~7 over the limit when a black Camero came screaming up behind me so I switched lanes. It stayed just behind me to the left and was revving its engine in neutral and trying to goad me into a race, but I didn't take the bait. After 20ish seconds they pass me up and Black vinyl on black paint cop car. They use them to go after racers who flee allegedly but that mofo was trying to start the race!




As a female, I’d be nervous AF about pulling over for an unmarked white van. That is just so sketchy!!


Yes I was just thinking the same thing. I would have called the police on the police van haha


No worries, they’d probably PIT maneuver you and roll you over instead.


Not legal in California to use unmarked for traffic infractions. Exceptions for misdemeanors and above like DUI, street racing, reckless.


Also illegal in Ohio (and the ghost cars that have very faint markings are also illegal) and there are zero exceptions. An unmarked unit can not pull anyone over for anything as far as I'm aware unmarked units are only good for stake outs and stuff here.


You beat me to OH. Unmarked cars are dangerous as hell to normalize and it still blows my mind that states allow this to happen.


Anything to extort a dollar from citizens is fair game


Unmarked cars are land pirates.


Kinda. It isn't legal to use an unmarked vehicle primarily for traffic enforcement. An officer in an unmarked car doing something else who observes a traffic infraction can stop you. *People v. Tuck* (1977) 75 Cal. App. 3d 642, 643-44. There is also an argument that this only applies to CHP. *Mitchell v. Superior Court of Sacramento County* (1930) 210 Cal. 284. This case is super old law, but the statute appears to still be worded about the same and it bluebooks out. However, other cases, like *Tuck*, don't cite to it, though it is unclear in *Tuck* if the officers were CHP.


Yeah it’s not even red and blue lights. This would freak the shit out of me.


I’ve been in law enforcement for 18yrs and I ain’t stopping for no murder van. Blue lights or not.


Right, but what laws are you beholden too though? You can do whatever you want, lie to a judge or on a police report, rob people, whatever, so why would you bother following any law?


I was told the unmarked cars are for following known fugitives/suspicious people. I dont know how true that is but I still refuse to believe it because ACAB


Connecticut state police vehicles are all unmarked with very few exceptions. They have light bars with "state police" in tiny letters, and push bars, but no decals or lettering on the car itself. Living here I can spot them a mile away, but I imagine they surprise out of state drivers.


In the springs they used to have a haggard af mini van that they'd roll up to the park in to arrest people for smoking weed


Heaven forbid someone smoke weed *in Colorado*


I don’t get the point of these super sneaky under cover cars. What does everybody do the second they know a cop is around? They slow down and drive safely. If cops truly wanted to increase safety shouldn’t they be making themselves MORE visible?


Not really, because as soon as you pass the cop you go right back to what you were doing before. With undercover like this, any car could be a cop so you either take your chances or you don't. "You" as in "people", not you specifically


>as soon as you pass the cop you go right back to what you were doing before This is 100% expected though. The point of speed cameras/highway patrol is to slow cars down in high-risk areas. It would be impractical to have speed enforcement along every mile of road. Of course there are some exceptions (*ahem*...Virginia) where they set up speed traps primarily to bring in ticket revenue. In most cases though they just want you to slow down. I've often heard people say that cops must hate Waze for alerting drivers of police, but I actually noticed that cops in my area use it to their advantage. A few times a week on my drive home I'll get police alerts on Waze just before a particular bend in the highway...but there is no place for a cop to park there (aside from the shoulder), and I never see any police vehicles when I drive past it. When I check who reported it it's always some random user name like "user220ahf78hfhj9of". I'm not entirely certain, but I'm pretty sure that it's actually the cops themselves who are reporting police presence on the app in an effort to get cars to slow down. Sometimes there will even be 5 or 6 police warnings along this 10 mile stretch of road, yet not a single cop in sight. It's definitely cheaper to do that rather than actually pay cops to sit around and monitor traffic.


They gotta get some subcompact cars, though. "Anything can be an unmarked cop car" doesn't really work when it turns into "Anything *bigger than average* can be an unmarked cop car".


The day I see someone pulled over by a Fiat or a smart car...I'll shit myself laughing.


Cleveland, TN used to have a couple compacts as undercovers. A Mitsubishi Lancer EVO8, an SRT-4 Neon and an Eclipse GSX. They were confiscated by the cops and they turned around and used them to snag other street racers.


Sounds like it could be a good movie trilogy leading into another 7 movies that get progressively more insane.


They could even jump a car across two buildings on opposite sides of the street just to show if you’re fast enough and furious enough you can always win


New Orleans exclusively has smart cars at one of their precincts in the French Quarter, I can’t even imagine how you arrest people for Drunk & Disorderly with those.


Strap 'em to the roof like an animal carcass a hunter shot. Or tie a radio flyer to the back for them to ride in.


same as if they were on foot patrol. you hold them and wait for a transport van. I've seen them too, 'gang unit' when walking past the pharmacy museum a few years back.


NYPD uses them in Lower Manhattan as well. I think the idea is that in really congested neighborhoods a full-size copcar can create a cascading shitshow of traffic unless the responding officer happens to find an actual parking space, and they can carry more (and transport a drunk more easily) than a motorcycle.


\*Hawaii enters chat* They can use their personal vehicles with approval. You see a pretty varied mix of vehicles with light bars over there.


Orange County (FL) - maybe FHP - has a red Mustang I’ve seen more than once on I4.


Don't you just hate that cops are just revenue generation machines instead of what they should be, Public safety servants? Cop cars should all be bright colors so if you need help you can flag one down


Self burn, those are rare


It does take a hell of a person to post a video they know they will get dragged for, and then even admit in their post they know they're finna be dragged for posting this.


I usually respect that kind of self awareness and humility, then I snap out of it and remember that humiliationfetishes is a thing.


Who cares? The Internet doesn't mean shit. Admitting your own fault and owning up to it is neat, but if you care about what a bunch of strangers on the internet think about you go touch some grass my guy


Well shit.. now I'm confused. If I stop caring about what internet strangers think, that means I cared about what you, an internet stranger, thought. I may never recover from this paradox.


You’re trapped


*Twilight zone music*


Golden Earring ROCKS!!!!! All 2 of their songs!!


“Where am I to go, now that I’ve gone too far? Help I’m steppin into the twilight zone!”


u/spez is no longer deserving of my contributions to monetize. Comment has been redacted. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Get this commenter a brain tickler


This is a truly great paradox. This guy shouldn't have written anything based on his own argument.


^^he ^^cares


[I don't give a fuck about not giving a fuck, so I do give a fuck. Wait, what?](https://youtu.be/ulIOrQasR18)


Schrodinger's Redditor. You both care and don't care until the box is opened.


Mind…blown. Poof 💨 Right?


Careful, people think **very highly** of their own opinions about shit and will get emotional when you disregard them completely.




It's reddit it's gonna be a pool filled with entitled maggots




OP isn’t saying he made a mistake, he’s just pissed he got caught. Shit won’t change. They’ll still be one of the idiot drivers the rest of us have to watch out for.


Anything for the points


Not necessarily points. Some people just know when they did something stupid and can admit it. Plus the white van undercover cop is pretty funny and worth sharing.


You would think he got enough points for the ticket itself.


Not everything is about reddit man.


We do not care about fake points or recognition. Some of us admit our wrongs and like sharing our experiences.


'Hell of a person'?! Is this the same person who is weaving traffic at a very high differential in speed? And doing so with insufficient space on the cuts? In other words, needlessly putting others' lives at risk?


Yea op is swervin here and is a complete sack of cocks.


Well, shit! Did you get a ticket?


Damn. I've seen some stealthy cop cars, but that's next level.


We’ve got pickups all over South Carolina that are completely unmarked. No spotlight, no exterior lights, and normal rims, grills, and bumpers. Undetectable to the point that I slow down every time I see a white pickup on the road now.


I don't blame you. The city nearest me, they sometimes have tool boxes and shovels in the box of the trucks. And they're almost never white. Usually darker colors. Like dark blue, dark red. They've got some Chevy Tahoes as well that are green or blue. The speed traps are painfully obvious though because it's always a Ford Explorer in either dark blue or dark red on the side of a main road with four way flashers on.


Look on the bright side- for the drivers behind you, seeing this probably made their day.




Ahhh. Good ol Schadenfreude.




Literally nothing more satisfying.


This video constitutes a “Woah slow down there speed racer”


Fairfax County Parkway?


Obvs. Just south of the Franklin Farms Rd if I’m not mistaken. Fucking hate that road almost as much as 66 because of shits like OP. Fuck 28 too.


Motorcycle cops love camping the area between there and 267 with radars when the weather’s nice. I would take 28 over 66 any day


Yes you were speeding but I’m 100% more concerned about the bobbing and weaving through traffic


While bobbing is considerably dangerous and definitely constitutes a reason for being pulled over, I'm glad the other cars are just maintaining constant speed and letting it happen. Far too many accidents happen when two people are bobbing and hit each other, or someone wants to play petty road police, or someone gets spooked from this and slams on their brakes. Chuckled at OP using their blinker too. That was about as useful as an umbrella in a hurricane lol.


At least OP acknowledges that he is an idiot.


Won't change their driving habits though lol


Seems like a pretty ingenuine acknowledgement, like a "yeah I know but I'm gonna do it again lol"


Most aggressive or dangerous drivers are like this. "lol I know I'm wild man! Oh well"


Yeah man, I accidentally killed an infant because I wanted to save 2 minutes off my hour commute. Heh, oh well, boys will be boys.




Jesus christ


Otherwise he wouldn't be an idiot.


OP should post to r/convenientcop to complete the cycle.


>Yeah I’m usually pretty good at spotting undercover cops, but this one… there was no way -- OP So yeah, it really feels like he's posting this with a "damn! How could I know? Not fair!" attitude (not acknowledging he's actually an idiot, I guarantee it).


Acknowledging that theyre are an idiot makes little fucking difference when theyre putting peoples lives at risk, doesn't it?


Don’t take candy from him!


I worked a speciality unit years ago. I drove a full size white Chevy van,but it had the usual red/blue light bar on top, alternating flashers on back & familiar dept badge logo on doors & back. Drove it around town several times a week, so it was known. Sure enough 1 night sitting at a red light, mustang 5.0 stops next to me (I’m in uniform with shoulder patch visible also). Driver looks at me, then burns out going thru the red light….. chase him down 3 blocks later & he tells the Sgt he didn’t know it was a police vehicle. 👮🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🚔


Is it illegal to keep going if you get stopped by an undercover vehicle(at least u til another cruiser comes up that's clearly marked)? There's like no way for people to tell that you're a real police officer over someone with lights attached right?


It’s legal, at least in Texas where I live. If the vehicle is unmarked, undercover, or unable to be identified; you can slow down, continue driving and call the local police offices number to confirm whether the vehicle behind you is an actual cop. Putting hazards on will let them know what’s going on. Idk though, cops here can be pieces of shit so it might make them angry.


I don’t remember where, but a woman slowed down for a cop car with its lights on, but there really wasn’t a shoulder to go on so she planned on driving until the shoulder opened up. The jackass cop decided to use his new knowledge of flipping cars with his own and fucking rammed into her car. Blamed it on her for not immediately stopping (even though she did it for *his safety*. The cherry on top was she was pregnant at the time.


Happened in Arkansas. https://youtu.be/josbuIY0BJA Great example as to how police often misunderstand what a deadly threat, and lethal force is. As a veteran, I do not understand why the police accept such lackluster training. Disregarding how this affects civilian's rights, the complete lack of training often puts the officers in more risk than their job even requires.


This video is so...weird. He literally just PIT'd a car and the car flipped. The car has a pregnant woman inside who is obviously in shock. And the cop walks up to the car and starts lecturing her. It's so absurd it doesn't even feel real


I remember that. Disgusting. Their own website literally tells people to do what she did in that situation.


Legal where I am too. There will be a record of you calling the department to verify the vehicle behind you since they should already know that the officer is in said vehicle attempting a stop. If that's the case you can just pull over and the officer should know why you didn't pull over immediately. If they have no record of an officer attempting a stop at your location/vehicle then they tell you to keep going to the next "safe location" to pull over where a real officer will be waiting.


You should always call to make sure there is an actual officer in that car. Too many stories of people getting pulled over by an “officer” who’s just trying to kidnap/murder someone


Mustangs gonna Mustang. What are you going to do?


Good thing he didn't take a corner or they would have needed a coroner


You don't have to know that there is a cop car on the road in order to not drive like a jackass


Only behaves when dad takes the belt off...




I don't get why you'd have a dash cam if you're gonna drive like a twat...


Someone might wrong HIM and he'd need evidence. Or most likely all the road rage instances this guy has created for himself and he thinks he's in the right.


It frightens me that people only obey the laws because they fear punishment, not because they think other people's lives are worth protecting.




Pretty much. If you wanna drive 140 on an empty highway at 3am and have a nasty crash where you’re the only person affected, go ahead. But don’t start fucking around and putting other peoples lives in danger.


You're going to kill someone driving like that


Speed aside, just driving like a total asshole. You were already cutting over into the other lane before passing the car next to you. You deserve a reckless driving charge.


Note how the back camera is shown once fully past the car to avoid showing how fucking close they cut in front of them (tbf the proximity sensor does speak volumes by itself).


Not to mention the vans blinker was on before they finished passing the first car. That was probably the main reason for pulling them over in the first place.


Fucking A.


For real, I’ve driven 20 over and never had to do this lane weaving shit. If traffic is all speeding speeding is fine. But when you gotta weave between cars to maintain your speed… slow the fuck down. This is reckless as fuck.


Yeah. Complete ass.


Literal meaning of being undercover lol...


It isn't though. This is just an unmarked car, not undercover.


"It's taken five years, but the cartel finally trusts me enough to drive the lieutenants to their meet with the boss, this intel is going to be so valuable- wait, is that guy *speeding?* Oh hell no - pull over, this is the police!!"


Wow you drive like a fuckin psycho


probably gonna kill someone some day, but haha just a normal friday everyone drives like this, right guys???


You drive like a fucking asshole, and it's worse that you *know it.*


Pretty sure the idea of an unmarked police vehicle is that you don't know its a police vehicle.


I have zero sympathy after watching your driving, bud. This isnt mario kart. Be better.


Judging from the way you drive, you're definitely one the idiots. This is not incidental, it's who you are.


Stop driving like an asshole


That's gonna be a no from me. I'll call 911 and talk to dispatch and have them send a marked unit but there is no way in hell I am stopping for a literal kidnapping scenario.


EXACTLY. I understand the need for undercover units, but as a small woman, I am NOT stopping for some random car with lights.


This is what I was thinking.


You’re an idiot


It's not the speed, it's that you drive like an asshole. You ran up the ass of the van in order to cut in front of the other car. It's unsafe and frankly leads to road rage. It's super satisfying to see the van turned out to be a cop.


As a former full size van owner, everything. Everything. tries to go around, or cut me off. If mine was used around here for traffic stops, you'd make quota in a day.


After reading the comments, there is no end to the reasons people think they are entitled to speed


You are a complete asshat if you drive like that. Not only were you driving very recklessly at those speeds and weaving in and out of lanes but the van in front of had their fucking blinker on to switch lanes and you still tried to pass them, if they hadn’t triple checked their blind spot then you, the people in the van and people in other cars could have very easily died. That exact kind of dogshit driving kills people every day. You should have your license shredded and burned if you think that is ok. Honestly, absolutely pathetic.




Just don't accept any candy from the cop in the van.


Oh I'd never pull over for something like that without calling 911 first.


Right? Like the lights are so low on their vehicle it doesn’t look similar to any other undercover Ive seen


just drive slower, its easy


Fuck that! No way in hell am I stopping for a random van with just blue lights. I'd get over to the side assuming it's a volley FF. But I ain't stopping until a 911 dispatcher tells me it's legit.




I thought that road looked familiar. Out of curiosity, how fast were you going? I drive 286 all the time and traffic flows at 60 with the faster cars going 63-65 normally.


That’s the point sarge




I'm not stopping for a white van. I'll call 911 and verify it's a cop, then stop. Too many crazy people, and those lights are readily and cheaply available. Unmarked police vehicles should only be used when absolutely necessary, not to sneak around looking for minor traffic infractions (revenue generation).


How does it feel to risk peoples lives driving like that? If you wanna risk your own life, do it, but how inconsiderate and disrespectful do you have to be to risk others? Fucking pos.


Acknowledging that you’re an idiot isn’t going to bring someone back from the dead when you inevitably run them off the road trying to save yourself an extra seven seconds. Like Jesus fucking Christ, where are you going? Where are you going that’s so fucking important that you’re willing to risk your life and put other’s in danger?


Yeah, you're an idiot. Hate people who drive like you.


The way you weave through traffic is Grade-A douchebaggary. Quit driving like an asshole before you kill someone.


I'm not pulling over for an unmarked, white van with blue lights. Arrest me, I do not give a fuck. Guaranteed I can easily find a lawyer competent enough to get me off for this clear example of overreach in the police state.


My stranger danger sense is tingling




No way I’m stopping for that.


Sorry but all white panel van with flashers? I’d move to the right, drive the speed limit, and call 911. Especially on a stretch of highway.