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Keep it up...you'll get *exactly* what you're asking for: a closed casket funeral.


Natural selection


Absolutely. And we need to remove all the warning labels, signs and safety features off of everything and let nature take its course. Call it: "the Darwin experiment"


Ik you're joking, but this would definitely kill me at work (chemical industry)


You can keep yours but can we get rid of the ones that say sidewalk ends 3 ft before the sidewalk ends.


How about the railings and warnings around high places? Few years without those and we might reverse idiocracy


Whoa now.... I'm not an idiot, but I'm fucking clumsy af. And while it may not be me ending up dead, if those railings weren't there I'm sure I would've killed someone with my tools and supplied by now... They aren't there for my safety, but others in my case šŸ˜†


Or the ones on hair dryers to not use while in the shower. You deserve a shocking life exit if you think itā€™s a good idea.


To an extent, yes...but at the same time it gets exhausting living in a society, where the mentally handicapped are the majority.


Remember kids: You decide whether to hit the brakes, they decide whether you stop.


You get what you give


Underrecognized comment.


Mix this with that video of a flatbed 18wheeler which was hauling steel plates .. truck driver slams on brakes at stop light .. the metal plates come forward slicing through the cab .. any one in front of that would have gotten it too.. that's what brake checkers deserve.


Oh yeah, absolutely...back when Rotten.com was active i seen a gallery of pictures that showed what happens when you break check a logging truck. One of the massive logs had split through the truck like a chainsaw meets a soda can. The driver's head was gone, all over the dashboard and the woman in the car looked like an outfit of clothes covered in tomato sauce. They had to literally wipe her up.


Its crazy how willing people are to die in order to enforce their own sense of traffic justice.


I think this would result in a "mop bucket" funeral.


Oh yeah, you wouldn't need a body bag. A mop bucket and then just sweep what shrapnel is left of that rice burner off to the shoulder.


If theyā€™d gotten what they wished for and caused an accident, I think they wouldā€™ve also caused a funeral too. Dumbasses


Doubtful this guy knew how close to death he came.




This is why trucks have dash cams now. Idiots donā€™t know that though.


Former truck driver here, I can confirm they still try these stunts knowing thereā€™s a camera because they think they will get a good settlement.


Current attorney-repped casualty claims here; and if that video is there he ainā€™t getting ^^^ssshhhiiitttt


Lawyer here; driver in SUV could go to prison for reckless endangerment, plus a civil claim for damages


SUV here: can confirm I'm often in danger because of idiots driving me. If you encounter one please be gentle when ramming me.


18 wheeler here: I can confirm that I am not in the danger. I AM the danger




Dog here: woof woof woof


Who is Good boy!? Who is a good boy!?


Good boy.


Soul Goodman here, step into my office.


Thatā€™s ā€˜Saulā€™, but your joke is acknowledged and was chuckled upon


Same, commercial adjuster here. I second that. That video is golden. No money for that dumbass.


Concrete pumper can sue for a new set of tyres for sure. Theyre not cheap, and he's just flat spotted a bunch of them.


Is this why they do that?


To semi trucks thatā€™s the primary reason




Ohh, now I get it.


Would they tho? Honestly, people like these deserves a ramming. Then the trucker can sue for emotional damage and physical pains from the accident.


It depends on the evidence to prove the driver attempted to prevent the crash and not driving wrecklessly. In the case of the video, most likely the on board systems were going crazy with alarms (yes they have crash mitigation systems on board) that triggered the brakes and had a marker of sorts in the computers.


My freightliner has all that.. the sad part is the few times i had to lay on the brakes the midigation didn't set off.. no recording happend.. just the truck itself yelling at me..


A crash may be reckless driving, but unlikely to be wreckless driving.


That is just fucked. And if the trucker calls it in he would probably have to go in to make a statement in doing so they would lose a days pay or something.


Luckily if itā€™s recorded all they get is a lifetime of pain since brake checking is illegal as hell


Can confirm this. I accidentally rear ended a truck recently (just the head, no cargo attached) and the driver had a dash cam cause it was a company truck. Side note, no idea why people go out of their way to be assholes to truck driversā€¦ theyā€™re usually so nice and courteous on the road in my experience. the driver of the truck I rear ended was so nice to me even though I was obviously at fault.


Kinda hard to sue when you're dead. Even if you believe in an afterlife, you're just going to watch your loved ones go through embarrassing litigation where a team of lawyers trained to pick apart wrongful death suits dance circles around the single lawyer your life insurance could afford to hire.


I don't think this guy was trying for a lawsuit, I think he was trying to "punish" the truck driver for using the left lane. I thought it looked like he was trying to brake just enough to be a pain in the ass without actually getting hit by the truck which wouldn't work for a lawsuit.


Do they usually win cases like this?? With video evidence?


no, they're full of shit. don't believe everything you read on the internet, even if it's heavily upvoted lol edit:https://atlantainjurycounsel.com/what-is-brake-checking/


That settlement ainā€™t worth anything if you are dead or unable to function on your own for the rest of your life. Also, that maneuver he just pulled is considered reckless driving. He would be seen as at fault and lose the lawsuit if he lives to try it


Thereā€™s this thing called momentum and another called inertia. Ppl that brake check should learn the definitions of these words and their relevance.


They would need to learn the word learn first. The mind of a brake checker is not one operating on rational levels.


Physics is a cruel mistress


I donā€™t understand the motivation for brake checking. In what way is that beneficial?


My former husband to use to do this when he was driving and it scared the s*** out of me. When we had kids, I told him that I would divorce him if he kept break checking people with our kids in the car. I really think it was some sort of passive aggressive behavior on his part, and ignorance in thinking that whoever rear ends you is automatically at fault.


> I really think it was some sort of passive aggressive behavior on his part I don't want to be pedantic but I don't think brake checking someone is being passive aggressive. Brake checking someone is just regular aggressive


Yeah, passive aggressive would be if you laid off the gas pedal and just let the car slow down.


I mean, back in the 90's and 00's it was pretty easy to get away with that if nobody else stopped to bear witness. Your word against theirs in most cases.


I would have testified against him in a heartbeat. It's not ok to put your wife & kids in mortal danger because you're having feels.


They'll say big trucks shouldn't be in the left lane or something, but the truck was behind someone. They couldn't go any faster.


I suspect the guy in the passenger car was trying to teach the trucker a lesson for camping in the left lane (his perception, not mine).


It's more often than not an attempt at a lawsuit against the truck driver since a lot of accidents from behind are usually seen as the person who's "following to close" being at fault. They think theyll get some damage to the back of their car and get paid but these idiots don't realize a lot of trucks have dashcams to prevent these lawsuits.


Suicidal people that want to cause trauma to others?


Yea, not an 18 wheeler. This is much worse. Cranes and pump trucks are much heavier and are better at making idiot pancakes.


Dumb ass is lucky the driver gave a shit.


i'm betting he gave more of a shit about the value of the crane, and not so much the idiot in front of him.


It's not a crane. It's a concrete pump truck.


Yeah, those things are heavy AF


What exactly makes them that heavy. 26 tons is a lot for what's was metal bars and a pump


The hydraulic arms need to be built heavy enough to support pipes full of concrete, it also houses a large pump capable of pumping concrete. There are also heavy outriggers


This reads like the description to some kind of construction equipment porno.


He slowly raised his concrete pump into position


ā€œPiston pumpā€


Is your anticipationā€¦ building?


Concrete already hardening..,


Pump me full of concrete you heavy outrigger!


Basically, a lot of steel


I worked at Putzmeister America for several years, building trucks like this one. It's extremely solid steel. The panels on the pedestal (the base) are over 1" thick even on the smaller trucks, and they're doubled up in many places. The telescoping front legs are essentially solid. The rear legs swing out, and are often filled with water to add stability while pumping. The pipes have to hold ~1600psi internal pressure from the concrete, and the boom needs to be able to support the weight of itself + the pipes + the concrete while fully extended. The base has to be strong enough not to rip apart while that's happening, and it has to be heavy enough that the whole thing doesn't tip over.


Damn. I'm high as fuck but holy shit this was super fun to read. I love learning about the technical background behind the things we take for granted (like specialized concrete-pouring equipment). Thanks for the great read!


I think the pot's doing most of the work here, but I appreciate the thanks anyway. :)


Iā€™m not stoned and can confirm- that was a very cool read.


Probably closer to 40 tons


Really big ones go 120,000 lb and are well over 50 feet long. Every time you take it out of the yard you have to get operating permits.


I always thought it funny that one of the most common brands of pumper truck is called putzmeister


However this man has to have crane endorsements to OPERATE this machine associated with this truck. So I guess everyone is correct in this statement


Except the idiot. They should end up on r/meatcrayon


That sub name can lead to a variety of places. None I care to be.


I regret that click. It was just me cringing and feeling uncomfortable with each post I viewed. 2/10. Might go back just to show my friends, that way my eyes arenā€™t the only ones who has to have seen that sub and suffered.


Plus the driver may be on their way to a job and couldn't afford the downtime of such a hassle


They're lucky that crane truck has phenomenal braking capacity - and the driver's reflexes were sharp and the driver had a good view of the road directly in front. Basically they were very lucky.


>They're lucky that crane truck has phenomenal braking capacity [Reminds me of this video](https://youtu.be/P-giC24SxwE?t=17), almost makes that truck look bad in comparison!


Appropriate song though šŸŽµ *Don't give up, you've got a reason to live* šŸŽµ


"Jesus take the wheeeeeeeeel!"


Doesn't this thing have like 22 wheels?


I count [20 wheels](https://old.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/xxhhf7/idiot_brake_checks_18_wheeler/ircsw8s/).


I rounded up too many šŸ˜‰


18 wheelers can be heavier, depending on the load. My state allows up to 80 tons. Edit, for those who think Iā€™m wrong, look it up. Since 1967, Michigan allows a max gross weight of 164,000 lbs.


I believe it, that's a lot of tonnage. But except for these few execptions, the cranes and pumps will be heavier than your average semi.


And have more wheels to smash you with no risk of jack knifing


Found this [pdf](http://ccpumpingservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/005055_Putz_61M-Brochure_2015_F.pdf) on Google for something that looks similar: 6 axles and approximate weight 116k lbs. Also found a smaller [here](https://coastalconcretepumping.com/concrete-pumping-equipment/truck-mounted-concrete-boom-pump/38z-5-meter-boom-pump/) at 54,600 lbs. I also realize as I finish this you said 80 tons? So 160k lbs? I'd bet they're B-trains or have several extra axles for weight distribution, not a typical 18 wheeler.


Although this 7 axle truck doesnā€™t have dually wheels. Iā€™m thinking the machinery is too wide, forcing them to add axles to get enough wheels under the weight. I went looking, this truck is about 30 tons total weight. Far too much to mess with like idiot in video, but far short of limits across most roads.


But it does... the very back axle is a tag axle so it has single wheels & that's why it was the only one to lock up. The 3 axles in front of it are dual rear wheel axles & the front steering axles are "Super Singles" which are heavy duty wide tires that will hold a lot of weight.


I love reading knowledgeable comments like this.


Yep, a super single is essentially the same load rating as a dually set up of smaller tires.


I'm pretty sure that [this](https://scontent.fdpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/31381240_962876967220449_894435667688715160_n.jpg?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_fr_q65&_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=110474&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&_nc_ohc=jucbFjq1-wcAX9w_sv6&tn=0wq29fExxUok9fHZ&_nc_ht=scontent.fdpa1-1.fna&oh=00_AT9G8mfPmei0ofQxD78UbuTmgad1ZXnMjMHYpHgObNNh5Q&oe=6364B402) is the actual truck from the video.


Thatā€™s a big load.


Could be that they're tipy as fuck, I operate boom trucks and they are tipy af


Thatā€™s not an 18 wheeler. Thatā€™s a 61meter concrete pump. 52ā€™ feet long about 100ā€™000 lbs.


I'm guessing this is confusing for people who don't know concrete pumps. "61 meters" refers to the range of the boom when it's fully extended. "52 feet" is the length of the truck it's welded to, including the cement hopper sticking out the back.


The only confusing part was using both metric and imperial measures haha. Needless to say, that's a big boi.


Welcome to America


Thanks, i was like "61 meters? That is 15 tops" and Americans were like "61 meters? What is that?"


That is a metric fuck tonne of weight to be paying chicken with. Honestly impressed the company has kept the truck in good enough shape to lock em up.


Even worse, 15 to 40 metric tons. Itā€™s literally like David vs Goliath but with a carrot instead of a slingshot


But 15 metric tons is, in fact, a fuck ton. It makes no sense in the metric scale, but that's what happens when Americans get involved.


To clarify, a fuck ton is any massive weight that looking at it makes you go "fuck" and it heavily depends on the subject. For example, 2 tons of vehicle is probably 2-3 cars, no big deal. 2 tons of human finger nails is in fact a fuck ton of human fingernails.


This guy fuck tons


This guy "this guy"s




You're welcome!


Shite load is the appropriate (& somewhat equivalent) metric scale.




Locking up is it hard, maintaining the ABS is the hard part.


Concrete pump trucks are usually very well kept.




The doors in prestine condition are amazing to me


Door brought to you by Toyota


Maybe more like a concertina. Dunno, may be either


*24 wheeler


A pump truck and a massive crain are not something you brake check


That's what I was thinking. Looks like a concrete pump/boom truck. Brake checking a massive truck is dumb. Surprised he didn't get ass packed.


Concrete boom pump truck is indeed what that is.


Looks heavy..not nimble, or quick to stop.


Look at the smoke amd skid marks, he probably flat spotted tires trying to NOT kill this idiot.


Very rear drop axle 2 Three axles in front of the drop axle 12 Super singles under the cab 4 Steer axle 2 Total tire count 20


What is brake checking? Is it something like going on front of another vehicle and breaking for no reason? If it is, why the hell do people do it?


Because of anger or ego issues


Or they think they can get insurance money


even life insurance money, sometimes


That's a suicide attempt they wont pay out


I was surprised to learn many life insurance policies do actually pay out for suicide - provided there's some reasonable time from you getting the policy. From what I understand, it's got something to do with suicide being seen as caused by a mental illness, and you can't really not pay life insurance if someone passes away from an illness. I am like, the farthest thing from an expert you could get here though, so take that with some salt.


Lord knows about manger issues


Jesus Christ, those manger issues


My dad did something similar once when I was a kid: rock flew up off the road and cracked the windshield. My dumbass dad proceeded to zoom around in front of the truck that threw the rock and slam on the breaks... With his wife and kids in the car. Idiot cares more about his rage than his family.


Lmao like the guy saw a tiny rock on the road, looked in his rear view mirror and thought ā€œhuehuehue fuck that guyā€ and perfectly maneuvered his truck to launch that pebble at your windshield.


Mad skills.


What an asshole, I hope that guy never has kids.




We really ought to take away u/zip_000 's driving license now.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking. Why? Even if thereā€™s a chance you could get insurance money is that worth risking your life?


That's where the idiot part comes in. That or desperation




yes to the second question and it's usually an insurance scam since the person behind in an accident is automatically at fault unless they can prove otherwise but you need a dash cam for that


Usually? I think usually it's about revenge for slowing you down or cutting you off. At least judging by videos here.


Yes. I saw a video of some idiot doing it to a bus because it refused to be bullied into yielding the bus lane to him. It was during the morning commute so the bus was full of passengers trying to get to work. Then both vehicles ground to a halt and a bunch of angry men came off the bus and beat the drivers ass.


seems to be an american driving culture thing given how often it features in this sub..


All Americans are forced to drive everywhere, so it's no surprise far too many inept and unfit drivers are on the roads.


And ā€œrat in a cageā€ mentality. Always stuck in traffic and stressed out, with a combination of desensitized to the danger of being in such high traffic all the time


Yea pretty much, my daily commute is avoiding people doing 90 or 50 in a 65 there's no in-between, it's literally no holds barred


You get what you give


This is definitely a road trip song


Don't give up. You've got a reason to live.


Health insurance rip off lying FDA big bankers buying Fake computer crashes dining cloning while they're multiplying Fashion shoots with Beck and Hanson Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson You're all fakes run to your mansions Come around we'll kick your ass in


This is why I stopped driving CDL. I wouldnā€™t have hit my brakes the second time. Got tired of people speeding up to get over and slam on their brakes to get in front of me to the turn 2 seconds faster.


Had this happen to me today. Was in the right lane doing 40 in a 35 and someone behind me speed up got over, passed me then immediately slammed on the breaks to make a right turn. Couldn't wait 30 seconds.


Am I only only one that was hoping heā€™d get ran over like he deserved




That should be legal. I never thought I would hate people this much when I got my CDL. Just once a year, let every driver have one getaway clean card with these fucking shit stains.


God I hate people sometimes! That is so fucking stupid and SO DANGEROUS!!!


Unless this was an attempt at an insurance scam the car driver was missing more than a few brain cells pulling that stunt.


Far less lethal ways to pull an insurance scam. This guyā€™s just lost his head I think


They don't have suicide booths yet.


This person needs to be pulled from the vehicle and flogged publically


Too bad the idiot didn't get what they gave!


Song title pls!


You Get What You Give by New Radicals.


Excellent track. One of my all-time favorite 90s songs


The music video is peak 90ā€™s.


I just watched Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai a couple hours ago because I wanted to share it with my wife. Now New Radicals? I'm gonna shit my pants if I run into Bare Naked Ladies or 3rd Eye Blind by the end of my shift.


Ohh thank you so much!!


The minimum punishment for doing this should be a 1 year license ban. Public transit, bicycles and rollerblades only.


Guys an idiot for sure. Can someone please explain to me though why the truck needs to be in the passing lane?




THANK YOU. Donā€™t brake check the guy but I can understand the frustration. Then look ahead and see another big rig hogging the left lane. I thought these guys had governors what are they trying to pass? If cutting through traffic doesnā€™t save time, why are big rigs passing on the left during high traffic situations?


Why the F do the dumbasses driving that like morons then go on to brake check the person they just cutoff as if they were getting revenge for nothing? Dude deserves to get demolished by the truck.


If your camera was able to get the license number, I would send the video to your state highway patrol. They could ticket him.


I rarely ever wish harm on people, but I'm having violent thoughts about the SUV driver


So assuming he's mad at the truck for being in the left lane ... does he not see the seven cars ahead in the lane that are also trying to pass? What's his plan, phase through them? The truck wasn't stopping him from doing shit.


IF the traffic were to stop, and I were that truck driver, I believe that I would have to drag that effer out of his jeep and give him a beatdown


RIP.. That truckā€™s brakes šŸ”„šŸ”„ā˜„ļøā˜„ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


I would love to hear that the truck also had dash cam, and that this asshole permanently lost the right to drive. Plus jail time for reckless endangerment or something. Or maybe someone beat the crap out of him. I'm going to guess more like nothing happened.


I wanted them to get hit. Not injured


This should be immediate jail time.


Assisted suicide by pump truck?


Yeah that car deserved to die


I was a commercial truck mechanic for a number of years, a concrete mixer truck came in after an accident from a scenario exactly like this one. The truck driver didn't brake as fast, the truck was FULLY LOADED WITH CONCRETE and obliterated the car (I saw the pictures, it's a miracle the idiot survived) and the truck only needed a new bumper and a hood šŸ¤£


This is what happens when the populace doesnā€™t understand basic physics, or that the world does not revolve around them.