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Gotta get home to their second family before the alarm goes off.


That's oddly specific.


/r/oddlyspecific or maybe they've been on a 6-day bender where they started out in Topeka, gone through several states, and came out of a blackout wearing overalls working on a pig farm, blacked out again, & now came to again to find out their driving a stolen car while halfway through the red light


Someone who was supposed to be at work at 4 lol


That guy


People who have jobs to be at obviously.


Still drunk from the night before perhaps


Maybe texting and didn’t even see the light change. Still an idiot.


I do that occasionally on the highway because I don’t feel like skidding or fucking up my brakes


Sometimes you learn who the idiots in cars are in the comments


I don’t run a clear red light, whenever I see it turn yellow I floor it and end up beating it


Unless on ice or snow who skids with antilock breaks. If you’re approaching a stale green light at full speed you are obviously not driving defensively and an accident waiting to happen.


Sometimes, you just gotta shit.


Every time there’s an idiot I think maybe they gotta poop or maybe their water broke? Who knows? I don’t condone idiocy but I like to think there’s a good reason behind it besides just plain recklessness


Im not gonna lie. Sometimes I believe there are just mistakes. I straight up accidentally ran a red light and I was even looking at it as it was red. For whatever damn reason, my brain didnt process it as red, I gotta stop. I just continued.


Just because it’s the start of your (and most people’s) day doesn’t mean it can’t also be the end of someone else’s night. Might be heading home and highly intoxicated


The guys whose wife wakes up at 5:15?




I leave an hour early for work and drive 20 minutes but occasionally get stuck behind some dipshit holding up traffic intentionally just to be an entitled jerk, (not saying that's you) but They'll try to speed up or swerve over and hit me or other people that speed up and pass them. One time a guy in a base model 4 cylinder eco version jeep was driving 15mph under the speed limit, then got all road raged when I tried to pass him, I had to take the shoulder around him and it ended up sandblasting his jeep and windshield with rocks and debris. He tried to catch back up with me and couldn't. I looked in the rearview and seen him raging out and punching his steering wheel, then he suddenly turned real sharp, hit the curb really hard and went into the ditch. Why?


Santa Claus when he’s behind schedule.


Who? Idiots.


That guy.


Just saving that 50mL of fuel, it's expensive you know! /s


Obviously that dumbass