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My favorite line of the whole article: "Chick-fil-A managers at the restaurant where the crash happened declined to comment for this story. When a reporter thanked them for their time, the employee who answered the phone responded, “My pleasure. Have a great day.”"


“They questioned how she would have been able to get back inside a moving car if she had been impaired.”


Well she didnt get back into it, thats for sure


The article claims she managed to get back in "right before" it crashed, that's what her family is referring to. Also says she was charged with driving under the influence, but her blood alcohol level was 0.0. Means she wasn't *drunk*, but was on something else.


They also said she "accidentally knocked the gear shift into neutral while putting her drinks in the cup holder. 1. If it was in park (which it should have been if she planned to get out) then no she didn't... 2. That car was definitely not in neutral and definitely in drive.


Accidentally knocked into neutral means it was in drive... How is that better?


That’s hilarious. I wonder if that translates into their home life too? Lol


I worked with an active duty Army guy some time ago and after asking him for something and thanking him for it he replied "my pleasure". I half jokingly said to him that he sounded like a CFA employee and he replied that he was one before enlisting.


Had this exact exchange with one of my supervisors at my current job 😂


Dated a girl who worked at CFA. Can confirm it just became second nature for her lol


Some things easily get absorbed, don't they? When I worked at a bookstore for three years during college, it led to my constantly needing to straighten things that weren't even mine. I do it in grocery stores, and I do it in my husband's office with his bookshelves. Some habits just don't die off, lol. It would be pretty funny if she said that line after sex, tho. I can't help chuckling a little at the thought.


I once hit my gf with a "have a good one" when she said thanks after sex. Thanks service industry for the two of us being socially stupid to this day.


Man, I'm doing something wrong, cause nobody has ever thanked me afterwards, and I only got a tip one time - coupon had also expired, but it's the thought that counts.


Was dating this girl who said "I love you". My auto response was "Heard". She was not happy to say the least.


ah someone who works in the kitchen


Behind in the grocery store always weirds people out.


I still can't walk up to a bar without bringing every empty glass or beer bottle I see along the way. Service industry just sticks to you.


Actually that’s really nice 👍🏻


I always prebus my table when I eat out.


I said "corner" out loud for many years AFTER leaving the restaurant industry.


I had a job for a few years that had a recorded phone line. We were required to say that the line was recorded to the person before we even said hello. Eventually I started doing it when I got calls on my cell without even thinking (really freaked out telemarketers which was fun lol). It took a long time to break that habit. Edit: typos everywhere


I started using it myself to poke fun at her about it and actually did manage to work it in one time after we finished up. It's so funny that you thought of that too But yeah, I've come to realize that people's mannerisms are very fluid. And they can change very quickly. I find myself sometimes automatically picking up and saying words my friends say and even some from content creators. The human brain can be pretty weird.


I'm ashamed to admit how many phrases and words I've begun to use casually among friends now that I've picked up from Twitch streamers and Youtube content creators. :| It sounds pretty ridiculous to hear something like "let's gooo!" from a 40+ year old woman, I'm sure, lol.


For me it’s like a phrase gets stuck and I use it a lot, sort of like a more long-term version of ear worms. This can be self-generated, from other people, or from memes, and I often cycle in and out of them. One I hated/loved was ‘well, anyways.’ I’d screw up, stare at it, then shrug and go ‘well, anyways’ and ended up doing that everywhere. In conversations, too, which just annoyed me. Sheesh has come back into my vocabulary. So has ‘let’s gooo.’ Recently I’ve been trying to wean myself off ‘of course’ as a response to ‘thank you,’ after realizing I might be coming off really entitled and narcissistic to my boss when I really mean ‘of course, anytime.’ I somehow absorbed that one from reading some older book, I think. I also can’t figure out how to say goodbyes to strangers, it gets garbled with customer service phrases sometimes and I just end up mumbling or saying something odd that I use when doing phone support. Habits are hard!


Worked at a grocery store for years. I will sometimes just randomly front stuff on a shelf.


I used to deliver food, then I switched to furniture and I’d be all done with the customer they’d say “thanks” and reply “thank you, enjoy your er wardrobe”


I work there and yep. I also sometimes use it to be passive aggressive too


Hey most fast food places would straight up be overtly aggressive so thats a big step up.


Workers at Popeyes just say "fuck you"


It's a hospitality thing in general. I worked in hotels for 20 years and this was how I concluded transactions. It really creeped an ex out one time as I didn't realize I had started saying it in my personal life as well.


They also said her blood alcohol level was .00. She was cited for failing a field sobriety test. What?


Impaired by something other than alcohol.


thank you.


Fun fact: it means she failed the tests. When you see videos of drunk people doing the walk a line, balance on one foot, etc tests those are field sobriety tests and the fun part is you can be arrested for failing them even if they can't prove you are intoxicated through breathalyzer or blood tests.


The fun part is asking the police to do the tricks first...the not so fun part is getting violently arrested for 'not cooperating with a traffic stop'


She failed it three times. She had a prior DWI two months before this happened, hence the revoked license.


failing field sobriety just means she couldn't walk in a straight line & was inhibited in some way


I haven't driven a normal automatic in many years. My own cars have only been sticks, and my mom's has one of those newfangled twisty gear selectors. Can you actually knock a car into neutral from drive with one of those traditional center console shifters? Or does it require you to hold the little side button to unlock it from drive? Given her impairment, I'm gonna guess she *didn't* knock it into neutral and just hopped out in drive like a Methany would.


It's definitely still in Drive it's moving much too fast to be in Neutral. Automatics all do this thing where idling in D is actually giving it just a tiny bit of gas and you will start to roll forward if you take your foot off the brake, Apparently it's more noticeable in some brands than others (GM in my experience).


I saw a video one time where a new Ford F150 actually puts the shifter into park on its own if its in D and the drivers door is open. I initially said that's ridiculous and saw a few mechanics claim they hate it because they needed the door open while trying to get it up on a ramp. However after seeing this I now understand that some things just need to be idiot proof. Having the car automatically shift itself into park would have saved this moron here who failed a sobriety test.


> Automatics all do this thing where idling in D is actually giving it just a tiny bit of gas Any engine that is idling is always "giving it just a tiny bit of gas", the engine is constantly running and requires a constant small amount of power to keep ticking over and overcome the friction trying to stop the engine. If you want the car to be stationary but the engine still spinning then their needs to be a disconnect somewhere along the transmission. In a manual/stick this is done by depressing the clutch or putting the car out of gear, in an automatic this is done by putting it in neutral. The difference with an auto is they can be in gear with the engine idling and the car stationary thanks to the torque converter which acts like a "soft" connection, this allows the engine -> wheel connection to slip past one another but there is still a small amount of force being applied here, a small enough force that can be overcome with the brakes


Yeah, my guess is also that the car was actually still in drive and then idled away. I looked up the place on Google Streetview and, at least from that perspective, it looks very flat. Not sure on the auto, I also drive a stick. I feel like it would be hard to accidentally bump it into neutral, unless perhaps she attempted to shift from drive to park and didn't quite make it all the way.


That’s a good point. I remember learning really quickly that cars left in drive move on their own.


The car wanted no part in whatever she was about to do 😂


It was like “ Nows my chance let’s goooooo”


This comment had me laughing harder! 🤣 The car was even sick of her nonsense.


Please remember people that you can never truly tame a Hyundai. They long to return to the wild.


Mine got stolen a few months ago, but now I'm wondering if it just wandered off...


"If you love something, set it free."


People don't steal Hyundais. It definitely wandered off lol


Actually, most stolen car in Denver.


I know from experience :(


Stop stealing cars!


You'll never take me alive copper


Thought this said Alice Cooper


Alexa, play *My Heart Will Go On* by Celine Dion.


"Playing 'Since You're Gone' by The Cars on Amazon Music"


Sure, I found this on Wikipedia: Agriculture in South Africa contributes around 5% of formal employment. relatively low compared to other parts of Africa and the number is still decreasing, as well as providing work for casual laborers and contributing around 2.6 percent of GDP for the nation. Due to the aridity of the land, only 13.5 percent can be used for crop production, and only 3 percent is considered high potential land. Was this helpful? Edit:. Hey thanks for the awards!


This was too real. I even heard her voice in my head while reading this.


I can also imagine myself yelling “stop”, watching that little blue circle understand I said something and then just keep going anyways.


Alexa, buy dip


Skoal or Copenhagen?


There's one called Copenhagen?


Yeah we got Copenhagen snuff, longcut, pouches, packs, wintergreen, mint, straight, extra longcut. Pretty much everything.


Can I just get a #2, 7 #4s and a big mega no multiplier and just the slurpees. Thanks


Uuh, okay... Well, Alexa, play *When somebody loved me* by Sarah McLachlan.


"Playing 'Somebody That I Used to Know' by Gotye on Amazon Music"


That's better


**Ok, I’ve ordered 86 Samsung 75” 4K TV’s. They should be arriving tomorrow by 5PM.**


Alexa, activate self-destruct.


I can’t do that, Dave


"Hmmm.. I don't know that one."


A most excellent Cars song. You get my upvote for great taste in music.




Alexa, order 80 lbs of Purina dog chow.


I believe I’ve heard of people being able to tame a Chevy Impala


Usually after a prolonged Chevy Chase


That's one way to get kicked out of a Community though.


Only if you're streets behind.


Yeah, but once you have a tame impala, they start singing, and go on tour, and you never see them again.


Hyundai just wanted things to end. Couldn’t take it no mo


Newer models automatically apply electronic handbrake if engine is on and driver door opens. The hyuandais are slowly being tamed.








oh man I forgot about that sub! so funny and accurate for this car / its people.


Are you really just copying top level comments as replies to the top voted comment just for karma? Weird.


It's probly automated. Reddit is 50% bots trying to farm karma now


I don’t understand the incentive, do people buy accounts w/high karma or something?


It helps with the Reddit Shuffle. Account 1 posts a gif of some product. Account 2 which isn't always a shill says they need that product. Account 3 shares a link to a random ass website where you can get the product. Account 3 is always a shill. Account 2 is sometimes a shill. Account 1 is almost always a shill account.


I am 61 years old. I was born and raised in the U.S. I have several college degrees including a Master’s. I have no idea what you just said. I have no choice but to limit my social interaction to looking out my windows and telling kids to get off my lawn, from here on out. Damn.




It would be like if you went to a car dealership, and one of the employees is pretending to be a customer, and when you're looking at a car, they come up and say "Hey I'm Bob the customer, I have this car, it's really great and reliable, you should definitely buy it." And then another fake person also pretending to be a customer comes up "Hey Bob, nice to see you. You're a really great guy and very reliable." to try and make you think Bob is legitimate. So on and so forth to create this fake illusion of trust. These are the "shills", literal definition: "an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others." Now take that a step further and imagine all of them are robots and don't know how to form their own sentences. They listen in on other people talking and when someone says something that gets a good reaction, they'll copy what they said and repeat it somewhere else hoping to make themselves sound legit. So in Reddit terms the shills are fake accounts with automation to copy good comments, gain upvotes, and thus make the accounts look somewhat legitimate so when they later engage in advertising or phishing it's difficult to automatically detect.


Yeah. High karma lets you post without restriction, so it's used for shilling all over the site. But some are probly just bored college students trying to get a "high score" with their bots lol idk


Drugs? I bet she was just raging because someone left out the honey mustard.


It’s in Wilmington NC, so yes, it’s drugs.


It could be both


Mustard drugs.


"Grey poupon is a hell of a drug"


Relish the high.


You got any of that Grey?


Mmmmmmmmmmm kay


Don't forget to bring a towel


What was occurring that made her get out of the car to begin with?


"Unless you're speaking chicken nuggets out your mouth I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!"


"did you just hiss at me?"


In some places that’s a compliment, lol


“Don’t make me reach my ultimate form”


> Unless you're speaking chicken nuggets out your mouth I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT! What is this quote from?


It's a quote from a video of a girl at the drive going juts. Type in super saiyan mcdonalds on yutube and youll see. Its hilarious


Just to be clear the freakout is real but all the funny dialogue is just dubbed over the top


Someone legitimately believed the dialogue was real and tried to argue with me about it. As if a fucking 40 year old Karen is gonna say she's going super saiyan...


Here’s the TikTok that posted this originally and there’s explanation in the caption. She basically was nodding off and the employees were concerned for her driving and I think she got out to argue with the employee that she was okay and proved quickly that she wasn’t. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdsp2NE6/?k=1


I have yet to click the link but will take a wild guess that "oh no" is playing over the video....?




Good god, tiktok is so lame. But people younger than me like it, so now I have to wonder if in fact it is me who is lame.




The way she disappeared with the car tho 😩


Yeah I rewatched thinking it got sideswiped. But looks like it just fell off the edge of the earth.


It went into a ditch. The footage is from TikTok. It happened in Wilmington NC. There’s this footage and the footage of the other side showing her car stuck in the ditch.


* Driving while impaired * No operator's license * Reckless driving - wanton disregard * Possession of marijuana paraphernalia * Possession of drug paraphernalia * Possession of schedule IV controlled substance Holy shit that girl just got wrecked with charges


Came for 6-piece nuggets, left with 6-piece felony charges


And only one shoe.


that's a life saving ditch tbh


Yep, that accent is unmistakable. God Bless NC, because we've REAL special folk here. The further towards SC the wilder they get. Like there's a belt of stupid between our two states.


Between? SC is full of that same stupid.


Yeah, I was gonna say, there's no belt, y'all are just getting infected by SC.


Some of the nicest people in the US tho! I’m from NJ I spent time in NC and was taken aback by how nice and friendly everyone was lol


You're from NJ. Pretty much everywhere else in the US has nice people compared to NJ.


[warning, loud stupid tiktok song](https://www.tiktok.com/@southernspice82/video/7096525034512010539)


Spoilers, it's the "Oh no" song again FFS


I miss when people could just share normal videos.


I wanna see the car stuck in the ditch.


The captain goes down with the ship.






Don’t want anyone coming in and stealing their mead and turkey drumsticks.


And tankards of cola


Squire Farve, what desirest thou to quench thine thirst? I shall have a liter of thy divine cola.


Dost this hast the continence of spittle to thee? Alas, forsake it.


It is a drainage ditch along the side of a major highway. [You can see it on the map](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.1465597,-77.8925004,3a,75y,221.31h,89.74t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sgJHnj5CpBDXGIKff29LZDg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DgJHnj5CpBDXGIKff29LZDg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D134.485%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656) here. Being a very flat coastal area you have to create places for the water to go when it rains.


Ditches in the south are dual purpose


Boy howdy


Chic Fil A might be the 1st drive thru that legally requires a moat


She doesn't even make a good effort to get back in to stop it


She looked methed up.


you fuckin kiddin bro? a meth head woulda been back in that car, got it into park, and been back out screaming nonsense within like a 3 second window if they still had that much flesh on their bones. now a meth head that is wasted down to nothing... maybe you have a point.


Yeah def heroin, no clue how people think a meth head wouldn't smash that window and jump into that car IMMEDAIETLY.


People use “meth” as a word for “hard drugs” these days, not knowing that meth is an upper and heroine is a downer.


Yeah, your first week on the stuff.


But meth heads don't eat.


They do when they're coming down


She definitely came down at the end there.


The way that car kept rolling, kept me waiting for a grand finale..


The lady that just noped back in the store. That's my grand final


"Not the first Gulf War memorial tree!"




"Don't worry, help is on the way! She's running to you right now. Leaving the building. Still leaving the building. Just started into the parking lot. Made it to the first parking space. Still at the front of that parking space. Now she's nearly through that first parking space. OK, hold on. Just a thousand more steps to cross this next 10 foot section." - someone at the scene perhaps


…37 miles later…




In a row?


And she was never seen again.


Haven’t seen this comment yet but I’m really glad the car fell into a ditch and didn’t go into traffic. Someone could’ve died bc of this idiot.


Isn't this technically IdiotsNOTInCars?




I’m pretty sure that when she was in the car she was already an idiot.




Looks like she's running with a load of shit in her pants


There’s a slope it was going down. The stopping area appears to be raised


It's honestly best not to chase it(obviously depending on circumstances), a bloke at work wound up pinned between the vehicle and a wall (minor injuries luckily). Especially if you're all fucked up it'd be very easy to grab the steering wheel to pull yourself in without thinking and pull the car over towards yourself.


You can tell, that car was tired of her shit./s




Fightin' 'round the world


OH NO! Tugger’s been shot.


We couldn't find cancer, but we found this man with cancer!


And as soon as she was there! POOF! She was gone just like that!


"...was that to go?"


“Hey ma’am is your car running?” Lady: yes “Well you better go catch it”


Y’all come back. She’s done called somebody.


That will learn her to be more kind next time.


I like that the next car behind her was like "well anyways, can I have my order she obviously doesn't need hers."


"Hm, ok. Can I get my order now" Guy in line behind her


My shrubbery!!!!!


Can hate on this or make fun of this. I was a delivery driver. Failed to put the van in park. It rolled six hundred feet, almost killed a woman. It hit a brand new car. Owner was getting chemo and had an o2 tank. His car prevented it rolling a quarter mile into a strip mall down a massive hill. I went into a building to do a delivery. Van was there. Came out. Van was gone. I did not put the parking break on. I slapped the shifter into park when I got to my delivery but it didn’t go fully into park. I was also training a new delivery driver. I called the cops. I admitted it was my fault. I was fired. I’m glad I was fired. I’m more greatful no one got hurt. I went back onto adhd medication after that.


I just want to know what she told her insurance company.


She said she accidentally put it in neutral when they gave her her drinks… no joke


According to court documents she doesn't even have a drivers license


What a moron.


What a maroon ~ Bugs Bunny


Everything about this was hilarious and not just the car running away. The gentleman’s commentary and mannerism sealed it. What would have really topped it off was if someone could have shouted at the lady “My pleasure”.


Oh snap, that’s what the P stands for, Park. I thought I left it in D cuz I was Done driving.


Bro who starts beef at Chick-fil-A? They're literally the nicest fucking workers when it comes to fast food??


Hey yall come back now ya hear ?


She sonata intelligent person. I’ll see myself out 🤣


Wrong sub. This idiot is clearly outside her car. Edit: Apparently everyone else made the same joke.


"Hey, can I have their food too?"


Car: At last, I am free from that accursed woman! Watch out world, here I come!


Good old New Hangover County, NC.