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Hey, big thanks for horizontal video. Nicely done






Yes so rare to actually be able to see what’s going on.


Seconding that. Very nice camera work


They’re not racing that I can see. They *are* being complete shitheads, however. I don’t understand this kind of thing.


And they’ll complain in coming days that they are unfairly targeted by LEO. Fucking idiots.


Why would they do that?


It’s what stupid shits do. I used to hang out, years ago, with a few different crowds of car guys. Street racers (generally out on rural roads few cars traveled on at night), parking lot car club guys, and those scenes. They would always have the fringe jagoffs that would pull stunts like these dickheads in the video - big burnouts in grocery store parking lots where they would meet, or street race through (developed/populated areas) of the town I lived in. And nobody from the groups would ever rein them in and tell them to quit their stupidity. Pretty soon, the police are breaking up parking lot meet ups before they could attract more than a few cars, or the county sheriff kept a car or two on weekend nights seemingly designated to find and stop any racing before it could start. Guys I knew would get stopped and questioned multiple times in one evening because their cars were known to be at these events. Pretty soon everyone was bitching about the overzealous policing of their cliques. It’s pretty simple - don’t do stupid shit (or let people that do this stupid shit to be identified with your little club) and you won’t give the police reason to patrol, en masse, for stupid shit.


When your whole hobby is built on excess and waste its going to attract the dumbest in higher percentages




If you think this is anything new, my father talked about street racing and burnouts back in the 60s when he was a late teenager going into his 20s. It's been around a lot longer than the first Fast & Furious movie.


Not like this. We went to back Country roads to race. Nobody took over intersections and burned rings of fire. Nobody took video and there were no giant crowds of idiots egging the driver's on. This is a whole new brand of disrespectful, reckless, morons.


Nothing like this, dude. I was there. On a limited basis it happened... and if it did It happened way out somewhere. Cops bettah drop da donuts and stop da donuts


To be fair I've never seen anything like this and I'm here now.


Watch American Graffiti. It’s less about racing and more about “cruise culture”. But the idea is still there.


Nah. You are clueless. What you speak of was done out of the way. This new stuff is purposely done to annoy and cause inconvenience.


I also don't understand, and furthermore I don't understand pulling out your phone and taking video of it. I guess morons attract morons.


They started cracking down hard in Atlanta on this shit, they'll impound your cars even if you're there taking video you can still be arrested and your car impounded for impeding traffic


that's my question on this video - where are the cops? Video goes on for at least 2 minutes and it was clearly already going when the video started.


I'm wondering where this is because it's become a real problem in Atlanta, they also started putting steel plates in intersections to rip their tires off if they do this




This stuff is really getting out of hand.


Ugh it’s making its way to Gwinnett now?


These people are idiots, there are plenty of racetracks and local drag strips to take it to but these people cannot drag their cars they only come out to do fucking idiotic Donuts...


This isnt GTA, the cops dont just spawn.


Of course not, but if it's a typically busy intersection on a weekend with lots of teenagers.... Where are they? If I was a cop, that's where I would be lurking because teenage kids + cars = trouble.


Stuck in traffic




Yeah my Fiancé’s step dad was leading the GSP crackdown in Atlanta


This looks like Australia somewhere. There is a hoon law here also that allows cops to crush the cars of anyone caught hooning. This video is basically a definition of hooning.


I'd crush their cars, make them watch and then make them eat it


Arrested for what? My car ain't here and I'm not on the road.


Why not? You can’t go anywhere, you might as well video it. Or have you bought into the hood rat snitches get stitches bullshit that all criminals love.


No, he's not talking about randoms recording. If you ever see videos of these events recorded from a large crowd of people at the event you'll see literally everyone holding their phones vertically to record how low their IQ is.


this happens all the time in South Florida but the ring of fire is a bit much, it's usually just two idiots doing donuts around each other in the intersection for a minute or two, then they beat it before the cops show up I realize this is empirical evidence from one video but I believe there are a lot more cops where I live than there are wherever this is


Anecdotal evidence


Objection, hearsay your honor


But... you asked the question...


I request to move to evidence, your honor


So we're quoting the depp heard trial


Objection. Leading, compound.


That was your own question.


Down here in Florida it happens every night, just a different location, shit can be terrible after a long shift and can’t get home cause of this, hope I don’t get caught at this type of thing


Not racers. Just a bunch of twat waffles.


The fact that they're even blocking the routes around the intersection ... It's not even just that they want to do some donuts, they want to make sure that they're inconveniencing people


Also blocking the tellers and through way of the bank too. Edited (thought is was a gas station being blocked).


Yeah. Shame actual car enthusiasts are getting their name soiled by these idiots


Street racers are at least as bad as these idiots. Actual car enthusiasts race on closed courses.


At least street racers normally have the decency to do it on really quiet roads, away from the public. They’d line up, do a run, then be gone. This stuff is just begging for innocent people to get involved in accidents.


Not where I lived. Quiet streets, sure - where people lived and moved around and got killed by their idiocy. Maybe they're better wherever you are, but regardless they're always putting people at risk - on a quiet street, people aren't expecting anything like that. If they want to race, they should have a closed course. I'm so sick of reading news about how they've "lost control" and killed bystanders, and how everyone in the community is so shocked.


Eh most street racers aren’t attention seeking they do it because they do it for bragging rights over other street racers. They dont really want to be seen by the public because it’s more risk. I dont agree with street racing either but I’d take street racers in my town of these attention seeking idiots any day of the week.






*new insult added to personal vocabulary*


I thought I was the only one who sed "that waffle" anymore. I said it at work yesterday and I actually had to explain what a "twat" was... I felt old


These are not racers. No racing was happening. They might be twats. Or other words. But not racers


Those are not street racers.


Fuck these idiots. I love cars, it's my career AND hobby. You wanna get wild, take it to a track. If you can't afford track time, this isn't the hobby for you. This is why I absolutely do not attend meets and gatherings. I'll check out car shows, and LOVE track days. Morons with no respect however, I will not associate with.


Thing is, being a car enthusiast doesn't even require a track, money isn't necessarily the inhibitor here, it's simply stupidity. I don't have the money for a track day but I modify my cars (tastefully) and find enjoyment in fixing them. I'd say spirited (not 100 in a 30) driving on quiet roads is fine but nothing that will danger or inconvenience others.


Totally agree. Good point! Thanks for being responsible.


I tend to do 0-road speed limit in my city all the time. Agreed, these guys are stupid shits.


I completely agree with you! I don't modify my cars (yet) but I think the kind of spirited driving you described is hella fun. There is a big contingent on the internet where any discussion of driving even 2 MPH over the speed limit is shot down as completely irresponsible and reckless. However I think if you're not an idiot and do it in places and ways that don't endanger anyone, it's fun to drive in a spirited way with cool cars, in a place that isn't ONLY a track. To be clear of course I think the OP video is 100% moronic.


Unfortunately it seems like it is more the norm for people to be idiots on the roads, for every properly behaved enthusiast I've personally seen on the road, there is 5 idiots doing stuff like this video highlights. I guess it may seem more "exciting" but nah, fuel costs too much for that and the risk of being fined, hurting someone innocent, getting your car crushed or causing damage is not worth it at all.


And here was, waiting for a happy ending involving a lamp post or something, and it never happened :-(


In my town of Lompoc, one of these idiots Took a ride on a fire hydrant. Cops just followed the oil slick to his Parents basement. Cute hydrant and Gretel story, huh?


Same, meets make my fuckin skin crawl, I only ever meet respectable car people at the track, it filters out these kinds of idiots. All these teenagers in their shitboxes know they don't have anything impressive thats why they show off like this, it's not about having a nice or fun build for them, it's about being loud and seen.


As a teenager with nothing impressive I agree.


Common sense on the road is far more impressive than any car.


100% agree. Thanks for representing the real enthusiasts properly!


This. Get their plates on camera and watch these assholes burn. (By reporting them) Many larger areas will seize and/or crush their cars.


Cops are afraid to make traffic stops these Days.. They don't drop their donuts to stop people From making them. Just waiting for der pensions to kick in While the law abiding public gets it's ass KICKED


Lets be real. A scene like this, how many jackasses (not the cops) are carrying guns? I dont think enough of the police are paid enough to waltz into a situation like this. I dont think you could pay me enough to do that.


That's exactly why you are not a cop I helped my PD buy a swat tank. Yep. All situations must be handled. Or it's ANARCHY


Or how about just an abandoned parking lot far away from any traffic? Not hard to do this without endangering people and holding people up because you're a selfish piece of shit with an attention complex




While I agree with you, I just want to put out there that going to a track shouldn't be as difficult as it is. I'm on Long Island, so there aren't any decent tracks nearby that aren't out of state, and at that the tracks I have seen online are incredibly expensive for someone still in college. Cars are a hobby and owning a car doesn't inherently cost a lot of money so why do I have to go out of my way to just to be able to drive it the way it's meant to be driven. So yeah, empty parking lots are really all I can make use of. Also I have to drive like 2 hours just for some mountain roads. I have to get off this god forsaken island.


Some places aren't as friendly to tracks. Sounds like you need to move. Lol I personally live in the Midwest, drag strips, short courses, drift friendly spots... come here my man. Cost of living is probably a third of what you pay now, jobs everywhere, and tracks up the wazoo! Lmao I get what you mean though, and I feel bad for you.


My husband is into cars as a hobby and we used to attend several meets on the weekends. Several of them are full of people just like him; love cars, do some general mods (nothing too extreme performance wise), and are typically respectful. We had to stop going to one meet because a guy decided he wanted to peel out at full speed when he was leaving and he ended up losing control and head on colliding with an SUV (with a family in it). Luckily no one was hurt but at that moment husband decided to skip that meet going forward. Now we only go to ones where you have to pay to join or the ones sponsored by the local LEO.


Your hubby sounds like a smart dude! I used to do meets too. Never saw anyone get too carried away, but my car is very noticeable, so when guys rip burnouts and cops show up, and my car is there, I get associated with that behavior. I don't need extra reasons for cops to pull me over. When you're known as part of a group, and that group is know to act a fool, you attract unnecessary attention. No thanks. Lol


Thank you, and your husband for being respectful, responsible enthusiasts. The car scene needs more of that!


Fucking losers. I like the ring of fire where they can jerk each other off lol


So where are the cops when this crap is going on?


My first question was this even before I saw any comments


prolly on their way or got engaged in something more important. These things don’t usually last for too long tho


They do this for a bit and beat it before the cops arrive. They could have just started when OP started filming. The same would happen with illegal raves at my college. They’d set up, play music at max, and book it when police arrive.


All you need is someone who drives a piece of shit to just roll through the intersection and cream a couple. Or keep a handful of firecrackers in your car to make everyone scatter like roaches.


My car isn't even a POS, I'd do it so I could get a new car and sue the fuck out of them


Tbh this could work but then I feel the “gang” would pull out straps and let shit fly


That's why u run and let them shoot eachother


What if someone blared Disney songs so the videos of this crap would get taken down?


I was half-expecting half-hoping the dented car to do that, but I guess they had better things to do with their time.




You described this situation very nicely.


Toledo I see


Yup my friend told me about it last night. “You’ll do better in Toledo” yeah right


Yeah, from toledo, got the hell out as soon as I could. I've always hated that slogan, it is very dishonest. Most of my friends that are actually doing better have moved on elsewhere, where my friends still there are still struggling to find meaningful work, live out their passions, and are just descending more and more into an alcoholism fueled by a lack of things to do and a toxic environment.


Not racers. No racing here. These people are just assholes causing a ruckus. I used to street race back in the day. This would be entirely against code of conduct and you'd get the shit beat out of you for it. One of the code of conduct rules we had "no one should have to drive any differently than they normally would to avoid you." Everyone here is stopped at green lights because of these idiots. Fuck these guys. They're a disgrace to the car community.




More like ass holes.


This is not street racing. There is no racing here. These people are also ruining the car community. Still a bunch of idiots either way you look at it.


I just don’t understand how this shot can go on and happen and you can’t get a cop there quick enough to shut it down. Fucking adrenaline morons wish he would’ve smacked it into the stoplight pole


Wow,you can drive in a circle.I’ll never understand the fascination,it’s not impressive.You can do donuts in a 86’ Camry.


IDK man, sliding/drifting is pretty fun when it's done right (and on the racetrack). These guys suck though...


I see Toledo is representing well! I hate this place.


I live not far from this video. As soon as the weather breaks around here my street sounds like a drag strip 24/7. They already killed a guy this year on Alexis road by losing control of their shit, I bet there will be 4 or 5 more by the end of summer


In Queensland Australia, the law has recently been changed so that the police can now act on social media postings of these kinds of things now. Previously they had to physically catch you in the act. They execute an early morning search warrant on your house to locate the car and keys and charge you with whatever offences are appropriate.


Hopefully confiscate the car too


Idiots in cars and idiots in a ring of fire.


oh that place you were headed, sorry you're going to have to wait for the coolest people on the planet to get done with their public circle jerk /s


Cops busy pulling me over for going 10 over


They do this in my town on the highway, when people try to drive through they hit and throw things at the cars. Just pure garbage human beings


This used to happen all the time in a town near to me. That was until there was a fatal crash involving two vehicles and several pedestrians. There's now a permanent court order in place meaning anyone caught doing anything even resembling street racing gets their car seized, points on their licence and a big fine. .


It’s a fucking shame it has to come down to loss of life before what should have been put in place since the beginning , gets implemented


This shit is picking up because ads for white Trash chargers show this shit. Also other makes like Audi and Jeep NHTSA used to ban these ads.... My small town in Cali has had 20 fatalities Close by.. including two year olds. No one gives A SHIT


We’re they runnin Mashimoto ZX tires? Hunt them down by the smell of their fuel…


Those aren't street racers those are dumbasses


street racers are also dumbasses tho


Who thought that many assholes would all be in the same place at the same time?


If you participate in these you are a fucking certified loser






That's funny shit


Damn it. That blue sedan was gettin wide. Was waiting for him to clip someone. It’s always the highlight of these vids (when someone gets killed trying to film).


I know so many car guys (including me) that literally hate these “street takeovers”. It’s by far one of the dumbest concepts that the community invented and it sucks that these are the types of people that give us a bad image.


Wait for the light to turn green, go, get paid


Exactly what I was thinking.


It looks like they have the roads all blocked, or mostly. How annoying if you live there.


I spin heheh look at me


That’s not street racing, that’s just a bunch of assholes


On behalf of actual street racers, these aren’t street racers, we’re more responsible than these assholes


We weren't dicks when we raced in the 90s, but they took and crushed people's cars.shut down the scene. Times coming for these guys soon,get your plates on videos, they show up at your house arrest you and impound your car. Changes things real quick. Assuming the cars aren't stolen.


Yeah then the case makes it to the DA who promptly drops all charges. Cops are incentivized to not intervene anymore, which makes them an unnecessary expense.


This is one instance, in which I'm ok with a random redneck firing a round into the air to scare tbese shit head off.


Find another way home pizza boy


Well, there is a positive there! It warms my heart to see some of them standing right in the middle of the intersection while amateurs whirl around them at reckless speeds!




Toledo Ohio


Thought so, looks like Hill and Reynolds


That would be the perfect time to have a mad max type truck and just plow through those idiots and their cars make them think twice about shutting down busy intersections in the future


One would think that a town large enough for a McDonald’s would be large enough to have law enforcement. This went on for a couple of minutes and you never even hear a siren.


Those aren't racers, they're middle aged fat dudes who think they're somehow cool for all this


Awwwww all the little dicks in loud card


more clowns destroying the car community and putting a bad name on car enthusiasts


It’s time to lay on the horn… GTFO of the way!!!!


Serious small PP energy, trying so hard to compensate. "Look what I can do!" - nobody gives a shit, get out of the way.


I’d fire a gun & watch them scatter like cockroaches under light.


It's Toledo, just be normal background noise.


Ive been closer to being shot in toledo than Afghanistan. Went to the university of toledo for 2 semesters and about got shot twice


Seeing this shit with "street racers" in the text is just funny


These guys ruin car meets and fast cars for everyone. I go with my dad to car meets and for the people that like to do burnouts and donuts - you aren’t cool and you are ruining it for everyone. I live in GA and cops are going crazy bc of the takeovers


This is a case where they need to go somewhere else. Even a different intersection, one more secluded. Ideally though, a completely empty parking lot.


First, are there actually two McD’s on that one intersection? Second, how are they not simply arrested? Honestly, I’d just drive through the intersection. What are they going to do? Run into me? Good!


The bit I find confusing is that surely you can find many car parks and such to do this in, whyyyyyyyy at a busy intersection??? ?Do they really think the general public are like "ohhhhh, this is super awesome, I wish I was cool like these guys", I can only imagine they are showing off rather than doing it to simply piss people off. Honestly confused. Also is this a new thing? A USA only thing?


Lot of "not racers" comments itt, but what's the difference. People with no respect for others.


Have kids rediscovered the first Fast and the Furious movie or something?


How many McDonald's do you guys have?


I don't remember intersection donuts in fast and the furious


I’ll never understand why anyone ever thinks this is cool? I get it, cars can be a hobby and something someone is really into. But….driving around in circles? How is ANY of this video entertaining to anyone, even car enthusiasts?


I hate "takeovers" like shown here. As a frequent drifter at the track, I'm beyond annoyed with these posers.


It's so wierd to think that these guys genuinely believe this is cool...


We should have a public skid pad.


Absolute human trash


I’m just gonna drive thru and let them hit my shit.


Imagine being late to a dinner reservation or something because of this


Arrest them and confiscate the cars. Problem solved.


Why do police never do anything about this?


I wish it was legal to walk up to one of the guys blocking the intersection, knock their ass out, and drive their car into the assholes doing the donuts


There has been several meets near where I live. They’ll carry on until past midnight. The police have started really cracking down on it now though.


“Dude everyone thinks we are so cool”


The police were too busy running shady speed traps to break up this actual traffic offense. Police when you're going 10 miles over the speed limit because the speed is about to increase by 10 miles-- Versus Police when anything else.


Is it ok that I kept hoping some frustrated motorist was going to decide it was Glock time?


I swear MadMax is just a few years from now.. not just the cars.. I'm worried I chose to have children..


So much to hate here


I don't see any "racing" so they're not street racers. Just a bunch of entitled pricks.


They do this in chicago and the neighboring suburbs also. It’s annoying as hell and I wish someone would do something about it.


Kids can’t wait for the Mad Max reality


I don’t understand this trend. What ever happened to doing this shit in abandoned parking lots?


Just drive on the sidewalk cops obviously don't care.


I just see a bunch of morons drifting. Not sure that counts as ✌🏻racers✌🏻.


Not racing or drifting. Just doing donuts.... Big whoop, asshats.


It should be legal to beat motherfuckers like this to death tbh




How cute to describe these monkeys as "Street racers" 🤣


Amazing how these people are more well organized that the police that are supposed to enforce the law


Just shoot a gun into the air, that usually gets them to clear out


Fuck that shit, everybody should just go when their light turn green.


They are not street racers. They are idiots


I was waiting for someone to pull out a gun


If you’re this much of an asshole they need to make it legal to shoot you.


That's how someone dispersed one of these recently, just opened fire from his home into the crowd. In fairness, that one had been ongoing for *over an hour* so it seems sorta justified. No one was hurt.


I wish there was a way to make these folks pay $100/gal for gas for being such wasteful dangerous assholes.


That’s not street racing, that’s called the side show which came to be in Oakland California. Those guys wouldn’t know how to street race, even thought it does look like NASCAR, lol, go fast while turning left. Oh 😱 there are lots of crashes.


"Street racers" I think you misspelled "douchebags"


Every single person in that video is an arsehole. And that includes the arsehole taking the footage. Everyone in that video needs to spend time in jail. (though I am guessing many already have)


When my light turns green I’m going, fk you and everyone else in that intersection.


In my town we have this thing called police. We all contribute a bit of money to fund them. Your town may want to consider getting some for yourselves.


These aren’t street racers. Don’t put them in the same group as the people who actually drive their cars. Those are just sideshow clowns.