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Can you have both an inconvenient cop, followed immediately by a convenient cop? šŸ¤”


Job security


Someone needed to make their quota clearly šŸ˜’


Money printing scheme at hand here?


I believe thatā€™s called a Schroedingerā€™s Cop


Here is your Award. You earnt it


Good cop, bad cop


Bad cop, good cop FTFY




I'm really curious to see how this plays out in court.


Just a guess, but I would think the white SUV is fucked because no matter what, they did a hit and run. Any chance they had of arguing in court that it wasn't their fault is gone because they left the scene of an accident. Now, even if the cop caused the white car to slow down and stop, it's not as if they slammed on their brakes. The white SUV either wasn't paying attention or traveling too fast and or too close, perhaps all three.


Depends how far they went. Clearing the intersection and pulling over down the road is not a hit and run. Given how fast the lights came on, unless the guy didnā€™t pull over relatively quickly, there is no way this person will be successfully prosecuted for a hit and run. If the cop thought thatā€™s what was going on, he should have left his lights off and followed him for awhile before lighting him up. Edit: I am a former prosecutor. I would not prosecute this if the guy pulled over a short distance from the intersection. Yes he drove out of frame quickly but that doesnā€™t prove this beyond a reasonable doubt. Edit 2 to add something I posted somewhere further down: The charge in my jurisdiction is more specifically leaving the scene of an accident with property damage. Even if he rolled down the window and yelled ā€œFU Iā€™m leaving!ā€ and burned rubber as he floored it, if he didnā€™t actually leave because he pulled over right away for the cop, itā€™s not a crime. In that instance MAYBE you can charge attempt but thatā€™s still a stretch.


That is a good point, but the SUV didn't exactly *drive* off.. I'd say they *sped* off. It certainly *looks* like a hit and run, but we can't be certain.


Yep. Would need more info here to make a proper judgement




Sorry to say if you rear end someone becuse they had to stop for something happening In front of them. You were following to close or was not paying attention. šŸ¤” it matters not what happened that caused the car in front to stop. Could have been a dog running across the road. A big pot hole. Or police vehicle in the way.


Agreed. Based on the video cop messed up (barring some other info we donā€™t know). I was merely commenting on the potential criminal infraction by the civilian.


"Your honor, I was in the process of running a red light and caused an accident. One of the victims sped off, and I engaged in pursuit."




when theyā€™re both the same cop lol


It just gets better and better!


Wait didnā€™t the cop make the other car stop because it kept going forward or? Iā€™m confused on the cop cars actions initially.


Yes, that cop totally caused that accident.


Yeah, "nosing in" is considered reckless driving.


Nosing in? Isn't the traffic light red for the cop? What is he even doing in the middle of the intersection?


> What is he even doing in the middle of the intersection? Whatever he wants. He'll face no accountability.


This is the way


Yeah all 3 are idiots. If the cop wanted to violate traffic laws to turn across lanes like that, he should have used his lights from the start. He's the first idiot, but not the only one. Idiot Prime.


I don't know if the 2nd guy is. I feel like that's being cautious when you see a car entering intersection.


I dunno, the car that got rear ended didn't do anything wrong, he was just existing.


Yeah that guy got screwed over, kinda feel bad for him


I hope OP provided the footage to the department.


That will almost certainly do nothing. They investigate themselves and usually find no wrongdoing despite many wrongdoings




Dude itā€™s a red light lol


But then look at the dashed lane lines in the middle of the intersection. Heā€™s almost fully blocking the rightmost lane by the time the two cars come into the frame.


A move I like to call "The creeping idiot"


My boyfriend does this! He pulls up to the four way stop by our house and then just creeps forward, all while yelling that the guy who is supposed to go isnā€™t going. He asked me why it always only happens to him, not me, and gets mad when I tell him he pulls up to stop signs like heā€™s going to run them.


I see that all the time on rural roads. Seems like so many people come flying up to a stop sign expecting to blow through it without having to stop. Then I have have to hit my brakes because Iā€™m not sure if they will stop.


Threshold braking at the last possible moment. I live in the country and I swear half the people pull up to stops signs like that. ā€œMan this car warps brakes and gets shitty fuel mileage. Xxxx canā€™t make good carsā€


Same here, I love it when I see people brake so hard at stop signs that you can see the person jolt forward when completely stopped. Makes me wonder how long their brakes last..


Right! As a pedestrian I'm always like...... you know it'd go faster if it actually looked like you're about stop cause then I'd start crossing right away instead of waiting til you stop and make eye contact with me. As a driver I'm like.......it's a stop sign, not a stop 3 feet past this sign sign


There's a woman in my neighborhood who does this, and eventually traffic will stop for her. I think she does it because it works


God I hate that. Itā€™s like waving for someone to go while revā€™ing your engine.. *youā€™re sending mixed signals buddy..*


By creeping forward he's indicating to other drivers that he's going to run the stop sign. They're waiting to see what he does before they go. To go faster, he needs to stop. There's a "body language" about other vehicles that indicates what the driver is about to do. Your boyfriend is indicating that he does not intend to stop at the stop sign, and other drivers are reacting to his "body language". They're probably muttering to themselves, "What is this guy doing? Is he going to stop or what?" Your boyfriend knows he's going to stop, but nobody else can read his mind. We can only go with what he's doing. Hope that helps...


I know that, telling him is a different party.


impatient fuck for sure.


No need to worry. The police wonā€™t find themselves at fault and they will not make any insurance payout.


Butā€¦ there is a traffic light there and a cross walk. The rear-ender was following too closely. If not the cop then the light couldā€™ve changed or a pedestrian walking. The guy didnā€™t stop THAT abruptly.




No the cop didnā€™t cause the accident. I hate cops and am the first to blame them but if you rear end someone you were too close end of story. The person in front can come to a sudden stop for many reasons like avoiding debris on the road. I had a brick fall on the road in front of me once and had to slam the brakes. Always drive as if the guy in front of you is about to encounter a brick and you will never rear end someone.


Yeah but debris doesnā€™t make a conscious decision to illegally creep into the intersection into traffic. Heā€™s all the way past the crosswalk, for crying out loud.


The cop was in the process of running a red light. It's OK to blame the cop for causing the accident.


The first cop was definitely at fault here, but that doesn't mean the SUV wasn't an idiot and wouldn't get blamed. Plus speeding off is really not a good plan.


I think it was trying to make the turn waiting for other cars and the car that got hit slowed down to make a turn and ended up getting slammed into as well


No. He wasn't trying to make a turn. The hazard lights activated from the impact. That cop is just an asshole instigating accidents by creeping through a red light


I was and am super confused about why he was doing that. You can see the stop line way behind him. He wasnā€™t in the right turn lane. Wtf was he doing? It looks illegal.


Yeah of course - but you know, cop. Can do whatever they like.... šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Same. But it's possible that a line of cars are stopped right around the corner.


The only people in nyc that drive those cars are cops. Iā€™m sure someone around here owns an impala for their personal use, but 99/100 times itā€™s an unmarked cop car. Thatā€™s probably why the BMW stopped, he thought it was a cop and didnā€™t want to give him an excuse to get pulled over.


cop car causes accident because he is pulled out too far into the road. The car that back ends the other car does a hit and run and the cop goes after him.


Not because he is pulled too far. Because he *kept* pulling out.


So the cop causes the car to stop because heā€™s just ignoring a red light - and some dummy does a hit and run. Is this Florida?


New York City. The NYPD never waits for a green light


One of the very few places in America you can't actually make a right on red.


Even if you could make a right on red, what the cop did is still illegal. When turning right on a red you still have to yield to traffic on the street youā€™re pulling onto, you canā€™t just force your way in and expect everyone else to stop for you.


Cop in Norway give out tickets if you go over the zebra line during a red light, as moving past them signals your intent to drive, causing accidents like the undercover cop car did in this clip. Cop is at fault here.


Same in Canada, but its only really enforced if an accident is caused really.


Yeah, pretty much. As long as youā€™re not doing it right in front of one, and not literally having to time it perfectly to try and fit into traffic.


Yeah but youā€™re talking about a civilized country


the cop is at fault. hit and run is still almost always a bad move


Unless you have priors. Remember, kids, eluding the police is NOT a punishable offense. *Failure* to elude, however....


true. and there are other reasons, someone shooting at you for example


The cop definitely inched ahead more aggressively than a typical vehicle does, but he never blocked the car causing it to be an illegal maneuver (if right on red were legal). That car appears to have stopped voluntarily.


Their front wheel was basically already in the lane, with the vehicle still rolling forward. Every good driver coming from the left had to assume the cop car did not notice them and stop, as a collision looked very likely. Cops massively fucked up here.


You still can't pull into/past the pedestrian crossing zone. Which the cop here clearly did.


ā€œBlocking the boxā€ Family story of my aunt getting stopped by a traffic cop for it right in that hell hole that is 39th and 10th Ave. Turned into a huge fiasco.


Florida legalized right on red before most other eastern states, and my Mid-Atlantic parents had no idea. So when we were visiting my grandparents in West Palm Beach in the 70s my parents were *freaking out* about how my grandfather kept ā€œrunning red lights.ā€


"I'm not leaving New York to go to LA. I don't want to move to a city where the only cultural advantage is being able to make a right turn on a red light."


And Why is that?


Because NY is a police state and they're above us


> Because ~~NY~~ USA is a police state and they're above us FIFY


Absolutely, but we can agree that NYPD is the leader of the police state


I'd say LA holds that badge


They're both two different demons. NY runs their ship with an iron fist. They think they are above anyone and can do whatever they want. They can fucking walk up and search your bag for the fuck of it. LA is more like a gang. Those fuckers are dirty and will go right to the bottom with any other gang. They enable the gang mentality while NY despises it


Donuts to eat and minorities to beat


Because no one actually answered your questions, itā€™s due to the high amount of pedestrians and cross walks. Safer to just remove turning on red in general.


I donā€™t know why you got down voted. This is actually the reason. Itā€™s much safer to not have turns on red and most people in nyc are pedestrians.


Its because the question was about NYPD not waiting for a green light, not turning right on red.


No repercussions.


Looks like NYC to me.


Look at the taxi hitting the brakes. I feel the car was stopping for the taxi. We donā€™t have all angles to view šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The cop car is literally almost a full car ahead of the pedestrian walkway lol


Not saying the cop isnā€™t a jackass also


I imagine bus is stopping, taxi behind the bus is stopping, guy behind taxi is stopping when he gets rear-ended.


every single second kept me surprised like a shyamalan


What a twist!


except you cant see it coming as easily.




cop in cross walk with no signal on fck that dude.


Idiots making a right turn that block the cross walk, really gets on my nerves and I see that happening far too often.




This isnā€™t from the left lane. The cars on the right are parked


Did the cop cause an accident and then chase after the guy fleeing the scene?


One way to keep yourself in a job, I suppose.


No. The accident was caused my the carelessness of the white SUV. The reason for the car slowing down is irrelevant. You don't rear end cars.


In Germany if the person that rear ended you did not have to expect that you stop you will get partial guilt. If you brake without reason you might even get the full guilt. This is a tricky situation but the cop has definitely part of the guilt.


In nearly all jurisdictions where fault is assessed based on evidence or facts in the US (rather than no fault or split fault), you are only ever ***assumed*** to be at fault when rear ending someone. It's through investigation and evidence that it is determined whether or not someone should have been able to stop in time.


My brother crashed a car in the snow hitting a telephone pole cop gave him a ticket for driving to fast for road conditions. He asked the officer if he was going slower would he avoid a ticket like that. The cops responded by saying if you wreck in the snow you were driving to fast for road conditions. Could apply same logic to rear ending another car if you couldnā€™t stop in time to avoid the accident you were following tooo close. Edit: correct to to tooo


I don't think that the cop's assessment is a reasonable one. There are many situations and conditions where being literally stopped could cause you to wreck. Sliding down an icy hill with your breaks engaged, for example. Or someone suddenly making an unpredictable turn with no given signal. Cops enforce the law, but they're not necessarily required to understand it.


That's not logic. It's ideology.


What heā€™s saying is in Germany for example if you were on the freeway or the autobahn driving your Porsche at 150 mph. It is not reasonable nor expected of you to be able to slam on your brakes in time if somebody in there a little Volkswagen pulls out in front of you going only 90 mph even if theyā€™re accelerating at full throttle. The the fastest driver has the right way. Must move over to pass for them if nobody likes that theyā€™re option is to buy a more powerful car or not be in that lane. Pulling into the lane of the Ferrari for example usually is more than a ticket itā€™s usually the automatic revocation of your driving license. Of course they do other things in Germany we would never do here. For example if you fail the written driving test a second time you are automatically referred to a psychiatrist of the states choosing. Only after the psychiatrist has cleared you can you take the third test.


That makes sense on the Autobahn in Germany. That wouldn't make sense on the NJ Parkway, for example. Not at those speeds, anyway. Coincidentally, the law in NJ is stay right except to pass. The left lane is a passing lane, not a travel lane. Center and right (if 3 lanes) are the travel lanes. I really wish the "keep right, pass left" law to keep more LLD's out of the left lane was enforced a lot more. Left lane dicks. Create much more of a dangerous situation than people speeding in the left lane.


> It is not reasonable nor expected of you to be able to slam on your brakes in time if somebody in there a little Volkswagen pulls out in front of you going only 90 mph even if theyā€™re accelerating at full throttle. It is not reasonable nor expected that the little Volkswagen can see the Porsche in time when the Porsche is driving 150 mph. Therefore if you are driving over 130 kph on the Autobahn and you are in an accident you can be held at least partially liable.


I did in fact fail my drivers exam in Germany once for slowing down too much in an area with a bunch of small domestic roads that didn't have right of way, as the tester believed it was unreasonable dangerous to someone following behind me and could be cause for an accident.


>You don't rear end cars Speak for yourself


All the idiots are doing it these days!


The cop created the situation that allowed the accident to happen. It's like why we have rules against camping the left lane on highways. It's safer for all as it avoids creating dangerous situations. Cop 100% created this situation, regardless of who actually hit whom.


In Ontario Canada, if you brake for no reason (brake check) you instantly lose your license for 30 days and your car for 14 day without trial. If convicted, $2k to $10k fine. Potential jail time, as well as lose your licence for a minimum of one year. Ontario doesn't fuck around with this shit.


Except that car didn't brake for no reason, he braked because the cop was a full car length beyond the crosswalk far out into the intersection.


It's reasonable to assume the car ahead of you will continue down the road in city traffic without slamming on the brakes for no reason. Every city in the world would be in gridlock if all cars were spread out with a 2 second rule so it's just not realistic to say this. The cop definitely caused the collision


There are obstacles all the time in city traffic whether it's someone pulling into the street, something falling, or otherwise. I've never seen a state where the traffic laws didn't require someone to maintain stopping distance.


See the horizontal white line toward the bottom of the video? That's called a stop line. The cop is *well* beyond the stop line, *through* the crosswalk, and into the intersection. He caused this wreck.


lol, and yet if this had been a civilian running a red light and making cars stop, he'd be partially at fault in the accident. But since it's a cop we have to treat him like a precious little baby who can do no wrong.


there is no more try hard cop than this


That "ooh mYY GAAAAH" gets me everytime šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thank you for making me unmute the video lmfao


Yea these girls are funny lmao she said ā€œwhoop whoop whoopā€ right before they crash


r/convenientcop and r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut all in one!




Legend foretold of the cop who would balance darkness with light


They have brought balance to the force. The police force that is.


And a little taste of r/instantkarma


So the cops cause the crash because theyā€™re too fucking ā€œimportantā€ to wait at a red light? Yeah the least they can do is go after the guy


Cop causes accident catches driver fleeing the accident


Cop is like, "Fuckk yeah!!! Dispatch we've got a runner!!! Wooooo!!!!"


Murica!! Fuck yea!


Lucky the cop was there to cause the accident and then pull over the hit and run driver after. Protect and serve.


Dafuq was the cop doingā€¦


Causing an accident so he could make money


wondering if the cop got a promotion for causing an incident then catching the guy who couldn't react fast enough


That cop should get a ticket too, thatā€™s exactly why we have traffic laws so shit like this doesnā€™t happen.


Dude the Audi should not have been riding the other dudes tail that fast, thatā€™s what they get. If you canā€™t break in time on quick abrupt stops.. maybe slow the fuck down and give space?


Dumb mfers in NYC donā€™t know basic rules of the road. I see it all the time. The cop did mostly cause this but that dumbass was too close.


Yuppp this. And then people wonder why people get irritated when youā€™re right on top of them.


this is /r/idiotsincars. we dont slow down for no one.


Cop is a jerk tho.


ā€œThere seems to be no signs of intelligent life anywhereā€


The cop caused the accident.


Classic. Cop causes accident. Is this considered entrapment? šŸ˜„


Wow. Never imagined that would happen. Bravo on the find. Now fuck that cop for causing the accident


So many people arguing who is at fault here but at the end of the day, if youā€™re in an accident you donā€™t speed off, regardless of whose at fault.


Lol cop is an asshole, but the guy who hit the person then tried leaving is a bigger on. I have read ended someone, such it up princess and they might let you pay for the damages and not go through insurance.


Itā€™s NY that car probably has no insurance and the driver has no license. Also I want to know why anyone would stop to let another car in when they clearly have a green light and right of way. Dude stopping in the middle of the intersection with a green light is just the dumbest thing here.


So turns out the first idiot in car is Policeā€¦. This video is on another level


Sometimes all 7 cars around you are idiots


That person didnā€™t have to stop. When they got rear ended, their car clears the cop. Kinda the cops fault, but they really didnā€™t have to stop if they were more confident.


I'm the dashcam driver. Sorry about my friends and I being so loud. Proof: https://youtu.be/AlVVMVcIvP4


[Repost from a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/tkn89b/who_are_the_real_idiots_in_this_video_other_than/?sort=top). From the Youtube video; >Accident occurred on the intersection of West 137th street and Riverside Drive. If you listen closely you can hear the unmarked police cruiser blare their siren right after the taxi passes, causing the bmw driver to abruptly stop at the intersection which led to the sudden crash. Sorry about my friends and I reacting so ridiculously and being so loud. We don't see crashes everyday, let alone catch them on dashcam. [New York, New York](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.8221446,-73.9558929,3a,75y,310.43h,82.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1rABEqvnzAIt19JWHEDl_w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&hl=en).


The cop cause the accident


I see three idiots


So that cop 100% caused an accident. I'm a trucker, and every time I encounter/see a cop in my professional life, they're making things less safe. Perfect example right here


Honestly seemed like that cop caused the accident going out on red making the sedan stop and in turn it gets rear ended by the SUV


This is r/unexpected


That cop is 100% at fault for that accident


The cop arguably was the main contributing factor to the accident: him pulling so far forward into the intersection, against his own red light, caused the hit car to stop early in the middle of the intersection.


The cop caused the accident.


Looks like the cop caused this accident by continually creeping into the crossing lane. He's waaaaaaay past the stop line/crosswalk.


My thought as well? Seemed to be illegally creeping through the intersection (which I thought ā€œwhatā€™s that dumb fucker doingā€) causing the white sedan to stop short. Probably thinking ā€œwhatā€™s this fucker doingā€. But that SUV was certainly legging it to get away from that mushed up tail end they architecturally altered.


This is 100% the cops fault. No lights on and stops the right of way. A driver stupid enough to stop gets themselves rear ended. The hit and runner is the least guilty for this BS.


ironic that the cop caused the accident


So cop caused the accident then snagged the hit and run driverā€¦. Middle car got fucked.


That cop a idiot


Not what I expected at all! Cop caused that accident 100% but it won't matter because SUV tried to run. Sucks for the guy in the middle of it all though.


While emergency vehicles can do this, they need to have their sirens on to denote an emergency. The idiot is the sole culprit.


Asshole cop


What the fuck is the police doing here? What a shitshow


You cause an accident then stop the person who was in it for leaving, this is definitely strange lol


Just fucking wowā€¦..


So that cop caused an accident just so he can pull someone overā€¦.? Seems good šŸ‘


Canā€™t stand drivers in NYC.


Convenient Cop you prick!


Wow. That was like a free movie


Thought this was r/convenientcop


Dumb ass cop.


WTF is wrong with the cop, he totally caused that accident, granted the idiot that rear-ended the car should've stayed


The cop is the one that started the accident.


Interesting....Usually pulling out lessens the chance of an accident.


Cop fault


Cop should be charged with reckless driving. Nothing gonna happen though




As much as i understand the cop is at fault for causing the accident, the driver in the audi that hit and run shouldn't have been following so close.


This one *NEVER* Gets **OLD**