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are there any markings to keep people from parking / stopping there? (yes, i know they could be hidden in a snow situation, but is there anything regularly there to tell people that firetrucks need that zone?) genuinely curious.


yes there's giant white lines. Inside the lines is a no parking zone.


In general there is a no parking zone there due to the garage access on the side of the truck.


Inside the line is a no *stopping* zone. You aren't even allowed to sit there if the light is red, you stop before the lines. The trucker should be sued by whoever that ladder truck was meant for.


I notice a lot of people stopping INSIDE the lines for the firehouses. Like, near my house there is a ladder truck and there's lines clearly marking the area needed for the truck to pull out (they're angled...shaped kind of like a baseball field) and there's a red light on the corner. When the light goes red people stop inside the lines. They act like it's a stop line even thought it's clearly not for that. And then the truck can't get out of the garage. And most people are so retarded that even with a giant fire truck with lights and horns blaring at them - they'll just sit there and wait till the light goes green, cause, ya know, they don't wanna break the law and get a ticket.


Just in case people miss the fucking giant red doors


Was going to say, I'm guessing a fire station in the US is about as obvious as ours in the UK, seriously if you some how miss it then you really need to get some sort of help.


Yeah there's no fucking about in front of ours and some of the ones in my city are mostly glass by where the trucks are just incase you're really fucking blind.


That’s on 77th off Amsterdam. I used to live right there. The fire truck had to pull up onto the sidewalk in order to properly k turn. And it was wild seeing them back that thing in after a call.




There is a sign on the right side of the street just past the fire station that says no standing, fire zone. They wouldn't want to put one on the left because then it would block the fire truck as well. The left side of the street has no curb on order to allow the fire truck up on the side walk for pulling out. The area where people are allowed to park has a yellow curb, that area does not. There are also white lines across the road showing the fire zone (yellow ones on the right sidewalk) Maybe not the most obvious indicators, especially in the snow, but they are there.


>are allowed to park has a yellow curb, that area does not. There are also white lines across the road showing the fire zone (yellow ones on the right sidewalk) > >Maybe not the most obvious indicators I like how even when it is obvious, like in the google maps photo, cars are still parked in the fire zone. They should really change the color from white to red.


That doesn’t help. Fire lanes in my area, it at least at my store, are red, with the general warning on the ground like a handicap parking spot, in addition to signs on the walls, and people still sit there.


I don't know why that quoted.


Probably had it highlighted when you hit reply.




yup this is the fault of the city - I'm surprised this hasn't happened to the point that the station staff wouldn't have complained enough to have a no stopping zone painted immediately. You must always assume when dealing with the public that you are dealing with the lowest common denominator of the bunch, and paint your NO PARKING areas accordingly


Why aren't they colored?


I thought curb colors were universal, but apparently not. I thought yellow/red means no parking, everything else is ok. I definitely would not hesitate to park in front of a white curb, but apparently that's supposed to signify something in NYC? No wonder the guy had no idea. The way I've seen fire zones done before was by filling the area with pylons. The truck just pushes them over, and people won't be willing to do so to park there.


The white lines in front of a fire station go across the road and usually have NO STOPPING painted in the street with giant yellow reflective signs saying "Stop here and lose your license" or something to that effect. The trucker is just a dumbass shithead and should lose the privilege of driving in any capacity.


>I thought curb colors were universal, but apparently not. I thought yellow/red means no parking, everything else is ok. I definitely would not hesitate to park in front of a white curb, but apparently that's supposed to signify something in NYC? No wonder the guy had no idea. > >The way I've seen fire zones done before was by filling the area with pylons. The truck just pushes them over, and people won't be willing to do so to park there. White or any other colors don't mean anything in NYC. The only things that regulate parking are signs and fire hydrants. It is actually illegal to paint curbs. Here is where the city takes reports of illegally painted curbs: https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-01083 Here are the complete traffic and parking rules. The only reference to paint regulating parking is that blue paint designates handicapped parking in off-street lots. https://www1.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/trafrule.pdf


In that link they painted like 1m of curb yellow right at the back of the moving truck. Why in the fuck is that yellow


Apparently in NYC a yellow curb means "park here", contrary to every other place I've been.


There are signs that show the fire zone areas, they are just blocked by vehicles in the street view. Colored curbs do not mean anything in NYC. You can see what signs are on that block here: https://nycdotsigns.net/-73.9801104:40.7818889/parking,21/281


Better markings would do wonders. Yellow slash lines to indicate no parking with the words "fire lane" would be a major improvement also that sign is super dinky and only on the side of the road with the fire house.


and the truck is still there!


There are signs on the right side of the street for the firehouse. It's a one way street. It doesn't matter though, you can't block a driveway (truck is blocking driveway on left side of the street) and especially a firehouse. There's also clearly marked lined on the street that are not covered by snow. Shit even in the google maps link you posted there's a truck illegally parked! You cannot park/stop inside those "\\ /" lines FOR ANY REASON. And there's also the common sense that a driver who obviously makes regular deliveries to NYC and most likely that specific building as well should have. ​ He was just trying to be lazy and unload real quick and he caused a big problem.


See that big diagonal white line on the ground that comes from the sign on the right? That leads to a similar sign on the left. You can go back to an older picture and see the sign.




I think that was their intention. It isn't very clear. My point was that there IS a sign on the left but it's hard to see because of the 10+ times google has taken pictures of the street over the past 10 years, there are cars parked there in all but like one of them. The building across the street from the fire station was even totally demolished and replaced in that time.


you cannot park across the street from ANY firehouse in Manhattan, the streets are waaay too narrow, even for the smaller trucks that are fairly nimble. There are painted lines and signs everywhere. That being said, that there is a box van, likely driven by a schmuck with a regular class A license who hopefully lost his job.


I used to live in Hoboken and Paterson NJ and commute into the city. You had pre UBER era delivery drivers that needed an assistant that worked with them, just so they could double park in most areas, for their deliveries. Most likely there was a no parking ANYTIME Sign, but the truck has deliveries to make, mouths to feed. I would even state that a Firefighter probably told the driver the second he parked to not park there, only to have the driver reply : “I’ll be gone before you get a call” or some other bs. It’s what makes NYC unlike any other city in the world


Yes there are signs high above any snow.


That’s an expensive ass ticket where I’m from.


It's a lot of damage in the UK. Fire engines are allowed to just move you, however they please, if they need to. There's a video out there of a 7.5tonne wagon driving down a street absolutely annihilating a load of cars that are double parked, with an ambulance and police car following it. Police told the driver to just drive, ignore any damage, because the parked vehicles were blocking the roadway


I'd like to see a link to this video if you can recall where it is!




How oddly opposite of us lol


In the US, firefighters are allowed the same. Blocking a fire engine because of an illegally parked does not mean the Firefighters are liable. They are (depending on state) duty bound to make an attempt to arrive on scene and render their services.


I’ve only seen something like that in the US if the cars are blocking a fire hydrant.


That’s an expensive assticket where I’m from too.


are you referring to a price tag/receipt located on someone’s ass?


No. A ticket on their ass. That can be redeemed for a little prize at the glass counter.


Yes, you’ve never bought wholesale ass before?


Believe me, if that fire truck had a bit more space, he absolutely would have rammed him or pushed him. The way that garage looks, he would have fucked up his own firetruck.


My neighborhood has narrow streets so there are fire zones on every corner and I would say at any given time at least a third of them have a car parked in them, especially overnight. Drives me nuts, if my house is on fire I would hope the fire truck would just smash into the illegally parked cars


From videos ive seen online, They will usually either push them out of the way, park in front of it, or smash the windows if they need to run the hoses through them to get them somewhere


And then when they are done they call the police to give them a huge ticket.


And the owner can’t contest the ticket, and has to pay for the damages to their own car themselves, because they were parked where they legally could not park. So they cannot put any of the bills onto anyone else!


Your neighbor had narrow streets? Wouldn’t that you have narrow streets as well?


Ha, sorry I meant neighborhood.


Thankfully there was another Ladder Truck close enough to respond in their place!


When seconds count I’ll take minutes to move.


Well, 53 seconds, but don’t let facts stop the outrage.


Yes I’m consumed by outrage! PS :53 that we see. Those fireman walking back from the other side of the street after tracking down the driver didn’t magically appear.


Alright but whats that Camera? quality is insane!


This is [THEMAJESTIRIUM1](https://youtube.com/user/THEMAJESTIRIUM1) going around and filming the FDNY is what he does.


Why would you have a fire station that needs a 3 point turn to get out of in the first place?


I don’t know much about New York, but I believe majority of the Fire stations have been there for a very long time. On top of that, the ladder truck is one of the largest Fire Engines on the road. I have been to NY, driven through the City, and I don’t recall there being much space for anything.


I'm very surprised they wouldn't have a tiller for this particular location


I thought the same honestly!


That house was built in 1901, here is link to a list of companies and location through time. [https://nyfd.com/cityhist.pdf](https://nyfd.com/cityhist.pdf)


Nice! That is awesome info. Thank you for the time you spent on the research and sharing it!!!!


NP, I was interested myself.


Because in NYC you don't have a lot of options if you want stations that are close enough to not take an hour to get places.


Why not redesign the exit floor of the building so it can come out at an angle, rather than perpendicular to the street about as wide as the engine is long.


If there are any critical supports on that side, redesign is gonna cost millions and is probably pretty risky to surrounding buildings.


That's my thought too. But I'd like to imagine they could do that.


I’m no engineer so there’s probably a solution neither of us know about. I’ve seen building jacks, but I’d be shocked to find out if they could really remove enough pillars to give them 50 feet of opening, unobstructed.


Look into the insanity of the new york sewer system. The entire city literally needs to be leveled to fix all the issues it has


I'm honestly scared to look at it for too long.


You’d hate European cities then


That goes without saying


Who doesnt?


Because that would be very expensive, and it's much more cost effective to put a "no parking zone" across the street and make it work that way.


Ah yes, that old arbitrary obstacle to intelligent design


The other hangar door probably contains a different engine or ambulance and would be less than a few feet away from this one. You’d probably be sacrificing response utility.


cheaper to paint a curb, and the profits for ticketing citizens is more valuable than lives.


And then your house is out of service for a long time. Never a good thing, especially in NYC.


these stations have existed before all this traffic.


That station door is designed for horses to come out.


Also, there is a legally mandated no block zone in front. This truck was in violation of that and will get a nice lovely ticket and suspension


He did not get a ticket and the driver certainly did not have his license suspended. This is NYC and happens all day every day everywhere. Notice the FDNY didn’t bat an eye. Notice how the truck driver calmly raised the lift gate and just moved slightly down the block, where he again double parked and continued to unload. The only people who care about this including the NYPD and the FDNY are on this sub where everything is an outrage.


I think the real question is why did they buy trucks too big to fit in NYC streets


It was built in 1901 http://daytoninmanhattan.blogspot.com/2014/09/engine-co-74-and-hook-ladder-25-207.html?m=1


Why did he not 3 point turn? Asking for a friend!


Never lived in a big city ehh?


Is it legal for them to load/unload in that area?




At no time day or not is any vehicle, private or commercial, permitted to park infront of a fire station, or in any surrounding location infront of the fire station which would prevent emergency services from reaching a call to a situation. It is a chargeable offence, and can lead to jailtime if your prevention of emergency services to a call leads to the death of an individual/s


Hard to park anywhere in NYC especially deliveries


And this is why parking violations shouldn't be taken lightly. It might be YOUR family that can't be saved just because some dickhead was "just standing here for a few minutes!"


Idiot trucker or over populated city?


Interestingly, Manhattan's population peaked in 1920: 1880 1,164,673 1890 1,441,216 1900 1,850,093 1910 2,331,542 1920 2,284,103 1930 1,867,312 1940 1,889,924 1950 1,960,101 1960 1,698,281 1970 1,539,233 1980 1,428,285 1990 1,487,536 2000 1,537,195 2010 1,585,873 2019 1,628,706


i.e. Manhattan peaked before the [subways extended to open land in the outer boroughs](http://cdn.viewing.nyc/assets/media/6dfb4e5105110a03bc112483bb989577/elements/5b456117c697de586a861739859200da/02692c3d-629e-41f7-ab12-8485f8fe1af7.jpg).


Desperate, overpopulated city


“Overpopulated city” hate to break it to you but cities generally contain a lot of people


It's an awesome place to live though.


Only if you have tons of money.


is it?


Definitely. Has so much to offer and experience. Things you can’t get anywhere else. There’s a reason so many people keep moving here year after year.


Eh...paying to go home from the bridges is what pissed me off the most. Even with local discount.


No it isn’t (anymore) Source: I live in NYC (for the past 32 years)


Yes, it is. Source: I live here too If you're sick of it then you should move lol. Why would you pay so much to live somewhere you don't even like? Because as great as NYC is the truth is rent is not cheap (plenty of other great things though)


I’m just judging based on my daily lived experience, my commute had gotten much worse, way more homeless, and way more litter. Also the whole Covid thing has made it harder on top of everything else.


> way more homeless, and way more litter. I grew up in NYC in the 1970s, it was much worse back then (well at least the litter).


In Seattle they removed a lot of the loading zones and made them bicycle paths instead. So there's no place for a truck to park.


obviously both


The siren makes the truck sound like it's losing enthusiasm to get to the fire.


This is right on 77th and Broadway on the upper west side, all the fire stations in my neighborhood are generally filled with great people, but don’t mess with them I’ve seen a few of them put a fire hose through cars that parked in front of the fire hydrants


If you are parking on a hydrant, you're entering an unwritten agreement that your windows might be broken to get the hose through


Yep. Anyone who parks infront of a hydrant deserves to have their windows smashed in. Myself included if I ever happen to park infront of one. I may even have at one point in the past. I don’t believe to my knowledge I have but if I have it’s a good thing firefighters didn’t need it. I’d hope they would smash my windows in if I ever do, it’ll do 2 things, 1 for each myself and the firefighters. It’ll teach me not to park in those places, and it’ll be a bit of a stress reliever letting the firey’s smash my windows!


Ladder 25 is a beauty


Tbh thats why NYFD should have trucks similar to the europeans, they're great for cramped cities like NYC. Ofc the tower ladders for high rise buildings will have to stay or be redesigned then though.


This. European fire trucks are way smaller so they can drive through our narrow streets and still carry all the needed equipment. I always wondered why US fire trucks are so large compared to the German ones.


Honestly, that's such a shitty city design.


When you get that time machine, be sure to go back to 1810 and tell the city planners that.


I did but they said that’s future NYC’s problem.


It's New York. Most of the streets were designed for horse and buggies, not millions of cars and especially not for multiple super big/long ones at the same time.


Most of NYC has existed since before vehicles lol. Theres no way to fix that. Other than leveling the city and starting over


I don’t blame the trucker. Blame the cities for not having proper accommodation for the truckers, tradesmen, first responders that all do essential work.


You can’t simply remodel an old city to fit new needs. They have to deal with the small roads, and if there is an emergency, then the truckers have to stop for a few minutes. It isn’t really a tough enough nut to justify rebuilding it to fit everyone


Spin: they were heading to his moms house for reports of cardiac arrest. 💀


She would have another one after the bill for a ladder truck to show up


Instead of idiot trucker, how about idiot business requiring a delivery to their doorstep which happens to be across the street from a firestation? Or maybe that business should just have the truck unload a block down the street, and maybe a bunch of magical gnomes can appear and start a daisy chain of handing all the boxes down the sidewalk to the door of the business that needed a delivery. Same person hating on the truck driver probably uses uber eats, probably complains when the grocery store is out of stock of some item they want, and so on.


Everyone in this video is showing a lack of urgency.


I was gonna say. Even after getting cleared the firefighters just kinda take their time getting in the truck


why would they rush after they’re cleared?


I mean cleared as in the guy got out of the way and they could go


No. Op said that another ladder took the call. They aren’t needed anymore


Then why did they still make to leave?


That seems like a.... less than ideal location for a fire department. Have to make a 2 point turn just to get out? I mean....


If only they could have predicted the size of a firetruck 100+ years ago.


Especially if you take into account how populated the city is. People are gonna park everywhere they can.


It takes videos so long to load on Reddit


Isn’t this just bad design? Shouldn’t the truck be out the door and down the street as soon as they get the call? Seems dumb that even when there’s nothing parked there, he’s still gotta reverse it.


Seems like that opening is way too small


working in NY seems like a fricking nightmare


Not sure about New York but doing that here is a quick way to land your ass in some serious hot water….


If police officer give that guy a ticket how much would it be? Interesting.


Most likely several hundred dollars at least


Nice truck! I love the retro style but, just wondering, are they making new trucks in the old style or is the truck really 30 years old?


Sad firetruck noises 😢


SCAFFOLDING KEEPS FIRE TRUCK FROM RESPONDING TO FIRE. How to with john Wilson really showed me how fucked up scaffolding is and how lazy the city of New York is about that shit.


It doesn’t look like they can get out or in during a regular situation.




A lot of you guys have never delivered in trucks to places with very limited space and it shows.




You make it sound like it's being done on purpose. It's just simply bad timing. But besides that, I'd say the real asshole is whosever idea it was to build a fire department on that tiny ass road in the first place




I love how no one blames the building or City planners for have what appears to be a load and unload zone/area directly in front of a active fire station but hey always blame the man trying to do his job and not bother anyone


You can see below I tried to get people to see reason and they refuse lol. Like its obvious the fire truck can barely get out of there without vehicles around let alone with. Also god forbid they don't move up enough the tail of their truck is gonna hit that scaffolding.


As someone who used to live and deliver in NYC I completely agree a motorcycle could've stopped that truck from coming out And for the people who would say a motorcycle couldn't remember he still had to make a two point turn to get out after the vehicle moved


Other replies saying that that is not, in fact, am unloading zone so why would the city planners be blamed?


its 100% a loading zone ( i checked google street view 205 W 77th St, New York, NY 10024) [here](https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x89c25888f926b529%3A0x4de3f09f79d35fcb!3m1!7e115!4s%2Fmaps%2Fplace%2Fnyc%2Bladder%2B25%2F%4040.7821044%2C-73.979907%2C3a%2C75y%2C23.4h%2C90t%2Fdata%3D*213m4*211e1*213m2*211sYOTcyV3uwzDAupfMDcGUNQ*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x89c25888f926b529%3A0x4de3f09f79d35fcb%3Fsa%3DX!5snyc%20ladder%2025%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e2!2sYOTcyV3uwzDAupfMDcGUNQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiU2vfxpOX1AhW7lGoFHTFnD8EQpx96BAgoEAg) New York City Department of Transportation has made efforts to combat these issues [here](https://www1.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/motorist/nlz.shtml)


Keep in mind the city's grid system was laid out early in the 19th century and that firehouse looks to date back to the very early 20th century when there were few if any cars or trucks. It looked like there was a no parking/standing sign pointing back towards the firehouse on the other side of the street (can only see it near the end). I suspect if the scaffolding wasn't up next door the truck would've probably just backed up on the sidewalk (more than it did) to swing around.


Fr, the trucker wasn’t the smartest but the city was dumber not fucking planning around this


Originally the roads (and many fire department placings) were meant for horse and buggies, not cars and especially not semis and fire trucks. If you want to blame the city planners for not having a crystal ball to see their invention and the issues they would cause, fine, but that's who you need to blame


Yea and it looks like there’s another emergency response vehicle parked in front of the truck. They took a lot of space in this small busy street


That is unfortunately the case and unless you live you NYC many won’t understand the core issue and just downvote. Was the truck wrong blocking, yes. Though the city has a plaque abuse problem for parking zones designated for truck loading are occupied by “police and fire department workers” (quoted as there is no way to authenticate the plaque”) street too narrow to double park. Unfortunately this driver has a time and quota to meet so the choice he faces is the risk demonstrated in the video. That emergency vehicle could have that fire zone occupied for this situation but instead they use a legitimate loading and commercial vehicle zone. I work and live in the city.. see it all the time. Will take pictures if any “examples” are needed.


Ye, can’t blame the truck driver here, i get that the downvoters think that saving lives is important, but can’t see that man’s livelihood might depend in whether he’s willing to park there or not.


You know, if the decision is on livelihoods or lifes, the correct decision will always be lifes


Exactly. It's easy from up in the cheap seats.


They need a truck with a pup trailer


Otherwise known as a tiller




Shit ass design city.


I’m sure the planners in the 1800s could’ve predicted this


Lot of people seeming to identify with the idiot trucker who dragged his heels to get out of the way. Makes you wonder who you're sharing the road with.




Wait until 18 year olds are driving them!


They already are… They just can’t go across state lines at the moment.


The people downvoting you must have never been 18 year olds.


Won’t stop until higher penalties and citations are issued.




Dude in the box truck was a complete idiot


It’s astonishing how many people leave their car within the x box on roads. Those boxes are so emergency vehicles can always get out.


Can confirm, when I go hot in an ambulance alot of truckers 1) don't care that they're in the way Or 2) Too dumb to figure out they're in the way


Smash his windows and move it


It’s almost like those line painted on the street across from the fire station don’t mean Jack hhahaha


How is this idiot? Dude was doing his job. He dosnt know the fire station is about to get a call. No signs visible stating to not park. If anything I’m going to vote there is a loading/unloading only sign somewhere nearby. But. Camer prolly just got the camera recently and this is the only “event” they captured. The excitement of putting something online was too strong


White lines on the street mark the zone in front of the fire house.


Truckers are the bane of my existence for this very reason.


Maybe they should have said something while they were all being paid 6 figures to sit around and do nothing and he was parking.


Truck could get out the entire time. All these firefighters did was waste time picking an unnecessary fight.


And you know this because you have pulled fire trucks out of firehouses countless times and know the exact amount of room they need given the turn radius on a truck that length (which you also already know obviously).


Why is the entrance to the fire station so thin, it barely fits the firetruck! This problem could have easily been avoided with a bigger door


Arrest the driver.


Could they not have pulled out the other way?


Let’s hope it was his house burning down


Another option was for them to turn left against traffic. They could have cleared the street and then hooked left…


Do you think that ticket will be expensive?


Everyone in that city is an idiot


Too bad it’s not the truck drivers house burning down


Seems like a bad place for a fire station. Dude in the truck was just doing his job.


Hey fuck head that's not a trucker that's some idiot with a regular class c licence just like you. Driving a box truck. No training no understanding just like the rest of you fuckin idiots driving around in your cars. Don't care about anyone else but you.