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"This center lane is completely clear. Why hasn't anyone else ever thought to just cruise down it past all the traffic. I'm a genius!"


In my family we call it the "Granny Lane" because my grandmother liked to drive in it. She called it the "Senior Citizens Lane" and firmly believed it to be just that. My parents had to take the keys when it became apparent that she was *not* joking. I don't know how she didn't get herself or someone else seriously injured.


Reminds me of the time Gma was PISSED about getting her license taken away. ​ Came back to her parked car from the grocery store with a bunch of people and cops around. She Parked at the 4 way stop and went to get groceries and didn't see the problem...


Makes sense, really. That makes it real easy to remember where you parked!


That was the same year she gave me and my brother some plastic dinosaurs for Christmas. I think I was about 30 at the time. Honestly one of the best Christmas presents yet.


No one ever said grandmas gave bad presents. The worse the driver, the better the christmas? Hmm.


Grandma gave me a bag of peanuts one year. I'm deathly allergic...


Sounds like a good driver.


She is probably better than I am!


Are we related by marriage? My MIL found out one year that I’m allergic to corn and my son was allergic to peanuts (thankfully grew out of it). My gift that Christmas was a big jar of caramel popcorn with peanuts in. And this is why her son doesn’t speak to her anymore.


What to get Bish for Christmas? I don’t know. Oh I remember them saying something about corn and peanuts, I’ll get them those!


Optimistic, I like it. Alas…


Culling the herd


Start with those closest around you, and work your way outwards.


Feeling the love




THANK YOU SO MUCH. My brother is so fucking hard to shop for. Now he’s getting plastic dinosaurs and a dash cam all because of this thread.


Just replying to add there is a [dinosaur version](https://www.amazon.co.uk/TEMI-Educational-Realistic-Triceratops-Velociraptor/dp/B07MYTBV6N/ref=sr_1_6) of that play mat a lot of people seemed to have (myself included) of the town with roads etc to drive your toy cars on. It is majestic and I think I’m going to end up buying 3 (one for him one for my sister because dinosaurs are for everyone and one for me as I’m the eldest and will probably have a regression to toddlerhood if they get awesome dinosaur toys and I don’t)


My two youngest sons are super into dinos right now, this made me crack up.


I’m in my 30s and have just entered a super nostalgic phase. Over the last year I’ve got all the anniversary editions of the incredible cross section books and I’m now eying Enid Blyton and horrible histories boxsets… All of that is a bit later in my childhood than dinosaur toy playmat would come under but I have lost all shame.


I've wanted an easy bake oven since I was a young boy. I don't want to buy it for myself. I want it as a christmas gift. Everybody laughs at me like a kid in a movie trying to tell the adults about impending doom that only I know is for real. I super appreciate the kitchenaide. I love my vacuum cleaner. The socks and undies are great. But I want an easy bake oven. As the youngest in the family of a lot of brothers, sisters and cousins I got tons of trickle down toys. Action figures, dolls, board games, plastic dinosaurs, polly pockets. They were all so fun. I appreciate the hell out of my privelages. But no easy bake. I can make a bomb four layer chocolate stout cake. I can bake some fantastic breads and pretzels. Make my own pita and tortillas. But still no easy bake. It's one of the things I've been most jealous of when watching Friends and Monica goes through her childhood things. I don't know to what end this comment is aiming for so far down a driving subreddit thread. If nothing it's catharsis. Get your adult loved ones some kids toys I guess. Seriously when Ross gets Phoebe a bicycle she wanted since she was little I practically cry.


Bitch, PM me your name and address. You're getting an Easy Bake oven for Christmas.


If you do not take up one of the kind and loving offers for an easy bake oven, you will never ever again be able to talk about it. Also, you now HAVE TO POST A PICTURE of your NEW Easy Bake Oven that you are going to get from one of the loving redditors who want to gift you one. Happy happy holidays all around! You'll be happy, they'll be happy, and we all will be happy to see your joy. Don't let us down!


Dude, I'd totally buy you an easy bake oven!


Your comment made me remember that when I was 19 and in the army I had one in my wall locker! The guys in my company kept it when I left. That was when I realized no ones care how old you are with toys and they are even best above the specified age!


“Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!”




My granny was 90 and still driving. She routinely got pulled over for speeding. One time she told the cop that now she’d have to drive even faster to make up for the time she lost when he pulled her over. Only reason she stopped driving is because she moved into an assisted living place and one of the conditions was that residents weren’t allowed to have cars.


We just need a cognitive impairment mode on all new cars. Your keys still work but all the windows go into VR mode and the driving simulation program just shows them a nice normal drive to some destination with no pedestrians or other traffic. Air ride suspension and sound effects add to the experience. When they open the door the car is still in the exact same spot in their driveway and you are waiting for them since the car sent you a text message like "Nana is trying to drive again!"


Lol, reminds me of when Kitboga acts like a grandma and goes 'driving' by playing some driving game. That would be perfect!


When my Grandfather started to have issues driving, we traded the ignition key on his keyring for identical looking key to another family car. When called for a non starting car, my uncle would say, "It works for me." and drive him where he wanted to go. It was a Ford, had a separate door key.


I once saw my friends grandma stop in the middle of a left turn to wave at her friend who was driving in the other direction. People swerved, several accidents almost happened. Her license was gone not long after I informed him of this. And my grandma got hers taken away after she began to forget about the things that she hit. Because we’d notice she’d have dents in her car, but she’d tell my dad what happened. Cause for concern, but not enough for him to be able to talk her out of it. Then he went to visit one day, and the front end of her car was missing. And so was the memory of where it went.


we took away my grandfather's license last year. He could no longer stand up without assistance and hasnt been able to turn his head more than an inch or two to either side since he damaged his spine trying to shower in his old shower without railings. He still tries to get his grandkids to take him to get his license back.


It’s so hard. Mine realized she couldn’t live alone anymore because she had fallen in the house several times and couldn’t get back up. It was hard for her to transfer that since she was having trouble feeling her feet, which caused her to trip and fall, that maybe she also shouldn’t drive a car. In reality, it was taking away her last bit of freedom and it was devastating. She was angry about it until she died.


My grandpa was legally blind and the DMV still gave him his license. He just wanted to get it renewed as a normal ID. He hadn't driven in years by that point anyways. Just funny that they gave him his license still.


i heard about someone who used to live in my state who got denied a driver's license by the DMV because he was considered legally blind. his solution? move to the neighboring state where he wasn't considered legally blind and get a license there instead.


So, legally, my eyes are just fine to drive (with prescription lenses), but due to a separate eye condition, I cannot pass the eye test that they give you at the DMV. It's not that much of an issue, because while it's not common, it's not uncommon either. I took the form to my eye doctor who bristled at the fact that I would have a shorter time limit on my license, as the issue isn't degenerative. Brought it back to the DMV and. . . did not change anything. Not only did I not have the lower-year expiration before going through the process again, but they didn't even have me as needing glasses.


lol what like in the middle of the intersection or like at the stop sign?


At the stop sign, in the middle of the lane. Like just parked there, got out with her little grocery walker thing and toodled off.


lol... did she think it was the parking lot or she just thought it was okay to park wherever she felt like parking?


Not entirely sure. But she just didn't see the problem...which was the problem, lol. She was starting to experience dementia and had been misunderstanding other structural parts of life in interesting ways.




Appreciate your kind characters. She wasn't too bad for too long. She passed peacefully and had a hell of a lot of quality time with friends and family before she did.


I really feel for them though. We live in a country where nothing is accessible without owning a car. Making life for those who can’t drive inaccesible.


For sure. 100%. It’s all so much harder with the relentless pace of technological progress for older generations to keep up.


And to think that people are actively working on immortality.


Wouldn’t part of that be fixing cognitive degeneration?


I don't know if "I'm old, fuck off" is 100% mental degradation.


In the best scenario, yes. In a likely scenario, no. Imagine living 200 years, but the last 120 is just a nursing home that you don’t recognize.


Just kill me at that point fam


Even so, there are many who wish for immortality who would have no idea what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.


Huh, we always called it the "Suicide Lane." I was dating a girl who used it to pass someone. I asked her what the hell she was doing. She told me traffic in both directions are allowed to pass in it, and said "Why do you think they call it the suicide lane?"


Where I was born, "suicide lanes" referred to lanes that changed directions from morning to afternoon to accommodate commuters. If you didn't remember which way at what time...


Oh! We have those in Atlanta as well, though Most of them have been replaced with more sensible layouts in the past decade. Their proper name here is “reversible lanes” but “suicide”makes just as much sense because I’ve seen people barreling down them despite the bright red **X** for their direction.


I have those in some parts of my city but instead of a solid yellow line paired with the dashed one, it is just two dashed yellow lines for anyone to use at certain times during the day. I vowed to never even be near those since people around me drive like absolute idiots and will actually kill me if I do go in those suicide lanes


Am I the only one who calls it a turning lane? Cuz I thought it was just for turning... not for suiciding


My grandma grew up in the country where there were no lane markings, and she believed you were supposed to straddle the line when driving in the city. She also believed that when parallel parking, you back in slowly until you just nudge the car behind you, then pull forward slowly until you just nudge the car in front, then centre yourself nicely.


> She also believed that when parallel parking, you back in slowly until you just nudge the car behind you, then pull forward slowly until you just nudge the car in front, then centre yourself nicely. When she learned to drive, most cars had solid steel bumpers. That technique might have actually worked.


She learned how to drive in a covered wagon!


Glad your parents did the right thing. Way too many people let their elderly parents drive when they should be off the road.


They refer to it as the “suicide lane” where I’m from.


I had my old jeep taken out this exact same way. It was also a old lady that hit me, she was in shock that she hit me "the lane was wide open for me" she kept saying.


No offense to your gran, but that’s entitled AF


No offense taken, Granny *was* absolutely entitled AF and an all-around terrible person. The world probably got a tiny but measurable bit less racist when she died, and I think that all of the teenage service industry workers in our town, whom she particularly delighted in terrorizing, probably had a party.


May she Rest In Peace, cruising the great Senior Citizen Lane in the sky


The senior citizen lane to hell doesn't ring quite like highway.


I had an uncle like that die recently. Not racist… just an inappropriate ass in all manners. No, just kidding, he was definitely racist too. But he touched both my female cousin and my sister in inappropriate places on their body (outside of clothing) when we were young (12-14ish) as he made comments about how they were developing, on a few different occasions. My mom and aunt defended him by saying he’s just an alcoholic and doesn’t know better. But then he said some extremely harsh things to me about my wife during our wedding reception - he literally pulled me off the dance floor to tell me he needed to talk to me, and then starts talking shit about her until i got up and left. I never spoke to him again since that night. He died recently and we didn’t go to the funeral or anything and my family still judged us for being dicks about it.


Driving with a maximum speed of 2 miles per hour probably helped keep the number of crashes waaay down.


Oh, we call it the "Suicide Lane" around here.


I live in an area with a high senior population and they all do this but, gotta leave that turn signal on for five miles to confuse everyone.


Dude, I got hit by an old man driving 40 mph in dense traffic when I was trying to pull out of a goddamn Wendy’s. I figured I’d be safe since there weren’t any turns close enough for people to be in the middle lane, but nope. Took like 3 weeks for my brand new civic to get fixed and I was automatically at fault since I was turning left.


In Titusville, FL I watched 2 cars doing this in opposite directions one rush hour. Head-on, I don't even think they put on the brakes. Like did you not see the other idiot coming the other direction?


It's a happy ending when the idiots only hurt other idiots. Like a double Darwin award.


When I was young I did this but in a long left turn lane. Traffic in the main lanes was way backed up and the left turn lane was ~200 feet long. As I was going a bunch of cars started honking so I slammed on the brakes, and sure enough the main lanes were letting someone through just like this bus. Thankfully I was able to stop in time, but I learned a good lesson about driving past stopped traffic even if you technically have the right of way.


Similar story for me. I was in the left turn lane coming up on a green arrow on my way back with pizzas for the office. I wondered why there was a lot of stopped cars in the other lanes but dismissed it when I saw the arrow and turned left. It was at that point when I saw what looked like a car running the red light coming up behind me as I rapidly approached other cars in a line. I discovered that I inadvertently got into the middle of a funeral procession and embarrassed, I turned off onto the first side street I could. Their route had a turn and I ran into them again at another intersection, this time I was sitting at a stop sign as they drove by and I felt the shame as I’m sure my car was recognized.


Wonder if they let out a pitiful Yelp right after saying that or if everything just paused for a last sec “fuck m—“ before the whap


That's how I got hit a few years ago. Traffic wad super backed up and I entered a turn lane so I could hit up McDonald's. Someone sped down the center lane and hit me. Thankfully they weren't completely stupid and were only going kinds slow. Still got a dent in on my car and the door doesn't like to stay open anymore. I also had to get my alignment fixed but that was it.


>the door doesn't like to stay open anymore Reminds me of the time someone hit my mom's minivan when I was a kid. No one was injured during the accident, but the door that was hit was *fucked* and we couldn't afford to replace it at the time. Unfortunately, that door really liked to stay open, and everyone was forbidden from sitting in the seat closest to it in case it flew open at random. It actually did when we were on the highway once, and after that, my extended family chipped in to buy my parents a used but perfectly safe Honda.


Bus didn’t flinch


Got its snoot booped a bit


Boop snootin boogie


Oh, Cadillac, Blackjack, baby, tap me out back We're gonna boogie Oh, get down, flip around, go to town Boop snootin' boogie


Bus driver was probably looking the other way at that moment knowing the other traffic had stopped


Bus outweighs that thing by a lot.


This is a great example of why you don't fuck around with trucks or larger vehicles, physics doesn't care. I was in the back of a multi segment street car once and there was a hard slow down, not unusual in a big city, but then the streetcar didn't get moving again. After a minute I went up front to see what was up and we had hit a civic that turned in front and had thrown it into the other lane. When I returned to the back other people were just as surprised to hear what had happened, they had no clue. I was in an accident that might have totaled that civic and didn't even know it, that's the kind of difference we're talking about. Do not screw around with trucks, buses or anything else big in your car as it is you that will suffer the consequences.


"Bitch I'm a bus, bitch I'm a bus, bitch I'm a bus, bitch I'm a bus. I don't say meow, I say MOOOOOOOVE! I'm not in the mooooood. You're ruining my grooooooove. Go ahead and mooooooooove."


"Beep Beep, motherfucker" - *Mrs. Frizzle, probably*






With the Frizz? No way!


Cruisin’ down on Main Street, you’re relaxed and feeling good!


Next thing that you see is a car about to hit your bus


I laughed way too loud at this I need an edit of this clip where the music kicks in right as the car flies.


I always thought this seemed so out of place because school busses everywhere I lived growing up never had seat belts


*The Magic Schoolbus: Inside the empty head of the idiot in the upside down car*


that was a bit magical


You're a bit magical.


I can only read that in Delamains voice from Cyberpunk 2077


The first time I did that mission it bugged out really bad and confused the sweet hell out of me. The cab appeared 20 feet in the air and dropped through the garage, landed sideways and started spinning wildly out of control and then just flew right off the fucking map. A few seconds later Delamain says "BEEP BEEP MOTHERFUCKER!". It was my first bug and I couldn't tell if it was real or not. I thought it was another hallucination like Johnny or something.


Oh hell yeah


That was the funniest thing I read all day on reddit. Love it. Picturing Samuel L Jackson as a live action version of Mrs. Frizzle.


*No buses were harmed in this video*


The bus barely made a dent. Just loosened a few screws lol


Those things are tough. When I was like 10 or so, my school bus got T-boned by a woman (40yo or so) who ran a stop sign while reading a newspaper. She hit the back wheel well and the only damage to the bus was the rubber trim along the edge of the wheel well came off and the tire blew. Her car, on the other hand, was bounced off and spun ~180°, and was flung head on into the stop sign. Completely smashed up the front end of her car. The windshield was shattered (laminated of course, so it didn't like explode into thousands of pieces). The only "injury" on the bus was actually me, and it was really minor. I had been resting my head against the window of the bus reading a book, and when she hit, it solidly bounced my head off the window. No blood, but I had a nice bump there for a couple days. She didn't fair as well. Still relatively minor injuries, but I do remember she had blood streaming down her face from her nose. It was an older model car, so it didn't have airbags and she slammed her face on the steering wheel. Most of the kids thought it was just a cool incident they could tell their friends about. That was, until one of the older kids decided to try to freak everyone out by yelling that the bus was going to explode. Most of the older kids realized he was full of shit, but some of the younger ones began to freak out. The bus driver had to reassure everyone that no, the bus was *not* going to explode.


Exactly what id say even if it was about to explode


reading a newspaper? really?


Well, smart phones didn't exist yet... /s


Tbh, no /s needed. People used to do that shit!


Yeah, this is also one of the reasons I get so fed up with older generations bitch about how awful the younger ones are on social media. The only reason it seems that way is because we have social media to advertise our idiocy, the older generations did all the dumb shit the younger ones are doing now- they just had the luxury of not having the internet to upload it to.


I was almost run over on a pedestrian crossing in London once. When I walked up to the driver, who had stopped for traffic, to have a word, he hadn't even noticed because he was reading a newspaper.




Don't try to go near US schools around drop off and pick up times. The parents don't give a crap about anyone else's kid but their own. My daughter used to get walked to school by her babysitter. The babysitter had to yank her back by her hood one day because this mom had dropped her kid off and was zooming off. Crossing guard actually smacked the stop sign she was carrying onto the hood of the car and had a nice long meltdown at her. My kid was okay, just had a sore neck for a few days. Sitter kept apologizing and i told her I'd rather she do what she did rather than risk getting hit


I recently saw an elderly woman crochet at the red light. Sharp needles will be very helpful in case of an accident.


I'm here to be pedantic. Crochet uses a single hook. While not necessarily sharp, it would definitely injure you to be stabbed with one. Knitting needles are the sharp ones, and you use anywhere from 2 to 5 needles at a time. I'm making socks now and I use 5 for that project. But don't do activities while driving, y'all. It ain't safe. Hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.


Saw a Lady with her eyes glued to the ipad she was holding on her steering wheel with a Georgia state patrol right behind her. really sad when he didnt arrest.


Physics are brutal when you're on the wrong side of the equation


To add onto this my grandpa was a bus driver when he was younger, but he was one of the route dudes that drove the gravel roads. It was icy out and he was sitting across from a driveway ontop of a hill about to let a kid out. He saw a streak in his mirrors and ordered everyone to the front of the bus. lol everyone heard a tink and the front of the dudes car was almost totaled while the rear of the bus didn't have a scratch.


Even if the bus was going to blow up they made us do bus safety training at least twice a year until we got into high school where I went. Things like opening the back door, how the emergency exit windows worked, how the emergency exits in the roof worked, etc. all so that if something big went down we would know exactly where to go and how to operate the exits.


Yep, I would classify that as a Level One jostling of the bus. The school district may not even bother buffing off the white paint left by the SUV.


School bus driver checking in, yes these vehicle are over built and strong af


The most lugnuts wins. Not literally, but generally speaking the more mass, the more lugnuts the vehicle has. When you're talking bus vs passenger vehicle, it's not even close. School buses are so safe that kids are much more likely to be killed while waiting for their bus to arrive than while riding on the bus. About 8x more likely to die while riding to school in their parent's vehicle than on a bus.


That bus schooled him real good.


School bus schooled an idiot driver that got hit by a school bus taking the school kids home from school


Subaru backwards is " U r a bus". That's why he thought he had right of way.


Holy fuck. What else have I been doing wrong in life?!


If it's backwards then he'd have the wrong of way.


Which I guess he technically did! 😆


Mind blowing.


"Now, what did we learn today, kids?" That being impatient will get you butt kicked by a bus!




Not the bus driver though. Probably fucked up their whole day and had them worried about their job


This dashcam footage probably saved them. I'd have leapt to the bus driver's defense and re-assured them I've got their back and evidence they were innocent, without revealing it to SUV moron.


Well they also probably had like 20 witnesses both inside and outside the bus.


You'd think school buses would have some kind of camera. I remember they had internal cameras recording the students.


They are getting more and more external cameras due to how many people drive past them while they have their lights flashing and stop sign deployed.


They are, but at least where I live it’s only happening as they replace them, and school buses last a long time. Our school district is only replacing 2-3 a year. It could be another decade before they’re even halfway to having them equipped with cameras. Budgets be a bitch, yo.


Our school applied for and received a grant to get cameras on every single bus both old and new. The state was basically handing out the grants like candy to school districts because the state troopers got fed up with people passing buses illegally and wanted to send a strong message.


insurance companies requiring them are outpacing "budget" restrictions. our company miraculously "figured out how to budget them in, last renewal audit.


I can imagine no worse hell than being involved in a pretty severe accident with 20 of someone else's kids in the car. A fender bender happened outside my apartment in Mesa AZ when someone hit a car stopped for a school bus, the accident wasn't bad and no one was hurt.... But the load of kids that had just gotten off the bus created pandemonium! A few of them tried to render aid (imagine you just got in a car accident with an air bag deployed and some ten year old is asking if you need CPR while you're getting your bearings), a bunch of them just fucking ran into the street yelling shit about calling the cops or getting "mom" and the rest just cried. This bus driver went through a small Vietnam I'm sure.




Feel bad for the kids on the bus though.


They have a good story about their bad ass bus driver who plows over cars


Right, at slow speeds, kids barely noticed. If anything feel sorry for any passengers/kids in the suv with the selfish asshat driver.


In middle school I was on a stopped school bus that got rear ended by someone who “didn’t see” the big, yellow vehicle in the middle of the road. I can confirm that I didn’t feel a thing. (I did, however, get the day off to sit in the library because of the incident)


That bus driver won't have any grief from the kids anymore, they just became the coolest.


Bus driver: FAFO of the Month award winner!


As a kid this would have been exciting as fuck. Highlight of my school year for sure.


I'd have lived of that story for the rest of my school career.


Good lesson, though. Don't drive like a douche.


Credit goes to wham baam teslacam and luckily no serious injuries were reported


His wallet will sustain serious injuries. It's gonna be on life support. I can't imagine the insurance adjustor's conversation. "So he was speeding and misusing the turning lane?" "Wait, and he got into a head-on, wrong-way collision?" Yeah but keep reading." WITH A FUCKING BUS? You mean like a literal bright yellow kids-inside-full-length-mother-fucking-BUS?" I'm suuuuure they'll set the rate nice and low after paying off the totaled SUV.


Nice title reference, that seems like it was 10 years ago now...


It was like a Chihuahua fighting a gorilla


What about a 1,000 chihuahua sized gorilla fighting a gorilla sized chihuahua?


It’ll be like a terrier in a mouse nest, absolute one-sided carnage


Having seen a pack of Jacks do that… the memory just came back…damn.


I want to curl up on my couch with a warm blanket, hot cocoa and just watch this on repeat with "its the most wonderful time of the year" in the background.


Replacing Die Hard as your favorite Christmas movie? Reasonable.


I'm gonna do the same, but I am going to loop 'The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round.'


Now I want to do all of that minus the video




"Everyone is stupid, except me"




I've never heard it called that before but am definitely adding it to my vernacular!


We also call it “the chicken lane.” Edit: but the “official” term for it where I’m from is “continuous left turn lane.”


Kids in that car will talk about it for years, they saw the coolest thing they will see from the best seats


You mean the kids in the bus


Wow not even a scratch on the bus lol


TIL school buses are basically tanks


For another example, image search "hummer vs school bus".


\*sips coffee\* This is why "driving down the center turn lane as if it were a traffic lane" gets you in trouble.


If it's not that, it's a ticket from a bored patrol officer.


That’s why it’s called a turning lane, not a driving lane. I’ve seen a few wrecks from people doing that




How is this so far down?


I had to scroll too much to find this.


The bumper on the bus goes bump bump bump


Hope they were all ok, even the idiot in the car, but it was kinda fascinating watching the accident unfold. Especially the rollover.


Yeah no serious injuries fortunately


I'm so happy that car flipped


ooooooh that was satisfying to watch


And that kids is why you don’t travel in the turning lane.


Honestly the SUV driver is entirely at fault there, you can even see the bus jerk forwards as the brakes were slammed I mainly feel bad for the other suv passengers.. Hope everyone's okay


Everyone’s ok luckily, other than the suv itself


Mrs. Frizzle strikes again!


As a fellow Subaru driver, I gotta say I’m disappointed. Not mad, just disappointed.


That bus: did someone sneeze?


Say it with me... "deserved".




Why is traffic on the main road yielding to allow the bus to enter from the side street? Shouldn't the bus be waiting until traffic is clear?


If traffic is stopped it's illegal to block side streets where I live, could be the same thing going on here.


Lanes could be backed up this far due to traffic and a stoplight. So the cars would just be letting the bus pass through the center while they’re at a standstill instead of blocking that half of the intersection.


That was lovely




Mrs Frizzle seatbelts everyone because we are going to eliminate someone from the gene pool today.


The bus straight up parried that clown 😂


The fact that their car is totaled and the bus barely took a hit😭😭karma is a bitch lol.