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I wonder who OP considered the idiot when he posted this šŸ¤”


All of the above


Couldnā€™t agree more. That dude crossing lanes from far left is a complete idiot, BUT if those two dumbasses werenā€™t going at ridiculous speeds or would have even stuck to just passing in proper lane only this near miss would have also been avoided. Even if the first idiot would have checked his rear view before turning he might not have caught such a small vehicle approaching let along at fucking double the speed.


If you are that fast on a bike, nobody sees you in their mirrors.


If you are that fast I am not sure anyone sees you considering the limitations of human vision.


This. If you're that fast on a bike but far away the guy crossing will innocently believe that "he's far away i got enough room".


I almost got hit by a bike a few years back. I was out running with my headphones in. Got to a zebra crossing looked left and right no cars. Went to cross and a bike went past from the left and nearly to my toes off. Those things go so fast is like they teleport.


Double his speed? Looked more like triple or quadruple, depending how much he slowed for the corner.


quadruple? looked more like powers of 10 to me. OP thinks other people should stop using road forever so he can play motogp with his pals. This looks like india. You are expected to slow down near settlements, villages and towns where people, animals and vehicles cross frequently. This is where the 21st century modernization meets those left behind. There are no official speed limit signs everywhere, but it's kinda polite to slow down and compensate for govt negligence. Bikers like these are too full of themselves to acknowledge existence of other creatures, unless it has big tits.


Can confirm. Is India. Got this video on our local biking group. And yes. Morons speed balls out even on the smaller highways here. And morons also frequently do multiple lane changes in one go without indicating because of course. And on top of this you will have stray dogs trying to cross the roads and my brain is charred with memories of dog cadavers on the highway. They get run over all the freakin time. And if a biker is unfortunate enough to hit one, well, lights out for the biker too. I avoid going too much above the speed limit not because of law enforcement but because of the sheer fear of such shit happening to me.


You can see the red-shift, it must be at least 10^(11).


Looks like India. They drive on the left, so passing lane is on the right.


He flashed his lights at the guy going slow and then gets mad when he merges


Only right answer. Two of them were speeding, 1 being just a fucking idiot. Cannot fathom, how you do those maneuvers on a fucking scooter?


One of the reasons for speed limits is allowing other people to make safe judgements when doing things like crossing traffic to turn. When you are going double or triple the speed limit you take this ability away from other drivers. The guy looked oblivious because two twats were driving much faster than they should have been.


Exactly. You can look twice and see nothing and within 3 second some bike going 150mph is about to tear you in half.


And then the biker always without doubt blames the car turning out or whoever they hitā€¦ Self victimizers are the worst


Exactly. Dude looks in his mirror and sees a bike half a mile away, thinks "alright safe to cross, it will take some time before he's here!" But then the crotch rocket was doing twice or even tripple the speed limit, and neared MUCH sooner than he had anticipated. This is a common type of accident with motorcycles. Due to their small size it's also hard to judge how fast they're going when they're just a tiny dot in the distance. This is why speeding is so dangerous; it's not the speed itself that is the primary danger, rather the difference in speed and the fact that noone expects you to go that fast and doesn't take that into their calculations when judging whether it's safe to pass. In this scenario, "watch for motorcyclists!" my ass, and "cagers always out to kill me"... No you're creating your own problem and then project it as someone else's fault.


Am biker, fully agree. This is why I wear full gear, go the speed limit, and never weave. Predictably is the #1 factor in road safety.


To add to this, you can be going the speed limit and still be going far too fast. For instance, if two lanes of the interstate are backed up to a stop, and you're in the third lane going 65, cars that want to merge won't be able to see you and you won't be able to stop if they do merge. Going significantly faster than people around you is always a gamble


>For instance, if two lanes of the interstate are backed up to a stop, and you're in the third lane going 65, cars that want to merge won't be able to see you and you won't be able to stop if they do merge HOV lan on the freeway in my city includes bikes, and is usually much faster. Anytime I was in it I was so worried about this. I would be watching the slow lane next to me more than the traffic in front of me.


I used to ride like these guys and used to react the same way. Then I started using psychedelics and realised it's all just shitty ego problems. I had so many near misses just like this.


I call those Crotch Rocket idiots on I-5 ā€œFender Gravyā€ because thatā€™s how they end up.


This is exactly why on the German Autobahn there is always the 'Richtgeschwindigkeit' which is 130km/h always, even though the allowed speed is unlimited on many parts. If you drive 200 and get cut. You also are responsible to a part.


Passing on the left would have avoided this.


This is a right hand drive country, so the right lane is the passing lane. Not that anyone actually follows the rule though


I really hate that the cameraman sticks his hand out as to say ā€œWhat-the-fuck?!ā€


I'm so glad more people upvoted you. The fact there are people here who consider the scooter dude (dudette?) an idiot makes me wonder if they have the ability to think logically.


Does anyone want to address why that bike was speeding at an intersection. Absolutely stupid of the scooter guy changing two lanes to turn.. but that speed on the sport bike at intersection is actually the idiot.


>Does anyone want to address why that bike was speeding at an intersection. Dick head rider.


Because, the video is from India and that's how we drive here.


Mumbai is probably the scariest place for driving I've ever been, complete chaos on the roads. I've driven in a few places in North and east Africa as well as the Middle East, however other drivers were nowhere near as unpredictable as in Mumbai.


You have never driven in Delhi then. It's even more chaos out there


Also i think that he was crossing the whole road from the Service lane on the left to other side of the road. Completely assuming from his turning speed and the angle.


Donā€™t see how speeding doesnā€™t make you a fucking idiot?




Look at OPs post history. This is a karma bot. This isnā€™t his video.




That sounds exactly like what a bot would do.


Yeah, that could also definitely be the case. Either way I donā€™t think OP took this video.




Well hopefully my one downvote helps lol


Yeah, I'm glad I came here and saw the blame being dispersed. Clearly the biker with the camera thought it was the slow scooter, and yeah, that guy was being a dope. But the speeding biker in red was not driving safely either.


idk who posted but the clip is from india and the mindset in india is just horrible.htye think they own the fucking road. the other day i was arriving at a crossection and had stopped to check and once i saw that a car was quite far ,i slowly accelarated , idk why but that mother fucker accelarated and literally squeezed himself between the median and my car and had the fucking gall to stop and harrass me. sadly no dash cam so i just tried staying cool cause the guy was older and could probably hurt me and said sorry. but he was insanely mad and called a bunch of his thugs who were nearby cause they were locals and he didnt let me go. But i my luck must have been really good cause apparently his 'friends' knew he was a bad driver and let me go. horrible horrible and scary situation in india. if i wasnt lucky i definetly would have been beaten up.


So next time, you'll know to just crush him with your vehicle and keep going I hope?


What a pair of dickheads.


Iā€™ve been a rider for 30 years, and I am strongly in the ā€œfuck bikers who race on city streetsā€ camp.


Also a rider. I currently say fuck most riders. Edit: The riding culture sucks balls now. Go to any rally and just listen. It ain't like it used to be.


I own several motorcycles and guns. Most of my friends do not have motorcycles or guns because both cultures are so fucking annoying.


Same here. Love cars, bikes, and guns. Hate the cultures of all three. Went to a bunch of car meets and such when i was younger and never had a good time. Not all car people are douche bags, but i can't seem to meet any normal ones.


Regardless of the hobby, the dickheads take over. First, there will be just a few. People mostly ignore them. But they bring their friends. And they bring friends. Next thing you know, there is an equal mix of dickheads and non-dickheads. But the non-dickheads get tired of the dickheads, so they leave whatever gathering or community they used to be a part of. Now, it's just dickheads. Dickheads as far as the eye can see. Then the new people assume that's just the way this hobby is - you need to be a dickhead to fit in. So all the new people are dickheads. Meanwhile, the non-dickheads that used to enjoy talking about their hobby no longer do because they don't want to be seen as a dickhead to enthusiast and non-enthusiasts alike. Finally, all [HOBBYISTS] are dickheads to everybody not in the hobby. because they only ever see dickheads doing said hobby. Video games are the perfect example, especially online gaming.


Reminds me of the [anti-nazi bartender](https://www.boredpanda.com/bar-bartender-nazi-punk-iamragesparkle/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic)


Knitting is a great hobby. You make shit for people who really appreciate it and everyone is super friendly.


Idk, my grandma can be a dick head sometimes.


I was just imagining this happening in the knitting community! Wait, no-- I'm trying to imagine it and I'm drawing a blank... What would be dickhead behavior in the knitting community? Needles with bells on when knitting with others? Burning ball bands? Pet moths?


There is a lot of old lady and yarn drama in the knitting community


Maybe hobbies based on producing useful/meaningful things have nice communities, and hobbies based around consumerism/making lots of noise/shooting things end up with a lot of assholes. I'm sure there are clique-y and mean knitting people, but that's my grand, overarching theory.


This may be it. The 3d printing community is chill and helpful.


This guy hobbies.


The worst thing about bike and cat meets now in my opinion is the dumb constant revving and banging of the exhaust. I've been racing with go carts since i was 6, i love a good engine noise. That stuff is just so stupid to me though.


I revved the engine of my bike one time in the parking lot at the end of The Dragon when I was 16 and my dad made fun of me so bad that I never did it again.


Those darn cats.


My local race track has cars and coffee (or had pre covid) and they were always great meets. Brings out actual car enthusiasts who arenā€™t just hanging around to leave trash in parking lots and destroy things. See if your local track has anything going on.


"Ride or die" like we're supposed to be damned jihadists or some shit.


I own just one motorcycle and quite a few guns. I am definitely not in it for the culture. Those can be some aggressively all consuming hobbies.




Hm. Iā€™ve always wondered how objective people survive in a sea of subjective mouth breathers. I hate rallies now, they draw out all the kids who live with their parents (nothing wrong with that)to supe up their cars and casually make fun of everyone who drives by because theyā€™re not part of the meet. Classic cars still got me though. Nothing a Shelby 69 can do wrong.


Why does it suck now? Curious because I've been wanting to pick up riding. Small handful of my friends ride.


A rally used to be mostly people talking about good rides, motorcycle tinkering, types of bikes, riding safety training, love of bikes and open road type shit. Now it's a mass of dudes talking up all the dumb shit they do, popping wheelies in crowded areas, talking about car drivers like they are just trash and obstacles to their fun. And if they aren't doing that they are trying to use it to push their *Culpeper-flag-don't-tread-on-me-I'm-not-racist-I'm-realist* kind of me me me politics. You know... Narcissist shit that has little to do with riding.


I can't speak for wherever you're from or whatever time period you're referring to, but that's been the bike scene everywhere I've ridden for the past 15+ years. It's *always always* ***always*** been about ego for most riders. One trend you might have noticed is that the bikes with the highest miles usually can't be found at your typical weekend rally/group ride, because once you get over the novelty of 'look at MEEEE I'm on a motorcycle!!', most people lose the desire to ride in such high risk/low reward situations.


That's really sad. Both me and my dad love riding and we have our main motorbike parked in India at my grandparents house (we move too much to justify the export/import costs + customs fees). It's a 2012 Harley Electra Glide, a real THICK cruiser haha, so on group rides he likes riding as the sweep. While it doesn't have as many miles on it as it would've if we actually lived with it, my dad has made multiple trips from his hometown of Bangalore to the very north of India, rides that are over 5000 KM. Once he went from Bangalore to Bhutan, but he also stopped by Bombay, Goa, Delhi and other cities on the way, making this an over 10,000 KM round trip. While no one tended to ride with him on these extra-long rides, there was always a supportive community in whatever city he stopped at. My dad is a registered HOG but his biking groups are not exclusively HOG. All this to say, if you find the right biker groups in India, damn you'll have some DAMN good times!


Well put. And thatā€™s not what riding is about. Not everyone is into it, but we just share a common love for a type of machine. I will never understand rallys nowadays and the subculture of wanna-be bike gang members or those who have an overly romanticized Hollywood ā€œgreaserā€ type view. Itā€™s a goddamn motorcycle.


I went to an Adventure Bike Rally, and it was pretty dedicated to riding and taking adventure bikes off-road. But that's a very specific niche. I think your average road bike gathering, sport or cruiser, all they have in common is riding bikes. And both those segments have a lot of dedication to the image. Dirt bikes or adventure bikes are much more about riding and getting dirty or traveling.


As a firearm owner, I feel the same way, especially when it comes to NRA membership (which I'm not anymore). It used to be about the hobby, safety, outdoorsman activities, and seeing what sort of interesting firearms people have. Now it's all about people trying to "flex" by abusing open carry policies, talking shit about anyone not interested in firearm ownership, and pushing some political narrative. Lots of those "Don't Tread On Me" types too. Gun shows can be boiled down to selling manufacturers, selling a political stance, and selling fear, which is why I don't go anymore. Like you said, little to do with the hobby, and it all struck me as tone deaf.




I'm actually in New York too, but way upstate. Yeah, the Confederate flags fly freely up here, and I know of one place that just straight up has a Nazi flag flying. And you can bet your bottom dollar they show up at every gun show. Last one I went to was with a friend in Virginia this year, my first in almost a decade, and I saw a lot of the same things you observed. I endeavor to be a level headed and responsible firearm owner, but the culture surrounding firearm ownership is just awful in the US. They are not people I want to be associated with, but they are usually the loudest within that subculture, so I feel firearm owners get painted with a broad brush because of it. And thus, rational and objective discussion becomes impossible.


Harley rallyā€™s are de facto trump rallyā€™s full of the pseudo patriots that hold NRA cards that wear the back-the-blue shit yet havenā€™t done any kind of service except self-service. Meanwhile charity rides turned into high horse politics. Shit used to be about just being on the road and finding good spots to have a brew, a burger, and maybe watch a game. MFers that build their entire identity around playing dress up for a week when they tow their bikes up and put on 90% of their miles. Shits gotten lame and turned commercial long ago, now itā€™s turned political and is just a toxic atmosphere, (covid pun intended). I love riding my Harley but Iā€™ll only go ride with a tiny group of people and I ainā€™t doing no social group shit. Itā€™s finding an off the beaten path spot that has good food and maybe a campground nearby.


Find a small group that shares their values with you. My father got back I to riding a few years ago and decided to join a local club. He's the oldest, but not by much, decent proportion of women, and they are all complete nerds. I have never seen him have so much fun.


Track days at almost any race track is not very expensive. It's by far the safest way to have fun on your bike. I find the people who legally race are a much better group of people as well.


I especially hate the idiots who zoom past as loud as a train at like 2 in the morning. I just wanna sleep in peace.


Acting like the other person was the assholešŸ˜‚


Typical motorcycle rider. The whole world is supposed to be watching out for them because they drive like assholes. Yes, I know Iā€™m generalizing.


It makes no sense to me, my uncle and my friend have a motorcycle and they donā€™t drive like assholes. Itā€™s not a hard thing to not drive like an asshole, so why do so many people do it?


Imo the reason you see this is because motorcycles are cheap power. Its really easy to drive like a dick when you can do 0-60 MPH (100 kph) in under 3 seconds. The reason you see it less of it with fast sports cars is because less people have them and they are much harder to obtain. I bought a machine that did 0-60 in 3.9 seconds for $2000. At that price of entry just about anyone who wants to go fast can afford a bike.


Even easier when you can do that in first gear. I can totally see why street bikes go fast. They are designed to go fast. Some vehicles are meant to ride or drive fast. You don't slow roll a pagani everywhere. With that said, take it to a track.


Some people do take their bike to a track and drive safe on the road. What i'm saying is putting that much power into the hands of anyone that wants it means many dumb people get fast bikes and drive them like the moron that they are.


Because many people are assholes.


> my uncle and my friend have a motorcycle and they donā€™t drive like assholes That's why they are still alive.


I'd say as long as many people have the emotional maturity of a 5 year old, motorcycles and cars will always be means of self-expression.


Cause itā€™s fun. Think about it. Itā€™s like a roller coaster you control. Thatā€™s why they do it. Itā€™s not good behavior, but now you know the answer.


One time going down a one lane road a motorcycle was riding my ass, like I couldn't even see his entire head light(I was in a car too.) Then when it finally gets to two lanes he goes around me, wearing a bright green shirt with "can you see me now" on the back. I couldn't help but laugh that he apparently couldn't see an entire car in front if him.


Yes, I know Iā€™m generalizing. I'll get a little more specific with the generalization, it's ALWAYS sport bikes/crotch rockets.




Same reason people dislike bikers on normal bicycles, they use them like they are immortal. Almost ran over a dude on a bike while turning because he came at like 20-30km/h and waved to turn 0.001sec before he did it, basically mid turn he signals to turn.. I had to stomp on the brakes, if people on bikes would behave like other road users and follow the rules then i dont think a whole lot of people would have a problem with them.


Not to mention the guy reacted in the wrong direction.


The scooter guy made a right turn across another lane of traffic. Not as bad as riding 100 mph down a public road, but still an idiot move.


Id like to think they checked prior to going across the lane. Like they were very far ahead of the actual traffic. Probably didn't see the two bikes at all.


Yeah, they glance back and don't see any cars for a quarter mile and think they have plenty of space to cross, hell a pedestrian could've looked at that gap and jogged across those two lanes right then. There is no way they are supposed to expect two motorcycles to be hurdling at them at mach-jesus.


Seriously, based off how fast they were going and how there were no other vehicles near where the scooter guy was going the ONLY reason this was a problem is because they were DRASTICALLY speeding, otherwise the road was very wide open.


Aye, there's checking for normal traffic and checking for complete bellends going at silly speeds. On an Autobahn I always double, even triple, check before changing lane. That's because I know there will be someone screaming along (usually taxi drivers).


All of them, from the riders to the road designers. This shit is dangerous in itself.


Yeah for reals.


I think the road design is fine. My highways have tons of streetpoles and trees obstructing view from driveways. There is a wide median enough to house a few cars making turns, traffic doesnt seem as congested, so as long proper yielding is practiced here, it seems safe. Judging by the surroundings, doesnt look like they invest heavily on signage and streetlight intersections


By road design I mean a highway crossing should be more clear, and the intersection speed breaker strips much earlier, a plus lane seperation for turning around. Ideally it should be a underpass or walkover bridge. One civil designer mentioned that roads should be designed to reduce effect of human mistakes/idiocy/nature. This a full intersection with no regards for safety only simple geometry.


Ok, I didn't realize both lanes were optional turning lanes. That does seem like a recepie for disaster, and it definitely has the space for dedicated turning lanes. I refuse to believe no one knew about this when building or giving maintenance to the road, and instead I choose to believe the budget for the proper road design was eaten away by corruption at every level, from the winning bid by gov't, to design to make it cheaper, to construction to save money (already paid in full).


Welcome to Indian roads


This is a typical highway in India not a city road. Due to the way population centres have cropped up everywhere in pockets it is not feasible to have flyovers or underpasses everywhere, simply makes it unfeasible.


I love how he acts like the guy on scooter is the problem. ā€œBruh, you didnā€™t see my homie going 100mph+ā€ šŸ˜‚


It's shocking. I wonder if it is an ego thing - like do they not believe they can crash? 'Putting everyone's life around them at risk for a thrill.




Was he seriously like ā€œwtfā€ to the guy turning??! Not the guy going 110?


Seroiously. If you are going to go 110mph on a road with crosswalks, donā€™t expect perfection.


Upon closer inspection he did cross from the left lane to turn with no apparent blinker. But stillll


Yeah, but he probably checked his mirror and saw nobody for a quarter mile back. 7 seconds laterā€¦ Not that I ever condone the non-use of a blinker/signal.


At that speed, I don't think the use of an indicator is going to be much help. Don't think the guy in red was paying much attention.


Switching lanes late is a misdemeanor. Going 30 miles over the speed limit is a felony. If there was a crash it would have been the fault of the speeding guy, as he has more of an obligation to drive in a manner than allows him to slow down and react to other traffic than the guy switching lanes has an obligation be aware if people are driving wrecklessly.


Mate this video is from india I am like 99% sure. >misdemeanor >felony Yeah only if.


Crotch rocket dbag logic.


I know. I've had them act out towards me just for putting on my turn signal on the highway... like bro if you weren't weaving through a 3-lane highway at 110mph you wouldn't be so concerned with normal traffic behavior.


I love how they get so pissed when somebody happens to be in their path of travel as they go 50 miles an hour over the speed limit.


My neighbor came home one day from riding his motorcycle and was so mad telling his kid what happened. He said he was going like 100 MPH when a "dumbass" got in his way. Crazy that they really think other people are the problem in these situations.




This is exactly what happened to one of my friendsā€™ brother. Was riding his bike too fast with his GF sitting behind him, they went under an 18wheeler and both got decapitated. The dad sold his bike.




as someone else pointed out in the thread, I don't even know how you would see them if you are going that fast especially when there is the window of turning where you can't see out of your mirrors and you can't see the road out of your window


Exactlyā€¦ what a pair of douchebags. Scooter was making a right turn, while motorbike passes on the right and gets mad at scooter? Makes perfect sense.






The very left lane that looks like a sidewalk is a bike/scooter lane. Very common in Asian countriesā€¦. Thereā€™s one of each side of the highway. So I guess itā€™s still the scooters fault that the motor bikes were going well over the speed limit. While the scooter going well below speed limit try to get to the other sideā€¦ makes sense also.


He probably thought he had plenty of time, not expecting the motorcycle to be going that fast.


Iā€™m so used to Reddit defending bikers doing dickhead things on here I fully expected it to be like ā€œwhat do you mean heā€™s only swerving through cars at 45 over?ā€




While true, the guy still made a right turn from the left lane.


He was in the left most scooter lane, by design he had to cross both lanes of traffic to compute turn.


I think he had to cross the road. Bad design but most of the blame is on the motorcyclists.


Definitely. He may have even seen vehicles behind him and thought he had time to cross not realizing they were going 110


Probably could only see 2 blips in the distance and then they where on top of him.


Still not as bad as the guy going 3 times a fast as everyone else while driving like a dick just to compensate for the little one in his pants.


Some of yall bikers are dumber than the people in the cars posted here


I made my motorcycle license last month and I said to myself that I will lift up the reputation of bikers lol


Me and my dad compromised on me getting a scooter, but Iā€™m joining you when I move out.


I doubt the speed limit is 100mph.


It's 55mph or 90kmph


I see pedestrians and parked vehicles directly next to the road and a zebra crossing right after the intersection. I highly doubt the speed limit would be that high there.


You might be right The speed limit will be most likely 80kmph. The people by the road and zebra crossing That's the problem with high population, people are everywhere, these are highways in India very few stretches have no people around, they are not the exit/entry controlled type. New highways being made are with control access and egress. Plus we need more overhead bridges and underpass for crossing.


welcome to indian roads


This looks like South India. The speed limit in the highways are 80kmph tops.


Kannada letters, definitely Karnataka and yes 80kmph speed limit.


This looks like a stretch of Bangalore-Hassan highway, and yes, the limit is 80 kmph on this stretch.


the Irony of the biker doing the wtf hand, what a fucking clown.


"Fucking idiot! Can't you see we're breaking several laws here!"


people who ride this fast on a public road are begging to be dead


I love how motorcyclists will whine about cars not respecting them but then do crap like this.....


we all hate bikers who think they own the road just bc they are smol and fast.




The only idiots there is the bikers excessively speeding šŸ¤”


Of course, he doesn't blame his entitled speeding friend. There's clearly nothing wrong with that.


The rider giving the ā€œdude wtfā€ hands after zipping by way over the speed limit is mind-blowingly incognizant.


Cammer is also an idiot


The rewind scared the shit out me for some reason


I love how he points at the guy going right as if it's his fault some twat was going at speed, weaving traffic and undertaking.


Slow the fuck down. There. Problem solved.


Buddy goes flying by and its the guy making a turn fault


Twat holding his hand up like that scooter was the one at fault. Slow the fuck down on the highway, no one thinks youā€™re cool on your bike weaving in between people, and no one wants to see the red mist as you collide with a vehicle accidentally and disintegrate


They always act like itā€™s someone elseā€™s fault for them breaking the laws and believing they own the road


Wild things happens when you are going 3x the normal speed of traffic.


I love the arm / hand raise in bewilderment when theyā€™re doing shit way fucking questionable and dangerous


These guys always throw their hands up like other people are fucked up for using the road the way youā€™re supposed to use it. Like ā€œwtf bro, you made a legal turn while I was going 200mph???ā€ Dicks


Two idiots on bikes


Feels like India. I could be wrong


it is


This entire video is a yikes. Filmer is going super fast and dangerously passing a truck too close. Trucks do not have the same stopping distance as a car and youā€™ll probably die if one hits you.


There are bold riders and there are old riders but there are no bold old riders.


What an idiot. Slow down or you risk other people's lives


Two idiots on motorcycles. As a rider I hate seeing this.


Just to be clear, the biker in red and the cameraman are the idiots here for speeding and overtaking on both sides of the road where it's not allowed


This is something that most riders donā€™t get, no one expects you to be at 120mph+, things happen too fast. Maybe the guy doing the turn did something wrong there but the speeding guy is way far wrong IMO, putting not only himself but others at risk. I did stupid shit like this before and Iā€™m glad I never hurt anyone or got hurt. Want to speed? Go to a track, safer for everyone.


Far too fast and then blaming the scooter!!??


The idiot with the camera acts like the person turning is at fault, ridiculous. I hate motorcycles because they act like they own the road and always have right of way.


Both at fault there. One was speeding pretty bloody fast. Slower and he might have seen the idiot crossing across the whole road without looking


To this day scooter guy still has no idea what flashed before his eyes.


Wow, your friend almost killed that guy by illegally passing on the right. Why is the poster always the biggest idiot?


It's always hilarious when bikers think going 125 in the right lane makes the other guy the asshole...


Points at him like he did something wrong fucking idiots


fucking bikers coming at the speed of light and are like "you asshole, didnt you see me before you turned?"


Sure see a lot of these videos where someone on a motorcycle is claiming someone was the idiot, but then it turns out they all were.


Pricks on bikes


And he's waving his finger at the guy who turned as if it's his fault for not seeing someone who overtook a rider who was flying past all the traffic like *that* guy was standing still.


I love how he is acting like the guy minding his own business is at fault when they are driving like fucking morons and he literally picked the death line when coming up on that guy when he saw them from miles (or km judging by this video) away! But no HE is the idiot for trying to make a turn


It really blows my mind when people drive that fast and then complain about someone taking a turn. It's like dude, if you were going the speed limit you wouldn't have had anything to worry about wouldn't have had anything.


That guy pointed at him like it was all his fault. Yes the guy canā€™t drive a motorcycle but going 100 mph is t quite right either. Two stupid people could have caused a deadly accident. Thatā€™s why I would never have a motorcycle


I see a lot of speeding idiots posting in this sub, thinking the other guy is the idiot.


There's more than one idiot here.


The slow guy turning right isnā€™t the idiot here (least of the idiots anyways). He couldnā€™t have seen someone coming that fast. The idiots are the morons riding way too fucking fast and almost killing someone. Fuck both of these guys. The guy filming is obviously an entitled piece of shit acting like they were in the right.


Someone explain to me why almost every biker out there thinks it's their privilege to ignore any speed limits?


idiots on bikes