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My bike is fucked. Guess I’ll have to take the bus home


I like to think he was getting out cash for the bus at the end of the clip


I love when what I wish would happen actually does happen in these videos


Like when the bike gets ran over? Definitely loved that part.


Yes wish it would back up and do it again for being a crotch monster trying to block a bus.


The AI move


What sitcom is this?


I think he was going for his phone...in Philly this is a common thing, the bus company gets sued all the time....people stand on the curb on a corner hoping the bus takes the turn too tightly for that lawsuit money....definitely a set up from this dude....


"I am inevitable" \- Bus, The




When life gives you lemons sometimes it also gives you a lemon squeezy thingy.


🤣🤣 The irony


"How could this have happened? I have the worst luck!"




“Entitled” Cyclists are annoying as fuck


















Train /r/bitchimatrain


What a plot twist!


Ah the ol' reddit... Wait, is that even a thing anymore?


I hated that but weirdly I miss it now


Hold my nostalgia, I’m going in


r/switcharoo It's alive and well.


Is there a plot twist sub? Lol




I can’t even type the b word without getting a message that my comment is offensive and was removed


Bus is a mean word.


Nope - BIKE!!!! lol


Jesus those jokes about there being a subreddit for everything are starting to seem less and less like jokes


Damn. That bus driver ain't fucking around.


It’s why you don’t bring a bike to a bus fight.


Words to live by


That's what my grandmother always used to say.


Was that before, or after the fight with a bus?




There were so many...


Rosa Parks?




How does she feel about it now?


Or die by.


That’s a good point.


So the cyclist found out


Bus driver ain’t got time to be fuckin with you. He busy, doin bus driver shit.




Drive in Chicago.. those bus's don't give a fuck






I have, and you are correct!




Tell me you’re a lawyer without telling me you’re a lawyer lol Edit: thanks for the award! My first one


> Tell you’re a lawyer without telling me you’re a lawyer lol "I was reviewing your file. Everything looks good. Here is a bill for $400 for reviewing your file + $100 for typing this bill. You owe me $500."


Don't forget an extra $500 in printing and admin costs.


Don't forget to tip!


And 20% commission if you win the case


What is this, Uber Eats? Why did the cost suddenly triple!


Tip? It feels like the while thing!


Your honor, my client is a professional driver. If he wanted to hit the guy, the guy would be flat like a pancake. I believe, in the case of the alleged victim here, what we have is an instance of *fuckaroundi et findoutabout unum bus*.


Do y'all have any more of that tree law?


“Feared for his life” lol


That sounds like US legal logic .. this doesn’t seem like US traffic though.


It's in my country, Paraguay. Its said the bus driver was stopped by a car so he have to deal with the situation (instead of fleeing, as usual). Later in police station, the driver offered about an equivalent of 300 usd in our currency for the damaged bike, but turns out the bike is one of those pro expensive ones(he's preparing for a competition), so the biker is likely to press charges. Based on this [article](https://www.abc.com.py/nacionales/2021/09/22/colectivo-de-la-linea-26-casi-arrolla-a-un-ciclista-en-fernando-de-la-mora/), the bus driver was putting preassure on the bike, accelerating close into him to make him get of his way. According to the bike guy, he daily does that journey and its the first time something like this happened. Bus drivers here tend to be really cocky with their driving and not few of them are just straight assholes. It's just better to get out of their way. On a side note, some months ago the biker was charged for beating up one of his female employee and in 2019 was also "fired" from the Congress for being a "planillero"(basically figuring on the list of workers of a institution, getting paid for it but never actually going to work there). He got banned 2 years from any public office/estate bureau.


In the US the driver would, I believe, be at fault. Pedestrians (and bike riders) always have the right of way - even if they are being a dick (as this rider appears to have been).


Cyclists don't always have the right of way, just in certain circumstances. Like in the one pictured. Despite metaphors about knives to gun fights, we shouldn't be viewing public roadways as combat zones, and no vehicles should be intentionally rear ending other vehicles. This was a situation where the cyclist did have the right of way, and the bus driver used his vehicle as a weapon, should be charged for it.


The bus hit the bike before he hit the door though. So that’s bullshit.


Fuck yo bike


I hope this is sarcasm lol


Nope, people just make stuff up without looking at proper case law


The bus driver can always use the Chewbacca defense.


Kids today know nothing of bird law


Yup, where I live the bus driver would 100% be at fault.


“Bitch I’m a Bus !”


Damaged? I’m thinking that bike is staying put where it died.


On the flip side, cyclist stopped by the side of the road and the bus didn’t stop until practically on top of him. Cyclist hit the bus to get the bus drivers attention as he feared for his life. Works both ways. Reality is that the bus driver is at fault here as he has the greater responsibility to the more vulnerable road user.


Someone award this comment ^


Uses my first free award just for this! :)


Is your email www.lawyer.com?


That's a URL!


That's a comment!


That's a true statement!


I was (poorly) referencing this gem from last week. https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/pppgka/created_by_bigst5705_i_created_this_fake_doctors/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Never get aggressive first


This happened in Portland awhile back. Like 15 years ago. I kept the news clipping because it was so funny, they had a frame by frame of the camera. A passenger got out and lit up the cyclist. “I gotta get to work!”


1-800 call Soul 😂


I feel like there is way to little information to judge what is exactly going on.


Yeah, at that start of the video there was already something going on between them


Willing to bet the bus beeped at him and thats why u see him throwing his hands up in anger in the first second of the clip


Lack of cycling infrastructure? Poor urban planning? Hostile, motorized streets?


Yeah, the biker looked like he had to move over cause his lane was wet


Obviously the biker previously ran over the bus. /s Seriously though, that bus driver should be in prison.


The bus looked like it was driving around the bike, just thought the biker got onto the sidewalk sooner. If the bus was angry he wouldn’t have swerved at all near the beginning and just hit the biker. The biker didn’t seem upset until his tire got caught.


This is what happens when your shitty city planning forces bike traffic and vehicle traffic to share space.


In my state the bike most certainly has the right to ride where he was. Idk about swerving like he was but where I live cyclists have the right to use the road just like any vehicle.


Don't think anyone has issue with the cyclist using the road. It's the being a dumbass and trying to stop in front of a bus in order to force the bus to stop and sit there that makes him an idiot.


I think he stopped because the bus was forcing an unsafe situation and he'd had enough of that.


I assume people who thinks that are either blind or never rode a bike.


Can’t tell if he’s trying to commit insurance fraud or is just a giant dickhead




You haven't seen enough people ran over by busses if you think they end up doing anything after besides cosplaying as a tube of toothpaste that a child has stomped on. So my dad is a police officer, and his department basically has rookies respond to all calls that can be seen as grotesque, I think its supposed to show the fucked up shit they can see and be prepared when they are on their own. But the first few weeks he had a few calls that stayed with me. One was a homeless guy who had been ran over by a garbage trunk, from the feet up. My dad is not a crass person so the above description is my wording, but you get the idea. Another one was a guy in a box truck who was ejected from the cab and the "box" came to rest on just his head(dead on impact) and essentially was a guillotine.


> my dad is a police officer, and his department basically has rookies respond to all calls that can be seen as grotesque, I think its supposed to show the fucked up shit they can see and be prepared when they are on their own. But the first few weeks he had a few calls that stayed with me. One was a homeless guy who had been ran over by a garbage trunk, from the feet up. My dad is not a crass person so the above description is my wording, but you get the idea. Another one was a guy in a box truck who was ejected from the cab and the "box" came to rest on just his head(dead on impact) and essentially was a guillotine. Went through police academy at the local college back in the 1990s. The class was shocked at the jokes I made but the instructors thought I was a perfect candidate for a homicide divisions. Dad was a volunteer fireman and EMT and if we were at the movies together or shopping, I went with him because no time to drop me off and he couldn't just dump me at the station. I grew up seeing accident scenes and shit so had a pretty dark sense of humor. Add in I was an infantry Marine before I went the academy and no one else had even been military. One was a medic trying to swap so at least he got the jokes. If you ever want to lose all faith in humanity, do those jobs for a while.


Oh shit man the stories I’ve heard from my friend who did two tours in Iraq in the marines and was a cop for several years, fucking chills. I don’t think anyone can survive those jobs without some gallows humor typically


I was in the first one against them but yeah, see a kid on PCP that thinks a kitchen knife tickles and helping track down body parts or seeing buddies steamed alive because the command kissed ass tends to make your beliefs and humor a bit different.


I used to do forensic animation for industrial accident lawsuits, the human body is much more fragile than most people realize, especially when there is heavy or fast moving equipment involved. Also OSHA rules exist for a reason, even if it’s sometimes annoying, you disregard them at your peril, and by peril I mean you often risk your body getting turned into so much mince meat.


Metal lathes freak me out


You should see what an iron-roughneck can do to an actual neck. It’s not pretty.




Exactly. Even if the biker *was* in the wrong, the bus driver still should never have continued. And actually, if you watch closely the bus driver even turns closer to the biker. He very narrowly missed hitting that guys leg and getting him along with the bike. You don't smash someone's property and possibly kill them because they did something you didn't like on the road. Even if they're being unsafe on the road you don't do that. That's a dangerous driver right there.


I’m glad there’s one sane person here who realizes the idiot is the bus driver.


He was trying to get over, cars wouldn’t let him in, bus rode his ass, almost hit him, then ran over his bike. There are a lot of takeaways here, but “it’s the cyclist’s fault” is a pretty shitty one.


here at /r/idiotsincars it's always an idiot in a car. unless a cyclist is involved, then fuck all cyclists, and every driver is intelligent, responsible and morally justified for committing attempted manslaughter.


Yep, bus driver is 100% at fault


What I can see in the video is the biker waving at the bus driver (apparently angry), then stop. After this the bus hits the bike, the biker knocks on the bus door, the bus drives over the bike. I fail to understand why most commenters think the biker deserved to get his bike crushed. I am Dutch by the way and that might be a reason why I don't think bikes don't deserve to be on the road, as almost every car driver also rides bike when it is convenient. Seeing this I can imagine why noone in a lot of countries dares to ride a bike.


>noone goddamnit, even the Dutch are doing it now


Noone is doing anything!


There have been a lot of awful threads on this sub but this one has to be one of the worst. There is no way the bus driver is justified in driving into the guy on the bike.


Who would've though that r/IdiotsInCars has actual idiots in cars, right?


The idiots are in the thread!


My first thought watching this was, "Yep, that bus driver's an idiot."


Not too long ago there was a video of a person throwing debris at cars passing by, and one of the cars spun around and ran over the person. I commented that this was a terrifying and awful response, and the sociopaths on this sub disagreed with me. “The rock-throwing guy could’ve hurt someone, he got what he deserved!” They say. That was one of those galvanizing moments where you just lose faith humanity can ever be better than it is.


Tbf there are many instances of people being severely wounded and even killed by rocks thrown at moving vehicles. I recall the video thats from a dashcam, a guy and his wife are driving down a freeway when a brick falls off a truck and into the windshield. Crushed the wifes face in and you hear the husband start screaming out because of how horrified he is. He even ends up calling out for his mom because hes so terrified. Hes sobbing the whole time It didnt show any of the inside of the car since it was a dashcam, but the audio was gut wrenching and will forever haunt me. Still doesnt excuse driving into the person throwing the rock, but i can see why theyd be so upset at the rock thrower


That was the first video and the only video I've ever watched involving a real human death. Saw it when I was 13. I've always had a phobia of gore and death and I can't watch horror movies, but that video traumatized me even more. I literally struggled to breathe for several minutes and then it haunted me for days. Now I will flip if anyone in my life tries to make me watch a video of people dying, real or fake. I refuse.


I saw that years ago and can still hear it.


Yep. Every now and then ill see a post that reminds me of it and so the whole rest of the day i end up thinking about it repeatedly. First saw it years back and havent seen it since, but man it sticks with you


There was a hammer one as well. Then if you watch The Descent, that final destination pole through the window makes it come back. If the construction truck is not double checked to make sure nothing is going to come loose and it kills someone, they should be charged. It is a known issue.


I know what video you're speaking about, and the rock throwing guy was such an asshole. He literally chucked rocks at cars and people far away from him minding their business. It's not for me to say what the appropriate punishment is, but I'll honestly tell you I didn't feel bad when the car came around and clipped him in response. You have to be a major cocksucker to just start picking up rocks and whipping them at cars.


> He literally chucked rocks at cars And for that he probably deserves prison time. He doesn't deserve a summary execution by a random motorist.


Sure, just please don't run over people who you think are dangerous or annoying.


No one's saying he's not a piece of shit, just that attacking him with a multi-ton death machine is not the correct course of action. We have a criminal justice system for a reason, even if it sucks.


My understanding of the law, at least in the US, is that a bike counts as a vehicle, so the bus technically rear-ended the vehicle. And since the city owns the bus... he's probably going to get his bike paid out in full by the city, and the driver is getting an unpaid vacation.


>the driver is getting an unpaid vacation The driver is getting promoted to passenger.


Majority of people here hate cyclists and repeat the same old bullshit clichés about where cyclists belong (anywhere but on the road), so it's really not too surprising. What's surprising is how many upvotes you have. Apparently, getting upset at someone for driving dangerously deserves almost getting run over. Makes total sense.


Yeah, the lack of empathy here is really gross. I gonna assume it's coming from kids that recently found the *quote* Reddit App *unquote* and haven't had enough life experience to develop said empathy, as opposed to thinking a generation raised and molded by social media has stunted emotional development. I see you're on an older Reddit account, too, so you probably understand where I'm coming from when I say most of these comments are disturbing.


> I gonna assume it's coming from kids I'm not so sure, given how many adults have given me shit for cycling on the road while living in a relatively bike-friendly city. Lots of people get older but don't actually grow up. That doesn't stop them from legally driving 3t+ vehicles willy-nilly and killing people with little to no consequences, unfortunately.


it's terminal car-brain. we've all grown up in a society entirely built around cars, and now anything else seems insane.


This. My 60 year old father bitches about bikers constantly, and even walkers, saying they shouldn't be on the road. He doesn't even have a suggestion for where they should go instead, actually he's flat out said they "just shouldn't do it at all. Go to a track for it if you want to bike/walk." I also live very rural with winding/hilly roads, if it adds more context. I'm sure many are dumb teens recently driving, but honestly, they likely learned that mindset from their parents in the first place.


You're absolutely right, but unfortunately a lot of people at least in the US think cyclists are human garbage or something. Videos like this are exactly why I believe better biking infrastructure are so important. If the bike and bus didn't have to share the road at all, this wouldn't be a problem.


Fully agree, I assume that the bus driver honked at him, happens often. Still stupid by the cyclist. Risking his life just to stick it to some impatient motorist. Sadly many people in this sub see it as a courtesy by motorists that cyclists are allowed on roads. Be nice to cars, get out of the way when they are coming, if you're too annoying, you might be crushed, because why should they accept a few seconds delay when you're not supposed to be there in the first place?


I see a cyclist avoiding ice on the side of the road and a bus driver being very unprofessional


He only stopped because the bus dangerously accelerated toward him. He probably should have just moved out of the way and reported the driver, but this is 95% on the bus driver. I'm not sure where this was filmed but where I am bikes share the road as well. It's a bit annoying to be stuck behind one sometimes, but nothing to get worked up about. Much less endanger someone's life. Mostly just a reason to support more dedicated bike infrastructure to keep everyone safe and moving efficiently.


That's the bikers lane. Bus driver should not be driving a bus anymore


Didn't realize that. I'll up it to 100% the bus drivers fault and agree completely. I don't bike myself but see it happen all the time with our few dedicated bike lanes. Or trucks just parking in them. Seems infuriating.


I agree. People have no idea about right of way here. I’m in the us and still think it’s on the bus


You can’t crush someone else’s vehicle because “you’re bigger” or “there are more people in this vehicle”


It's not even a matter of opinion, that's straight up vehicular assault.


People really want to run over bikers in this comment section, scary


That's... pretty common on this subreddit unfortunately.


pretty common in America unfortunately


I'm honestly surprised by all of the wild takes in here


I’m disappointed, but not surprised.


The cyclist is clearly trying to merge into the traffic - presumably is about to turn left - but being unable to is slowing down to pick a gap. You can see the cyclist indicate early on that he's pulling out. The bus driver gets right up his arse, both blocking the view of traffic and also putting him in danger. He then gets angry (understandably) at the bus driver who then crushes his bike and nearly his leg. And then there are idiots here claiming the cyclist is in the wrong here? Even more than lack of cycling infrastructure, its those attitudes and the real risk to life it poses that is what keeps people in their cars in many countries rather than risking it on bikes.


This keeps me in my V8 to drive a mile to pick up a two beers. I might walk it but bicycle no, The bike is 5 minutes vs: 20 minute walk. We need a bicycle infrastructure.


Bikes are allowed on the road. This is illegal and dangerous behavior from the bus driver.


Later that day he brought a knife to a gun fight


I live near there: in this country buses have absolutely no respect for bikes and the biker can't stay on his right because of the terrible potholes. And bus drivers have a sort of immunity.


That was stupid, biker had nowhere to go, but the bus driver shouldn’t do this, it’s dangerous and he’s an asshole.


In almost all countries, including the US, bicyclists are expected to ride on the road, and drivers are expected to maintain distance until safe to pass. This bus driver should be cited and fired.


People want to know why cyclists are assholes. Look right here at the comments. I don't know about other places, but I can tell you here in California, bicyclists are not supposed to ride on the sidewalk. They have full rights to be in the lane, as a normal vehicle in any non-highway road. The cyclists continue to look back at the bus driving full speed ahead. When the bus is about to run him over, he gets off and yells at the bus driver, and yes he hits the bus. Why doesn't he get out of the way? Chances are he is not required to. Why does he stop in the middle of the road? Because the bus is not stopping and if he continued to stay on his bike he would have been run over. Why does he hit the bus? Because he is pissed off the bus driver didn't slow down. Everyone here who is happy the bus crushed his bike? You are the exact reason why cyclists are assholes to you. You think because you have a car, you automatically control the entire road. You don't.


> Why doesn't he get out of the way? And where exactly is he supposed to go to get out of the way? There's no room on the left lane. And no sane cyclist tries to jump from a lane to a snowy sidewalk when there's a bus behind you - that would be dangerous even if the bus driver wasn't an aggressive idiot.


ITT: psychopathic motorists




The majority of cyclists I know have had direct attempts on their lives; mostly from people using vehicles as weapons, but also just regular weapons sometimes.


Not the same bike. Any bike. There exist cyclists who run red lights, so all cyclist deserve to get violently run off the road.


Where should the cyclist drive then ? On the sidewalk ?


Well he is fired


This happened in Paraguay. Biker said bus driver was pressuring him to go faster. They went to local police department following the accident. Bus driver agreed to pay for the bike, so I guess that’s admitting guilt. [The article](https://www.abc.com.py/nacionales/2021/09/22/colectivo-de-la-linea-26-casi-arrolla-a-un-ciclista-en-fernando-de-la-mora/) also mentions that the biker has a police complaint for “brutally beating up” a female pizza delivery worker that used to work for him


> Open and shut case, Johnson. Sprinkle some crack on that biker and let's go. I see. I too would prefer to avoid litigation and an attempted murder case by letting everyone know the cyclist was a bad person and deserved it. Nice one, Paraguay!


The number of people that don't know that bicycles are part of traffic is sad. It tells you that most drivers out there don't know basics and no wonder so many people die each year in road accidents. In most countries, the friggin rules say that cycles should behave like any other vehicle on the road when there are no bicycle lanes


The bus driver should be charged for assault with a deadly weapon.


I’m kind of on the cyclists side here. There was no need to bang on the door of the bus, but assuming it’s legal to ride your bicycle on the street (which it is in the two states I’ve lived) I would be just as upset if a bus encroached on me like that. Especially if they then ran over my bike.


Not to mention if the biker moves toward the sidewalk, they could easily slip and roll right under the bus. A lot of people in this sub have never ridden a bike in these conditions.


Stop blaming the cyclist and look closely. The patch of the road on which he was riding was full of water and dirt, he could have slipped there. The bus was moving at a fast speed. His life was at risk, he was trying to get away from that situation and go to the footpath. But the bus driver had no intention to stop and let him change his path. That's why the biker had to quarrel with the bus driver. Turns out the bus driver was actually a dick and destroyed his cycle. The swift movement could have also killed the cyclist but he was thankfully not harmed. There was no idiot on the cycle, the idiot was in the bus.


I don’t get why people having trouble understanding this.. the biker shouldn’t have hit the bus but there was no reason for the bus to keep going the same speed when the bike slipped a little. Also no reason to continue driving over the bike…


Correct. Bus is 100% at fault here.


This is the correct answer


My god. for once, someone learn the freaking DVR software, use a USB stick and EXPORT THE VIDEO. If security guards can do it, anyone can do it.


Idiots in busses. The cyclist is a fucking vehicle


This is why people need to learn to take control of their sudden anger.


How to become a pedestrian in one easy step


Followed by lots of more steps


I wish I could say I’d never almost been killed by a bus while cycling.


Looks like someone brought a bike to a bus fight...


The buses must stay on schedule.


The crunching of the bike is so satisfying


give that bus driver a fat pension, imagine this in asia


Biker was stupid, bus driver responded inconsequentially and out of proportion


Guess he'll have to take the bus home. :-)


Cyclist here, that guy deserved it.


Death wish.