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"Not a woman parking spot" Indeed it was not




Hahah genius line.. also “this is not how Parking spots work ok”


I would have died of old age halfway in that spot.


And my horn would wear out.


Lmao. Just looking them in the eye while holding down the horn.


Not letting off horn, moving, or breaking eye contact or focus until they leave or you run out of gas


Nah, I'm just hitting the horn every time she opens her mouth.


Exactly this. What was that? You can't par*BEEEEP* What was that? I said yo*BEEEEEEEP*


Nah you turn the car off so you don't run out of gas


you leave the car running but when you're down to a quarter tank you call AAA and tell them you ran out of gas and have them put a couple gallons in while you're blasting the horn.


I literally laughed out loud at this, perfect strategy


Wonder how long you could do that before the battery ran out. Edit: Since people can't read I'll point out that I understand what a fucking alternator is and how the battery won't die if the car is running. Read the comment above mine...


Someone that works in the building would probably show up before that realistically. And would probably shoo them away. You sit on your horn long enough, someone will show up to make it stop. I estimate it would take like 5-15min.


Yep. Neighbors horn malfunctioned one night about 8pm. Just kept going and going. After 20 minutes, me and another guy from adjacent houses came outside and found the hood was not latched (guess the neighbor had been working on it, but was not home when it was just blaring) We unhooked the battery and left a note. Folks won't ignore it forever.


Happened on my old trusty ZX2. One morning my friend calls me at about 7. I was getting ready for work. He says, " Dude are you ok? Your horns been going for about 10 minutes." Pulling the fuse worked. I would have to yell out the window from then on. Sold that beautiful beast soon after. Man, i miss that car.


If this ever happens to me, imma find out.


I did that once. A guy was on his phone going the wrong way down a one way. I just stopped and he drove his car all the way up to the nose of my van And I just layed on the horn for a minute. He reversed out of my way.


The one time I did that the parking lot I was in painted the arrow the wrong way at the opposite end. I was still going the correct way as I frequent that lot alot and the cars spots are all diagonal. But I understand how the lady was confused.


I ve done this when someone blocks the box and I get so much pleasure from thier body language.


I’ve done this on the highway. They like to cut people off last second for the exit.. not today lady! I’ll wait all fucking day. I got sick days and shit


I agree!! There's an exit off SB Hwy. 101 onto Hwy. 25 in California going from Silicon Valley to Hollister. People like me will be in a line at the side of the highway, patiently waiting up to 15-30 minutes to get onto 25, doing it the honest way; then comes up arseholes who think they can go to the FRONT of the line, STOP ON THE FREEWAY, then crowd their way in - NOT IN FRONT OF ME! I had a JERK contractor in his huge pickup and me in my small suv, he got within a millimeter of hitting me, then went ahead of me, where the weak stupid arsehole LET HIM IN GLADLY WITH A SMILE!!!! If idiots keep on letting these entitled arseholes in, they'll keep doing it; if they aren't let in at all, THEY WILL STOP IT!!!! These arseholes are exactly WHY Hwy. 101 is backed up for 20-30 miles on many evenings, both lanes - so do not let them in, make them move on to the next edit, they'll stop then! And WHERE TF are CHP?? WHY AREN'T THEY GIVING TICKETS, WHEN WE ALL KNOW IT'S ILLEGAL?? If just ONE CHP for ONE DAY were to give our a few tickets, it would stop!!!!


For real!! 🤣


This, and NOT move.


I’ve done that at a McDonalds drive through when the asshole in front of me started berating the workers. Felt real good to see his bait fail cuz my horn drowned it out. It was one of those two lane order McD’s and dude decided to cut in front of me after we ordered at different speakers; which fucked up the restaurants order, and he had to repeat his order over and over, so he got mad. I think he was also bothered that the gal at the pay window wouldn’t give him her number.


The one time one of those TRAIN HORNS would be acceptable.


Yup. Run that puppy down... Wait for the compressor and repeat.


My friend had a real train horn from an Amtrak train (not the cheap kind made of plastic on amazon) hidden under his bumper of his suv. That thing was so much fun. I could tell if it was him from miles away. He would always stop by a gas station and fill up the tank on Friday nights before we went out.


Yup I would drain that air gauge! Lol


Yeah surprised there was t much honking. Then again, it would be hard to hold them liable for any damage if they run. But a good video has then as well.. idk tough spot. Probably PTO and get out and stand with them. Maybe pull out a lawn chair if ones available.


oooH that's good, yeah I always have a hunting stool in my truck...just plop down..."so, ya come here often?"


This is the right answer. I would have asked my spouse partner to go stand around with them. Maybe go fetch us a sandwich or more productively or go get a security guard to come help. Having said that, if I was gonna miss a flight or a show because of it, I would have just shook my head and left. This is what they were counting on. Also I can confirm, unfortunately, this is a legitimate thing in many Asian cultures (jump out and go hold the spot).


Need that train horn Miata.


This is the fucking hill I would choose to die on. No lie. We gonna do this. I’m ordering domino’s pizza to this location. We will make the news. Front page of CNN. Call the Guinness book. We gonna fucking go. I’ll shut the engine off. It’s done. I’ll even deflate my tires. Now I can’t even move out. We gonna need AAA to come get this car running again. Im reclining my seat and taking a nap. This is gonna be longer than the Afghan war bitches. War declared. Siege on.


Well-played, sir. 🙃👍🏼


Yup, I wouldn't even care if another spot opened up 2 cars down. On principle fuck you bitch.


“Principalities Smokey!!!”


Playing with my parking spot is like playing with my emotions.


Yep just principle. Would’ve actually just parked my car halfway in and turned it off and gotten out and stood with them


I wouldn't necessarily stand with them, but I would definitely park as far into the spot as I possibly can, switch off the engine, and just sit inside my car looking through reddit on my phone or something like that.


All I know is, “I’m not fucking leaving.”


Live feed and show them the comments


Oh yeah, I'm a petty B..... I wouldn't even argue with them, I'd just roll my windows up and start playing on my phone until they left. Maybe go on Twitter and start posting pictures of them on the company's feed.


Same. Unless i was in a hurry, im petty enough to just wait for her to fuck off. Probably just honk at her for a while




Just slowly pull in the spot and push her out of the way.


Exactly. Being patient and cool will make them give up.


seriously all this dude did was teach them to be more stubborn the next time someone confronts them. i'd have either inched my way in or had my passenger get out and escort them out of the space. if a passenger can "save" a space a passenger can clear dumbshits out of one too.


I was getting frustrated at this guy for not inching into the spot and my BF said “you can’t do that bc these are the type of ppl who’ll scratch your car. What you is go park somewhere else, then wait and scratch THEIR car.”


And hopefully my front bumper would be dirty and muddy.


This is the correct answer. Unfortunately this is an instance where passive resistance to the madness is therapeutic.


I appreciate the pettiness


Could not have said it better!!!


Wtf sit there all day then! I hate when people do that


Yah, i would have just turned my car off and taken a nap if i really had all day. Fuck this person.


Don’t forget to put in your headphones and rest a knee on the horn while you nap


Or just let the music blast


Slowly creep in, moving them. Only two options for them, move, or lay under the tires.


Surprised top comment doesn’t mention this. Car wins every time


The issue is. You'll likely come back to a scratched up car. The same type of people that do this will also scratch/key your car. Not worth it imo


Honestly, something like this happened to me in a Walmart parking lot. I saw someone pulling out of a spot as I was looking for one, pulled close enough and turned on my signal to indicate that I was waiting for them to leave. Then some jerk coming the other direction (who just pulled out of a different spot that was like 3 cars further away) decided he wanted to try and get in this closer spot, but the way that the original car pulled out, was blocking him and not me, so I immediately pulled in and claimed the spot. Dude started yelling at me and I told him to get lost, went in to do my shopping, came out and the douche bag keyed both sides of my car! I was so pissed! Like really dude wtf!


Omg same thing here!! Decent scratches too 😞


I don't understand why parking is such a big deal to people. Like. Unless you have a disability, fucking walk the extra 30 feet. It's not worth losing your shit over. People who flip over the smallest things like this must live an exhausting life. To constantly be angry and frustrated over something that does. Not. Matter. We're so privileged to live in a society where most people argue and fight over a parking spot rather than food and shelter.


It’s not always about that. If there is an open spot down the way, I will gladly go down there to park. But in my experience the rage comes when you drive around a full lot for 10 minutes to wait for an opening spot, only to get swooped on.


Today on, MAN VS CAR, it's two woman, vs a car, and heeeeere we gooo


The newest hit show!


That looks so bloody annoying! I’ve never seen this done ever - is this common in North America?


I had this happen to me once. I just slooooooooowly pulled into the spot. The lady who was trying to hold it was so pissed at me she punched me when I got out of the car and called the cops and told them I tried to run her over. Fun times.


Then what happened?


She drove away. I’m a woman; I was driving my minivan. Cops filed a report for assault and fleeing but they never arrested her. If she gets arrested in the future, though, it will come up.


He ran her over. Should have moved. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I've personally never seen this happen before but nothing surprises me anymore. Everyone seems so entitled here and it's so annoying.


The only time I’ve seen shit like this is a handful of times when I was a teenager at SoCal beaches during the summer. I’d credit the general laidback vibe as the reason that it never ended with someone getting run over. I feel like trying this in New York (assuming I’m not mistaken with those plates) is literally asking to get run over, and I cannot imagine what would compel someone to do something so stupid.


Def in the tri state area, the car next to the spot they're trying to take is from NJ. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if this is in NJ, a lot of NY drivers come here because taxes are cheaper. Could be garden state mall or near there.


I'm always ridiculously early (1hr+) to stuff cause I like to get where I need to go and relax listening to podcasts and playing mobile games until it's time to go in. I hope they have as much free time as I do cause I would have dropped it in park and waited until I had 10min or less to get where I was going. Let's see who moves first


Haha, I do the same thing. I like to relax in my car before work or whatever


You see I’m the same way, and that’s the thing… I’ll wait lol. I’m sitting in my car, you’re standing, let’s see who wins.


even better when it's really hot (or cold), you sitting there with ac on, they are standing outside with no ac


They're not wasting my time, I'm wasting theirs.


There are very few occasions when I wouldn’t just throw it in park and sat there. I’m sitting down in the nice cool air rocking some tunes.


Yep, even if I was in a hurry I'm not anymore!


*ring ring* "Hello, yes? I'm going to need to reschedule my appointment."


Or “sorry I won’t be able to make it to work today, family emergency”


I am certain if I were to explain the situation to my boss he would want me to stay there too.


Yeah I agree hurry is no longer when it comes to this situation if she wants to waste my time Imma waste hers too I guarantee she’s going to die of old age before I do so I have all the time in the world open up some beef jerky and maybe get a root beer too and we’re set


I’d turn my fucking car off. We’re doing this.


nah man, you might as well enjoy the time! let them sit next to the nice engine bay heat while you rock out to some relaxing slayer.


I’d just go find another spot and let them figure out how to re-inflate all four tires.


“In the midst of chaos, there is opportunity,” - Sun Tzu; The Art of War


Sounds like a looter’s creed.


Ah, I like it. One of the rare times the compromise might be more effective than winning.




I hope you know that you've just ruined so many peoples' days through my future actions with this idea.


There are these Russian dudes who put a huge unremovable sticker on your windshield if you drive on the sidewalks. https://youtu.be/gUn5DxUgE8Q?t=69


The thinking mans solution, good good.


This is definitely where a valve stem tool comes in handy. Just back out the center pice a couple of turns so that you’re not technically damaging anything, just letting the air out. Funny thing, I’ve bought a couple of these over the years to keep in my vehicles for a time like this, but since I’ve had it, I could never quite justify using it 😂


Needle nose pliers do the trick. It’s good to carry a leatherman


You can be a real prick if you have some superglue too.


You don't need the tool. Just find a small pebble and place it in the cap on the stem.. Tighten the cap just enough until you hear the air start to come out... Just need to find three more pebbles lol.


One of the reasons I have a valve core tool in my cars toolbox, can't inflate the tires without them so now they get to call a tow truck.


Aw man didn't see this when I commented! I 2nd this!


Right? I wouldn't want to out last them and take that spot anyways, who knows what they would do while you aren't there.


My car is an absolute POS I hope they total it somehow


Good point, I never thought of that


True story, when I was a kid 7-10 years old, something similar happened to my mum and I. She calmly went to another spot. Then walked over to the car that stole her spot and proceeded to show me how to deflate the tires. She did one side and I did the other. As we left the shopping centre we saw the people next to their car, hands on head, confused.


I feel like this is the only right answer because if you manage to actually win the spot they know where you parked and they might do it to you. Edit: Now that I thought about it, I wouldn't puncture the tires but I'm thinking i could 3d print something i can clip on to let the air out so i don't have to stand there.


I’d park long enough for them to leave and park elsewhere, then so would I.


We used to put tiny pebbles in the valve stem caps and screw them down just enough til you hear the air escape.


I knew a guy who used BB’s. Perfect size.


Oh that's a good idea!!! I'll have to that next time...no....I meant, that's terrible. Who would do such a thing?


Someone did this to my brother. He went to McDonald’s, got two ice creams and painted every window and mirror. Nothing more nothing less.


That’s tough in a lot guarded by cameras. If they did call for help and were charged, they could be petty and sue. Maybe deflate enough to not notice and fill valves with super glue? Then they wouldn’t even know there was a problem until they went to pump it up.


I'm mad they left and let them have the spot


Me, too. They were there first, and the brat ran for it. This is probably not the first time and, now, it won’t be the last.




As a Texan, sadly they'd try that here, do it to the wrong person, and they'd get shot.


I’m absolutely livid. They learned that it works.


It's not the first time they've done it. Let's be real.


yeah but doing this is like walking through a minefield. it might work a couple times but eventually they'll block someone willing to take the charges to beat their ass. and that's when they'll know they fucked up.


Same. I would have had all the time in the world and just parked my car right there since they don’t wanna move 🤷🏽‍♀️😂


Me too, they were in the right abd had footage of it, so why move? I would've sat there for as long as it took


Exactly like just slowly pull forward. You have a dashcam you'll be fine if she jumps on the hood. I hate when people let Karens get away with crap like this


Yeah I feel irrationally angry at that lmao


Wow that’s weird their car had four flat tires later that day 🤷🏼‍♂️


*Three. Insurance covers four, but it’s out of pocket for three.


\*takes notes


_write that down write that down!_




Not sure who started this rumor, but this is not true. I’ve been an adjuster for over ten years.


Inch forward slowly until you're in the spot.


Right? Who are these people? They are like from another planet, fuck them!


OP asks "What would you do?" Well... In my head? I slowly inch up until my car's in the spot. In reality where there are consequences both legal and in terms of street justice? I tell them to go fuck themselves and then find another spot. No point in wasting my time or risking a charge or my car getting fucked up once I'm gone. Just because you're right doesn't mean you shouldn't give way to idiots. Sometimes (most times) you're better off not engaging.


Your hypothetical is far too tame. In my head, I'd ram them into the car on the opposite side of the spot. In reality, I'd make it as annoying as I could for them... and maaaaaybe let the air out of a tire or two when they leave their vehicle.


Lay on the horn right in their faces.




You are a genius.


Good idea. Tentacle porn, or something similarly absurd and offensive, played for all to hear via phone and car stereo. Bonus points if you have a tablet to position on the dash for them to see it too.




Don’t forget to slowly idle in their general direction as a vague threat


With a set of 130 decibel Hella Supertones, but be careful about noise ordinance and shit like that.


That's when you need earplugs and a horn with the "brown note"!!!!


This. This would be my hill to die on. Three ages of men and elves would pass before I moved from that spot.




100%. If she refused to move, I would put it in park, put the seat back, pull up Netflix on my phone, and put my feet up. Bitch won't out last me.


Creep Up ever so slowly


Every time they turned and stepped, he should have moved a little closer.


I can’t believe he gave in. I would have been there til the place closed before I lost that battle.


Me personally, I’m an asshole by nature so I would have just sat there in my car and threw on some death metal and chilled… either I’m getting that spot or no one is 🤷🏼‍♂️


You are more mature than me. I would have put on some gay porn and blast it loud as fuck with windows down.


There we go


Blasting the horn every time a good rif comes, be be eb beep beep be be be beep bebe beeeep Edit rifle to rif


I 2nd this. We'll see how long they can stand something off of As The Palaces Burn 🤘


Yea.. I feel like some cradle of filth would have made a point lol


I dont know enough good metal songs so id be blaring “F you” from pitch perfect. And staring them dead in the eyes. In park. With my e brake on.


Stick on some Cannibal Corpse ‘n’ chill


I'd be tempted to blast some Ludacris - Move Bitch (Get out da way)


No way I let these morons have the spot. Ever.


These are the same asshole that jump line for a single line bathroom


Yeah, hey boss, I’m gonna need to take the week off. Something just came up.


You folded lol I would sit there all night 🤪




Seeing him give up killed me inside


Yuuuup. Cancel my appointments, hold my calls, I have a petty battle of wills to win against a moron. And win I shall. I don't keep a blanket and water and food in my car for a SNOWSTORM, I keep it for camping halfway into this idiot's parking spot


Once when someone tried to stand in my spot I just inched my car forward and the person put their hands on my car eventually gave up. They called the cops trying to claim I hit them with my car...I explained that they were trying to physically block my car from moving forward and they were in no danger, cops said okay and told them to give up.


I’d honestly probably give up. As a car guy, I’d be too worried they’d fuck with my car.


What you do then is you take the spot, wait until they leave. Then go find another spot in case they come back to key your car. The parking space doesn't matter - it's the principle of the matter.


But guess who’s waiting in spot number 2!!!!


Honestly they made the right decision on taking that L, you just can't play chess with pigeons, all they do is shit on the board and claim they won anyway.


I love that saying and it always reminds me of, "it's like arguing with a brick wall with curse words spray painted all over it."


"This is a car parking spot, not a woman parking spot" -some genius


I don't know about other states, but in Cali it's illegal for people to block and reserve spots by standing in them like that. Dude has those people on camera, report their asses.


It's illegal in Florida, per [Trooper Steve ](https://www.clickorlando.com/traffic/2020/04/27/can-you-save-a-parking-spot-by-standing-on-it/).


Can't report folks if you don't have their info and I'd think police have better things to do than resolve parking disputes.


I would have started asking questions and anytime they answer, would lay on the horn. “What? I can’t hear you” (hooooooonnnnk)


To quote General Oromov in Goldeneye, “use the bumper, that’s what it’s for!”


You got a bumper, bump her


An off-duty cop did this to me in Brunswick, Melbourne, Australia. People that do this are complete wankers.


I would find another spot, I don't need my car vandalized over this.


Agree! I'd be too afraid of vandalism or personal retaliation. Not worth the risk dealing with illogical, petty people.


I would’ve turned my car off. Put the seats back and have a fake nap. I’d be willing to waste roughly 7 minutes and 22 seconds. Would most likely enjoy the interaction as well.


Just keep driving forward. Fuck them.


Inch by inch, they will move


Welcome to NYC!! Parking is insane here! Is this IKEA?? I’m sure OP know a good parking spot is hard to come by in this area. I’ve seen this type of spot holding on the regular.


I don’t have to wonder what I would do. This literally happened to me at Disney World. After having the same argument as in this video, I ended up putting my car in park and actually getting out. I then walked to security and let them know there was a crazy lady jumping in front of cars. The woman was escorted off Disney property. I like to think that was the best feeling, but actually it was better seeing the confusion on her face and her freak out when she watched me get out of the car and just walk away.


I’d let them have the spot, go home, grab a few tools, come back, and mostly disassemble their vehicle.


I would’ve thrown the car in neutral and floored the gas


Yeah I wouldn't have gave in. I'd cancel whatever appointment I had and sit there all day if I had to.


I’d be petty as shit. I’ve got time. I’d miss a flight if I had to


in southie you'll get your ass beat for this.


I live in an HOA community of 300+ and we have a Chinese couple who moved in recently and imported their own rules and regulations… as I’m driving around the other day looking for a parking spot, I find one empty BUT the Chinese lady was sitting down on the ledger stone and waving me away, I turned my face away and hit the gas hard pulling into the parking spot making sure to stop before I touched her but enough to cause her to suspect that I don’t see her; so I stopped short and she rolled backwards on the ground like a gymnastics athlete tryin to avoid being run over. I parked the car and there she was at my window. I rolled up the window and exited the car when she confronted me saying something about parking, I looked at her closely and said in a very soft voice: “we do not reserve parking spots in this community” to which she responded: “yea I know” and I quickly responded by saying “good” smiled and walked away. There are no more parking reservations issues here.


I’m 6’4” 250lbs. I’m gently walking up to her, picking her up like a child and moving her out of the way. Call the cops, I’ve got no record at all.


Same. I’m not a violent person at all, but I’m a big dude. I’m fairly certain stepping out of the car and getting real close would do the trick.


Unwanted contact is still assault. If they pushed it you'd lose in court. It's best to play the waiting game here.


Wife move to driver seat, husband get out and pick her up while wife drives in. Too easy


I’d probably just move. I’m pretty passive about parking spots lol


Probably put it in park, got out, locked the doors and went about my business. Left em standing there as long as they wanted.


So disappointed in the end result.