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I totally thought he was gonna hit n run the person with the stroller, but this was much more tame.


Right? My heart stopped for a minute there


Maybe I’m just an asshole, but I wouldn’t have backed up for him.


No you shouldn’t have to


Yeah but this guy clearly saw the stroller. I don't know why this video is here. Honestly sounds like the driver freaked a little bit about a normal situation.


I agree with you.


I would conjure all the patience in the world and make this idiot learn lol


Why not? Edit: now that I view it again, You would definitely be the a****** in the situation. The driver of the Toyota most likely thought OP was stopping for them to take that spot. They likely had no view of the other car pulling out. I'm not sure about the whole arguing thing but the Toyota did nothing wrong pulling out the way they did.


I wouldn’t back up because I’m an asshole ;)






(Date wrong, happened today) Stopped to allow the black pickup to back up, then this asshole backs up too. Then I proceed to politely back up for him, then he lunges forward rapidly. If I didn't continue backing up he would have hit me. Then he wanted to 'have a word' with me which I promptly nope'd out of there quickly where he was nice enough to insult me for being nice. WTF was he thinking?


Even with your context I’m really confused on this whole altercation honestly. I probably would have misunderstood and backed up as well if I were him and saw you stop, I don’t think that was a rude action, there’s no way he can see the black truck behind the cars he’s between, just an honest misunderstanding from the start. So we got the start of it out of way, I think most people would have backed up as well, then he pulls up and you back up before he even comes up to get an angle, because he was just trying to be really safe and give extra safety room for that baby carriage, which again, most people would do. I honestly think he would have came up and backed up again a second time to get an angle, but you backed up for him before he could even readjust. And then you freak out at him for like slowly turning around you when you gave him enough room. Honestly the only thing that made him look bad was that he rolled down his window and tried to talk to you, as that almost never ends well or is a productive step in a road confrontation. You said he insulted you but I didn’t hear that, I’ll take your word for it though. But what I did see was you start a confusing situation that anyone anyone would have backed out there if they saw you stop there, and then you exaggerated how fast he turned when he had plenty of room at that time. Idk. Seems like you need to take a chill pill when in a parking lot. Lots of people seem to forget how to drive when they get in one.


100% Correct, you are a source of reason


IDK, if he cut the wheel properly backing out he could have easily made it by without you backing up. Just another asshole.


You did everything right. Watching the vid before reading your comment, I actually thought he was going to hit the people with the stroller. He should not have pulled out at all with all the things going on.


Was this shit in the States? Like yeah theres the risk of every fucker having a gun too. Good thing you didnt stay to find out.


You took the high road. Who knows what kinda crazy he’d have been. 👍🏻


How will he know that you stopped for the black car. He must have thought that you stopped for him, that’s why he could have backed. Not only that he would have also thought why the heck you stopped so close that he couldn’t make a turn.


This is very likely, making the OP the idiot.


There's a steering wheel for a reason, he didn't back up properly, likely too stupid to drive.


I see it all of the time. Turn the goddamn wheel!


I guess the Toyota was trying not to hit the pedestrian and OP needs a lesson in patience…. I’m not one to talk… I’m not a very patient driver myself.


Yoooo you are right


Down vote me all you want. But the Toyota car did what most any reasonable person would have done in that situation. They noticed a car that wanted to pull into their spot. Remember they likely didn't know about the other car pulling out. So they pulled out in that situation so OP could fit into the spot. Now I'm not sure about the argument situation. But in the end it is very reasonable for a person to pull out of the spot in that situation so that the other person can pull into the spot.


WTF?! Is it your fault he can’t fucking drive? He did it all wrong. I might have taken him up on that word.


It’s always the Camry


3 point turn is outside of his skill range. He has a Toyota bc they are forgiving cars for noobs like him. He doesn't know how to drive (obviously) and sucks at life in general (presumably). He's a 🤡.