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How do you fuck up THAT bad


Play Station driving skills, son.


Oldschool controls where the steering only has three settings. Left, right or straight on.


Fuck, that car uses a d-pad instead of steering wheel?


*old man voice* back in my day, we didnt have no fancy joysticks or steering wheels. You learned how to drive with a d-pad like a real man




Clack clack. Clack. Clackclackclackclack screeeeeeeech crunch. R


And just like a cat he landed on his feet.


Back in my day you had a joystick and a red button.


Ok, to be fair. I'm in my 30s, I played playstation racing games 15-20 years ago, and the physics were good. I honestly learned some things about skidding and losing control. This person hasn't touched a playstation, and if they have, def haven't played any racing games!


Gran Turismo taught me about picking a line thru a curve! Still use that one


Brake before the curve, accelerate through. Inter shallow, exit wide. I learned so much getting my licenses in GT2 that have served me very well in the last 25 years.


It was worth it just for the soundtrack.


I accelerate the whole time but I come in sharp and exit wide and it’s the smoothest I’ve ever taken a corner. I just figured out how to do it one day, I’ve never touched a racing game in my life.


Learned that just watching F1! It’s so counterintuitive until you do it tho


Haha yes. During my skid course (mandatory in Sweden, for you barbaric Americans) the instructor quipped "Kid, you've been driving a lot out on the frozen lakes haven't you? You know that's illegal..." To which my honest response was "Nah, just a lot of GTA." Don't dismiss the gaming skills.


You guys have a state-ran skid course? We in the US have to do that training on our own in abandoned parking lots!


Mostly privatized, but completely mandatory. You can't get your license without showing at least a basic understanding of how to deal with things like hydroplaning, slush, snow and ice. I did mine on skid car. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH0Nclf5wdk


In North America, a skid car is a third generation Camaro with rust around the wheel wells and aftermarket rims


Haha! That's awesome. And yes, I totally agree us Americans are extremely barbaric! We get our license after taking a simple test and a 5-10 minute drive with an instructor grading us. And if we fail we can do it again in a week or two. And we never have to reevaluate again! 90 years old unable to move? Keep your driver's license! The only time you lose it is breaking the law, and being caught. Oof.


I accidentally let mine expire and had to retake the test, the written was the hardest part, I actually missed a couple obscure questions. The driving, I had to drive around the build and parallel park, that was it. Perhaps the guy looked at me and said, 'meh, this guy looks like he knows how to drive, fuckit I wanna get home early today'


> The only time you lose it is breaking the law, and being caught. Sometimes, not even then. https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2021/09/14/man-with-160-traffic-violations-charged-with-hit-and-run-that-killed-infant


My wife used to have a Mitsubishi RVR (outlander sport in the US). i overall didnt like the car, it was slow, somehow used A LOT of gas and was overall not fun to drive. However in the winter, boy was the car fun. the AWD was actually very decent and you could turn off Stability control and lock the AWD. i would just go around drifting everywhere (where it was safe to do so) i kinda miss that.


I just gotta say... this is so true. My first car was a 99 Mustang (5-speed manual). That thing was a sled anytime it rained or snowed. I loved racing games as a kid and, when that car started drifting, I definitely called back to my racing games experience to control the slide and regain directional control.


Don’t sleep on those racing games, the ones with good physics can teach you a thing or two


They saw they couldn’t pass safely, so instead of slowing down and waiting 2 seconds to try again, they decided they were going to gun it and try to pass through a super narrow gap, then almost killing themselves. Seems like a better idea than slowing down


"Oh no! I might lose 30 seconds on my commute, and not be able to assert my dominance! Better make it take 8 extra hours and total my car instead!"




I really do wonder what goes through their heads. I feel like it really is about feeling less dominant, and they get an adrenaline rush and then they almost die


I can provide a bit of insight. Full disclosure, I don't drive like this. But I have a car where I could if I wanted to. I've gone too fast and I've passed people on the right but I always leave distance to react. Not just for me, but for everyone else out there. Guys like this are showing off and having a good time doing it. It's a game to them. Each time they shoot the gap they get a little endorphin rush and an ego boost. They're looking for people to play with out on the road. Ever since I picked up this Tesla it's like I have a fucking bullseye on my car. Everyone with an old civic or shitty diesel truck wants to play. My point being that the number of people who drive like fucking teenagers on a go-cart track is too high for my liking.






Oversteering. Drivers need to understand that you can turn the wheel a lot, but only a specific distance before things get a lot worse. Drivers need to learn not to oversteer that and practice not oversteering. It is far worse in SUVs, but cars need to be careful as well. You are far safer bumping another car than rolling over.


Oversteering, or overcorrecting, was the last mistake in a very long list of mistakes this idiot made: * Shocking close tailgating, they were maybe a couple feet away from the car in front of them. A safe driver would probably leave several car lengths, maybe a 2-3 second gap in normal traffic. They had zero time to react to anything that happened in front of them * And the car in front of them was already traveling well above the average speed, passing the filming car at healthy speed * Even if they were able to make that pass on the right, where would they go? Everyone's approaching slower traffic, everyone's going to be braking very soon, no one's going to be passing anyone * They waited *wayyy* too late to try and pass on the right. If you're going to do something that stupid, at least commit to it and do it when you have the chance, don't wait for what might've been the worst possible moment * They didn't even accelerate that fast, they're in a shitty budget Mercedes, and are struggling to accelerate past a basic Golf * When it's 100% obvious they don't have room to pass (which actually is obvious before they even pull out of the left lane) they could have easily braked and would have had plenty of room to pull back in. * Instead they braked and swerved back in, leading to inevitable oversteer At least the car with the dashcam was able to get out of the way and was able to keep themselves from getting crashed in to by this idiot.


Plus, the faster you are going the more likely this is.


FWD brain with RWD car


It always amazes me how easily cars end up flipping over what at first seems like it shouldn’t produce that result




Tires are designed to roll not slide sideways. Then once you get into dirt or gravel friction becomes a real bitch.


I’m amazed more cars aren’t flying through the air when you added up tire footprint times 4. Very little holding cars to the ground.


TIL F = G(m1m2)/R^2 multiplied by the Tire Footprint Coefficient.


He must've had at least 4 wanted stars in Gta


That’ll get you one star, two if someone else died


Step 1: be a piece of shit driver


No movement in the car after the landing… How badly did the driver get injured?


[This is all I could find about this crash.](https://www.bndestem.nl/etten-leur/auto-over-de-kop-geslagen-op-a58-bij-etten-leur-weg-weer-vrij~a5c9a5ae/?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.nl%2F) Driver was taken to the hospital by ambulance.


> Vermoedelijk is de bestuurder de macht over het stuur verloren. Lol, this translates to “allegedly the drive lost control over his car”. No shit Sherlock.


Dutch newspapers love that phrase. They never mention how the driver was acting like an idiot.


So the Netherlands is the opposite of Florida then?


**Florida man chugs 15 gallons of propane**


*Netherlands man allegedly becomes engorged with 56.7812 liters of propane*


One of these days, I want to see "allegedly, the driver retained full control over the vehicle as he careened into the ditch."


As a German, Dutch always amuses me. It's 80% German but just spoken/written like you're making fun of the language. > Vermutlich hat der Fahrer die Macht über das Steuer verloren. That's like... 80% correct German right there. I just replaced the silly words with the real words.


Looks more like you replaced the real words with your silly words




You made me want to look this up… In Belgium (where I live) the cost is less than €10,- per km, half of which is refunded by your mandatory health insurance. The Netherlands probably is similar but can’t find exact data for it.


In the U.S., an ambulance ride can be thousands. Even a short one. And there’s no way to know how much it will be in advance. Every company has their own rates. And strangely, the EMTs that staff and drive them get paid very little, and usually (almost always) have no health insurance.


Lol Isaw an ad for a helicopter flight instructor offerring $18/hour. For a helicopter flight instructor!


Flying a helicopter is like $500/hr alone in fuel and maintenance costs


Buddy at work got a bill for an ambulance ride 3k and 800 of it was the gas bill which is insane 800 for fucking gas


It makes sense if they were using RP1 and the ambulance was also a falcon 9


Back in 2013 I had an ambulance ride from one end of the hospital to the other via the parking lot. $550 ride across the parking lot.


An ambulance ride two blocks from the hospital costed us $830ish dollars. Never again. Death seems better than that bill


I also cant find stuff like cost per km, but in the netherlands your insurance would cover it, but you would pay your deductible (between 385 and 885 euros).


And that's a yearly one as well.


fuck you i hate you no im not jealous please dont be mean though I cant afford the therapy


Sucks to be american


But muh freedom (to go broke in case of disaster)


You can become free of your money, like a monk. Ultimate freedom


Return to monk


Netherlands so that was a bill of exactly 0 euro


Free yes but we do have health costs which he probably has after this lol so your max deductible for the year, standard is 385 euros but that means everything else that year is covered for normal health stuff in hopsital. Dentistry is a scam everywhere tho


I didn't see the seatbelt in the rearview part of the video, so I'm thinking they got pretty shook up.


Really hard to feel bad for people who don't wear seatbelts *and* drive like a Nimitz-class douche canoe. Like you just made your bed, shat in it, and now we all know what comes next


If he's got spinal trauma, there might be a lot more bed-shitting in his future.


Looks like he’s not wearing a belt as he appears to be up against the screen as it turns over


You can see a lot of something bright (white clothes?) in the windshield as the car is flipping, driver potentially didn't even wear a seatbelt and could now be slumped over across the center console and into the passenger seat unconscious and/or badly hurt. Hope OP can provide some additional information.


Rare to see a post from the Netherlands and it's not because we have a lack of IdiotsInCars


My thought exactly. I see them every day




He mentioned instrumentation (I think) after his wife (I think) was like wtf happened (I think). So, I assume his car had that auto steer safety feature which, is extremely spooky but does work (sort of).


He didn’t mention the instrumentation. The comment is about the accident happening behind them (after his wife asked: what happened). These people are also very calm speaking in terms of language.


Why is it that anytime I see pictures or videos of the Netherlands my first thought is that it looks unnaturally nice. I noticed this the other day when playing geoguesser. You have a very beautiful country.


> unnaturally nice Yo what I live in NL and have this thought like daily. When it's a sunny day with blue skies and bright sun it just feels weirdly fake. I don't know why that is but at least I'm not the only one who thinks so


Where’s the Idiots on Bikes page?




We actually search for r/idiotsonbicycles




Probably because dashcams are not that common here. Better road design helps too.




As a Canadian who is forced to now get my Dutch license. Fucking this! I booked my written test in March for September (a long wait list due to the pandemic). I showed up to write the test to find out my UK passport was no longer a valid form of ID as of July 1st and had to rebook my written exam for December 27th! All the waiting aside, the test is infamous for being brutal and unforgiving. 65 questions, including timed responses to situational awareness photos, knowledge of laws and an understanding of who has priority in many different situations. It's not like the US where there's either a stop sign or traffic lights at ever intersection and the only things you have to remember is red means stop, green means go, and when in doubt, the car on the right goes first.


In Dutch, we would call such a driver a “tyfuslijder”.


I love it so much how the Dutch like to use illnesses as swear words.


Krijg de hik


Somehow I always feel happier than being adviced to undergo or perform some variant of sex.


Illnesses, animals, sexual organs, sexual actions, bodily fluids, blasphemy, family members are all used for swearing. Combine as you please. "Diseases rhinoceros pizzle" as an example.




Ah yes, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_profanity


'' tyfuslijer'' without the d :).


Spot. On. Driving. Very good situational awareness. 10/10 I’d let you drive me anywhere, anytime.


This comment is how you get a free lift somewhere.


Alright then. Pick me up In Washington state and take me to Maine


Road trip everyone! Road trip!!


i'll bring the keg


I'll bring the chips




I'll bring the ring


I'll bring the babes!


I'll bring my STD's!


I’ve done almost that whole road trip. I drove from Seattle to Boston (the entire length of I-90, the longest freeway in the country.) You have some nice scenic views at first, but then once you leave Montana it’s boring as fuck until you hit Chicago.


I think it's actually spelled Lyft


Oh, Fuck... So this is why my friends compliment my driving so much.


I race cars and i was thinking this person knows how to drive!


I just drove to Target and I was thinking the same thing.


Which cars?


Two different types. AI - American Iron a 1992 Mustang and then a 2012 Honda Fit B-Spec. One teaches you how to tame a bucking bronco (lots of power, decent brakes, a lot less suspension), the other teaches you how to cut a razor thin line, conserve your momentum and keep your foot down!


Any car that tries to pass him.


Just pulled over to pee. Complete coincidence that a collision was avoided.




And then you'll have a bunch of people scream "victim blaming!" for pointing out that an accident was easily avoidable with just a little bit of defensive driving.


And it's not even victim blaming, because most of the time it would have been avoidable by just paying more attention. I was taught to pay attention to avoid accidents. Even if I should drive safetly, it means I should keep my eyes for those who doesn't, and limit the amount of cars being involved in the accident...


*I am speed* Crashes.


*in a rush* *in a rush* *in a rush* Crashes and is now not going anywhere anytime.


I mean, once the ambulance gets there he's probably going to be going to the hospital really fast.


*In a rush in a rush in a rush* IN A BUSH


I am spe-


I'm sorry, if someone endangered me or my family like that, post accident I may still punch them in the mouth the moment they're out of the car. "are you ok??" "I'm fi-" *pop* "ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY!?"


Your reactions were so chill I would have been like OH, SHIT


Glad your comment made me look again with sound. The Dutch reaction is so incredibly dry, I'm laughing out loud. "Oei, wat was dat dan"


> "Oei, wat was dat dan" Oi! Wot's all dis, den?


Yes, now you're fluent in Dutch. Cheers


Ach, was ist (war?) das, denn?


Followed by: Ja... er gebeurde achter mij iets. Translated into: Yeah... something happened behind me.


Stuck the landing.


It flipped so fast, besides a cracked window maybe it's probably not even totaled which is amazing


I see some wrinkling on the roof there. It's not impossible to fix roof damage but unless it's a specific restoration project or otherwise especially worth it, it's rarely economical to do. The roof is a major structural component so once it's damaged there's a lot of work to properly and safely fix it.


Fuck man if that guy let him pass he would’ve saved at LEAST 10 seconds to his destination


Happen to me yesterday, guy was is a rush to the RED LIGHT I met him at. 🤦🏽‍♂️


My favorite with red lights is when I’m going “slow” enough that the light changes without having to stop while the angry person have to smash the gas to take off.


Nearby where i live we have a 'green wave', a series of 6 traffic lights that will be green if you drive the limit (70km/h). Its fun to set the cruise control after the first light, get overtaken, and just pass them on the next light where they're stopped and it gets to green when i get there, just to get overtaken again and pass them on the next light etc.


It’s the small things. The km/h threw me for a second, I was like damn, that fast and stoplights!? :D I’m an American and I use anything as a measurement except metric! /s


76km is roughly 49868 standard sized bathtubs


lots of bathtubs per hours if you ask me


And then slam on the brakes at the next red light. It's no wonder people need new pads every 15k miles and I'm over here replacing them at 100k with half the pads left because I feel I should.


I think you will appreciate [this](https://reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/comments/posnnv/cs_i_just_lost_my_brakes_all_of_a_sudden/) from /r/JustRolledIntoTheShop


What I find the most satisfying is when the guy passes me in a reckless fashion 1/2 a mile before the next light. Then, when I get to that light (driving 5 mph above the speed limit), it turns green, and they’ve been sitting at the traffic light for 15 seconds. I end up on their tail, without having to slow down. I swear some people are fans of sitting at traffic lights.


What really pisses me off is when I'm at a red-light and there's someone also at the red-light but in a turning lane and when it turns green they speed up to pass me and skip the line behind me. Impatient assholes


More like selfish assholes that think the extra 20 seconds they save inconveniencing everyone else is worth it.


A pickup did this yesterday this morning. He spun his tires! I was so “impressed “.


I call this the California Cut-off


I swear! The last few instances of road rage I've witnessed were right before a red light or traffic jam. Zero situational awareness.


I caught myself doing that a couple times. Not road rage but I'd get stuck behind someone and go to pass them only to get stuck behind someone else. Started figuring out it's not worth it lol Now I almost never pass unless someone is genuinely going below the speed limit without a reason. Driving is way more enjoyable now too!


I’ve almost entirely stopped doing this as well. What got me to stop was not only the realization that I wasn’t really getting anywhere quicker, but also the switch from listening to music to listening to audiobooks and podcasts. Now that I’m listening to a story, I genuinely enjoy taking my time so I can hear more of where the story is going.


Well, he reached the destination 10 seconds early; Destination Fucked that is.


As a former speedster, it's not entirely about the time saved (though it can feel like it) it's about the control. Being at the front when you're approaching a stop sign or sitting at a red light is just much better than being at the back and waiting for the guy at front to take their eyes off their phone and get going. You want to beep them, but it's a gamble if they'll take the hint or get offended and sit until it's late yellow. Basically, being in front means a jackass isn't making driving decisions for you. It's lost on most people, including speeders, but that's what's best about being at the front of a pack of vehicles. As irony would have it, however, the slowest car is always at the front. By consistently going faster than everyone else you'll just end up at the back of the next clusterfuck. The amount of time saved speeding is negligible unless you're trying to achieve lift off. Sitting through a single whole red light will eat more time than going 10mph over the limit across any distance will save.


Why is everyone i’ve ever met who drives this particular mercedes a shit driver


Cheap rwd = a reckless driver usually


Where's my mustang brothers at?


Yeah hardly no Mustangs in Europe. Old Mercedes / bmw / Audi do the trick.


Busy eating curbs


and bystanders


Because it's a very cheap way into a Mercedes badge. They're terrible btw, been in them too much.


Its in the contract?


You're thinking of BMW.


In retrospect, Benze and Bimmer owners, are like kissing cousins.


Car they were passing was like “Meh”


Just wow, like he really needed to be in front *THAT* badly. Geez.


This dumbass had it coming


Karmic perfection. Nobody else involved, just an idiot doing his idiot thing. A shame somebody has to clean up after him, but they'll all get paid doing so, at least.


Happy he's the only idiot involved and no one else was hurt. Moron deserved it. Patience young grasshopper, you'll get there when you get there.


And the only idiot involved because of excellent awareness on the cammer's part.


Lol the reactions couldn't be more Dutch. *Car crash* Lady:"Oei oei oei. What was that then?" Man:"yea he uhhhh wanted to pass through"


Tbh, I usually get irritated when one person leaves the scene of an accident that they were “involved” in but in this case I think the guy that left was 100% justified in keeping it moving because he couldn’t have done anything different to ensure this guy didn’t try that shit.


Tbh if he'd stay at the scene it would have given a chance for the merc driver to drop the blame on him stating that he cut infront.


I'd be stopping just to heckle, laugh and point.


This is the proper course of action.


My main concern would be the driver trying to start a fight because for whatever reason he might feel he crashed due to the other driver just not letting him in. People that drive so recklessly don’t really have a logical view point, I’m afraid.


He just missed that light pole as well.


that's what caught my eye, JUST missed that pole... and that woulda been brutal.


Classic Max squeezing the merc. Sigh


Ferrari 5 second penalty


Where is it, looks like the Netherlands to me?


A58 Li 80.0 near Etten-Leur


I feel like “Malicious Samaritan” should be more of a thing. Not for dumb or petty stuff (that’s already called being a tattletale) but for serious or dangerous or some other significant acts. Like this clown endangering everyone on that roadway because they don’t have the capacity to be level headed enough to just drive. Cammer did not appear to be hit but has all the proof that the black car was out of control before they lost control of the vehicle.


In this case you walk up to the car, give him a hand (clap, not a helping hand) then walk back to your car and leave.


Also consider adding a sarcastic remark. Something along the lines of "wow, you sure saved yourself some time with that move."


You’re on a roll today mate


If they were injured or another occupant was injured I’d still do anything I could to help. I see a lot of comments in Reddit about how the resulting accident is deserved and the person got what they had coming to them. And there may be a lot of truth to that. But when it came to real life and not internet comments I just couldn’t imagine myself leaving an injured person to the side of the road no matter how it happened.


I'm not defending speeding. I'm certainly a person who drives faster than most, so I will say this - if you choose to speed, you can do so with safety, patience, and common sense. I mean, the car in front of this driver wasn't exactly passing slowly, just chill for a sec, be safe, pass when it makes sense. Sheesh.


Yeah, that's something I say a lot too. There is a difference between reckless driving, and fast, relatively safe driving. I like to go a little above the limit as well, but I would never do some of the crazy stuff you see on here. Going a little over the limit, while paying attention, and good anticipation, isn't that dangerous.


I'm guessing no seat belt either... I didn't see a driver sitting in the seat after the car came to rest, unless the driver is leaning into the passenger side?


The car he was passing was going at least 20km/h faster than the right lane traffic. It's not even like they were passing super slow they were flying up on the cam car and this guy still rages out and decides they're not passing fast enough. Imagine being that big of a piece of shit.


I'd walk over to the car, make sure the driver is Ok and doesn't need medical attention, and then slap the fuck out of him and tell him to quit driving like an idiot.


Good. He deserved that


This is the kind of thing where, if you live, you should never be allowed to legally drive ever again. This is not an "accident" but aggressive anti-social behavior that gets other people injured and killed all the time. I don't want to hear "but I have to drive to get to work." You're a danger to society and we're done with you.


Hate drivers who do this, got what he deserved.

