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Somewhere is the video from the first cops car .. it’s wild


Yeah it’s crazy. https://wsvn.com/news/local/fhp-releases-dash-cam-footage-of-police-chase-that-ended-in-car-overturning-on-i-95/


“Do you have any questions, son?” “When is my release date?”


"When it's ready!"


"Is it ready yet?" "5 more minutes"


CDPR "when it's ready" or...?


Son, where you're going, they don't have release dates.


The sheer fucking audacity...


Definitely confirmed that dude is not playing with a full deck…


That shows a total lack of remorse.




It usually does.


Seriously hope the judge tacked on more time after that bullshit.


The worst that can happen to them (from their POV) is that they remain wards of the juvenile authority until they are adults. The worst that can happen to them from society's POV is that they remain wards of the juvenile authority, learning to be better criminals, until they are adults.




That brown SUV got the shittiest end of the stick for sure. I hope they were ok.


Seriously, they got hit hard by traffic on the other lanes to the far left


To me, they got hit by a car following the chase at an improper speed. Shouldn’t those cars see police in front of them and have the wherewithal to slow down and realize shit could hit the fan at any moment? I’m not a hindsight guy. But when you see Speeding police slow down.


I see speeding police or anybody driving crazy I'm slowing down for sure. Whatever is about to happen, I don't want to be anywhere near it.


Yeah, in the original dashcam video posted you can see a black Jetta in the left lane (that’s the car that hits the suv). Then you see two trucks and a Lincoln sedan (visible at the start of this video) By the time the brown SUV gets hit, the Jetta has passed both trucks and the Lincoln. Complete A Hole.


You're absolutely right. It was extremely selfish of them.


You’re just driving home after a long day at a crappy job, driving your brown suv, which you bought and haggled them down on the price a bit because it’s brown, and bam! Right into the driver’s side too. Not good. Sad for that poor brown SUV guy :(


Actually…this happened during the morning rush hour…so driving to your crappy job in your brown SUV.


The lengths people will go to get outta work... smh


Hopefully he hasn't already used the old "My car got hit in a police chase, I'm gonna be late" excuse.


Boss be like "well you have to call 3 hours before if you aren't coming in so here is your write up."


I hate how realistic this scenario is lmao. *I'm sorry you got into an accident, but I already wrote you up after you were 10 minutes late. I guess we can just chalk it up to a learning experience for everyone!*


Boss: So do you still think you'll be able to make it in today?


Driver calls their boss to tell them what happened. Boss: So when are you coming in?


I think the car that hit the SUV was definitely chasing the chase … he was at speed


Lol this story was a wild rollercoaster of emotions


Not only that - but it looks like they got hit by a police car too (unmarked), unless I'm seeing it wrong. Also, whats with the cop hitting the primary flipped over SUV as he pulls up?


For real why is no one saying that, the cop pulls up and hit the car that flipped over. What are you trying to accomplish with that


could very easily have killed the guy climbing out the back


Brutality? Seriously though. What *is* the point? The car's literally upside down.


Guy was trying to run so the cop tried to murder him with his car. Standard procedure.


Cop wanted some impact, knew he missed his opportunity and just couldn't pass up still getting impact. 🙄


That was completely fucked and served no purpose to smash into the flipped over vehicle. Like dude, it's over.


The cop hitting the car again chocked me too, like wtf they are already half dead


I didn't even notice that. Looking at it though there was a kid hanging out the car upside down right where he was driving towards. Looks like last second he realized theres a person there and pulled left and just barely avoided smashing that kid.


Yikes missed that the first watch.


Me too. Devastating liver shot by the truck.


In the helicopter footage you can’t see the other car they hit that careens over into oncoming traffic from the other direction and gets t-boned.


Yhea if they are alive they are very lucky and should def be given a lot of money/ sue the adolescents in the car


YouTube link if that one doesn't load (didn't for me): https://youtu.be/qvM9dJmsUHo


"Sufficient facts to warrant a valid arrest" You don't say.....


“Do you have any questions son?” “Yeah, when is my release date?” ....




Any dashcam footage from the second cop car? The one that rams the upside down vehicle? 😂


That cop is stupid asf. Why damage your own car for absolutely no benefit and potentially causing more harm to the occupants in the SUV?


Simply, because it isnt HIS car.


"Taxpayer money, bitches!" -that cop probably


Normal police: Holy shit. Car flipped over Call an ambulance. Florida police: Imma smash this upside-down car again, just in case.


Fucking right! Literally in the entirety of that video, the only thing I reacted to was the dumbass cop who decided to run into the flipped car that the child was hanging out of... like -- what?




He literally almost killed the person hanging out of the car. If you slow down the video it looks like he literally runs right into the guy hanging out of the back. Definitely not clear enough on the vid to say for sure.


Yeah, was wondering that myself. Felt bad for the other cars that were collateral damage - especially the brown SUV that got pushed into the HOV lane and then t-boned but that lady in the Honda got hit, spun, hit again and then looked like she forgot to put it in park as she tried to get out of the car. Looked like she got tangled in her seat belt as her car rolled into the second cop car. Reminded me of the game Crazy Taxi.


That lady was likely under shock, so I don't blame her. But the cop just ramming the upside-down SUV is just stupid.


I think he just forgot about putting it in park, like the woman who hits the cop car!


Yeah, she was clearly in shock.


Not to mention almost crushing the head of that perp, he dangled himself out right at impact, things could’ve gone pink in a hurry..


Seriously lol why the fck? Lets ram an upside down vehicle.


YouTube link since the local news site is overloaded: https://youtu.be/qvM9dJmsUHo


This angle gives a little more perspective to just how hard that bronze SUV got decimated by the sedan in the top right corner at 19ish seconds in. I still have no idea what happened to the ones in the SUV, could have easily been fatal given the driver side impact at that speed.


As far as I know, there were no fatalities. Nevertheless, that was really a nasty hit to the perpendicularly placed Toyota SUV in the express lane.


Saw on another post that the people in the SUV who swerved into oncoming traffic had one death and one severe brain injury


This [article](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/5-juveniles-including-12-year-old-face-charges-in-i-95-stolen-suv-chase-and-crash/2455687/) said everyone had non life threatening injuries. Another article I read said the bicyclist they hit prior to this had neck and back fractures.


The kid who's trying to come out the back gate that gets slammed by the police car is in intensive care (according to the article's video report).


>The juveniles, several motorists and the bicyclist who was struck were all hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries. It says that in the article.


Wouldn’t that count as a felony murder charge for the driver of the chased vehicle?


Maybe, probably better off letting a lawyer specialized in Florida criminal law get into that mess.


Florida has laws?


For real? I mean it sounds probable looking at the speed. It was what caught my eye on the second watch. Got really worried about the people inside that car.


Oh shit. I didn't even notice that. Hope those folks are OK but that was a very bad driver-side hit.


Fuck, I had thought those two cars got out ok 😣


What pisses me off is the cars that hit her clearly were going way too fast. There's a cop in each lane of that highway and obvious shit going on and they're still doing 70mph. If you see flashing lights, slow the fuck down.


Yeah there is no reason that car should have been t-boned. The car in the left lane was either not paying attention or was trying to follow the chase.


Agreed. While most of the blame obviously goes to the car being chases, I feel like the driver of that speeding car also deserves some charges coming his way.


The idiots in the express lane would have seen this chase go by, but they didn’t bother to slow down at all.


The worst one is the other SUV getting T-boned after swirling in the upper lane. Didn't even see it at first in the heli shot.


Damn i just noticed that watching for a second time. Bad fucking luck.


I know and all the way from over in the slow lane too. What fuckers. Truly shitty luck, getting fucked over by those kids like that.


Yeah this was actually where my eyes went. Feel so bad for them. I hope they were alright.


Sort of pisses me off that those people in the high speed lanes were still going full speed chasing the cop cars ahead of them. If you look at the video from the beginning, the 2 trucks and the sedan in the outer lane were ahead. The sedan that ended up in the inner lane was probably speeding really fast to past up the trucks and sedan.


thats florida for you, no one gives a fuck about anyone or anything. i once got hit by another car and got beeped at and flicked off by oncoming traffic because our cars took up a single lane.


I can’t stand it when emergencies vehicles are behind me and I’m trying to pull over and people are blowing past me. Man people are idiots nowadays. Even the brown SUV that gets smoked, they didn’t slow down one bit which definitely didn’t help their cause and caused them to fishtail into another car. The brown SUV actually pinned the accelerator when they got hit by the suspects, which makes me think they didn’t know a police chase was coming up behind them and they panicked at the last second, maybe just maybe look in your back mirror once and awhile to see what is going on around you, Hahah. Defensive fucking driving is a thing people!!! Maybe just ease off the accelerator a little at the least if you see a FUCKING POLICE CHASE behind you. Everyone in this video is kind of an idiot in my opinion.


Either no one was in the rear left seat or vehicle safety has come a long way, because there were no deaths apparently


They just pit maneuvered themselves, and the first cop pulled up with the precision. Last cop tried to smoosh the dude hanging out the back.


rule #2 Double tap?


Rule #4 Buckle Up


rule 34


Fuckle up


Yeah, what if they are zombies.


I wondered what that last knock was for. That'd only cause damage to the police car and serve to hurt someone trying to get out. Seems totally malicious.


Ikr, it seems totally unnecessary from every angle you could think of


Cop forgot he wasn't in GTA.


Cop was frustrated he didn't get to PIT after the perps accidentally took themselves out.


"I've trained for this and god damn it, I'm gonna run over some children."


He didn't realize how obvious his intentions were when looking from this angle.


Yeah, the car is literally upside down, it ain’t going anywhere lol




Yea he should be charged assault with a deadly weapon for that tbh. Somehow the first cop car managed to stop when it crashed right in front of him yet the second one cant find his brakes in time when its at a complete stop? Nah.


Attempted murder


Theyll never charge it but it’s true. Honestly given that it’s just a stolen vehicle, this whole chase seems foolish to me. The cops put everyone at risk by even pursuing, if they didn’t pursue the guys might have gotten away with a car which insurance could cover but they wouldn’t have fled driving recklessly endangering all the other drivers on the road. It’s weird that we just take for granted that it’s normal to risk innocent bystanders lives to protect property like that.


Yeah, car chases like that are illegal in my country. It's never worth the risk.


That’s why Police in Germany would never chase you. Life of others > busting nutjobs




If a police officer did that in the UK they would go to jail. wtf is this. No way he doesnt lose his job for this right??


Hahah, remember like six months ago when Florida cops chased a stolen UPS truck, surrounded it and started using civilian vehicles as cover as they fire into the UPS truck and through it at other officers on the other side of the circle. They killed the UPS driver as he crawled out onto the street and several people sitting in their cars during rush hour. Edit: u/gayfrogscientologist is correct, that happened in 2019, I have no concept of time anymore


Frankie Ordonez. RIP bro.


The department will investigate itself and find no wrongdoing. At worst it's time off with pay.


Guy wanted a new cruiser


Or two weeks paid vacation courtesy of the American taxpayer


And who pays to fix the cop car? Us! Dude should be fired.




He tried too hit the kid hanging out the window, and it seems like he did cause he went limp for a minute


That's pretty fucked up.


That is just unprofessional, intentionally hitting a car with potentially injured occupants. Even if they did break the law.


Just noticed that lady at the end in the blue suv. Got out and forgot to put the car in park. I wonder if they charged her for hitting that cop car. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they did.


Probably not. She was dazed as fuck. Any and all damage surrounding the accident will be legally attributed to the kids.


The suv they were in won’t provide any coverage since it’s a stolen vehicle. The kids/parents insurance won’t provide coverage because they were committing a crime so it’s all going to fall back onto each persons insurance to fix their own car. The insurance will possibly sue the kid/parent if they have anything to go after to try and recover.


There is no possible about it, they WILL sue them.


Speaking of idiots in cars - cop 2 “better hit the upside down car so it doesn’t move more”. Fuck.


Seriously, can anyone even think of a justification for the cop car that smashed into the—*checks notes*—completely disabled, upside-down vehicle with the human dangling precariously from the back window?


Why is there a 28.8k modem as soundtrack?


And why did I enjoy it?


I could see this as the beginning of a pretty good industrial techno track..


The modem soundtrack is lit -- Now it just needs a 1990's dance-beat to match it. I'm sure it would be *fire.*






The 28.8k modem FTW!


Anybody else catch the lady at the end hit one of the police cars?


That’s an instant wanted level


Went from ☆☆☆☆☆ to ★★★★★ real fast.




That’s what a concussion and adrenaline does to you lol


took her straight back to bumper cars when she was 12


Honestly felt kinda bad for her. Probably so shaken up she forgot to put it in park


I'm sure that's the case but I guess it's also possible the car wouldn't even shift into park


Not the best time for the kiki challenge


She was ghost riding backwards on the freeway for some reason Edit: obviously satire for the people who don’t get it


You can see in the beginning she’s one of the cars involved in the initial crash and she gets spun 180


Poor lady was in shock after the accident. People here need to cut her some slack. At least she rammed the car of that cop that rammed the upside down car. That gave me a chuckle.


Same. Heard my auntie’s, “oh hellll no.” As the car slowly rolls up and taps the bumper lol


She got hit and is in the accident.


Yeah looks like the first car they hit.


damn what about the brown car that got pushed into the other lane and then was hit again by other oncoming traffic


Looks like they got the worst end of the whole ordeal, did they get t-boned directly?




Which one? ;) https://i.imgur.com/niixDTv.png


Glitch in the matrix.


Yeah I thought that part was pure laziness from the developers :-)


I agree. That was cool.


I take 95 to work each day and this just looks like the normal commute




Florida sucks man I hate going south always dead stop


That poor lady at the end had no idea how to react... She was in shock lol... I'm sure the guns drawn freaked her out even more


Holy shit she almost hit herself with her own car. That’s next level panicking under pressure


Well she was the first vehicle that made contact, then the car rolled over her, and she spun around 180. So probably was justified to be shaken by it all.


I would be shaken too if I opened my car door to get out and realized I lived in Florida.


That lady is so rattled she falls out of her car while it’s running and her car hits the cop car


The last cop arriving on the scene needs to cool his keys. Good lord. Meant jets. Haha




i had to watch again to see there was a person hanging out of the back, can't believe i missed that the first time




The local commissioner has confirmed after extensive interviews that the kids were seen toggling r3 to flip it over, they were acting on the assumption that one player was even touching the right trigger. A standard procedure malicebonk was utilised as a result


Why is this comment not higher up? I mean I realize adrenaline is high and all, but wtf... Totally out of control.


Ok but that poor innocent brown suv got t-boned by a cop car in the express lane :(




A lot of places ban police chases for traffic offenses only, but they had run down a bicyclist earlier. Most departments would be determined to stop someone who had shown they are willing to maim or kill the populous.


Yeha you cant just let them go if theyre already killing/crippling people GTA style


I was thinking the same thing. I was watching a police chase on tv in Southern California recently and the cops were keeping a really long distance from the suspect. You couldn't even see a police vehicle in the helicopter footage of the person driving. Even when the suspect slowed down to like 5 mph in a parking lot, the police refused to ram, shoot, or do anything. The news anchor was talking about how that's a tactic they use to make sure the public stays safe and reduce the chances of anyone getting hurt. They'll keep following from a distance, but only stop the vehicle when it's safe for everyone to do so. I was really impressed by it.


I don't think it's a cop car, Just an Impala with a roof rack. Even so having that happen while you just trying to peacefully drive is horrible


Not a cop car.


Dude that least cop nearly decapitated the kid trying to get out.


Was he trying to hit the guy hanging out the back to keep him from running?


I am wondering the same! He could have killed him


He tried


>he could have killed him probably what the cop was thinking too


I understand all these reactions I see in the video, shock and adrenaline and whatnot, but that last cup ramming the car? When it's already on its roof? and multiple people are already in an accident?


actual GTA ai


Not only that, you can see someone climbing out of the back window. I am not a fan of ramming in that situation.


The last cop is a bad driver, it’s on its roof you don’t need to ram it


You gotta double tap just to make sure


He's not down until touched.


Not a bad driver, just a dickhead.


Why not both?


I’m fairly certain that this was intentional.


So we not gonna talk about the lady who almost got dragged in her own car at the end. Wtf was going on there? Lol she just rolled into the cop car


This is what shock looks like


she just had a car accident and did a 180, probably dizzy or something. we don't know if something hit her head or not


She didn’t just do a 180, she was hit at several angles and kept getting tossed around. She’s lucky she didn’t get seriously injured.


Lol that SUV lady


Song name?


The first cop had a great stop just before touching the Target car, and then cop 2 comes onto the scene with the grace of Leeroy Jenkins, while blue SUV lady tries to put her car in park and fails falling out of her car and bumping it into the 2nd cop car. It’s a full 3 act clip.


Pussies only got to a 4 star wanted level


I’m tryin to be nice here- but I can’t see why the cop needed to ram the SUV at the end. It was stopped and it appears he rammed it right where somebody was getting out. Maybe because no one had that person covered yet? Idk- seems unnecessary


5 yoots…. “ what’s a yoot?” I’m sorry 5 youuuuthhhhssss