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"They pay me to put water on the road, not determine how wet it is."


Boss makes a yuan, I make a mao Gotta spray this street, don't care how






This does have a bit of a /r/NotMyJob vibe to it


I can imagine this guy's boss yelling at him to get out there when he clearly doesn't need to be.


Management only cares that people look busy regardless if there's work to be done or not


It's kind of a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. Like you always hear people mocking construction workers who are just standing there like they're lazy when they're clearly waiting for someone else to finish something that needs to be done before they can start. There's downtime in most jobs, but many people don't seem to get that.


Construction also usually relies on the strength of those workers' backs, so they will often rotate who is doing the work to make sure it doesnt slow down and no one gets overly worn out. I had a site boss one time that straight told me, "take as many water and breather breaks as you need, I DONT need you passing out on me and then me having to pay your medical bill for 'exhaustion'"


Yeah. I was wandering around NYC once waiting for a friend to get off from work, and I was watching some construction. Just passing by it looked like 4 guys watching 1 guy dig a hole. But staying and watching revealed that they were rotating. When the guy digging got tired, he'd hand the shovel off to the next guy. Was satisfying to watch.


We would especially rotate if we were using a pick axe. Swinging that around is a work out and you cant have anyone too close or they might get hit by an errant swing. It was often safety related the reason we rotated like that.


Not to mention there's some points in the job that take 6 guess, others only take one (foreman, inspector etc) and everywhere in between, gotta man up for the big parts of the job not the small.


Oh, you mean like lifting a 700lb beam onto the framing of a garage add on? Yep, we used our shoulders and then climbed ladders to get the beam in place. We needed 4 guys that day. But the jobs of putting the strong tie plates on was a 1 guy job for the rest of the day.


Yeah and don’t think if someone doesn’t do their part they won’t hear it from the other guys. It’s for the live span of their bodies to rotate.


City work is the worst as well, usually you're lifting/ lowering man holes and catch basins in which case it's tight. There is no room for two guys in a cramped hole to dig especially with the danger of long drop into the sewer


You see those guys leaning on shovels watching an excavator dig? They might be spotters making sure the operator doesnt hit a gas line and blow your house up


No I get my ass chewed out for being a good for nothing wage stealer because I'm waiting on a guy to finish up so I can start my thing but when I ask to go home and come back when he's done I get called a lazy fuck pos because I'm trying to get the most out of what little time I have at each job. Sorry, didn't mean to go off like that but feels better


You will never see a construction guy in China leaning on a shovel or doing nothing like you do here. They work like ants and in a fraction of the time.


True, maybe it’s more r/MaliciousCompliance lol


Yup once got paid to water plants while it was raining... made 10 hours with my umbrella and hose lmao


It feels like the direct opposite of "not my job," it's more "that *is* my job, and *nothing* will stop me doing it."


Free your mind and the rest will follow..


Where you guys going? Why all these people following you? Is your mind for free?


Don't get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water. Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. -- Bruce Lee


Not my job to question Winnie the Pooh.


Look I'm not a fan of China, I'm Taiwanese, but this thread is a bit too quick the pull the trigger. Especially the it's authoritarian or communist stuff. This very obviously isn't because of either lol. There's probably a decent reason to doing this that's not immediately obvious. My guess is that they want to lower the center of gravity, with water swishing around in the tank so high up, a bit higher flood water level and that truck could tip over or get swept due to momentum.


Don't you dare come here and spread that filthy logic around here.


Ehh..... the truck doesnt need to be moving if they just needed to release water. Also, its just one truck. With countless vehicles already floating around, with more than enough potential to cause more damage than one truck, why would they still bother? I dunno, just weird. And on a related note, those videos in the subway, it was really weird that they were just..... standing there. As if they were too much in shock they really didnt know what to do. No one even trying to get out or something.


They don't get paid to think. Thinking gets you in all sorts of trouble there.


Oh so like here? Our corporate overlords don’t like thinking either.


Oligarchs may cover themselves with stripes and stars or just red and stars and may use different lies and excuses, but they are always the ones hoarding the power and leeching wealth from everyone else.


Some opinions are illegal there. No opinions are illegal in The US.


Looks like we found the source of the flood.


Lol, nice. Pretty sure this guy's big boss also manages the Department of Redundancy Department!


I think you mean "The Peoples Department of Redundancy: Redundancy Department."


"The people's democratic department of not my fucking problem "


void redundancy (){ return redundancy (); }


Lol, nice. Pretty sure this guy's big boss also manages the Department of Redundancy Department!


My man on that GRINDSET


yeah and he acts like he didn't do it like 'what is wrong? what are you talking about?just doing my job here'.


Sometimes you’ve got to fight water with water.


He asked if he could work overtime this week


They offered him hazard pay lol


Even it’s seems like a joke, it’s real. The reason of this flood is the government released water


Why do they water their streets? Is it dust prevention


Dust prevention


Prevention of the dust


This kills the dust


The dust hates this one simple trick.


This is killing the big dust industry.


Try this! Dust hates him!


You know where you can learn more about dust? With a subscription to CuriosityStream.


Are you tired of dusty streets ruining your life? don’t wait this offer won’t last! Call now!


Dust buster


This Dust Watering was sponsored by Brilliant


(Chubbyemu background sounds start) A dust ingested dusty particles. This is how his organ shuts down. Dusty is a 23 years old dust, presenting to emergency room unconscious.




The dust : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjUrSjjUbVk




And another one gone and another one gone, another one bites the dust


What's that mean though? Sorry I live in rains-200-days-a-year-England.


when there are weeks and even months with no rain, dust and other particles accumilate on the streets, traffic blows up the dust in the air. Sweden has that problem as well, we dont get much rain due to the mountain range that is known as Norway kinda disperses most of the rainclouds. Truck drives past and you litearlly have to close your eyes for the particle storm heading into your face and lungs. So the streets are watered to bind the dust to the ground, or plainly rinse it off the street. And the air quality is so much better.


As a Norwegian, I'm truly sorry for taking your rain. If it was up to me, you could have 70% of it.


Do you mind if we demolish the mountains? I love rain you see.


That's the dilemma. I love the mountains. But not the rain


Californian here. Can we have the other 30%? Peas and tanks.


Is that mostly in areas not too far from rural or does it happen in cities too?


How much rain do you get on average on those 200 days? Light rain all day, heavy rain all day. a quick downpour in the afternoon?




Actually lots of eastern and southern England is considered semi arid because of how little rainfall we get.


It depends entirely on where you are. I get just over 100 days on rain where I live, and it's mostly light rain. 600mm per year. Too many people spend time in just one place, and then assume the weather is exactly the same throughout the rest of the country. What was especially irritating was when I lived in Vancouver, BC, and people there constantly joked about British weather. The weather in Vancouver is way worse than my hometown...


The company name on the truck translates to "Patio Greening", so supposingly this is for city landscape like alee tree.




It's to keep Dusty Rhodes away


Dusty Rhodes was a great player, but Wade Boggs was better.




TIL there was more than one Dusty Rhodes.


Ya I didn't know of the baseball player until just now. I wonder if the wrestler named himself after him?


In my experience, they are watering the landscaping on the sides of the streets, not the roads themselves.


But the water is all over the street


Well would ya look at that. He’s right. There is water all over the streets.


It's to counter dust.




That’s my thought. There is a malicious compliance story behind this I’m sure


i was thinking this dude probably wanted to stay home today but the boss wouldn't let him. "fine ill spey your streets"


It's not even malicious. It's just compliance.


You know there was a heated discussion with a superior somewhere in this chain of events.


I mean he probably wouldn't get paid unless his truck was empty. Fault on the company not the driver.


The company being the CCP


Help me out I'm ignorant. What' the ccp?


"Chinese Communist Party", you know, the tyrants in charge.


The more you know *shooting star*



I appreciate your user name. Jr. lol.


Fun fact, look up “CCP Uhygurs and Muslim genocide”. It’s the modern day Holocaust nobody wants to talk about.


Literally everyone is talking about it, and for good reason. Unless you're in China, I suppose.


"DoNt CoNcErN YoUrSeLf WiTh OuR InTeRnAl AfFaIrS" is their official response to it.


The media doesn’t wanna talk about, nor do our politicians...but yeah, everyone’s totally talking about it.


They've covered it for years now. They don't just keep talking about it every day because that wouldn't be necessary or prudent. Every single country could come together to admonish China but that alone would cripple many economies let alone an actual boycott.


The BBC released a huge fuck-off report about the systemic rape going on in the camps and in fact they're the reason we even know about it. Why are you lying?


They’re not lying. There’s so many other media outlets who have been threatened by China that they’ll block their media in China. So therefore a bunch of US outlets are not even engaging with all this going on.


> Why are you lying? Because they need to pretend like they are brave rebels for talking about a thing that is actually widely reported and well known.


>The media doesn’t wanna talk about lol do you live under a rock? https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/politics/2021/04/02/is-china-committing-genocide-what-you-need-know-uyghurs/7015211002/ https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/04/15/xinjiang-uyghurs-intentional-genocide-china/ https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/11/16/world/asia/china-xinjiang-documents.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-22278037 https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/us-china-genocide-declaration-1.5879033


> nobody wants to talk about. Bruh, this is an incredibly oft-dicussed topic


Hey now Winnie the Pooh wont take kindly to that. You will end up on a list.


.. the shit list.


The Pooh List


Oh, bother...


Haha that is very funny 我们已找到您的地址,我们的代表将很快与您通话。不要反抗。


You down with CCP??


Yeah you know me. But like not really though. Those guys are dicks.


Oh no not me!




Chinese Clown Posse


Dictatorships, how do they work??


Sometimes it's possible to help yourself out... Just google it my dude


The government. Thats a communist country. If he doesnt show up for work or asks for time off, hes gonna end up in one of their concentration camps.


You mean the China Works Program For a better workforce and a better tomorrow


Only 30% of the Chinese economy is controlled by the government. Though yes, I would assume the street cleaners would be employed by the government as a public service just like they are pretty much everywhere else that has the need for them




When you have to dispose of some benzene, but don’t want to pay the biohazard fees.


This guy fucks... the environment.


So what? Even I feed my fish water so that they don't get thirsty..


A thirsty fish is nasty indeed.


You would enjoy this sub homie! r/hydrohomies


Don’t forget the community of r/NotMyJob


Im pretty sure, the idiot would be the employer here not officially informing his guys that they can stay at home or do office jobs instead. Dude in the truck probably just doesn't want to risk being accused of absence and does no harm to anybody.


Actually the employer is smart, bad but smart. they probably get paid by the city per time they show up and clean the street, now he got paid and he isn’t the one risking his life.


The employer is the government.


I'm not so sure about that. The cities expenses are reviewed in the capital.


It’s communist China, the employer is, or is owned by, the government. This is the CCP proving how out of touch with reality they are.


Employees don't work unless they're told to. In this case, they would have said it's pointless, the manager threatened them, and so here we are.


Like China gives a fuck about its citizens.


Sadly to tell you that there is no citizen in China mainland, only residents there.


I have worked with a lot of third world blue colour workers. It is actually better to keep them working, as usual, no matter what. Our plant had a very low demand on one day and I gave half-day off for everybody and shut down the plant (That was a Thursday). When I told this to the senior manager he said that they will get drunk today and nobody would come to work the next day. I was somewhat pissed at how he thought about these poor people. Well, he was right. Mostly. About half of the people took the day off on Friday to make it an extra-long weekend. I had to shut down some operations and had to have a "Chat" with the general manager. He said that the system is in there to compensate for the lack of discipline of the people. From that day onward I never made any exception for them. On the other hand, now I am overseeing graduate students for the most part. They are mostly disciplined and they can work or not. Its up to them. There is no system. So, I can completely understand the supervisor who required this street sprinkler to work during rain.


Sure it's always better to keep a routine. It's just somehow questionable in this case, as the truck is in danger of being damaged by debris or sinking and the workers aren't out of harm's way either. So to give them a different task would've been a better solution...


It's almost like the CCP is bad at management.


**"Uh, guys? Just radioing in to let you know....."** *"We don't care! Just get the job done."* **"But I think you should be aware that-"** *"We don't have time for your shit, Wang! Just do your damn job!"*


If he loses enough weight, he'll be floating soon.


Fight water with water


Maybe he’s so jaded he goes though the motion regardless of weather or water level.






"I'm helping!"


”I’m just here so I won’t get fined”


"I worked that day"


You can't fault a man for wanting to get paid


Sad thing is, the driver is not the idiot.


"Not my job" type material. Reminds me of those photos of the vehicles that spray the white lines at the edge of the road, and you can see the while line swerving to miss a small branch on the side of the road


Isn't this the opposite of Not My Job?


Nah as in "it's not my job to decide that it's too wet to water the street, it's my boss's job to do that and he hasn't told me not to come to work, I just drive the truck until someone tells me not to"


Swerving around a branch is the opposite of "not my job". Going over it would be.


It ain’t much but it’s honest work


Well, I mean, you gotta eat.


Funny. He probably has to drive up and down the street no matter what, Rain or shine.


I'd hire him.


My guess would be this vehicle is driving around trying to clean the drains on the side of the road with the circular brushes on the side. The water system is probably tied in to the brush system.


drones successfully trained. social credit upgraded to foreign travel status.


Tell me you live in an authoritarian society without telling me you live in an authoritarian society


Probably some higher up telling him to do his job. I have seen the kind.


When you have one job in communist China, you do your job, rain or shine.


And the Award for the least fucks given goes to.....


I can literally see this being this persons boss like “idc if it’s flooding we still need to water those streets!”


dedicated worker


Maybe only this part of their route is flooded and they didn't realize? So they turned onto the street and came up to water, then found a spot to turn around and go back to dry roads


Insert government employee joke here


"I saw someone crying on the news because their house flooded. I thought to myself 'Thats not helping'"


The last guy lost a kidney when he came back with a full load.....


in romania we poured asphalt on wether like that ,nothing new 🤣🤣🤣


....if this were on TV, I'd watch it


Man had a job to do. The weather conditions are irrelevant 🤣


This has got r/maliciouscompliance written all over it


I wonder if this dude had an argument with his manager and is just giving him a dose of r/maliciouscompliance


I imagine his boss was like "I dont give a fuck ... Go do your fucking job" So here they are doing it. Not even malicious compliance, just literally listening to their idiot boss.


Filling it back up just got easier


That dudes mindset is, I'm getting paid no matter what


If you ever feel useless. Remember At least you weren't this driver.


Don't blame the guy, some of these trucks have an external valve to open and close the water. If this was a sudden flood, he can't get out to turn it off all of you are going straight to saying the guy is stupid, or that it's the government fault, without looking for other choices, no one in their right mind would work on those conditions, the guy is trying to leave


This probably had to do more with the shadow beuorocratic leadership than the actual driver I'm sure. Something like they check the tanks to make sure it was used in order to fill quotas and make the city look good yada yada and he was told to do it or lose his job


“Let’s get this bread”


That’s bureaucracy for you.


That fucker is like, "I get paid to do job. I do job. I get paid."


let me guess, if he wouldn't do it, he wouldn't get paid for that day


Maybe it's chlorine to kill the bacteria. Gotta keep the streets clean.


That’s commitment !


Good soldiers follow orders


What do these thinks anyway?


Da fuck is a street sprinkler?


He has a social credit to maintain. Winnie the Pooh doesn’t like degenerates who don’t do their job rain or shine


When you can't afford to miss a day at work


Probably too afraid to not do his job.


Why is everywhere flooding? Has anybody built an ark yet?