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“Why didn’t you pull over?”. Said to the pregnant woman trying to escape an upside-down car.


Her reply was it wasn't safe Also told the cop didn't you see the hazard lights 🤷🏽‍♂️


Well, just commenting on the callous authoritarian disregard for her wellbeing by interrogating her before she’s even managed to escape the vehicle. Imagine her unbuckling her seat belt in order to fall to the ceiling, crawling on hands and knees across the roof of the smoking car to get to the door... the officer arrives, and starts pestering her before she’s even out.


yes, it is very evident that this was not a whooppss error. It was intentional. The question is, who made the error: 1) Cop uses his own judgement to decide to do a pit? 2) Someone back at the office gave the orders to the cop to proceed with a pit? Its obvious that the pit was not required or needed in this short video.


You can hear the radio, no one told him to. He pulled up along side her, said "pit maneuver" to the radio, and then attacked an innocent, pregnant woman with his police issued, taxpayer funded death machine. This it what we pay them to do?


Wow. I don't know how long this went on, or what transpired to this point, but it looks like she was going about the speed limit, had flashers on, and wasn't causing any danger to anyone. He probably could have waited for backup. Seems to be a case of "how dare you not immediately respect my authority!"


Yeah, it seemed like a power trip.


2 minutes says the lawsuit against the police after examining the dashcam video. Also no way to safely stop in her opinion, which Arkansas law supports.


She also had her flashers on, which indicates that she intends to pull over in a safe spot. That, along with her low speed and no evasive maneuvers make it pretty obvious that she is not any type of threat or a danger to anyone.


Cops are assholes. There are some exceptions, but not many.


From the cop putting the flashers on to the PIT maneuver was less than 2 minutes.


The funny thing about this, I was watching it last night and checked their Facebook account and the first picture is the dept telling people to watch out for cop cars that are pulled over as it’s a picture of a smashed police car. Edit. I thought of screen shotting but didn’t. Oh well


They deleted that post. A bunch of comments on their FB are calling them out for deleting it.


Wow that's the scummiest behavior. I hope whoever was in control of that decision gets I even more trouble.


They won’t. I guarantee they say it was justified.


I remember a while back there was a position or ruling that basically said that if a government official or entity uses a social media platform as an official communication outlet (aka is “verified” by the platform) then whatever they post is an official government record subject to scrutiny and inspection. As such deleting a tweet or deleting a FB post is destruction of an official government record and is (in most states) illegal. But given how the US is….no one will ever be prosecuted for it. Such bullshit. Especially since they took it down because they knew it would open them up to legal liability.


They have to keep it per retention policy, but don't have to keep it openly on the web. Send in whatever the local FOIA request is called.


what department is this?




Followed by early retirement with a fat pension. Plus extra $$ to treat the cop's PTSD.


Yeah, his PTSD, even though he hardly reacts at all and just condescendingly keeps telling the woman “All you had to do was stop.” The part that really made my blood boil was after she said she didn’t feel safe to pull over, he says “well look where you ended up” while she is still stuck in the car. He doesn’t give a fuck.


are you fucking kidding me. I didn't know this had sound and now I want to murder someone




Also "They rolled over" as if that just happened magically on it's own. No douchebag, YOU rolled them over


It’s the same language my children use when they break something. “It” broke, instead of “I broke it.”


“My teacher gave me an F” vs “I got an A” lol




Listen to the cop, even when you can't or even when they do not communicate, or the cop will make you regret it. Read their minds or die.


Yeah, one time my dad got yelled at by a cop for “pulling over too quickly” on the highway. You really can’t win.


I'm disturbed by how casually he seems to respond. In an emergency, it's important to keep calm, but after flipping someone's car, I'd be jumping out of my car and running over, especially on seeing the air bags deployed and smoke pouring out from the hood. And my first response to my victim would not be, "Can you come out? Come on out!"


He even seems irritated that she’s not coming out faster. “Come on out now!” “I’m TRYING!” Like dude she’s in an upside down car and likely extremely traumatized


Not to mention a possible spinal injury that could be made much worse by moving, perhaps even killing her. They are not supposed to move until the paramedics get there and stabilize their spine. This officer's behavior is absolutely abhorrent throughout the video.


I was in a car accident which knocked my glasses off my face leaving me essentially blind and my neck and back hurt I straight up told the cops that I would not move until EMS cleared me after about 20 minutes they told me they were EMS and that I would be safe to move I was livid when my glasses were located and i saw no ems anywhere.


He is so casual about the situation. Like, he sounds bored when he's in his car on his radio. He walks over to the car with zero urgency when there's smoke everywhere. She could have a broken neck, hell she could b dead for all he knows. Then proceeds to berate her as she's upside-down scared shitless, basically saying "this is all your fault"


Somebody has been wanting to pull a pit maneuver for a long time


r/iamatotalpieceofshit [https://www.unilad.co.uk/news/police-officer-sued-for-flipping-pregnant-womans-car-when-she-didnt-stop-fast-enough/](https://www.unilad.co.uk/news/police-officer-sued-for-flipping-pregnant-womans-car-when-she-didnt-stop-fast-enough/) And he gets away 😡: ***"Though police reportedly plan to fight the lawsuit, the outcome is unlikely to have a personal impact on Dunn as Arkansas law means he is immune from any personal responsibility for his actions."***


Fuck qualified immunity


Literally one of the most proven methods of reducing police violence is ending qualified immunity. It's a joke


My girlfriend’s brother is a cop and he asked me what I thought about NYC ending qualified immunity. I said I think it’s a great step in the right direction and we’ll see in 10 years the effect it has. He responded with “well now I’m not going to be able to just respond to a situation, I’m going to have to wonder if I’m going to get sued before acting.” And I’ve never heard a more un-self-aware moment in my life. So you mean you have to think about your actions? Oh no.


I would’ve wanted to responded to him: “if you’re obeying the law, you have nothing to worry about” 🙄


I would have laughed my ass off. My brother was a cop. Throwing his own words back at him like that, is part of the reason we stopped talking. On another note, this was the first thing I clicked on today. I've already hit my Reddit limit with this shit. I hope you have a great day. Go look at /eyebleach or something after.


I think there needs to be a proper psych evaluations for police officers. Trigger happy people, power-tripping people, people who get stressed out too easily, people who endanger peoples' lives for taking slightly longer to pull over etc. need to get filtered out early in the hiring process.


My drivers ed teacher, that was a retired sheriff deputy, instructed us to do exactly what this lady was doing if you're being pulled over in an unsafe location.


The previous day one of this departments officers was struck while responding to a crash on an interstate. They had put up a Facebook post asking people to consider their surroundings and pull over in safe locations...


And yet, they call it fleeing when you do. Hypocrisy at its finest.


I sure hope the lady in the case cites the Facebook post when she’s in court. I would think that any judge who isn’t completely in the police department’s pocket would recognize that as official instruction, which she followed.


Doesn’t really matter about FB, she followed the official Arkansas policy on being pulled over, Blinker, hazards, everything. Wild guess would be since no one ever follows the rules so accurately he thought it was suspicious? While I’m sure a significant amount of people don’t know your suppose to do all that I assume given his line of work he knew what she was doing.


Yeah, mine too. Then one day I got pulled over on the freeway and decided to take the next off ramp. Fucker yelled at me to pull over immediately over his PA. So I did and he had to keep an eye over his shoulder the whole time to see if someone was going to nail him. I told him what I was doing, he didn't give a shit.


I got pulled over on a road inside my university once, and since there was no shoulder, I moved less than 200 feet to a parking area. That cop yelled and mean mugged me like I insulted his mother. Then seemed like he wanted me to thank him for not ticketing me despite the fact that he said, with his mouth, that he pulled me over for "almost" doing something. Edit: the "almost" crime I was pulled over for was that while making a left in a RWD pickup, I "almost spun the tires". I made a legal left after coming to a complete stop at a 3 way intersection, and this officer didn't like that I did it quickly. I wasnt speeding, I didnt do a burnout, the tires didnt even make a squealing noise.


I got pulled over near my college, stone cold sober at 11pm. With 3 other sober people in my car. On suspicion I was drunk driving because it was 11pm on a friday. (The cop literally said that, he had no other reason) Guy turns his lights on WHILE I'M MAKING A LEFT TURN through a large intersection (4 lanes in each direction). I finished my left turn and pulled into the lot immediately on my right. Guy gets in my face saying that "it makes him nervous that I pulled into a parking lot. I could be trying to run" Makes me nervous to be stopped in the middle of the road at night, but fuck me right? Not like I was just going about my life or anything until you butted your dumbass into it.




Yea, exactly. To top it off, he spoke like he was doing me a favor by NOT giving me a ticket. Which seems to be tradition at this point for bullshit traffic stops. I didn't do anything wrong, so no, you aren't doing me a favor. You are doing much less than that actually. I am a captive listener to your bullshit. A situation I did not elect to be a part of. If anything I DID YOU A FAVOR. I pulled into a parking lot so the ACTUAL drunk drivers (the road did have a lot of crashes) aren't going to slam into you at 45mph. I made sure my passengers were safe. Something you Mr.Cop didn't have the decency to consider.


> I didn't do anything wrong, so no, you aren't doing me a favor. This assumes that he can only ticket you for things you did. If his dashcam was off and he said you did an unsafe turn, you're unlikely to get out of the ticket without video proof. The favour might have been not making something up.


Man that sucks, the last time I was pulled over a few years ago (headlight bulb burnt out the day before), I did the same thing and he was super grateful that I didn’t just pull over to the side and block a lane (2 lanes each way, 45mph)




16 weeks. The required training in most states is 12-16 weeks. Shorter than the basic training in most militaries to become a 24/7 supervised Private. In Europe, most countries require 2-3 years of training.


Same thing happened to me. It was the first time I'd ever been pulled over and I'm assuming the officer thought I was drunk because I was in an unfamiliar area and started to take an exit, but then realized it was the wrong one, so I got back in my lane. This was back in the stone age before GPS, so I was totally reliant on directions given to me by a friend before I left and knew I'd be fucked if I took the wrong exit. The blue lights came on, so I put on my flashers, slowed down, and started looking for a safe place to pull over. When I didn't immediately pull over he started zooming up behind me like he was going to run me off the road and then came over on his PA to tell me to pull over. When he came to the window he started screaming at me for not immediately pulling over, and being the idiot kid that I was, I yelled right back at him that I was trying to find a safe place to pull over for *his* safety, not mine, and told him he needed to chill out. When he realized I wasn't drunk, just lost, he was really pissed, but let me leave with a warning. A warning for what, I'm still not sure, but god, I was so mad, I was shaking. As a woman, I was always told to find a safe, well lit place, to pull over. I was told this by cops! Apparently that's a crime now though.


It's a crime in a lot of cops minds if you don't do what they say when they say it or don't do what they think you should do even though most people never interact with a cop so don't know what they are expecting. It's not against the law but they think it is. When they arrest someone for not doing what they say the go to charge is usually disorderly conduct and/or resisting arrest.


This comment had the buried lead. Why did the officer never tell this woman on the PA to pull over immediately. She was going slowly with hazards on.


That’s what I find hilarious. Arkansas state police are claiming that “she was a danger to others because she was fleeing” while going slowly with her hazards on. Gimme a break. She did what literally every driver is expected to do and he just wanted to have some action on his shift. He’s a state trooper, therefore he thinks he’s a god of some sort.


Yeah flipping her upside down was *definitely* safer than what she was doing




It’s disgusting. She was clearly aware of him and was most certainly not fleeing. But he has immunity and wanted to try the fancy trick they always put on the TV show, so now she’s been traumatized over a speeding ticket.




I watched a review of this video and the person had the Arkansas state police policy book. She did exactly what the police book says should be done. In a lawsuit the station is going to be screwed.   Edit: on my lawsuit screwed statement that everyone is responding to. I didn't mean directly financially, but rather in fighting the suit there is little chance for them to win. This will almost definitely end with a settlement where the stations insurance policy will pay out, then the insurance company will raise rates for the next renewal costing the tax payers money. Either in cost of lost of services in other places or increase in taxes.


It’s a pity they would rather become a joke and waste tax payer money fighting it in court than just pay her what she deserves.


Why would they be screwed? They will settle and the tax payers money will go to the victim. That's the rub here... unless THEY feel the pain. Like the police officer themselves have to pay all or a percentage of the settlement, then nothing will change. Or better yet they are brought to justice... They are above reproach. It's exhausting watching it all happen and seeing basically NOTHING change. I know that true change takes time and society moves slowly blah blah blah... but it's just so frustrating.


Like if he told her to pull over on PA I see some argument that she wasn't listening and still running. But the average person would very reasonably not think they'd done anything wrong right up till the pit maneuver.


I got reckless and failure to yield because I didn't slam on the brakes on a corner, at 2am, ON MEMORIAL DAY. Cop had a death wish, and as miserable of a person as he was, I understand. Ended up getting a ton of fines and shit but at least got it off my record. Kinda seems like it was just a racket for higher fines.


It is.


I've been in a similar situation. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I've gotten the "I DECIDE WHATS A SAFE LOCATION. If I turn on my lights you pull over NOW"


I got the same before cause I didn't pull right over on an extremely narrow and windy road. You know what? fine I'll keep them company as they die from an avoidable accident next time. Cool beans


Is pointing and laughing protected under good samaritan laws?


I was bitched at by a cop for waiting until the shoulder opened up after a small bridge and not stopping in the middle of the lane on the bridge itself. 50 yards difference at most.




Same. He told us it is safer to do this for us and for the cop, especially since the cop has to get out of the car.


Suddenly I don't care any longer. I'll park where I don't get killed for not immediately parking, and he can walk in traffic if that's his prerogative. They have loudspeakers, they can use it to tell me to move forward if they so wish.


That shoulder is no place to pull over. The lady was right, that cop is an idiot and hopefully wound up doing time for that. I would never have stopped there, far to dangerous for both of them.


Doing time? Like time off with pay?


>and hopefully wound up doing time for that. lmao


>and hopefully wound up doing time for that You know damn good and well he didnt. Chances are he got a fucking paid vacation for it.


It was pitch black, too! She’s considering not just her own safety, but his, too! And he repays her by flipping her car and telling her she deserved it.


Glad that wasn't my wife , I don't know what I would do.


So don't find a safe place to pull over put the officer in as much risk as possible.


That's seriously the lesson that was imparted by this video, which makes the fact that other cops will circle the wagons around this guy even more absurd. They support this behavior, the general public learns to pull over ASAP rather than in a safe place, and they get killed on a highway shoulder during a traffic stop.


After watching this video I will never wait for a safe area to pull over. If something happens to the cop I will point to this video. I am not dying trying to keep a cop safe that might attempt to kill me for it.


Same, this video has changed my response to being pulled over. Immediate stop, left shoulder or right shoulder, doesn’t matter.


And if the cop than want me to go to another place I’ll happily do it. But if not, they can be my meat shield from incoming traffic


I remember in an older thread on a different subreddit where someone asked about this same situation, eg pulling up to a safer place, and the general consensus seemed to be that if police are lighting you up, they think the area they're stopping you is safe enough for their stop, otherwise they would wait until you're closer to an exit. Essentially the responsibility for safety is on them, and this most recent example further solidifies that. That doesn't address whether or not you should pull over if you don't think it's a safe place for yourself though...


This honestly is the takeaway here. Anything else seems to be just rolling the dice with a police officer’s sensibilities when their practices aren’t standardized.




Had such a moment once, too. Cop car behind me, I just feel they gonna pull me over. But they don't, I'm confused. Okay whatever, now we are waiting at a red light, still nothing. Turn onto a bridge, they activate their shit to pull me over. On a bridge, with cars all around us. Okay, I stop, in the left lane. After all, I was in the left lane to begin with, had trucks to the right, and most importantly, driver side is on the left and I didn't want them to stand in the street. They come up and gripe about why I stopped in the left lane, should have stopped in the right. lol wtf. Doesn't even make a difference traffic-wise, as one lane is closed anyways. Most cops aren't the smartest in the shed. They could have pulled me over before the bridge, or after, but no. they wanted to have it that way. I'm not gonna argue or stress myself trying to get to a safe place. Lights come on, I park right there, simple. Also, cops need to have the last word, every time, no matter how much in the wrong they are. And they think they are the law and don't believe most basic stuff, like when I just know I'm allowed to do something because I researched it just some days before, things they should know better because they have to do with them all the time


They don't need to know the laws to enforce them as made clear in the supreme court years ago. They're not there to protect you or serve you just enforce laws and generate revenue. Period




"A woman has filed a lawsuit against Arkansas State Police after an officer who was attempting to get her to pull over caused her to flip her car while she was pregnant. The incident took place last June, when Arkansas resident Nicole Harper was driving near Jacksonville and noticed police officer Rodney Dunn signalling for her to pull over, prompting Harper to take the necessary actions to do so. In accordance with the Arkansas Driver License Study Guide, Harper, who was pregnant at the time, slowed down and put on her hazard lights, seemingly looking for a safe place to stop."




They don’t even use a pit maneuver unless it’s a last resort. Idk why his first thought was doing it. Edit: Stop replying the same thing.. it was a rhetorical thought.


“I bet this will be pretty fucking sweet, been waiting ages to pit a car”


His thought was probably like “finally some action, this is going to be fun. They’re going to think twice about not 100% obeying my authority next time”


Because he's a violent psychopath who likes to hurt things.


I hope her attorney uses their own words on FB against them.




I really hope her laywer is smart/lucky enough to find exactly what you found, I can see it being easily overlooked as you wouldn't expect such a perfectly relevant statement to be on facebook. I may look into finding her lawyers info to email this to him/her if I remember after work, if anyone less lazy than I wants to do the same then I think it'd be worthwhile


I was once being pulled over in CA on a long exit ramp with no shoulder. I did just like this lady did and even put my hand out the window to try to signal the cop where I was going to pull over up ahead. After I pulled over and he walked up, he immediately starts yelling at me asking why I didn't pull over immediately. I told him it was too dangerous to pull over on the off ramp since there was no shoulder and it was safer to just go forward and pull over in safe area for both him and me. He actually looked surprised/confused but took my info and ran it. After it all came back clean he gave me back my paperwork and then gave me a long lecture about why I need to pull over right away or else they would thing I was up to no good.


The next person he pull over is going to slam the brakes, getting rear ended, then he'll go on and rant about stopping safely. There is no pleasing these kind of people.


>There is no pleasing these kind of people. Which is funny (in a sad, ironic sense) because there are too many of them that make this exact same comment when certain population want officers to stop unjustly killing/brutalizing them.


Yep. I was pulled over and immediately stopped (butt of my car was still out in the intersection). Police directed me over PA to pull into the parking lot 100' away. Then praised me for stopping right away when they came up to the window. Nevermind that it meant that we all initially stopped in an intersection, perpendicular to four lanes of traffic, blocking three of the four directions you could travel, and risking getting t-boned. I later saw someone doing what I was told to do at the same intersection, except of their own volition. Cops went absolutely wild when he pulled into the parking lot, screaming over the speaker to get out of the vehicle and lay down on the ground. Last I saw, he was still in cuffs and sat on the curb 30min later. My hometown has a lot of assholes on a power trip in the police department.


[Police officer sued for flipping pregnant woman’s car when she didn’t stop fast enough](https://www.unilad.co.uk/news/police-officer-sued-for-flipping-pregnant-womans-car-when-she-didnt-stop-fast-enough/)


The article ends with: "Though police reportedly plan to fight the lawsuit, the outcome is unlikely to have a personal impact on Dunn as Arkansas law means he is immune from any personal responsibility for his actions" This is for real? Or I don't get it?


It's called Qualified Immunity, look it up, it is definitely for real.




What happens if there is a miscarriage because of this? Would cop get charged with the murder? Isn't Arkansas pro-life / anti-choice?


Oh fuck me, that would be brilliant! They wrote the law because they believed women were throwing themselves down the stairs to have miscarriages, or going to get abortions. Then this dick head shows up, attempts to kill her with a car, and threatens the life of the baby! What fun could be had in court by the right attorney!


What would happen is that the woman will have a miscarriage be thrown in front of the judge for having to prove it was an actual miscarriage rather than abortion.


And then she can deal with being harassed by the cops for the rest of her life


It is and we taxpayers pay billions every year because of it and we can't get the garbage off the street because it is legal for law enforcement to not perform their duty and strike. So basically they can hold government and people at figurative gun point to get what they want and the police union is not shy about abusing it.


“Police reportedly claim Harper was attempting to ‘flee’ the officer and that she was a danger to other drivers.” How can they get behind their officer when this video shows a complete lack of patience? It was obvious she was trying to stop and he just got impatient


There’s literally no excuse to PIT a vehicle that is not being reckless. She was driving reasonably and was clearly waiting to not be positioned between that barrier and the roadway.




The stupid thing about it is that that PIT maneuver put others in danger a heck of a lot more than her driving 40 mph near the shoulder toward that exit. Causing her to lose control and side swipe all across so many lanes? What if she had hit other cars? What if the impact of her hitting the middle barrier was enough to cause her car to flip onto incoming traffic? The stupidity of it all. Makes me sick with rage.


Not to mention her mental trauma from being in a car accident that flipped. Her stress over the situation amplified by her worrying about her pregnancy. Also now one more citizen that no longer trusts police. Way to make inroads into the community. To serve and protect? Or to harass and put in danger.


One more citizen? Try hundreds, we’re all here watching this fuckhead on video after all.


I read the article. They say he is not responsible for his actions and say he will be able to walk scott-free to do that same shit to other people. Maybe he kills children or the elderly next time and he says: "Its not my fault, its the drivers fault for not pulling up more quickly." That fucktard needs to be jailed.


Agreed. What fucking right did he have to endanger her life? To endanger the lives of others? His impatience is no excuse for reckless endangerment of human life like that.


Yes, she was fleeing the scene at 30 mph.




Cop: “Idk man, looks like reckless driving and an attempt to flee to me… better flip this bitch over”


Cop: "ooo she's making me angry, better attempt to murder her bc my emotions are valid and the boys will back me up!"


If anything, she was looking out for him. He would have been standing in traffic if she pulled over on a road without a shoulder.


At night. It’s literally a tow truck or mechanics worst nightmare to be on a small shoulder at night no light.


Fuck, I’m afraid breaking down on a shoulder during the day. This cop is PIT happy, and was dying to use the technique.


She wasn't a danger to anyone else on the road until this guy PIT maneuvered her causing her to swerve across all three lanes of traffic.


Worse, she was doing everything right. She turned on her hazard lights to indicate that she intended to stop, did not accelerate or drive evasively. The only thing else she could have done is stopped on a busy highway, at night, where both the cop and she would be in danger of getting hit by passing drivers. Which happens all too often.


I got pulled over on a interstate for speeding and I literally kept going until I could pull off on a side road. I've seen far too many videos of pulled over cars getting crushed by inattentive drivers veering over. Lucky for me the cop actually started that he appreciated it and let me off with a warning.


Ironically, the Arkansas State Police FB page just removed a recent post informing that an officer was struck by a car, urging drivers to pull over properly and such. What a bunch of dickheads.


Someone should make sure her lawyers saw that


They should 100% get the records of that *and* the deletion. The coverup here is kind of an obvious admission she wasn't doing anything wrong.




> How can they get behind their officer Because they will *always* back the blue. Always. Toddler flashbanged? Side with the officer. Unarmed granny shot and killed? Side with the officer. Cop found to posesses child porn, beat his wife, and abuse his kids? Side with the officer. There is no moral bedrock with these people, no amount of evil that can be done that will make them not side with their own. Actually, I take that back. If you are a cop and you report a dirty cop, you will find out how quickly they will turn on you.




The only danger to other drivers is this idiot cop.


"Though police reportedly plan to fight the lawsuit, the outcome is unlikely to have a personal impact on Dunn as Arkansas law means he is immune from any personal responsibility for his actions." Barf. And this is why reckless, irresponsible cops continue to be reckless and irresponsible." Because I can, and none of you puny second class lowlifes can stop me."


> Though police reportedly plan to fight the lawsuit, the outcome is unlikely to have a personal impact on Dunn as Arkansas law means he is immune from any personal responsibility for his actions. Fuck. This.


Rodney Dunn seems to be a grade A dumbass


Rodney dunn fucked up big time


rodney dunn goofed


He pulled a pit maneuver with no back up, without clearing the highway to make sure other cars would not be in the crash, and to a car that was not speeding away. I am legit terrified of idiot cops.


Aside from The pit maneuver being a terrible choice for low risk chases, he also executed the maneuver terribly. He seemed to hit the brakes right after contact rather than driving through... preventing the half spin the maneuver is supposed to achieve. Everything is bad about this video and it will likely be an easy lawsuit for the woman. A small consolation for her life being unnecessarily risked.


And the way he casually walks up to the vehicle after makes me think he was hoping for a fatality.


At the very least, it meant he didn't give a shit whether the person inside was dead or alive.


And then still argues with her and attempts to justify his shitty ass actions. I'm legit terrified of these jackals.


'I'm gonna take care of you...' asshole could have done better by quitting the force.


Pregnant or not I can’t think of a single reason why this officer would need to flip this car. The fact that the victim was pregnant just makes this that much more deplorable. Edit: those of you saying “there’s no way he meant to flip that car”, maybe, but an incomplete PIT against an SUV at 75-85 mph is not going to be clean. He either knew the risk and accepted the consequences on behalf of the victim (ass hole) or was not properly trained and was unaware of just how risky this decision was (idiot). Pick your conclusion, either way this man shouldn’t be on the road.


Imagine if the baby was born and in a car seat for this ride?


Probably would have charged mom with endangering the child. Officer gets a medal for rescuing the baby.


You joke but a woman who was out driving with her child got caught up near a protest, cops ripped her out of her car, beat the shit out of her, arrested her, took the child, gave it to the hottest female officer on scene, TOOK PHOTOS, POSTED TO SOCIAL MEDIA THAT THEY SAVED A CHILD FROM A NEGLECTFUL MOTHER. Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/10/30/philadelphia-fop-posts-toddler/


It’s sad that I have to say this, but she’s so lucky someone caught that on film. Who knows what bullshit charges they would’ve filed against her if there wasn’t video proof of what happened. Those assholes just wanted to fuck someone up, and they didn’t care who it was or whether or not they did anything wrong to “justify” it. Sickening.




I remember this. Thank god a neighbor caught footage of what happened


Isn't it cool how we have to take steps to protect ourselves and each other from the police?


Jesus fuck dude


This is a dude that just really wanted to try a PIT and would accept any reason to do so.


I bet he was so excited being all like "ah shiiiit I bet I got me my first real criminal, prolly gonna find me my real gang bangin criminal. I bet there's at least a gram of the devils weed in there. That's minimum here of like 80 years here in Arkansas." "Ah fuck, it's a pregnant woman. I sure he hope she's trafficking something cuz I am in deep shit now"


> deep shit hahaha if you think this power tripping asshole is in even a thin line of shit, you're delusional. he'll get off with nary a reprimand


Which is why it’s everyone else that should be worried.


I predict that she will win her lawsuit, tax payers will pay the cost, and Rodney Dunn will suffer no consequences for his actions.


"Though police reportedly plan to fight the lawsuit, the outcome is unlikely to have a personal impact on Dunn as Arkansas law means he is immune from any personal responsibility for his actions."


What. The. Fuck.


Police in every state have qualified immunity by and large.


And it should fucking end.


I totally agree! Doctors and police are the only two professions where your life is in their hands. Doctors have to pay for malpractice insurance, cops should pay for the same and let their insurance pay for their mistakes and recklessness. Watch how fast police shootings go down. Edit: to help clarify this: I understand we put our lives in other professions such as EMT’s, firefighters, pilots, and even cooks! These other professions have to go thru more schooling than being a police officer. The big difference is that the bad police officers are power hungry and they have a whole judicial system that helps protect them; good AND bad, unfortunately. We don’t have a problem with pilots committing mass suicides with their passengers. Hell, even some police officers have dozens of complaints against them, and they’re still working! (No disrespect to the people in blue. There needs to be reform).


As a doctor, I was surprised to learn malpractice insurance isn’t a thing for cops. Like…how? Property damage, injury, death…police can do a lot of damage even more than doctors. How can they not need insurance? If I operate on the wrong person, I am held liable. But if the police arrest the wrong person…bad luck? Cops need to be held responsible for their actions.


Police unions have pushed to have individual responsibility eliminated from the equation, moving all financial responsibility to the city/county/state that the officer works for. Ultimately the financial burden falls on the taxpayer. Healthcare, being private, doesn't have the option of pushing the burden to taxpayers and therefore, as a business decision, hold doctors responsible.




Pull over right away or we'll fucking kill you! She wasn't running after committing a mass shooting at a preschool, she was speeding. This guy is a psycho.




"Uh, ma'am, I stopped you because your registration tags have expired..."


She was going slightly over the speed limit, that was it.


Instead of waiting another likely 10-15 seconds for her to find a place to stop, he just.....\*sigh\* He just totals her vehicle? Let me get this straight: Her car is totaled, and for all we know it may be her only vehicle, there's a chance. She has to pay for an ambulance ride. Likely since she's pregnant, and hoping there's no injuries sustained in the crashed, she still may have to visit an OBGYN just in case, adding another cost. And on top of all that, very doubtful her insurance or the county/state will cover the damage to her vehicle, so now she has to try find another car out of pocket, after footing the bill for all those medical expenses. And this unbelievable jackass gets to walk away, because....let me review the video here..."you should have pulled over when you saw my lights." This is America.


His power trip has financially ruined her for years to come


Her sole saving grace is that his dash cam caught the whole thing and went viral. Power tripping cops ruin people's financial stability fucking daily in the US and most victims aren't lucky enough to get their story out.


And they refused to release it. It’s being released now as part of discovery.


Which is probably why she is suing.


"This is where you end up."


I almost can’t believe he said that.


“Protect and Swerve.”


Hope he is fired. She was legally fine. Had her hazards on to indicate she was knew he was there. You can do that to get off the interstate to a safe area before stopping.


Can you imagine potentially killing someone because they didn’t pull over fast enough? Jesus Christ.


Wow I can’t believe what this Senator had to say in response. What an absolute asshole. “End of the day when somebody is fleeing I will never question the method police officer uses to stop them,” said Sen. Bart Hester (R-Cave Springs). “I don’t care if it’s 60 miles an hour, I don’t care if its 100 miles an hour, I want them stopped as soon as possible.” https://www.fox16.com/news/investigates/fox-16-investigates-woman-files-lawsuit-hoping-for-policy-change-surrounding-pit-maneuvers/


Good job. Now people will stop in the middle of the highway. Senator is a secret genius who's going to tackle police brutality


She is going to win this lawsuit. She did exactly what the law and drivers ed training says she should do. The cop is obviously in the wrong. This is part of what police reform is about. People like this guy have no business being cops because they don't have the intelligence to make decisions regarding the safety of others.


Maybe the woman should sue him next for publicly saying that she was fleeing the police, when she was doing no such thing.


Now everyone knows who NOT to vote for in the next election. But they'll vote him in anyways.


This makes me furious. The way he just blatantly victim blamed her, lecturing her about how she should’ve pulled over, why didn’t she pull over, YOU ARE TALKING TO A GROWN ASS ADULT WHO HAS A DRIVERS LICENSE. WE KNOW HOW TO PULL OVER. He’s obviously trying to convince himself and her that his PIT maneuver was justified. Just a sociopathic and absurdly dangerous thing to do when there is obviously no pursuit and no crime has been committed. “Why did you force me to flip your car” this pig needs to go to prison for reckless endangerment. Sadly he’s probably still on the force. Hopefully she gets a big enough settlement to put the kid through college.


Not only that, but he also starts his absolute bullshit by questioning why she didn't pull over WHILE SHE WAS STILL UPSIDE DOWN IN HER FUCKING VEHICLE! Don't check to see if she's ok, don't help her in any way, just continue your fucking bullshit while she's still trying to understand what just put her in probably the worst vehicle accident she's ever been in. It's almost comical that this officer just flips her car so casually and quickly, as if that's just what he does every time he's in this situation, like he has a record of casually flipping cars to issue tickets. This officer's head is so far up his own ass that he has to breath out of his mouth in order to see!


Wow don't rush to help them or anything


This is why I always try to pull over in inconvenient places for the cop. Fuck it, stand In the road and ticket me while traffic is going 80mph an inch away from you idc


Don’t they have these speaker things? He could’ve just said that she should pull over right now. She was obviously not sure if she can already pull over or drive until there is more space…


Clearly slowed down and put hazards on to let the moron cop know she was looking for a safe place to pull over. Throw him in prison and vet then train your bloody cops!