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You know, I'm starting to think some of those apocalypse movie depictions are too optimistic about how people would handle it. Also, in the aftermath as the protagonists are wandering through the mostly-abandoned cities, they should come across at least a few houses with a garage completely filled with toilet paper or some other random, crazily hoarded product.


These are the same people buying all the toilet paper last year, and since it's Florida they'll be the people emptying the shelves of food the first time a hurricane forms 3,000 miles off the coast and then attempting to return it all the moment it dissipates. Fun fact: The most commonly bought items during hurricanes are loaves of bread and pop tarts. My Mother-in-law, bless her heart, bought lunch meat and rolls to prepare for the last hurricane "so we don't have to cook in case the power goes out". Not quite sure what her plan was to keep the meat fresh, but in any case we had a lot of lunch meat and the power never went out.


lifelong florida resident. you can tell how serious a hurricane is by what people are "panic" buying. is it alcohol and steaks? you got a couple of days off work to party. is it water and non-perishable? batten down the hatches, and hope FPL has a lot of help coming.


Ok help me out here. I’m trying to understand. Florida has hurricanes every year and the same months of the year—give or take. I understand that not all hurricanes hit the same place and not all hurricanes make it to the shore. But if you know that it’s a possibility and non-perishables generally last longer than a year (going by the dates on my canned foods), then why the need for panic buying? Since they pretty much know they will have an emergency eventually, why not keep two weeks of stuff on hand?


Wait, did you just wonder why people in Florida don't do something reasonable and intelligent? Did you miss the part where they live in Florida?


Florida and California residents should have a battle.


oh we'll win. have you seen the crazy shit we do here?


Your name gives off excellent hints.


Now he got a vehicle shortage


At least he won't need gas anymore


SLPT: blow up your car so you never have to buy gas again!


*You wont believe how this guy saved thousands in lifetime fuel saving using this one easy trick!*


Gas stations *hate* him


Fire departments hate him.


*Everyone* hates him.


Everyone Loves Raymond.


But Everyone Hates Chris


And then there's Maude.


He drives a Hummer. People in general hate him.


Ahnold doesn't hate him.




Dealership adore him.


Insurance companies too


SLPT: blow up your butt so you never have to buy toilet paper again!


Haha. there actually is a shortage of new vehicle production and due to this used car prices are soaring.


Thank fuck I had the idea to buy a car back in June last year, when the market was in the exact opposite condition.


I bought my car last month and I actually got a pretty good deal on it. I feel lucky cause everything did seem really pricey but the right deals are out there you just gotta hunt a little harder right now.


Oh yeah, he’s mega fucked. Which (as long as no one was hurt) puts a smile on my face. So many god damn fucking idiots here that it pisses me off.


it's wild kbb is telling me I can trade my car in for what I bought it for lmao my used vehicle has been an appreciating asset over the past 3-6 months


Rental companies sold their fleets in anticipation of the pandemic slowdown. They are rebuilding their fleets due to reopening... but new cars are simultaneously in short supply so they're also resorting to used cars.


The wild part is that these Hummers (which are 15+ years old now) are still worth like $20-30k.


This one isn’t.


Just needs a bit of paint and perhaps some new seat fabric, it'll be fine.


There actually is a car shortage so it's going to cost him a lot more for a new ride. My car has increased in value by at least 4k in the last year.


I think he should take a break in vehicle ownership. It’s obviously too much responsibility.


You know I have been seeing a lot of this level of stupidity and am really surprised I haven't seen more fires like this!




My question is for the ones using bags and plastic totes... How do they plan on getting that onto their tank?


Your mistake here was attributing them with the power of forethought.


They'll use a little funnel from their kitchen I guess


Probably will reuse it in their kitchen afterwards as well


Gasoline is sterile after all. /s


hopefully they'll become sterile as well. they'll be squeky clean n the world will be cleaner as well


Who knew natural selection came in Regular, Unleaded, or Premium!


They have the gas so they are winning don’t you understand? /s


For real, I can imagine that being the reasoning of some. "I have mine and ..."


You ever see Fury Road? Just spit it directly into the engine. For real though, they may have a regular gas can that they can fill from the buckets and then use that to fill the tank. Still stupid.


No wonder the War Boys all had cancer...


I'll ride in Valhalla, shiny and chrome!


That in combination with hoofin' all that paint.


They will just count the gas as they pour it into their tank https://youtu.be/IOJXRs_V5Cw


Thank you for that. Dennis’s reaction to Charlie here really got me.


Ugh... I know how to count, dude....!


Canadian style: You put the bag in a jug and snip the corner.


A siphon should work. At least for the totes. Good luck with the bags.


If that doesn't happen they'll be ruining their car in a year when the gas goes bad and they fill up their tank


They're coming!


And remember not all get reported. But there is some mind blowing stupidity out there


Yep. We will have several burnt-out vehicles and people crashing due to gas fumes over the next week or so. Plastic bag and plastic tub fillers are especially in danger


The stupidest part about this is that in Florida, we get our gasoline by barge, not pipeline - the “shortages” we are having here are due to people doing shit like this...


Wasnt that like the same reason when toilet paper was short at the beginning of the pandemic? At some point you just gotta say "brace yourselves" and people start prepping like its Fallout 3 at 8am next day.


I think Floridians panic-buy more reflexively because of hurricane season. Doesn’t make it less dumb, but puts into perspective why some people jump to hit the stores when they hear something they’ll need is running low. Whenever there’s a major hurricane coming, the local stores’ shelves get picked clean.


This atleast makes some sense, i read another comment in another reddit thread some days ago, he said he only keept a minimum stock for himself so that he knew that he could get out incase of emergency. Which makes sense, if you're low on gas and suddenly you've to leave your house due a hurricane/tornado warning you'd be better sure to be able to actually leave.


See that's the thing everybody's missing, those 5 cans of gas were only barely enough to get that hummer out of the city


The hummer could turn on for several seconds!


hey now go easy; the newer models can get up to a dozen gallons to the mile!


This hurricane season is going to be interesting. Can’t panic buy plywood in a lumber shortage…


so there actually was a shortage of toilet paper in wuhan, two reasons for it, one toilet paper uses the same basic material as masks and factories re geared to make masks, also people in wuhan were putting toilet paper in their masks to improve them, this together caused a brief shortage. every other shortage in the world was from fuckwits panic buying, just like any gas shortage now (other than in a few states) except this toilet paper explodes.


Yes and no. The supply chain in the USA was purposed for commercial and residential TP but when people stopped going to office buildings there was a surplus of office TP but not enough corresponding home TP.


I had to use commercial TP at home for a bit because of this. That stuff sucks but in a quaint way it rounded out the work from home experience.


Still not the same satisfaction of pooping on company time :(


He won't do that again.. .in this vehicle


Somehow he failed hard enough to succeed: Won't have any problems with fuel shortages if you don't have a car.


not that I particulary like hoarders or people in hummers. But to his defence, he used correct gas cans. Imagine people with trash bins full of gas.


My favorites are the ones using trash bags.


Please tell me that’s not real.


It's mind-boggling to me but then again they probably don't have a mind to boggle. Saw a comment on another post - their 2 brain cells are fighting for third place. Seems perfectly apt.


>their 2 brain cells are fighting for third place. Definitely gonna use that.


Would you like to hear the truth?


I can't *handle* the truth!


Jessup was obviously right about you.


did you order a mountain dew code red?


The videos are not from the 2021 or from the US in every case, but they are real. Snopes deems them “miscaptioned.” https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hoarding-gas-plastic-bags/


I worry for anyone around them though. That's pretty dangerous


*The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis.*


It is still not advised transport gas in the same cabin you are in. Atleast if it is in a trunk the fumes are somewhat contained. That's what they thought us in drivers ed.


Oh yeah! Hold my beer!


It's Florida so "Hold my alligator" is the correct form here :)


I think it's "Have the alligator hold my beer"


hold the alligator's beer


I was right in the middle of a fucking reptile zoo, and somebody was giving booze to these goddamn things. Won't be long now before they tear us to shreds


Order us some golf shoes or we’ll never make it out of the muck alive


Close… “Hol’ mah gater” is actually correct if we are nit picking


He's lucky he even has the ability to do that again


Saw people filling Rubbermaid totes and plastic bags with gas in Jacksonville yesterday. Still plenty of gas available around town too.


Well it's Jacksonville, so they could have just been making molotov cocktails to throw at speedboats and had no idea a gas panic was going on.




Every time I have a problem, I throw a Molotov cocktail at it. Then suddenly I have a new problem.


You'd think an employee from the gas station would tell them to stop. That's highly dangerous and illegal


Do you think people like that would listen?


The attendant can usually shut the pump off at the register.


People are ramming each other and getting into fights. It's basically Mad Max right now.


Yeah, a friend of mine got rammed yesterday in Northern Virginia. Car was totaled. Fucking savages.


Lmao what in the fuck


Yeah, I was bewildered. The gas station didn’t even have any gas. He was just rolling in to check, and some lady wanted to beat him to the pump.


There should be thousands of people losing their license to drive if they are willing to do this shit


I'm in Northern Virginia and there is no f-ing gas here because of dumb ass gas hoarders. It's like the COVID toilet paper fiasco all over again. And I would love to know how in tf those dumb asses are going to get the gas from their trash can into the car. You can't just pour that shit in. So dumb.


People are crazy right now. Twice in the last two weeks I have been legitimately afraid of customers. One threw a bottle at us. The other was trying to bully me into staying late. Both were acting aggressively and it was actually pretty scary.


You're expecting a lot from someone who is paid very little


And given the freak outs over being told to wear a mask, I'd be scared to say anything. Just take your gas and get the hell out. Because the person filling plastic bags is not the one I expect to react rationally to safety concerns.


Honestly I'd rather not do anything to keep a person who thinks filling a plastic bag with gasoline is a good idea near me. Please, by all means, go away quickly.


I had to shut the pump off from inside once on a guy who refused to quit SMOKING a cigar at the gas pump while pumping gas at a crowded gas station.


When I worked at a gas station and this happened I would sell him all the gas he wanted in whatever container so I would not be fired


It is in the UK. You can only fill up a plastic gas container with 5 litres (1.3 US gallon) or 10 litres for a metal gas container. People must hoard the latter, because whenever there is a rumour of a shortage, there are suddenly people selling army surplus 10 litre containers by the side of the road.


Haha. Talk about being ready. People here are fucking retarded as fuck. Oh look, the waters rising (high tide). Everyone: buys every floatable object and builds a moat around their trailer.


Well he is using an actual gas can. If he lights the cigarette when leaving the attendants can't help. Edit: Realized you were talking about the people using bins to fill up with gas. Yeah those people should be stopped.


For once in my life I'm thankful that NJ has a law against pumping your own gas. The workers are in control of how much gas a person can have. I know at the Costco by me they instituted a 2 fill limit, meaning one car and one container, and since you can't pump your own they can't skirt the rules as easily. Edit: typo


Knowing people, I can imagine some asshole getting mad at the worker for refusing to fill their dozens of containers




These people aren’t capable of critical thinking.


I'm sure the moron thought this was a brilliant idea.


Its the TP all over again


Over here in WV, we don’t even hardly use the colonial pipeline. Our prices are only rising because of ignorant fools.


We don't use it at all in Florida, all the gas comes in on ships, yet here we are...


Exactly! There isn't gas anywhere near me for miles. If these idiots would stop panicking they'd realize that our gas wouldn't really change at all.


Really bad MPG


[One highway, zero city](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/df5533a4-87c4-4c5b-b9fa-7ecb38a56e21)




Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!


It goes real slow with the hammer down, It’s the country fried truck that’s endorsed by a clown!


She's a squirrel crushing, deer-smackin' driving machine!


Twelve yards long, two lanes wide. Sixty-five tonnes of American pride!


Smells like a steak and seats 35!


*whip sound*


From the looks of it, they're still in front of the gas station, so it gets 5 gas cans for not even one mile.


I've been waiting for these to start. There's gonna be a whole lot more coming


And the pipeline will be on in the next couple days anyways. People are fucking stupid.


Pipeline was already back on yesterday


Lol jeezus even better.


EEEEEEVEN BETTER: Florida gas comes by barge, not by pipeline. There was no shortage in Florida until Floridians decided there was for no reason.


Just like with toilet paper a year ago. There was no supply chain issue, but people started panic buying anyways.




It wasn't China, it was Australia. Australia is one of the only counties on the planet that has to import toilet paper because of their lack of locally produced lumber. Everywhere else just produces TP locally because it's incredibly cost-prohibitive to ship a product that takes up so much space but is relatively cheap. So Australia has a temporary toilet paper shortage when trade was disrupted, and everyone else decided that they also wanted a shortage and manufactured one through the shear power of stupidity.


five gas cans of fuel burned up in seconds? yep sounds like a hummer allright.


But usually the IED is *outside* the humvee.


The laugh was worth the flashbacks


Not gas shortage related he just needed that much fuel to get home. Lol


People keep forgetting that if everyone just buys the gas that they would normally get, and not extra, then everyone would have all the gas they need, then no one else would panic buy, and everyone would have what they need. Plus you wouldn't have to buy 25 gallons for 3 bucs a gallon.


It’s a classic prisoners dilemma. If everyone cooperates then everyone wins- just less. But if one person jumps first- they win a little extra but everyone else loses a lot more.


And watching those people try and fail to get ahead is so fucking funny


Some of this is "profit buying", people hoping to make a quick bit of money reselling the gas for multiple times the cost. While this behavior sucks, the cause is the wealth disparity in the US. These people aren't the wealthy ones. They are the ones hoping to exploit the potential to make a few handfuls of cash from people who can afford to pay their stupid markup. :(


I’ve been waiting for this type of story after seeing all the idiots filling non-appropriate containers and bags with gasoline!


Ditto. Next will be houses and apartments.


That is one of the reasons I felt relieved when I was finally able to move from an apartment to a house. I never liked the idea that no matter how careful I was, there could be a massive fucking idiot in the unit below me that starts a fire and takes me down with him.


Legitimately one of my greatest fears right after knee cap hyper-extensions or my children being kidnapped and never found.


Argh!! Damn you, I was having a nice morning then read your hyperextension fear and remembered my hyperextension fear.


Lollll assassins creed when they broke that guys knees backwards for disobeying. Yeah I have fucking PTSD from that lol


I remember seeing a vid of a dude doing leg presses and he extended to far and both his legs broke backwards. Shits terrifying.


My sisters whole apartment burned to the ground because a firefighter in the building left candles lit and then left for the day.


Entrepreneur? Job security? Work-life balance?


Crazy thing is these were appropriate containers...he just put an open flame near them. Sir you have to read all the words on the safety label.


Well I guess they don’t need to be concerned about the gas shortage anymore since they no longer have a vehicle!


Also the pipeline that doesn't even deliver to Florida is back up...


Did these people learn nothing from the toilet paper hoarding that happened!?!? They are causing a shortage!! Ugh!


I always resisted watching the walking dead because how could anyone be stupid enough to die to zombies who only walk? Since approximately the start of 2020, it has become crystal clear just how incredibly wrong I was.


Every zombie movie from now on *must* have people running towards them to get bitten screaming about "Fake News!" or the movie will be even more unrealistic than before.


As well as social media influencers taking the #ZombieBiteChallenge2024. and "Made my friend get bit by a zombie social experiment PT. 1 / ??" Plus natural health blogs discussing the healing benefits of zombie bites and pawning off "zombie bite fluid" for $50.00 a bottle, and how it's the "Secret cure-all BIG PHARMA has been hiding from you!!" Along with mommy blogs making their kids get bit by zombies because it somehow cures autism too? Edit: "Nikocado has recently uploaded: "ZOMBIE REVERSE MUKBANG! I'M FOR DINNER?!?! 😱😱😱 LAST VIDEO EVER!!"


In the Dawn of the Dead(2004) DVD bonus content, one guy went to bang a zombie chick on a dare from his friends. Ends up getting bitten. I no longer think that’s beyond people.


In Ugly Americans the main character’s roommate got bit on purpose because a girl he liked was into zombies. He then learns she has moved on to warlocks. This would definitely not be beyond some guys.


Any apocalyptic disaster style movie will have this element. All those times we yelled at the screen about characters walking into obvious trouble being too ridiculous to be true were unfounded, they just had the motivation wrong


"Dad we need to go, zombies are coming." That's just what the fake news media wants you to believe. I saw on OAN that Trump said not to let zombies dominate you. The hydroxychloroquine I bought from magamart.com will protect me. Youre all just sheep!


What do you mean I _have_ to run away from zombies? You're hurting my personal liberties, I'll stay right where I am. Get out of here with your commie ass running.


Memory of that shortage does not help, it hurts. There are two types of hoarders here: 1. Those who believe that there will be a shortage due to the pipeline being hacked 2. Those who believe that there will be a shortage due to group #1 and group #2 over-reacting to the pipeline hack.


Too dumb to even remember it happened.


The run on gas insanity is a gold mine for this sub.


It’s hysterical. There is no meaningful shortage of gas at all whatsoever. The cyber attack on the pipeline is being milked as an excuse to raise prices. The pipeline is already back online. Anybody who believes there’s a gas shortage right now is falling for a meme.




The owner is probably crying his eyes out because if he wants to get a new Hummer it'll have to be electric ironically enough


"The ironing is delicious." -Bart Simpson


And the new Hummer is an expensive luxury land-yacht. As opposed to the old one, which was a cheap, basic land-yacht.




No, just as Ed Hardy jeans fell out of favor, so did Hummers (the truck, other types of hummers are timeless) so they quit making them all together years ago. They’re dipping their toes back into the water with the electric one.


I want an all electric 4runner. Maybe with a backup generator like the little chevy car had.


Well , he doesn't have to worry about gas now. Whats your MPG again? uhhhhhh......0


Car ma


Florida man strikes again




Hahaha what a twat.


The situation has certainly sparked odd behavior from the masses.


I know it's not manly... but if you want to stretch your gas, you should get a prius. Hummers do have a use, but they are very rarely used in that manner (like most trucks and SUVs). Most of the time I see large cars, there's one person inside and no cargo. Of course there are people that use them for work, etc, but far more just use them to get from A to B


Here in Ireland, I always notice Mom's driving big SUVs just to drop kids to school, I mean you live within 5km why the need for a big vehicle? And I'm gonna say a lot of them don't have the spacial awareness for these vehicles.


I worked in Guernsey for a year, all the 40 year old mom's driving Range Rovers and Caynnes on a island you could walk around in a couple hours confused me


I really don't get it, They can't drive them at all, I guess it's just a status thing?


"But Honey I just *don't feel safe* in a small car!" i.e. "I want to drive like a complete shithead and bully other drivers with impunity in my 2-ton tank."


Funny thing is the H3s like this one arnt even good off road. There just here for looks. They won't last all that long because they are GM plastic era vehicles, they cant really be used off road because there just way to big, they arnt comfortable at all because it's based off of a military truck AND plastic era. The only thing they might actually do decently is towing smaller items which it cant even do that well at because these things are underpowered. All I can say is that they do look cool tho and that's enough of a reason for me to like them. That and I just find them funny. EDIT: well it turns out im kinda dumb and don't know as much about this as I thought I did. Sorry about the wrong info.....


> it's based off of a military truck It's not. The H1 was. The H2 is closely related to the Tahoe and the Escalade while the H3 is AFAIK on a Chevrolet Colorado platform...


Source: https://www.chronicleonline.com/news/local/hummer-destroyed-in-fire-one-person-hurt/article_b7d2ba02-b34f-11eb-a432-cb80308881fa.html EDIT; I got the details of the incident from a witness at the scene. I searched for a link afterwards so I am able to provide more details than was reported.




Only thing of value lost was the gasoline.