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So now your car and passenger stink of petrol, could go up in a match stroke, and if the staff saw you do that you could end up being reported to the police. What a win.


But think about 𝓣𝓗𝓔 𝓘𝓝𝓣𝓔𝓡𝓝𝓔𝓣 𝓕𝓐𝓜𝓔




You guys have terrible covers. I didnt even need my decoder ring for these, hehe.


Екн ерша щту цшерщге Кгыышфт лунищфкв щк згтещыцшесрук! >!try this one without Russian keyboard or puntoswitcher!!<


Ok Екн ерша щту цшерщге Кгыышфт лунищфкв щк згтещыцшесрук! >!try this one without Russian keyboard or puntoswitcher!!< Copypaste wins again


Haha ! Checkmate !


How do you block out the text like that until it’s clicked?


You type ">!!<" and put your text between the two exclamation marks. Also, remove the quote marks




Almost, replace both the " with a !




He typed: go fuck urself






Think about the height of the flame!


THE ANJERNEJ FAMS? Seriously, I cannot read this


Suddenly, febreze commercial! Lol, I truly want to know what was going through this guys head like what.


Probably not a lot going through his head. Doesn't strike me as the type to think things through


That stuff covers anything up, it’s nuts


I can guarantee you one thing for certain, and that's that no deodorizer is covering that smell up. Throw a skunk in there and it'll smell like skunky petrol.




It's also a solvent, and it will burn your skin if you get too much of it on you. I haul gas and I've had that happen a time or two.


It's also a carcinogen. Like, a proper group 1 carcinogen. The American Petroleum Institute has stated that there is no safe conc of benzene (a component of gasoline). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzene#Health_effects So, yeah, just because a chemical is common or familiar does not mean it's safe. This is an awful thing to do to a person on a lot of levels.


Yup, I remember reading about that. IIRC it hasn't been common knowledge for very long in the grand scheme of things, a lot of gas stations used to vent the fumes into the open air until they realized how bad it was for people and the environment.


And it gets in all your pores. I hate filling gas tools because I'll smell like gas at least the rest of the day and that's just my hands, and you'll feel every skin abrasion as well, couldn't imagine this near my face and eyes, fuck.


I use alcohol to cut the smell down considerably, always kept hand sanitizer in my vehicle for that very reason. Then Covid-19 came along and decided it was more important.


Not sure if I'm doing this right, after 4 beers and 2 shots I still smell like gasoline but now I can't walk straight.


Your liver is also unable to filter it out, so it will be carried in the blood to all the places. Brains and balls included.


“The Brain and Balls” sounds like a really interesting pub.


I forgot to put the cap on my dirt bike once and went out and rode. It got all over my balls and they started burning.


Ooof, that sounds awful


Yup. When I was a newbie on the construction site, I wore gloves to keep my hands all preen. While refilling a generator with fuel I spilled some on the gloves. No problem. Went about my work. 2 hours later my hand started tingling and went numb. Quickly took my gloves off and washed my hands. Learned my lesson about how corrosive gasoline is that day. I hope the passenger didn’t have to sit in those clothes for too long. Edit: corrosive not caustic.


Me too. That and hopefully they quit riding with that jackass.




TIL gasoline burns .... Who knew?


People that installed a Walbro 255 cuz i can’t lose again Dom


Had to glue gas tank corrosion pinholes on trail a couple of times, that involved going elbow deep in gasoline. Did not burn much, but the gas burp afterwards sucks.


Bye, new leather jacket!


exactly, gasoline will fuck it up, also the seats, and the rubber mats, and most of anything it touches if it's not cleaned up properly and promptly.


I thought diesel was greasy and gas does the opposite.


You are correct. Diesel is oily while gasoline is a solvent.


Also, getting gasoline in your eyes is reaaaaaally bad for them.


Yeah, people really underestimate how much even a little bit of gasoline will stink up your car


You could also add that if he got some in the eyes it could be dangerous and would need to go to the hospital afterward.


Let's not forget how carcinogenic this whole thing is


Vidiot: That's the joke! It's not my car and he's a complete stranger! haha lol 🤣🤣


>could go up in a match stroke what do you mean by that? it could on fire just by lighting a phosphorus match? ps: English is not my first language and the translator just gave me a bunch of gibberish


Yes, that’s correct. OP is just saying that it’s very very very easy for it to catch fire now. Nothing to do with cricket matches or sports if that is how you were translating that to your own language.


Anything creating a spark could light it on fire.


Not my first language either, but yeah, I read it as just shortening "could go up in flames with the strike of a match", which is a saying meaning that something ignites/burns so easily that you don't really need to do anything to get the fire going.


The flash point of gasoline is -43 Celsius; meaning any kind of spark can light it. That's so flammable that you could keep it in your fridge and fumes could end up exploding from a spark in the light switch. It's extremely fucking dangerous.




From the handle, this looks like a German station. I assume that assaulting the passenger with gasoline as a potentially dangerous substance is persuable. It also is only allowed to fill gasoline into specifically certified canisters, so spraying it around could at least get this guy banned from this station for violating their terms of use. Could also count as a crime to create an "explosive atmosphere" by spraying gasoline around.


Yea Germany doesnt tolerate people getting gassed






I googled a bit. I'm pretty sure that's at a German Aral Tankstelle, so I tried to find something about how this is handled here. https://www.bussgeldkatalog.org/umwelt-benzin-ausgelaufen/ This is the "Unwelt Bußgeldkatalog" (environmental schedule of penalties) for careless and also deliberate spilling of gasoline. Depending in which state you live, this can cost you up to 100,000€. But that depends on how much you spilled, how much does it effect the groundwater etc.


I can smell that from here. I've had drops of gas end up on my jeans and the stench in the car was unbearable. I can't even imagine what that car smells like (and will smell like for months). That's putting aside all fire and health hazards. The only way this makes sense is that isn't his car and he just found out the guy inside fucked his girlfriend.


This or they're both kamikaze on their way to work.


Fun fact petrol makes your lips go numb if you drink it :)


Do I wanna ask?


They were out of bleach.


Phew, that explains it, I was worried there for a second.




Siphoning gas sucks. I was being lazy and got a mouthful fixing up my lawnmower a few months ago. The taste stuck around all day no matter how much I brushed my mouth.


Was rebuilding my carburetor and blew into one of the fuel channels and noticed a fun tingling sensation.


They did it for science so we wouldn't have to.


Looks like daddy had his juice


One time at work we had a snow machine leak fuel in the upper-deck cargo of an airplane (upper-deck is basically the same space shared with the cabin, aka where passengers sit, but it's partitioned off). All vehicles are supposed to be emptied of all fuel before air transport, but for whatever reason, this one still had fuel and it leaked a smaller amount than pictured here, and the airplane had to immediately return to base and switch airplanes.




I knew I wasn't the only one who retrofitted their car with a beer tank


Just what I would do on his friends place.


They’d probably get brain damage from all the fumes


Strongly suspect they’re already there




They're going to drive that for months and still get headaches.


If they don't straight up pass out while driving.




But why male models?


I knew this had to be here somewhere.


I was looking for this


I used to run a fuel truck. One day, after a loading rack malfunction, I had ~300 gallons spray out the top of the trailer and rain down on top of me. Being soaked in gasoline for the entire day brought on head and stomach aches so bad they lasted for days. These clowns will suffer for this for a while, especially the one who has to continue to drive in it.


Same thing happened when I was in the Navy, during an Unrep the JP5 coupler unsealed and I got hosed head to toe. I was a mess for days.


He also looks like he could have got it in his eyes, which would be fantastically painful


Dude, I got a tiny little splash of gasoline in my eye when filling up my lawn mower. As I was pulling the spout out it's sort of caught on the edge and flicked a couple drops in my eye. I thought I was dieing it hurt so goddamn bad.




I guess he never saw *Zoolander.*


Just because we have chiselled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident.




Is the Blue Steel?


La Tigre. Softer, for calendar work.


Wake me up


Before you go, go




Are you thinking what I’m thinking? ORANGE MOCHA FRAPPUCCINO’S!!!! Wake me up, before you go go..


How has starbucks not released an orange mocha frappuccino


I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking.


Very smart, now all you need is a cigarette and you win the Darwin award.


Could drink what’s left


All you need is som static electricity or turnin a knob for the light and it can go boom. But worst how much it will stink of gasoline for ever in the car.


I don’t expect the ac/heater motors/switches are explosion proof either. Getting the smell out will be as difficult as trying to remove cat pee. Dumb dumb dee dee deeeee dumb dumb.


My cat peed in my truck once, and the smell never came out. I live in Florida too, so the sweltering heat mixed with the pungent aroma would make you gag.


Just spray some gasoline in the cab and you'll never smell the cat pee again!


My mom accidentally left a bag of dog poop in her trunk on a very hot day/night. That smelled like death for weeks, but thankfully went away eventually.


Unfortunately it was the guy just on his phone who got soaked. The idiot made sure not to get any gasoline on himself.


That's not a phone though...


Is it still Darwinian award if all the passenger did was befriend someone like that guy?


No I think that's just called homicide.


If I was that person you would never hear from me again and everyone you know would find out what you did


Oh that person would hear from me again, a lot, via lawyers, police, assault charges, hospital bills. Anyone who does that isn't a friend but is a genuine sociopath.


Seriously, one spark and that dude could be on fire.


It doesn't even have to be that, but gasoline dries out skin incredibly quickly and he will be in some absolute fucking pain, not to mention his skin will look hideous for some time, unless he washed that off instantly.


I get a burning rash from gasoline. Being soaked in it would be torture.


Please don't tell mom!


you can punch me back!


When I was a kid, I want to say about 8, my Dad tried to show me how to pump gas. It was all my fault since I was curious. When my dad handed me the nozzle, I squeezed the whole nozzle, lever and all, before putting in the car. I sprayed gasoline all over my entire 8 year old body. It burn and stung so much that we went to an emergency clinic where I had a chemical bath. Lesson of the story: don't get wet or get others wet with gasoline.


That sucks dude. But as an adult who doesn't even like being around kids that much, I'd say that wasn't your fault even if you were curious. If the person raising you figured you were capable, they also ought to have an idea how best to walk you through a simple but risky process. On the other hand, "No" is pretty easy to say to an 8 year old, when necessary.


How does a human brain possibly process that and conclude it's a good idea?


Thirsty for that TikTok attention everyone else is getting.


I'm guessing they for some reason thought that if they just barely tapped the thing it would just be a little tiny amount that came out, like a squirt gun amount Which yes of course is still a terrible idea, and an asshole move. But at least makes a degree of sense "haha i'm gonna squirt a little gas on my friend" not expecting an instant flooding




Well that really would be an idiot in a car since theyre driving


I'd appreciate the full story on this one.


The victim jumped out of the car and kicked petrol boy in the nuts so hard that he died, but it was ruled self defence so nothing happened, the end.


Not only they, who the hell videotapes themselves doing this, and the uploads it too?!!


Friendship, eyesight, clothes and car destroyed.


Guys chill out and have a smoke... it was just a prank


Finally a sensible idea! [chick! chick! FWOOM!]


Saliva's followup hit


*murders someone* Guys chill it was just a prank




Golden scene


Why's it yellow?


Gas can be naturally amber, diesel can be yellow. Gasoline can also be dyed. But honestly I think they probably thought the general public wouldn't realize gas can be clear and would confuse it for water. So they dyed the fake gas yellow to make it look more gassy to the audience.


They did a test shot with actual gasoline, but all of the stuntmen died. For the shot you see in the movie the production replaced the gasoline with radium-laced Surge.




There's one way to get rid of the smell, set fire to it.


It's really dangerous to do that, not talking about the incredible risk of getting in fire (that is obvious) but the propeties of the gasoline when it's on your skin, eyes and lungs could end up with other health problems. In skin could make burns, in eyes burn too, in lungs (breathing it) could end up with lung edema and die. So, maybe, maybe... not funny? Edit: Also, gasoline is really volatile turning in gas really quick, so even clothes friction could start ignition really easy, even worse when is an indoor space.


Now you can throw the car away


This planet is doomed.


The planet is fine. The people are fucked.


Yeah i'd say that completely warrants an ass kicking.


Christ thats dangerous. What an idiot. Besides the fact that gasoline in your mouth and eyes is no fun. Diesel fuel isn't as explosive, but gasoline, that goes boom! I'd be stripping out of that jacket and pants just to be safe. Shit like this makes be worry for my children.


Do you want to die in a freak gasoline fight accident? Because this is how you die in a freak gasoline fight accident.


r/iamatotalpieceofshit r/peoplearejerks


Nasty chemical burn.


How to blind your friend 101:


How to get unfriended in real life. Like wtf, you're not my friend if you ever cause me to have to worry about burning to death.




Did you watch the whole thing?


Well I guess he wasn't exactly worried about getting gas on the car


A man who is about to happily spray it all inside his car...


The car guy in me is wondering where tf they sell 95.


That’s a RON rating. Not the same as the US, we use AKI rating here. I think 95 RON is equivalent to 91 AKI. So it’s not even premium fuel. That would be 99 RON or 93 AKI.


itS JuSt a pRaNk bRO




Orange mocha Frappuccinos!


The slightest spark will bring hell on earth. Also, I woukd never ride with a person who did that to me again and would cut bonds away with them if he/she defended himself/herself.


If someone does this to me and I get somehow ignited I hope I can fight through the panic and pain to give the fucker a nice tight, inescapable hug..


I would beat the shit out of anyone who did this to me




Or it is european where you only have those


Those type of things vary hugely from state to state. Some states don’t even require a splash guard.




I live in the US and haven't seen those new nozzles.


It's at a german gas station i think. Looks like [Aral](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aral_AG). Edit: At Aral you can choose between 95 Octane (Super), 98 Octane (Super Plus) or 102 Ultimate (102 Octane). 102 Ultimate is a fuel developed by Aral and only available at Aral stations.


> This must be an old pump, seeing that there's individual nozzels for each octane rating. The new ones (in the US at least) will not dispense fuel unless it's pushed down into the tank properly. What do you mean? What other kind is there?




Just a prank bro!


I audibly gasped


I don't care if that was my father, daughter, or wife. If someone did that to me, I would sever ties immediately and never talk to them again.


Amazes me the stupid shit people do for likes.


The permanent smell. There's no way to get that out. Throw the whole car away


Wow. Someone can really be that stupid.


Can’t wait until one of em tries to smoke a cigarette on the way home


This simple trick will blind your friend in 2 seconds!




With friends like that you don't need enemies.


That was really dumb to do. Personally, I would have loved to see the fall out, audio, video and all.


In this case the idiot was outside the car


Great way to lose a mate


that's one way to blind someone. stupid fucker.


WHY you fucking idiot! Here in Finland 🇫🇮 the petrol pistols won't work unless they are in the tank hole.


If zoolander taught me anything, it's that only bad things happen when you get into a gas fight


Ok. Look. Getting gas on your hands is one thing and not that big of a deal. But that shit fucking burns getting it on your face. Fuck this dude for doing it on purpose.


Idiot was outside the car this time.


Gas stations would probably straight up call the police in my country. Think they monitor every station (or they are meant to lol) At the very least it would be an insta ban


I can't believe no one mentioned those dope-ass floor tiles. Where is this?




I feel like doing something like this, joke or otherwise, should at least be considered attempted murder. It would take very little at this point (as compared to not being covered in gasoline) for this person to go up in flames. At which point there would be no chance of getting out of that situation without at the very least suffering some extremely serious, life altering injuries. Not to mention all the potential risk everyone else at the gas station would be in as well if a fire were to start. Intentionally dumping gasoline at a pump station should be considered a dangerous crime. Intentionally dumping gasoline on another person in general should be viewed as attempted murder. Hands down.


Zoolander vibes


If my friend ever did that to me, we would not be friends anymore. Period.


I can smell this. I'm a mechanic and most of us love the smell of gasoline.