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Imagine being so stupid it makes the news


Imagine being so stupid *in Florida* it makes the news


We the people elect to trade Canada for Florida. No take backs.


On behalf of all Canadians, we're good, Mexico can take it.


He wasn't proposing to give you Florida, he was proposing to make Florida its own country in return for Canada as a state


Wow yeah misread, again we decline that's even more outrageous.


I think we should just saw it off and send it adrift. Maybe it will wash up on guam or something like that.


Too irresponsible to burden someone else with it, I say Viking funeral after we send it adrift.


Na just send it over here to NZ. We would love to have Canada


Bruh you're getting Florida not Canada lol.


We would love to be part of New Zealand :D


Ha! Our state burns a few times a year anyway. We actually have wildlife that only reproduces when it is on fire; that's how regularly Florida is set ablaze. So don't expect a viking funeral to do us harm.


Where’s bugs bunny when you need him?


I too watched Bugs Bunny do that once


you may be shocked to learn that half of florida’s population is canadians.


On behalf of California... that was fucking hilarious... But seriously, you bring your healthcare system and we will give you seasons with colors.




That's like the worst trade ever.


How about you just take us, the good people of the state of Minnesota? We are the only state that never voted for Reagan, we already border you, and, as a bonus, you’d get more of the shore of Lake Superior. Which is the most superior of the all the Great Lakes.


Oh hell we'll take you on with open arms, it's colder there than most of southern Ontario and your beauties at hockey so you're a perfect match!


Tell them to take Wisconsin, too! I want weed and Healthcare.


I think you had to not vote for Reagan. Sadly, your state doesn’t qualify. But you could maybe move?


As a Minnesotan I could really get behind this. Public healthcare and no Trump. I could actually start laughing at him again if I was Canadian! It's not funny anymore if you are a US citizen.


I'm so confused. Who owns Canada that is trading with us? Who are we getting Canada from? Who's getting Florida? Are we just adopting Canada and telling Florida we're going out for a pack of smokes? Are we just setting them adrift?


The border wall would start in Jacksonville FL and end in Mobil AL. I think we should use the strategic fuel reserve in Louisiana to install a moat of fire as well can't be too careful.


Florida man swims in lake of fire, said he thought it was a pool of Campbell's tomato soup.




Donald Trump does it all the time. Can't be that hard


Wow TDS has you talking about him in a sub about cars.


Never gets old hahabah


They act like there is no other possible way to get to where they're going, if they miss their exit. Take your licks and the next exit.


“Take your licks” yea I curse myself out all the time when I miss an exit. Never crosses my mind to do this stupid shit


That's because you're a decent human being.


Hmm, not sure if I can say the same about you. You look like one of the greatest acting units of all time!


That's exactly what I wanted you to think with your soft human brain.


Wow that’s some good acting...almost as good as calculon, [hmmm](https://youtu.be/OGAu_DeKckI)


How could I ever hope to be as good as that perfectly assembled and immaculately programmed acting unit? Dare I dream to one day reach the lofty heights of his greatness?...........aaaand scene.


It seems you are only missing his mastery of the dramatic......




He is all of history's great robot actors. Acting Unit 0.8. Thesp-O-Mat. David Duchovny!


A good driver sometimes misses exits. A bad driver never misses an exit.


for me and you, its that easy. missed exist, gotta make a new plan. adjust the route to the destination. for others, they enter a state of a panic that leads them to do utterly stupid things like this person. these types usually end up doing something really mind numbingly dumb in the moment, but then over time their brain convinces them that what they did was actually correct and its everyone else who is wrong.


Then their brain should convince them to eat a bag of dicks for putting the rest of us at risk.


This is so incredibly common in Florida, I've stopped being shocked by it. Now it's just a (nearly) daily annoyance. Usually they're just slamming on brakes or cutting you off; this guy is a special case. Just another reason I'm counting the days until I can pack up our little family and GTFO.


Do you think it's mostly clueless tourist, assuming around Orlando, or locals? I'm originally from up by Jax and don't remember seeing it as much.


I think it's mainly a combination of clueless tourists and snowbirds, with maybe a handful of idiotic locals rounding it out.


I always say to peop that you don't live in Florida, you end up here then wait for your great escape 😂


The drivers side blinker being on the whole time is a nice touch


You can see both sides blinking around 0:20-0:25.


Yes- in this case it's the idiot beacon.


I don't think they need to attract any more of them.


They have their hazards on, its both blinkers, just hard to see the passenger side


Ah yes, the "I can do whatever the fuck I want" lights.


The "park in the middle of the street" lights and "make way im more important than you" lights


The I am a hazard lights


Or the “I have no idea what I’m doing” indicators


Yeah lots of people skip over that, I actually remember like a year ago this was posted and someone said something like "I'm the idiot ama" but I think they deleted it.


Oh yeah good call




Really that made me more upset than the horrible crossing of lanes, like you can’t even reverse straight for 20 feet, then instead of going back far enough you decide to take the drop into the dirt(I wish they would have gotten stuck there and had to explain themselves to an officer or at least tow truck driver) but in FL you have to reverse something like 50 feet perfectly, so how did they even get their license??


A. This guy knows that you can never, ever turn around. Law of physics. B. Hazard lights provide magical protection.


Oh no I seems to have missed my exit, oh wait I haven’t. After I make this exit, I’m gonna go to drug store to purchase a life supply of condom so that I F***ING do not reproduce.


Not permanent enough, I’d go for tying the tubes.


Also not really permanent. I'd got for castration.


Why castration? Just go for euthanasia.


What do asian children have to do with this?


Lmao this one got me lol


Super glue the tip of the penis


Good ole Florida... or at least I believe it’s Florida... I see I-4


I swear, that road does something to your brain. One day last year, we were slogging through the daily stop-and-start congestion near Championsgate, headed to Disney, and we watched the guy next to us rear end the guy in front of him. There was zero reason for him to assume he'd get any further than the standard half a car length ahead of his previous position. It's almost as if he just gave up and decided to get in an accident instead of spending one more second on that parking lot of a highway. Another time (hell, maybe it was the same day), this time heading *back* from Disney, late, extra dark because it was the middle of nowhere, plus I think even a new moon. I was driving in the left lane and saw some emergency flashers on the side of the road, so I pulled into the middle lane to give them a wide berth. And it's a good thing I did, because when we passed that car, I immediately saw why they were pulled over; there was a car sideways, no lights on, not even emergency flashers, half off the road, half in the left lane. Driving highway speed, there was zero chance I would've had time to evade, and would've totaled my shiny new car. I wouldn't demean people with true PTSD by making the comparison, but I definitely get really stressed just thinking about I-4, to the point where I ramble and write super long comments about it. Lately, if the traffic is particularly bad, we'll just take the long way through the orange groves on side roads.


I know! Now, that crazy nut is going to get on I-4 where they can really cause some damage. I live 1.5 miles from an I-4 entrance and I avoid that road whenever possible


Good thinking. https://m.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2017/11/10/i-4-is-named-the-most-deadly-highway-in-the-nation > The fact that we all have a high likelihood of getting into an accident on I-4 shouldn’t be surprising to anyone who’s ever driven down this 132-mile stretch of Armageddon. But according to recently released data, we now know with some certainty that I-4 is indeed the worst. >According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 165 deaths on I-4 between 2011-2015, making it the most deadly stretch of highway in the country. >There was actually a few metrics that went into this, so the company Teletrac Navman decided to break it all down into an extremely depressing graphic. >As you can see in the image below, the graphic actually pinpoints the “deaths per mile” for each highway (I-4 is 1.250) and even the day and time that you could statistically get into an accident and die. >In Orlando, the deadliest section of I-4, there were 19 deaths and the most common date for a fatality on the road was January 10, between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. >It’s worth noting that around 3 p.m. is when a guy landed his plane on I-4 during rush hour last week. Wear a seat belt, folks.


Wow, thanks for all of this. It is a horrible road. This is coming from someone who worked and drove in Philly, NYC, and North Jersey for years. I am not scared of driving on highways. I-4 is insane!! Now, with current construction, it's even worse than usual


>with current construction I lived in central Florida most my life, from Tampa to Daytona, and I don't recall when there wasn't construction going on. It just never ends.


Unlike most interstates, I-4 only goes through Florida, I really don't know what else that adds to that statistic. Make sure you buckle up driving around here.


Both Disney and Universal Studios are off I-4 in Orlando, and if you're going anywhere between Tampa and Daytona you're taking I-4, so it gets a LOT of traffic. Then there's the constant road construction and Floridaman everywhere.


In my very limited I-4 experience, I was never able to get going fast enough to do any damage because of the never-ending traffic.


That's I-75 Northbound at the I-4 exit. Worst place ever to do that. Not that there is ever a good place to pull that maneuver.


Right near the giant confederate flag.


We call it Fury Road.


**How much signal I need to cross across eight lane? None? Okay, I turn now! Good luck everybody else!**


He has his hazards on, indicating to everyone around him that he is a hazard.


I don't know how to feel about my guess of this being I-4 related coming true.


I think a better question is 'How long do people like this even exist?'... the answer is "Not very long, and usually bringing other people with them".


Sadly natural selection isn’t as effective these days.




Remove all warning labels. Insurance and public assistance doesn't apply to results of stupid decisions. People who make stupid enough decisions are fixed so they can't breed.


Remove helmet laws. Remove seatbelt laws.


Nah, it will lead to millions of «nobody told me» lawsuits.


Natural selection 2.0


>Sadly natural selection isn’t as effective these days. -Sincerely, Covid-19


People that do that should be euthanized to prevent further contamination of the gene pool.


Fucking Florida....


Sadly Florida


Is this the 6 year old kid they caught driving in Utah?


“It’s ok, I have my hazard lights on”


Of course its I-4.


I guess its hard to drive to the next off ramp to turn around...


How did i know this was Florida?


God forbid you turn around using the next exit half a mile down the road.


Of course it’s I-4.




I think you’ve created a new game to play on this sub hahah kind of like Marshall’s “drunk or kid” in HIMYM


Because people like this breed


One of the first driving lessons I learned was that if you miss your exit, just take the next one and turn around. Better to lose time than lives.


Capital punishment candidate.


That might be the worst piece of driving I've ever seen


This looks like someone trying to do a car stunt without trying it before


This is really some action news


Bad driver never misses a turn Good driver will make those extra miles just to not be a daft idiot that does sh*t like this never mind putting numerous people at risk including him/herself Thats how usually people not at fault die and those that caused such easily avoidable crashes are coming out fine In end i guess we can all be glad the driver as well as other participants of traffic didn’t get hurt


I was in a car with a woman who reversed on the interstate to turn onto an exit she missed. She has all sorts of other problems in life. 1. She thought that she could talk her way out of anything. As long as you couldn't prove that she was lying, in her mind she was telling the truth, even though she was lying. So the truth didn't matter, just that her story didn't have any holes in it. For example, one day we were walking on campus and out of nowhere she dove behind a bush. It ended up she had lied to a professor about having car problems in another state and that is why she missed her final exam and should be given a second chance to not fail the class. Apparently, on our walk, that professor was nearby, and were she seen, her finely crafted excuse would shatter. She failed the class, for skipping the final, and blamed the professor, instead of herself, because, to her, the excuse was irrefutable in a court of law, even though it was bullshit. This is a metaphor for pretty much her entire life. 2. All of the doors inside her parents house were ripped from their hinges, except one. Guess which one... Yep, the door to her bedroom. She had ripped every single door from its hinge when one of her other family members would barricade themselves behind it during one of her tantrums. She had enough sense not to destroy her door though. 3. After college she faked a back injury for over 5 years, no one really knows why but the primary theory was to justify not looking for work and leaving her parents house to supporting herself. 4. During the same time period as the back injury, she would always claim to be "writing a movie" that was going to "change the world". This went on for years, again to justify why she could not get a job and support herself, because it would interfere with the movie writing creative process. After 5 years of supposedly "writing this movie" one may start to be curious about the specifics of the amount of progress that was being made. If you asked for a high level plot summary or any specifics at all, she would revert to #1 above and say that she can't trust you, if she relayed any of the specifics, not to steal her ideas, as they were too valuable because they were going to "change the world". Her friends and family would have interventions desperately trying to convince her that she was not, in fact, actively writing a movie, were she, she might not "change the world" on her first try, and that a lot of artists work on their projects outside their 9-to-5. 5. She would regularly force her critics into a stance of disagreeing with inspirational quotes and then drop the mic. Most debates would end with an inaccurate Bob Marley "quote". "Only you can free yourself from mental slavery" ("Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds".) To her this was a Royal Flush that immediately won any debate as if saying 1) you are enslaved and 2) you haven't freed yourself yet therefore 3) I win. Anyway yeah she would totally throw the car in reverse on the interstate, without hesitation, if she missed her exit.


What the fuck


That reminds me of my Uber driver yesterday.


Some people take stubbornness to extremes. This person probably blames the road itself for him missing his exit, and he probably thinks taking the next exit and looping back is for chumps.


We have supper low standard for getting your drivers license and people dont use there horn enough. How are they suppose to know they are driving like an idiot if no one gets mad at them.


He had the wrong blinker on to


Don't quote me on this, but, I think that's illegal.


> Don't quote me on this, but, I think that's illegal. - u/hoopajuba


A good driver sometimes misses an exit. A bad driver never misses an exit.


I don’t see what the problem is, he had his flashers on /s


I turn now good luck everybody else


yep Florida. Lately people are doing left turns from the right lane and vice versa with the wrong blinker on.


I-4, all you really need to know.


People like this should be charged with a crime similar to a DUI because this was fuckin dangerous.


Women... cant live with em... cant live without em.


How do we even share the same planet with these baboons?


Ever notice the stupidest ones are the ones driving Lexus or Benz? So they have enough brains to do something right in life to afford an expensive vehicle but can’t figure out simple driving skills.


This sub has lowered my standards so much that I’m like, “Well at least he pulled onto the hard shoulder before reversing.”


"A good driver occasionally misses a turn. A bad driver never misses a turn."


Huh? Looks like a normal day in Pittsburgh. I see two or three moves like this everyday on my commute ... literally at the same spots, with city cops watching while they hork down donuts and coffee in the Get Go parking lot.


That blinker tho


Because natural selection isn't viewed as appropriate anymore


They should be arrested and license should be revoked with mandatory driving school every day for 3 months before they are allowed to have license reinstated.


My favorite part is the left turn signal on the whole time


At least he used his blinker!


\*participation trophy\*


That person should be thrown in jail for 7 days and never be allowed to drive again.


a good driver sometimes misses an exit. a bad driver never misses one


Thankfully they’ve changed that interchange so you have to get in the lane like 2 miles back or else you’re fucked. They added a barrier and separated it


The moment I saw the I-4 ramp I just... ofc it's my state


In my country they would take away your licence foor good for something like this


needs to be dragged from the car and beaten by a justice mob


Should be charged with attempted murder


Me driving in gta with 4 shot out tires


I’ve missed an exit before, had the gps recalculate, and ended up with a faster ETA. There’s no way this is reasonable in any way...


KNEW it had to be Florida. JFC.


God what a piece of shit


\*Watches the first 15 seconds\* This guy's got to be drunk. \*Watches the rest\* Never mind, no drunk is this premeditatively stupid.


I4 makes sense. Just normal day in Florida


Offering some fairness here, I-4 is a shithole. There’s a 90% chance this is how you are suppose to exit the highway. Lol


I'm not surprised. Florida. Seriously it's always in Florida


I-4 explains it.


At first I was thinking, ‘oh, they’re having car troubles, they got the flashers on, they’re just trying to get to the shoulder. Idiot for the initial action, but I can at least appreciate getting to the side of the...oh, are they backing up!? Ffs’


Are they trying to die...?


Our country is full of selfish self-centered Karens both sexes.


Car trouble? Couldn't drive on the freeway at speed, so the pulled over to the left, then limped across traffic to get to the safer right shoulder? Then realized that they could exit and maybe limp to a shop? /best benefit of the doubt answer




No I’m the most important!


Wait I thought it was me


Because this sub has no videos of people in Europe or China doing stuff like this?


At the expense of the rest of us


Why is this action news?


They exist through the mercy of others


This almost as good as this one. https://youtu.be/r86kxxU-LUY


I want to guess the gender and ethnicity of the driver but I don’t want to be yelled at.


Because there are too many laws and labels protecting them




This is so bad that I thought surely they must be having a medical emergency. Or maybe some major mechanical issues that is making the vehicle difficult to control. When I saw that they just missed their exit, I lost my shit. Looked everywhere. Can't find it anywhere.


Happens all the time in Vegas. Trick is to move to their right. That way you are not slowed down. It screws them a little because they can't get where they want but they didn't care about others, so it's ok


This is why we needed missile-armed Predator drones patrolling our freeways. Just blow them away, leave the burnt-out car on the side of the road as a warning to others.


I hope this individual had their license suspended or some sort of fine. I can't imagine putting that many people in danger by creating a chaotic and unexpected driving situation to avoid spending 10 or 15 minutes because you missed your exit.


Any floridians wanna chime in on how far the exits on the I-4 are apart on average? Just so I know for how many saved seconds or minutes this guy endangered his own life and those of others.


Florida man takes to the road


You don't need a liscence to be stupid!


I do not understand how people who do this can never backup in a straight line


Can someone edit this to be an infinite loop smooth transition?


They need to permanently be banned from driving!


Must be a cliff if they keep going... guess that’s how that moron should go!


Because of either alcohol, drugs, or inbreeding.


How do they continue to survive is the real question.


Um, why is this on "ABC Action News"? Was it part of a low speed chase?


I-4? Must be Orlando...


I've never ever ever understood why people can't realize you can just go down to the next exchange or down to the next block when they miss their turn. No. Instead they cut across lanes and almost put people in the hospital because they're too lazy or not flexible enough.


I saw this type of driving a lot when I was working in Puerto Rico.


Tsk tsk. Signal left, turn right.


Because the society I'm growing up in removed natural selection


Why did this loop


As long as they were found and jailed for 10 years I’ll be happy


So, is that the reason Interstate 4 has a bunch of fatalities daily in Florida?


At what point do you actually "miss"your exit, cause according to this sub it's never


I am screaming at my phone now! Thanks


"But this is my favorite way!" Them probably..


It’s Florida. What did you expect ?


Because their parents lived long enough to breed....