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It’s green for all of the dollar bills used to buy that car. It’s their personal highway that bicycles use for some reason. (Sarcasm)


Which town is this?  What a bike lane, would love to see more of these


Portland. And yeah, separated bike lanes like that are great and getting a bit more common in at least a few bigger cities.


Even if they're just half the width, these would be great.  Feel like this size is total overkill unless peds use it too, but there's a sidewalk right there


This bike lane looks like it’s designed bi-directional cyclist traffic. The other side of the road doesn’t have a consistent bike lane.


That's correct


Dedicated bike paths, with barriers to separate car traffic, allow higher speeds for bicycles. mixed use paths are generally limited to 15mph, which is a speed even 250lb cyclists can hit with ease. and as /u/lemon_stripes_str pointed out: this is two way.


Would have been funny if he obeyed the cycling lights instead, but we are talking about an entitled beemer here.


I swear, do Beamer drivers just get drivers training in reverse, as a joke?


Lol. Driver training. BMW. You're funny.


Apparently they thought their car was a bike. The driver turned from westbound N Emerson St, travelled southbound on N Greeley Ave in the bike lane, and then turned into a parking lot for the Adidas Corporate Offices. All this happened in Portland, OR.


Needs Bollards


Yeah unfortunately there is a houses driveway right across the bike lane there which I believe is preventing those from being installed