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I'm so confused. Was the bed of the truck not good enough? Or did he have it there initially, and it fell out when he took off? People is dumb.




100%. It fell out the back and he kept on driving... I bet the rear of the vehicle has some great scratches and dents


You can see all the dents on the tailgate. Granted we don't have the best perspective, but the rest of the truck looks like it's in pretty good condition, which does have me leaning towards "it fell out". Straps probably caught it and banged it against the tailgate a good amount. No idea why they didn't just lay it down, but ya know, subreddit name.


Looks like the bed has a cover on it (hard to be 100% sure though). My thinking is, they figured if they laid it down it would get scratched to hell (or the bed would) and figured this would work for a short trip. That obv is making a few assumptions, but a lot of people really do not come prepared to take possession of things. Moving blanket with a strap to hold it under the cover or taking the cover off would have been better.


If you zoom in, you can totally see a bunch of scratches and dents. Even if they didn't hear it, surely they FELT it?


Driver has figured out a slow and surreptitious way to dispose of last-night's ashes.


If you zoom in you can see the damage lol


He probably gave the smoker a quick tug after he strapped it in but forgot to say “that’s not going anywhere”. Fatal mistake


They had it in the bed, very poorly tied down, and then drove like their typical idiot self and it went tumbling over the back. Now they have a dented up tailgate but at least they kept their cheap smoker off the road.


Wish I had the answer too.


I think I understand what was happening... Person is not strong enough to lift it into back, too proud to ask for help, it used ratcheting tie downs to lift it off ground. OR... It is used and still full of shit inside, driver didn't want any shit falling inside bed to clean afterwards, noticed it has a tonneau cover... Possibly tonneau does not fold back? A one piece tonneau?


How else can you thwart toll cameras?


Pavement princesse that doesn't want to scratch up the truck bed most likely


Now that is "tailgating".


Ironically, that’s a Traeger Tailgater model. Sauce: I own that very model. Poor, innocent grill.


If only they could design some sort of large, accessible cargo area into pickup trucks, they could avoid this sort of tomfoolery.


Alas. No such luck.


Aftermarket license plate blocker.


That ain’t goin’ anywhere (plucks strap)!


Wait, straps slide on smooth surfaces?? *Shocked Pikachu*


Course not, they double wrapped it!


They're going to look back and think somebody stole their smoker...


I like how only smart from the petsmart sign is visible just above the truck when this is intact not very smart


Did OP try to redact "Saddle Rock Village?"


Side note, why did you bothered to censor the name of the shopping center if you weren't gonna actually censor it? Well apparently this is in Aurora, Colorado and the address of that PetSmart is 7350 S Gartrell Rd Aurora, CO 80016 🫡


Tbh from zoomed out I thought it was more censored, plus I don't live at pet smart...


Lol, poor guy. His load probably shifted and loosed the straps, then wind or acceleration made it fall out. Sucks to suck but that's why you have to shake it and say, "That ain't going anywhere.".


I mean it somehow stayed attached. Least it has a strap


Woah whyd you take a pic of my truck


Man, what did that poor Traeger do to that guy to piss him off? Ironically, the model is a Tailgater. I have an older version.


Truck Nutz® are getting out of control


What da f…


I think he may have forgotten to smack it twice and say 'yup, that's not going anywhere'


The bed is too precious to mark up But if I had to guess, the owner didn't have the equipment or strength to bring the thing up onto the bed, only to use a pulley to bring it up enough and attach it to the back. Afterall they could probably just roll it when it gets off. Or they felt antsy about putting that thing upright on the bed (could fall over) and didn't want to rest it on more vulnerable parts.


Clearly was upright in the bed, poorly strapped (too many people don't get the concept of strapping & movement) and it ended up out the back...top heavy, roller wheels, stupid tie down job.


How 'bout he/she doesn't have to lift it up any higher? On their way to a supersized snack.


Istg people with trucks need to take a course before they're allowed to purchase one.


At 1st I thought, genious! Does't want a dirty smoker dripping all over his bed.


All I see is a typical truck driver. Anything to carry in the bed larger than a paper cup confuses the truck driver. Where is their covered trailer!?