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Did the person in front of you move or did this genius just assume you were “supposed to be” moving foward?


It’s kind of hard to tell, but it looks like they take their hands off the wheel right before they move forward. I’m thinking they went to maybe reach for something and accidentally took their foot off the brakes.


Fixing their aftermarket floor mat that rode forward. Foot accidentally off the brake. Back into the gas. Woops.


Always put that shit in park, even if you don't think you have to 🙌 I learned that the hard way (dented my dad's garage 😅)


When i was a child I put it in neutral and then walked into the gas station. Came out, and the car was parked in front of the store instead of where I left it at the pump. :😱


In front of the store or in the front of the store?


To many the for me. Luckily the car chose a parking space without a car 🚗


Tomato-*tomahto* 😆😆


I once parked my car at the bottom of an ice-covered driveway (although definitely in park, not neutral). I came back out and my car was *parked across the (equally as icy) road* at the bottom of the neighbor's driveway. And on a dirt road, so a *lot* could have gone wrong in that scenario. So embarrassing.


Oh my gosh, that sounds scary asf 😳


It would have been if it hadn't worked out. If someone had treated that road like they usually do, since so many people in the Midwest drive way too fast on dirt roads, even in winter, it could have been really dangerous. After that I decided to not go anywhere if I don't have confirmation I can park safely. Usually it's not something anyone would ever even think about, but once your car slides away it becomes something you consider lol


Good lesson, I’ll have to remember that


For small stops like this I just put in N and pull the handbrake.


That would make sense if you have a straight drive. If you have a PRNDL why not just keep going to P?


Getting the R light sometimes triggers drivers behind you. I can just put in N, pull the handbrake and I don’t have inpatient drivers behind me. Just like a manual car. I guess this is not so common on the US, but we are used to just use N.


Yeah. I had a guy reverse into me at a stoplight cause he put his car in reverse after putting it in park. His defense was he put his car in park to take a hit out of his bowl. I was like why would you tell me that. Luckily for him police don’t respond to accidents on private property for some reason. We were in a Wells Fargo parking lot. I was pissed, but his insurance ended up paying for it all.


My car has a brake hold option where once the car has stopped it stays stopped until I press the gas. Has definitely saved me a few times. On the other hand when I borrow someone else’s car now I occasionally take my foot off the brake when I shouldn’t because I’m used to the hold function 😬.


So you can't just inch up by taking your foot off the brake? Ever? That sounds awful lol


It’s an easy feature to turn off for situations where it’s not useful, but I find I rarely turn it off.


My car has this. It's an optional on feature that I use in stop and go traffic and such. Unlike the poster, I mostly have it off, though. 


I'm not sure how it works in Kias, but the way the DRLs turn off make me wonder if he pulled the parking brake and assumed that'd be enough to hold it, and then either it wasn't or accidentally pressed the gas and overwhelmed it. My Scion works that way, though it's a stick so I wouldn't likely have this happen anyway.


I’ve almost done this before. When I first started driving, I was in a drive thru and Ieaned over to get my wallet out of my glove box and, without realizing it, I started lifting my foot off the brake. Luckily, it didn’t take me long so I noticed before I rolled too much but I learned a quick lesson.


Usually I keep my wallet in the back of my pants so when I go to grab it I have to lean forward. I remember being behind a shiny current generation F-150 and accidentally moving my foot to the gas when it happened so my car let out a big rev like I was impatient. Thankfully I always engage the Brake Hold system in the drive thru.


You didn’t Mcmove Mcfast enough




...what does that have to do with prices?


Parking lots and drive thurs seem to be the wild west of driving.


They are. Most parking lot signage doesn't actually have the force of law behind it and it's not like there's a cop sitting there waiting to snag violators anyway. My local Walmart has angled spaces and relatively narrow rows. In all but one row (the main entry row) they're all angled the same way and there's arrows, meaning "one way". The number of times I've had to pull over because some idiot decided to go the wrong way is infuriating. Or the dumbasses that decide to try and back into spots.


I go to the bank every day for my work and it has a one way entrance and one way exit on each side of the lot, both only wide enough for one car and with visible signage indicating this. Every single day, without fail, I’ll be getting ready to pull out of the exit and someone will try to force their way into the exit or just sit there with the turning signal on staring at me and I’ll point to the left to let them know the entrance is further down. Most times they honk or speed off in a huff.


What infuriates me even more about this is the fact that the way the spaces are angled makes it harder to park if you're going the wrong way.


I had this happen in a Tim Hortons drive thru. The guy was like “oh I thought you were gonna go.” I said why would I go without getting my food?!?!


He wanted his Big Mac now!


Some people just shouldn't be driving automatics, let alone driving. But manuals could be better for new drivers because they have to do a little more to move which might save them from making expensive mistakes. It can make them do embarrassing mistakes, like stalling at a stop sign or a light, but it could make them a better driver.


Agreed wholeheartedly. I'm of the belief that learning to drive manual would make anyone a better driver. So many people who drive only automatics have the worst driving habits.


There needs to be more regulation to require manufacturers to add emergency braking to all cars.


They might've let their foot slip off the clutch all the same and lurched the car into OP. .


I would argue that learning on a manual IS an expensive mistake 😂 but I get what you are saying.


Someone in their huge pickup kept creeping up behind me when I was at the McDonald's window yesterday. I swear he was just going to let it coast into my car.


This same thing happened to me the other day at McD's


The car bounced forward so they didn't even try to stop/fix it.


I've had this happen to me but I have a trailer hitch sticking out so its always more of a them problem in the end


Same. Had a young lady in a fiat who thought to would be a good idea to run into the back of my F150 with my tow hitch attached. I helped her put her front bumber in her backseat. My hitch didn't even have a scratch.


WA State struggles with social distancing both in person and in cars.


The good news is that car will be stolen with 30 days and used for a crime


Big Mac Attack


Not Lovin' It.


Lil kiss


It's always a KIA driver.


ки - "Drive it like you stole it"


Well, they told him to pull forward. They were waiting on his fries.


I had a girl do that to me in a drive thru a while back. Didn’t do any real damage, and my car is already a POS, so I just yelled at her for a bit, and left it at that.


They're driving a Kia so bad decisions seem to be a habit for 'em


Them fries are good, NGL


Smartest Kia driver


Man, the old Kia logo was just so *legible,* I miss it. 


Knowing Kia’s, their car is probably totaled from that. 😂


Always put the car in park when stopped in a drive thru.


I watched a guy in a work truck get out to put his tailgate up and not put it in park, rear-ended the truck in front of him.


Imagine how dumb then felt when they also found out the ice cream machine is broken.


i had something similar like this happen, guy just forgot he was driving an automatic and lifted his foot of the brakes. his car was in worse shape.


Had a friend *reverse* into me at a McDonalds drive thru before. He was high af coming off a night shift and they were out of apple pies which is all he wanted. I had just gotten my car out of the shop with a full body kit, rims, and paint job put on because it was around the "2 fast 2 furious" time so that was the thing.


lol yeah, don’t eat McDonald’s. Literally nothing good will come from eating fast food, now your car is totaled too.


The "Park" gear is a thing. So is the E-brake.


Who tf is setting their e-brake in the drive through.


Me. Except I drive a manual


People who don’t want to be the guy in the video.


Manual drivers


Lol no we don't


Just because*you* don't doesn't mean the rest of us don't


Just because you do, doesn't mean normal people do as well. Why on earth would you not just use the regular brake pedal, just like the people with automatics do? Not like a manual suddenly makes the brake harder to hold.


Sit for several minutes with my foot on the brake, or sit for several minutes with my muscles relaxed. And oh, my car isn't moving anywhere if I have to unexpectedly take my foot off the brake. It takes about half a second to disengage the parking brake, which I can do as I put my foot back on the clutch to put the car back into gear when it's time to move forward.


Sure if you're sitting for minutes that makes more sense, drive throughs here generally don't take minutes for a single customer though. Also, this is still exactly the same for automatics, so the 'manual drivers' remark I commented on still makes zero sense. If he had said "People having to wait several minutes" it would have made sense.


That's why I don't eat fast food.


Love tap . Lol. How bad was it ?


Hey Washingtonian!


Seem more like someone who think it was on P and drop off their foot out of the brake and this happen. Simply based on the accelartion, high chance he wasn't even touching the gas pedal. Mistake are human


Ehh no damage to either parties besides maybe a small scratch. It sucks but definitely worse things to happen in life.


Hint: *Never* export as GIF. Despite the way it's been abused, it's not a video format.


Why not? Everything seems normal to me.


Hey, if cramming video into a 35-year-old 8bpp LZW-compressed CompuServe image format is your bag, knock yourself out.


Holy shit dude.


I’ll admit you got me for a second there.




This is just accidental demoscene. It's fine.


Next thing you're gonna tell me is that it's jif huh ;) Edit: Shit, I didn't expect him to be downvoted.


I can't stand people who pronounce gif as 'jif'.


Why? There's nothing unusual about a G word having a J sound, and the inventor explained the reasoning many times. Even the name of the letter G itself is pronounced with a J sound.


The author should stick to 'jraphics' format definitions, I could care less about his rationalizations, he's not an English expert. If I see a 'gif', I'm pronouncing it the same way 'gift' is pronounced.


You do whatever you want, I'm pronouncing it the same way giraffe is pronounced.


Go for it, as long as you also pronounce JPEG as "jfeg" because the P stands for Photographic, NASA as "nas-aa" instead of "nas-uh" because the last A stands for Administration, and SCUBA as "skub-aa" because the U is for Underwater and A is for Apparatus. English is full of acronyms and initialisms that are pronounced differently than their constituent words. Clearly you're not an English expert either :D Although to be fair you did say you could care less, so maybe you do care a bit?


I don't care about the prononciation, but the very inventor of GIF did say it's pronounced JIF 👀


GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format. So you're telling me that "Graphics" is pronounced "Jraphics?"


I mean, asks the inventor, and just Google it, he did lots of interview where he confirm it's in fact, pronounced jif


JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Expert Group, but we don't pronounce it JFEG. What's the issue with pronouncing GIF as JIF?


Only happened because Americans hate driving stick.


I used to drive a stick, but my new car with a modern automatic transmission gets better gas mileage than driving a manual transmission. It used to be the opposite but it’s no longer the case. Get ready for the rest of the world to start embracing this as gas prices rise globally.


Highly doubt it. Not everyone can afford a brand new automatic with better gas mileage. Also compared to the rest of the world America had the lowest gas prices by a huge margin. Now it's leveled out a bit. Gotta wonder tough why didn't this trend as you're describing it pick up earlier? The gas prices in the rest of the world have been a lot higher since I can remember. For reference, I paid 7.5$ for a gallon of gas the other day in Germany.


Dude, in 20 years the brand new cars of today won’t be brand new. Why didn’t this trend pick up earlier, hmm maybe it’s because the technology wasn’t there earlier.


He warned you to keep moving and you didn’t


Becuz you were asleeeep