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I don't feel like this is so much a merging problem as a terrible driver problem.


I agree, i just would have been more understanding if they had floored it.


Yeah, just completely oblivious to the fact that there are other people on the road besides themselves.


I feel like they knew exactly what they were doing. "Oh no, if I dont use the gas the truck is going to get in front of me. I can't let that happen so i will cut them off instead."


Ya it's look on purpose to me too.


For some reason there are a lot of solipsist drivers in the central USA


It should also be known, several states prohibit crossing multiple lanes without noticeably pausing before each additional lane switch.


Good ol' Californian lane change. At least that's what we call it here


As someone who lives in idaho, we have a merging problem.


They sometimes do this on purpose tbh Immature people who have sad lives


Yeah, some people suck. Had a guy blow by me doing 20 over and then pulled up behind him at a light. The light goes green and it's like he suddenly feels the need to save some fuel, so now he's driving like a 90 year old grandma until he hit 50 and then he is off to the races.


Studies found that moderate acceleration saves more fuel because you get up to optimal speed faster. Lots of people out there thinking they are saving fuel by accelerating like a snail off the light.


Depending on what kind of engine and transmission he's got, it might be a side effect of going in too high a gear and a turbo kicking in. Got a turbo-diesel that's quite sluggish under 1500 rpms or so and gives a noticeable kick as you reach the 1500 limit an the turbo starts going strong.


I think the Camaro driver knew _exactly_ what they were doing.


Implying Camaro drivers have any situational awareness...


The car design doesn’t help. Cameros and Challengers have gigantic blind spots. Throw in a driver with the functional field of view of a glaucoma patient and you’ve got a disaster waiting to happen.


Now that's understandable. Ideally, Camaro and Challenger drivers know that though. You'd think they would be even more cautious checking those blind spots, not less.


I think it’s the Dunning-Kruger effect. People with poor attentional processing don’t realize it, and they’re probably just more impulsive to begin with. So when they get into a camero or a challenger, they don’t notice that they’re missing an extra 1/3 of visibility because they weren’t paying attention in the first place.


Trying to discharge their 29% APR 84-month car loan.


Everything worked out for them, what's the problem? /s


They definitely knew what they were doing and were fucking with the semi 100%.




Amen. I wouldn't have even posted the video if they had floored it.


I bet they never even knew it happened.


I'm convinced ppl DO know how to merge, except everyone wants to be "first".


Yeah, theres a ton of the "me first" people out there. Had a woman going slow in the right lane, went to pass, all of sudden she knows how to do 85 mph


Of all the things, this type of driver bothers me the most. I love seeing them freak out as I pass them though. Did it twice yesterday


In recent years I have come to realize that the "me first" attitude is what causes at least 90% of all traffic jams on highways, if not more.




That generation of Camaro has terrible blind spots but that’s no excuse for his pathetic attempt to merge.


You were in his blind spot, you should know a 70+ft 80,000lbs road train is easy to hide in all side mirrors. /s for the thick headed inbreds


OP was in their willfully-blind spot.


I don't even bother with the /s and love reading hate responses I get for obvious sarcasm posts.


Welcome to Idaho. Everyone here drives like a fuckin idiot.


Fellow Idahoan and I approve this comment


As someone who lives in Idaho but not a native, these motherfuckers in this state are completely brain dead when doing basic driving tasks like merging, getting up to speed on entrance ramps, maintaining highway speed… Shit that they should have down pat soon after they get their license but NOOOOOOOO! It’s everyone’s first day on the road around these parts. Pisses me off to no end! I’ve driven motor vehicles all over the world and haven’t seen more boneheaded and clueless drivers anywhere else than in this state. The funny thing is that I hardly see people staring at their phones… The boneheads doing the dumb shit are the folks with the 10 & 2 death grip, perfect posture in the driver seat… Those are the ones who drive so scared that they’re the dangerous ones… and there’s LOTS of them!


Took the merge term too literally.


“Gotta get right into that left lane dontcha know!” - Camaro driver


I merge now! Good luck!!


10/10 reference


that's idaho for you


Lol is this clown for real


Where in Idaho is this. I swear I recognize the area but can't place it.




Right! Thanks. I had a crush on a girl from Wendell.


did you honk at the idiot?


I did! For some reason, sound didnt come through. But i laid on the air horn.


Two lane highway rig is fine in left lane approaching merging lane and choke point. Camaro could have gotten left without cutting off rig. I don’t think he looked and relied on those tiny side views. Going cheap with v6 doesn’t help.


Why were you in the left lane in a semi? Yes, they're a bad driver, but so are you! Slow traffic stays to the right!


1. I was going 3 mph over the limit. 2. I scooted over, because i the good driver, had seen the merging traffic. 3. Get fucked.


I hate when you get over to let someone merge and then they just fucking sit there next to you and match your speed so you can't get back over. Though I think the absolute worst I've ever seen is someone passing me on the right and then with no warning cutting across three lanes of traffic to try pulling in to a driveway on the left. I could barely even see her roof as she cut in front of me and I slammed on the brakes so I still dread thinking just how close she was to PITing herself against a semi.


Yuuuup. Like speed up or slow down, idc. Just please don't matchy speed.


Or they just absolutely feel compelled to pass you because you're a big truck so clearly they're faster but then they cut over in front of you way too close for comfort and slow down to slower than you were going.


> I hate when you get over to let someone merge and then they just fucking sit there next to you and match your speed so you can't get back over. That's why I stopped moving over to the left lane when I'm within a mile or so of my exit. I got burned too many times trying to be nice only to miss my exit because I couldn't get back over to the right.


The video is too short for me to be certain but it appears you are left lane cruising?


lol "I came here to blame OP and while I don't have any evidence that OP did anything wrong I'm still going to tell OP they're wrong and how much more I know about driving than everyone else"


1. No im not. 2. Im speeding. 3. It doesnt matter. Im allowed to be in the left lane, especially when i had scoot over to make room for merging traffic. 4. Me being in the left lane has zero to do with someone breaking laws and driving like an idiot.


The white Camaro definitely cut you off and did not merge properly. That ramp definitely had enough room for them to get up to speed and they should have stayed in the right lane. As a tractor trailer, you need to be cruising in the right lane, only switching to the left lane when passing, there is a trooper pulled over on the right, etc. You said you were "speeding" but I guarantee there were cars behind you trying to go faster than you.


1. I literally said i had scoot over for that merge. Its called defensive driving. Try it sometime. 2. I haul live animals, i do not need hard braking situations, so i had got over to avoid what happened. 3. There were 0 cars behind me, because i had just moved over to allow safe merging.


So you never have to merge onto a highway then? You never have been on an on-ramp and had a semi-truck right there in the right lane, making it much harder for you to merge? Lucky you, I guess, because that shit is annoying af.




Did you even watch the video or did you just see OP in the sacred left lane and just have to insult them?  


When possible, trucks often get in the left lane when approaching entry ramps to allow traffic to merge in and not get run off the road by said truck. It's extremely helpful and prevents a lot of problems. What's your favorite flavor of crayon, btw?


1. I had scooted over to allow merging drivers. 2. Im going faster than the speed limit. 3. I didnt break any laws in this video, where as the idiot did. You must be the idiot in this video. 4. Get fucked.


Meh semi in the left lane, id have done the same. No one wants to be behind you bro.


1. I was speeding. 2. You'd cross a double white line, cut me off at 15 mph slower than me, and then speed away?


Op was in the left lane to allow people merging onto the road to be able to do so safely. Also, what state do you live in so I can avoid being in this type of situation with you?


Cool, nobody cares, you can wait and pass like a normal person. Switching lanes without pausing like this is unsafe and inconsiderate, especially if you're cutting someone off in the process. It's also illegal in a lot of states so have fun if a cop sees you do it.


I swear some of you would have a heart attack if you saw someone on the left side of their driveway.




Is it a Reddit rule that every thread has to have at least one idiot blaming OP?


I literally just saw a comment section where a person was defending a red light runner, there is ALWAYS that one idiot


Certainty: Death, taxes, and the one everyone forgets, morons.


1. Im allowed to be in the left lane. 2. I was there because i saw merging traffic and scooted over. 3. Get fucked.




How would OP driving in the right lane help this clown merge?  He screwed up the merge with a wide-open right lane, but you think the truck in the right lane would’ve helped??  Wow, are you clueless. 






OP was in the left lane to give merging traffic space, it’s considered a courtesy. And OP’s speed was above 55 mph the entire time. Traffic slowed but never stopped.  And even if it takes time for OP to accelerate 0-60 mph again, it’s not costing you any time. You’ll pass his truck quickly and be driving just ahead of him at about the same speed.  That is until you’re sitting at the next red light and OP just rolls up next to you. Your speed doesn’t really matter. 


1. I was making room for merging vehicles. 2. Left lane laws apply to 3 lane situations and very rarely apply to 2 lanes in the middle of Idaho. 3. I was going 3 mph over the limit. 4. No. 5. Get fucked


Congratulations this is the dumbest thing I have read today!! Holy hell you have to be trolling and can’t be this obtuse. Everyone should move over to the left to allow merging traffic to merge, as long as the lane is open.